2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s
2020s |
2025 | ||
2025c | How to take stock of research findings on happiness in regions: Using the World Database of Happiness Accepted for publication in Applied Research ij Quality of Life |
full text |
2025b | Charting Happiness in Nations IN PRESS International Journal of Happiness and Development Editor of special issue together with Sergiu Baltatescu |
contents |
2025ba | Charting happiness in Nations: Introduction to this special issue | full text |
2025bb | Happiness in South-Africa with Elizabeth Bothma |
abstract full text |
2025a | Specification of the ‘Happy-Productive-Worker' thesis’.
Which kinds of satisfaction boost productivity most? |
absratc |
2024 | ||
2024g | Gendergelijkheid vergroot geluk van iedereen |
full text |
2024k | School education and happiness: Schooling as such does not seem to add to happiness |
full text |
2024j | Education and happines: lower at the micro level of individuals than at the macro level of nations |
abstract full text |
2024i | Happiness in urban environments: What we know and do not know yet Journal of Housing and Build Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10901-024-10119-4 With Sahar Samavati (first author) Based on EHERO working paper 2023-04) |
abstract full text |
2024h | Does happiness foster social bonds? A research synthesis using an online findings archive Accepted for publication in the Journal of Happiness Studies with Nidhi Sharma and Shriti Agrawal. Working paper version 2023a |
abstract full text |
2024g | Growing knowledge about happiness Accepted for publication in in: Leo Bormans (Ed.) The New Worldbook of Happiness, Lanno publishers,Tielt, Belgium |
full text |
2024f | In pursuit of greater happiness for a greater number: A personal account Cornelia C. Walther (Ed.) Handbook of Quality of life and social change. Series International Handbooks of Quality of life. Springer Cham, Switzerland 2024 19 pages. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39507-9_29 (Update working paper 2015b) |
abstract full text |
2024e | Did average happiness in nations change over the years? In: Well-Being Across the Globe - New Perspectives, Concepts, Correlates and Geography. Edited by Jasneth Mullings, Tomlin Paul, Leith Dunn, Sage Arbor, Julie Meeks-Gardner and Tafline Arbor. Intech Open 2024 Open Access, Chapter 3, pp 39-63. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.104197, ISBN 978-1-83768-584-4 With Silke Kegel |
abstract full text |
2024d | World Database of Happiness: A findings archive In Hilke BrockMann & Roger Fernandez-Urbano. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life, Edgar 2024 pp 25-45 |
abstract full text |
2024c | Schooling does not add to your personal happiness, but adds to average happiness of all |
abstract full text |
2024b | World Database of happiness: Use for comparing across cultures Accepted for publication in Selin, H & Davey, G. (Eds.) Happiness across cultures, to be published by Springer in 2024 |
2024a | Does happiness differ across cultures? Accepted for publication in Selin, H & Davey, G. (Eds.) Happiness across cultures, to be published by Springer in 2024 |
full text |
2023 | ||
2023o | Groeiende kennis over geluk (growing knowledge about happiness) |
full text in Dutch |
2023n | Trendreport Happy Life Years in nations 1946-2019: Change in how long and happy people live World Database of Happiness, Periodical report With Annegeke Jansen |
full text |
2023m | Does happiness add to performance at work? A research synthesis using an online findings archive EHERO working paper 2023-05 With Yezhen Fang |
abstract full text |
2023j | Is there an innate need for meaning? Optentia News, 13 (1) 15 |
full text |
2023i | Does urban green add to happiness? A research synthesis using an online
finding archive In: Pia Heike Johansen, Anne Tietjen, Evald Bundgård Iversen, Henrik Lauridsen, Lolle and Jens Kaae Fisker (Eds) Rural life, Manchester University Press, ISBN 978 1 5261 6163 5, Chapter 23 pp. 445-458 With Nivré Claire Wagner and Jan Ott (update of 2021g) |
full text |
2023h | Questionnaires francophones sur la qualite de vie au travail: que mesurent-ils? Comment mieux mesurer? EHERO working paper 2023-1 With Renaud Gaucher (first author) |
abstract in English abstract in French full text in French |
2023e | Editorial: Special issue on subjective well-being and mental health in the early days of COVID-19 |
full text |
2023d | Update of articles in Springer Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Wellbeing Research, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Springer Reference Series. ISBN 9 78-94-00 7-0 752-8 DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5. Second edition. Editor in chief Filimena Magino> a: Affective component of happiness DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_43-2 c: Consequences of happiness,. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_536-2 d: Contentment: Cognitive component of happiness,. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_554-2 e: Freedom and quality of life, . DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1085-2 f : Databook of Happiness, , DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_43-2 g: Greater happiness for a greater number, , DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3903-2 h: Happiness, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5-1224-2 i : Happiness Adjusted Life Years (HALY), DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1225-2 j : Happiness levels stability, DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_2844-2 k: Happiness measures, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1226-2 l : Individual quality of life, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1453-2 m: Inequality-Adjusted happiness (IAH), DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1462-2 n: International Happiness Scale Interval Study (IHSIS), DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3661-2 o: Journal of Happiness Studies (JOHS), , DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_4049-2 p: Livability theory, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1669-2 q: Quality Adjusted Life Expectancy, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_2386-2 r : Need theory, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_1920-2 s: Quality of life: An overview,, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_103345-2 t : Well-being of nations, DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3225-2 u: World Database of Happiness (WDH), DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3662-2 Update of 2014p |
. |
2023b | Is life really getting worse? Change in average happiness in nations 1946-2021 ISQOLS working paper 2 with Silke Kegel |
abstract full text |
2023a | Does happiness foster social bonds? A research synthesis using an online finding archive EHERO working paper 2023-2 With Nidhi Sharma (first author) & Shruti Agrawal |
abstract full text |
2022 | ||
2022k | Perceived meaning of life and satisfaction with life: A research synthesis using an online findings archive Frontiers in Psychology Section Positive Psychology 13:957235. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.957235 With Yomna Morsy-Sameer (first author) and Yasmine Eid-Hesham.Open Access |
abstract full text |
2022j | Das Wissen uber das Gluck wachst (Growth of knowledge about happiness) Foreword to Bernd Raffelhusche: Glucks Atlas 2022, Penguin Random House Verlag, Munschen ISBN 978-3-328-60293-4 pp.13-17 |
2022i | Trend report Inequality of happiness in nations 1946-2021 |
full text |
2022h | Trendreport average happiness in nations 1946-2021 Periodical report in World Database of Happiness with Silke Kegel> |
full text |
2022f | Happiness in transgender people. A research synthesis using an online finding archive EHERO working paper 2022-1 With Jos Veenhoven> |
abstract full text> |
2022d | Effects of policy interventions on the happiness of targeted people: A research synthesis using an online findings-archive |
abstract full text> |
2022c | Happiness and personal wealth; An updated research synthesis using an online finding archive Global Journal of Human Social Sciences: E-Economics, 22 (5) 25-68. Open Access with Antje Jantsch (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2022b | On-line 'findings archive': A new tool for research synthesis |
abstract full text> |
2022a> | Open letter to president Putin about Fall of Russion Happiness With Ad Bergsma |
English vesion Dutch version> |
2021> | ||
2021z> | On-line Findings Archive: A new tool for research synthesis EHERO working paper 2021-5 with Ivonne Buijt and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2021x> | Why studies in the effect of PPIs should use life-satisfaction as an outcome |
abstract full text> |
2021w> | Happiness and personal wealth; An updated research synthesis using an online finding archive EHERO working paper 2021-4 with Antje Jantsch (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2021v> | Does spending make us happy? The role of consumption on Life-satisfaction |
abstract full text> |
2021u> | Perceived ways to happiness: Which classical teachings fit current time best? Erasmus Institute for Busines Economics, Next level economics online scientific platform https://www.eibe-rotterdam.nl/artikel/perceived-ways-to-happiness-which-classical-teachings-fit-current-time-best? |
full text> |
2021t> | How to complete the rank-list of happiness in nations in the 2010s: Estimating overall happiness in nations from components of happiness using mixed-effect models |
2021r> | Onbehagen in het Paradijs EIBE LinkedIn 29-7-2021, https://www.eibe-rotterdam.nl/achtergrond/onbehagen-in-het-paradijs/ |
full text> |
2021q> | Effect van de COVID-19 pandie op geluk in Nederland Mens & Maatschappij, 96 (3): 307–330. DOI: 10.5117/M2021.3.002.VEEN with Martijn Burger & ma Pleeging> |
2021p> | Pioneer in Subjective Quality of Life Research: Will Saris Applied Research in Quality of Life., 16, pp.1395-1397 doi.org/10.1007/s11482-021-09949-z |
2021o> | What is in the name? Content analysis of questionnaires on perceived quality of one's work life |
abstract full text appendix> |
2021n> | In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions and The Science of Happiness |
full text> |
2021m> | The provision of urban greenery tends to go together with greater happiness of locals Optentia Newsletter, April 2021, p 14> |
full text> |
2021l> | Happiness in nations: Pursuit of greater happiness for a greater number of citizens Chapter 19 in Snyder, C.R., Lopez, S. J., Edwards, L.M. & Marques, S.C. Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 3rd edition. ISBN; 9780199396511 Oxford University Press, New York USA, 2021, pp 265-278 |
abstract full text> |
2021k> | Daily happiness:How well we feel most of the time Chapter 24 in Herbert L. Meiselman (Ed.) otion Measurent, Second edition, Elsevier, Kidlington UK 2021, pp.773-793. ISBN: 978-0-12-821125-0. DOI:10.1016/B978=0-12-821125-0.00024-8 |
abstract full text> |
2021i> | Difference in mood at work and home: An additional indicator of jobsatisfaction Journal of Wellbeing Assessment, 4 347-367 Open Access DOI: 10.1007/s41543-021-00038-4 With Renaud Gaucher (first author) and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2021h> | Will healthy eating make you happier? A research synthesis using an online findings-archive Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16 (1) 221-240 DOI: 10.1007/s11482-019-09748-7 |
abstract full text> |
2021g> | Does urban greenery add to happiness? A research synthesis using an online finding archive EHERO working paper 2021-1 With Nivré Claire Wagner and Jan Ott > |
abstract full text> |
2021f> | Werkgeluk als basis voor onderwijskwaliteit Hoofdstuk 4 in Bijlsma, H. & Keyser, M. (Red) Erken de ongelijkheid. De kracht van diversiteit in onderwijsteams. Uitgeverij PICA, ISBN 9789493209213, blz. 49-59 Met Paul Baan (1e auteur)> |
full text> |
2021e> | Is gelukstraining effectief? (Is happiness training effective?) Tijdschrift voor Positieve Psychologie (PTT), 2021-3, 1-13 + online appendix With Ad Bergsma (first author) and Ivonne Buijt. Update of 2020j> |
abstract full text> |
2021d> | World Database of Happiness Social Indicator Matters; Newsletter of RC55 of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Winter Issue, Decber 2020 (No. 9) p.1-9> |
full text> |
2021c> | Geluk: economische perspectieven in: Bohlmeijer, E., Jacobs, N. Walburg, J.A. & Westerhof, G. (Red.) Handboek Positieve Psychologie: Theorie, onderzoek en interventies, Boom, Amsterdam, ISBN 9789024433445. Hoofdstuk 6, pp 126-139 Met Martijn Burger (1e auteur)> |
full text> |
2021b> | Happiness and consumption:
A research synthesis using an online findings archive Sage Open 17-10-2020 doi10.1177/215824402098623920-1102-20 Together with Martijn Burger, Xin Kang and Felicia Ciperi. Later version of EHERO working paper 2018/2 (2018e)> |
abstract full text> |
2021a> | How to construct a trend when survey questions have changed over time: The case of happiness in Japan 1958-2007 Survey Research Methods, 15 (1). 101-113. doi:10.18148/srm/2021.v15i1.7725 Together with Tinneke de Jonge (first author) and Akiko Kamasaka. Later version of EHERO working paper 2019-3 (2019m) > |
abstract full text> |
2020> | ||
2020l> | Effect of self monitoring of happiness on happiness, using the web-based ‘Happiness Indicator’ |
abstract full text> |
2020k> | A new website for the World Database of Happiness Optentia News, 10 (3) 8 |
full text |
2020j> | Will happiness-trainings make us happier? A research synthesis using an online findings-archive In: van Zyl, L. E., Rothmann, S., eds. (2021). Positive Organizational Interventions: Contporary Theories, Approaches and Applications. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88966-345-3. pp. 177-208 With Ad Bergsma (first author) and Ivonne Buijt. Book chapter version of journal article 2020f> |
abstract full text supplent> |
2020i> | Can happiness apps generate nationally representative data sets? A case study collecting data on people's happiness using the German Socio-Economic Panel |
abstract full text> |
2020h> | Het rendent van geluk: Het belang van levensgeluk voor werkprestaties in: Bergsma, A., Hamburger, O. & Klappe, E (Red) Handboek werkgeluk: Een praktisch toolbox voor leidinggevenden, hr-professionals & coaches. Boom, Amsterdam ISBN 9789024427703, hoofdstuk 7, pp.130-144 Met Ad Bergsma (eerste auteur) > | full text> |
2020g> | Raise of Happiness Following Raised Awareness of How Happy One Feels: A Follow-Up of Repeated Users of the Happiness Indicator Website International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology 5 (3), 153-187. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41042-020-00032-w Together with Arnold Bakker (first author), Martijn Burger, Pieter van Haaren en Wido Oerlans. Earlier versions: 2015i and 2019a > | abstract full text> |
2020f> | Will happiness-trainings make us happier? A research synthesis using an online findings-archive | abstract full text supplent> |
2020e> | Wat heet geluk, hoe bepalen we hoe gelukkig we zijn en hoe gelukkig is de oude dag? | abstract full text (in Dutch)> |
2020d> | Daily happiness: How well we feel most of the time EHERO working paper 2020-1 > | abstract full text> |
2020c> | ‘Hedonic’ and ‘Eudaimonic’ Happiness:
Which qualifies best as a moral guide? EHERO working paper 2020-2 > | abstract full text> |
2020b> | Ways to greater happiness: A Delphi study Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(8), 2789-2806. DOI 10.1007/s10902-019-00199-3 Open Access Together with Dan Buettner (first author) and Toben Nelson. Published earlier as EHERO working paper 2017-1 > | abstract full text documentation data set> |
2020a> | World Database of Happiness - A 'findings archive' In: Maddison, D., Rehdanz, K. & Welsch, H. (Eds) Handbook of Wellbeing, Happiness and the Environment. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, 2020, Chapter 2, pp. 25-45, ISBN: 978 1 78811 933 7 (cased), 978 1 78811 934 4 (eBook) DOI: (book) 10.4337/9781788119344 > |
2010s> |
2019> | ||
2019p> | Does the internet make us happier? A research synthesis using an online finding archive EHERO working paper 2019-2 With Rijn Vogelaar> |
abstract full text> |
2019o> | What is animal happiness? Annals of the New York Acady of Sciences, 2019 (1):62-76, doi: 10.1111/nyas.13983. Epub 2018 Oct 22.. With Laura E. Webb (first author), Jes Lynning Harfeld and Margit Bak Jensen> |
abstract full text> |
2019n> | Would I be happier as a teacher or a carpenter?, Clues in survey data on happiness and occupation | abstract full text> |
2019m> | Have the Japanese become happier over the last 50 years? Healing broken time-series data | abstract full text> |
2019l> | Kijk voor welvaart gewoon naar het aantal gelukkige levensjaren Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), Dossier ‘Meten van Welvaart’, 11 april 2019, vol. 104, nr. 47725, blz. 18-21 | abstract full text> |
2019j> | Ongoing Professionalization of Positive Psychology Foreword to Llewellyn Ellardus Van Zyl & Sebastiaan Rothmann Sr. (editors) Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-20019-0 ISBN 978-3-030-20020-6 (eBook): https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20020-6 Page v-vi> |
full text> |
2019i> | Private wealth and happiness: A research synthesis using an online findings-archive In: Gaël Brulé & Christian Suter (eds.) Wealth(s) and Subjective Well-Being. Part of the Social Indicators Research Series book series (SINS, volume 76), Springer/Nature Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2019, pp 17-50 E-book With Antje Jantsch (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2019g> | Review of The Origins of Happiness: The Science of Well-Being over the Life Course By Andrew E. Clark, Sarah Flèche, Richard Layard, Nattavudh Powdthavee & George Ward. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. 325 p. $35.00 cloth. ISBN: 9780691177892. In: Contporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. 48 (4) 2019: 406-408, https://doi.org/10.1177/0094306119853809g> |
full text> |
2019f> | Did the Easterlin Paradox apply in South-Korea 1980-2015? A case study International Review of Economics 66(4), 325-351 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12232-019-00325-w With Michiel Slag (first author) and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2019d> | Meten van kennelijke welvaart met gelukkige levensjaren EHERO working paper 2019-5> |
abstract full text> |
2019c> | Wealth adds to happiness, but not much Optentia Newsletter, 9 (1) p 9, April 2019 |
full text> |
2019b> | The broaden and build theory of happiness |
full text> |
2019a> | Effect on happiness of selfmonitoring and comparison with others, using the Happiness Indicator |
abstract full text> |
2018> | ||
2018z> | Freedom and happiness in nations: A research synthesis |
abstract full text> |
2018y> | Scale homogenization techniques. |
video> |
2018x> | Will healthy eating make you happier? A research synthesis using an online findings archive |
full text> |
2018w> | How does attention to subjective well-being affect subjective well-being? Applied Research in Quality of Life. 13(4), 1055-1080, DOI .0rg/10.1007/s11482-017-9575-y, With Kai Ludwigs (first author), Richard Lucas, Martijn Burger and Lidia Arends Open Access> |
abstract full text> |
2018v> | How I wandered into Quality-Of-Life Research Member highlight Ruut Veenhoven: Newsletter of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Novber 2018 |
full text> |
2018u> | Happiness in nations: Pursuit of greater happiness for a greater number of citizens In: The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 3rd Edition Edited by C.R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa M. Edwards, and Susana C. Marques Online Publication Date: Nov 2018 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199396511.013.1 > |
abstract full text> |
2018t> | The sociology of happiness: Topic in social indicators research In: Schulz, M.S. (ed.) 'Frontiers of sociology: Research perspectives for the 21 century'. ISA Research, Berlin/New York 2018, ISBN 978-3-746744-53-7, Chapter 28, pp 243-251 |
abstract full text> |
2018s> | Happiness of the self-ployed:
A research synthesis using an on-line findings-archive EHERO-working paper 2018-7 Together with Jiequn Liu (first author) > |
abstract full text> |
2018r> | Het effect van werk op geluk en van geluk op werk (The effect of work on happiness and of happiness on work) Hoofdstuk in boek ‘Geluk werkt door’ onder redactie van Pieter Philipart, Uitgave Driessen groep. Oktober 2018, blz. 9-17 > |
full text> |
2018q> | Did the Easterlin Paradox apply in South-Korea 1980-2015? A case study EHERO Working Paper 2018/06 With Michiel Slag (first author) and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2018p> | Private wealth and happiness: A research synthesis using an online findings-archive |
abstract full text> |
2018m > | Happy Life Years OECD factsheet, Ognanization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France Update of 2007f and 2013p> |
full text > |
2018l> | Quality of life in provinces in Indonesia; Measured with Happy Life Years EHERO working paper 2018-4 With Adi C. Pierewan (first author)> |
abstract full text > |
2018k> | Will healthy eating mke you happier? A research synthesis using an online findings-archive EHERO working paper 2018-5 |
abstract full text> |
2018j> | Life-satisfaction is more a matter of feeling well than having what you want: Tests of Veenhoven's theory International Journal of happiness and Development 2018, vol. 4, nr. 3, pp 209-235 With Sakari Kainulainen (first author) and Juho Saari > |
abstract full text> |
2018i> | Unhappy development:
Dissatisfaction with life on the eve of the Arab Spring Accepted for publication in Review of Income and Wealth (earlier published as 2015x) With Efstratia Arampatzi, Martijn Burger, Elena Ianchovichina and Tina Röhricht> |
abstract full text> |
2018h> | Commuting and happiness: What ways feel best for what kinds of people? In: Friman, M., Etta, D. & Olson, E. (eds.) ’Quality of life and daily travel’ Chapter 5, pp 73-93, Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, Dordrecht Netherlands, ISBN 978-3-319-76623-2, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76623-2_5 With Sascha Lancée (first author) and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text > |
2018g> | Happiness in Rotterdam: An analysis of 7 city surveys International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 6 (2) 82-100 Open Access With Piet Ouweneel (first author). Published version of 2018d > |
2018f> | Rule of law and happiness in nations Optentia News March 2018, vol. 8 (1), p 16 |
full text> |
2018e> | Consumption and happiness: A review of research EHERO working paper 2018/2. Together with Martijn Burger, Felicia Chiperi, Xin Kang> |
abstract full text> |
2018d> | Happiness in Rotterdam: Analysis of 7 city surveys EHERO working paper 2018/1. Together with Piet Ouweneel (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2018c> | Contextual correlates of happiness in European adults |
abstract full text> |
2018b> | Recht en geluk in landen In: Fleerackers, F. & Van Ransbeeck, R. (eds.) 'Recht en Geluk', AdVocare Interdisciplinair cahier 22.1, Larcier, Gent, België, ISBN13: 978-2-8044-7699-1, blz. 101-118 |
full text> |
2018a> | Subjective well-being in nations |
abstract full text> |
2017> | ||
2017o> | Towards Greater Happiness |
full text> |
2017n> | Felicidad: lecciones de la investigation pirica In: Garcia Vega, J. (ed.) Felicidad y calidad d vida', Editoria Nomada, 2017 Coyoacan, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico ISBN 978-607-96638-6-5, pp 91-106 + 115-117 |
full text in Spanish full text in English> |
2017m> | Geluksonderzoek en beleid (Happiness research and policy) In: Samen werken aan geluk: Hoe een geente kan sturen op geluk. Redactie Ans Heijne, Liesbeth Koning, Muriel van Nieuwenhuizen en Nancy Peeters. Uitgave geente Schagen. ISBN 978 90 827494 03, blz. 20-31 Samen met Martijn Burger (eerste auteur)> |
full text> |
2017k> | Geluk onder docenten (Happiness of teachers) In: Van Twaalf tot Achttien: Vakblad voor voortgezet onderwijs, jaargang 27, nr. 10, blz. 14-15, decber 2017 With Martijn Burger (first author) |
full text> |
2017j> | Ways to greater happiness: A Delphi study |
abstract full text> |
2017i> | Happiness research: Past and Future Senshu Social Well-being Review 2017 (4), pp 65-74 |
abstract full text> |
2017g> | Measures of happiness: Which to choose? In: Gaël Brulé & Filomena Maggino (eds.) ‘Metrics of Well-being’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017, pp 65-84, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61810-4_4 |
full text> |
2017f> | Mood during commute in The Netherlands: What way of travel feels best for what kind of people? Transportation Research Part A, 104, 195-208, DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.025 Together with Sascha Lancee and Martijn Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2017d> | The '10-excess' phenomenon in responses to survey questions about happiness |
abstract full text> |
2017c> | Diversity in survey questions on the same topic: Techniques for improving comparability |
contents full text (a) |
2017b> | Co-development of Happiness Research: Addition to “Fifty Years After the Social Indicator Movent Social Indicators Research, 135 (3), 1001-1007, DOI 10.1007/s11205-017-1554-z > |
abstract full text> |
2017a> | Greater happiness for a greater number: Did the promise of enlightenment come true? Social Indicators Research, DOI 10.1007/s11205-015-1128x, 130 (1), 9-25, Open Access> |
abstract full text> |
2016> | ||
2016r> | What we have learnt about happiness: Classic qualms in the light of recent research In: Maggino, F. (ed.) A Life Devoted to Quality of Life, Festschrift in Honor of Alex C. Michalos, Social Indicators Research Series vol. 60, chapter 10, pp 151-170, Springer, Dordrecht, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-20567-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20568-7_ 10 |
abstract full text> |
2016q> | The difference between expected and experienced utility: some studies on having children Journal of Acadic Social Science Studies, nr. 50, pp 343-354, Autum II 2016, DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/JASSS3591 With Hatime Kamilcelebi (first author)> |
abstract in English abstract in Turkish full text in English> |
2016p> | Wat we weten In: Leo Bormans (Redactie) Geluk: Worldbook of Happiness 2.0, Lannoo, Tielt, Belgium. ISBN 978 94 014 3901 5, pp 356--365 Update of 2010m> |
full text> |
2016o> | Le bonheur: Angle mort de la sociologie Sciences et Bonheur, Automne 2016, nr. 1, pp 32-42 |
2016n> | Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Kan dat in Nederland? Blind, online interdisciplinair tijdschrift. !SSN 1879-8144, 29 maart 2016 |
full text> |
2016m> | Hope and happiness In: Bormans, L. (ed.) The World book of hope: pp 204-206, Lanno Publishers, Tielt, Belgium, ISBN 9789401431354 |
full text> |
2016l> | Some Findings on Culture Consumption and Happiness |
full text> |
2016k> | On the growing importance of 'art-of-living' Foreword to: Bernard Schitz 'Art-of-Living: A concept to enhance happiness', Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switserland, Social Indicators Research Series, volume 63, ISBN 978-3-319-45324-8 (eBook), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45324-8, pages v-vii |
full text> |
2016j> | De vele gezichten van hoop en geluk In: TPP Tijdschrift voor Positieve Psychologie, augustus 2016, pp 29-35. Met ma Pleeging, Martijn Burger en Sasqia Chin Hon Foei> |
full text> |
2016i> | Sturen op geluk in sociaal-economisch beleid |
full text> |
2016h> | El principio de la major felicidad: La felicidad como un objetivo de la política pública |
full text in Spanish full text in English> |
2016g> | Quality of life and happiness: concepts and measures In: Bruni, L. & Porta, P.L. (eds.) Handbook of research methods and applications in happiness and quality of life, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ISBN (e) 9781783471171, pp 309-333 |
abstract full text> |
2016fa> | Bracht de EU groter geluk? Press realease, April 2016 in the context of a referendum in the Netherlands about a treaty of the EU with Ukraine Together with Martijn Burger> |
full text> |
2016fb> | Did the EU raise happiness? Press release, June 2016 in the context of a referendum in the UK about leaving the EU (Brexit) Together with Martijn Burger> |
full text> |
2016e> | Wat heet geluk? M&C Quarterly: Managent & Consulting: Platform voor organisatieprofessionals Thanummer ‘Geluk’ 2, 2016, blz. 18-23> |
full text> |
2016d> | Pooling time series based on slightly different questions about the same topic: Forty years of survey research on happiness and life-satisfaction in the Netherlands Social Indicators Research, 126 (2) 863-891, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-0898-5 Open Access With Tineke de Jonge (first author), Wim Kalmijn. Lidia Arends, Linda Moonen & Jaqueline van Beuningen> |
abstract full text> |
2016c> | Conversion of verbal response scales: Robustness across dographic categories |
abstract full text> |
2016a> | Why are locals happier than internal migrants? The role of daily life |
abstract full text> |
2015> | ||
2015z> | Financial distress and happiness of ployees in times of economic crisis Applied Economic letters, 22 (3) 173-179, DOI. 10.1080/13504851.2014.931916 Together with E. Arampatzi (first author) and M.J. Burger> |
abstract full text> |
2015x> | Unhappy development:
Dissatisfaction with life on the eve of the Arab Spring World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WSP7488, Novber 2015, 40 pages. With Efstratia Arampatzi, Martijn Burger, Elena Ianchovichina and Tina Röhricht> |
abstract full text> |
2015u> | Happiness in South Africa: Pattern of cheerful discontent |
full text> |
2015t> | Happiness: History of the concept In: James Wright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 10, pp 521-525, Oxford Elsevier, ISBN 9780080970868> |
abstract full text> |
2015s> | Genetic distance and differences in happiness across nations: Some preliminary evidence Journal of Happiness and Wellbeing, 3 (2) 142-158 ISSN 2147-561X With Martijn Burger (first author), Laila Kakar and Harry Commandeur> |
abstract in English abstract in Turkish full text in English> |
2015r> | Geography of happiness: Configurations of affective and cognitive appraisals of life across nations International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD) ISSN online: 2049-2804, 2015, 2, (2) 101-117 With Gael Brule (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2015q> | Stability of boundaries between response options of response scales: Does 'very happy' rain equally happy over the years? Social Indicators Research, 123 (1) 241-266, ISSN 1573-0921, DOI 1007/s11205-014-0735-2 With Lidia Arends, Wim Kalmijn and Tineke de Jonge (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2015p> | Informed pursuit of happiness: What we should know, do know and can get to know Journal of Happiness Studies, 16 (4) 1035-1071, DOI: 10.1007/s10902-014-9560-1 |
abstract full text> |
2015o> | Mental health care and average happiness: Strong relationship in developed nations Accepted for publication in Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42 (4) 394-404 ISBN: 1573-3289, DOI: 10.1007/s/10488-014-0579-8 With Giorgio Touburg> |
abstract full text supplent> |
2015n> | Happiness as a priority in social policy: The greatest happiness principle In: Stephen Joseph (ed.) 'Positive psychology in practice: Promoting human florishing in work, health, education, everyday life', Second revised edition. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ USA, ISBN 978-1-118-75725-3 (e-Pub). Chapter 42, pp 731-750. Update of publication 2004c |
full text> |
2015m> | Geluk in Organisaties: Overzicht van het weinige dat we daarover weten In: Bergsma, A, Commandeur, H. R. & Veenhoven, R. (redactie): Welbevinden op het werk, Thanummer Tijdschrift voor Managent en Organisatie, ISSN 0165-1722, vol. 69, nr. 2/3, pp 119-134 |
abstract in English full text in Dutch> |
2015l> | Welbevinden op het werk: Ten geleide Thanummer Tijdschrift voor Managent en Organisatie, ISSN 0165-1722, vol. 69, nr. 2/3, pp 3-14 Redactie, samen met Ad Bergsma en Harry Commandeur> |
full text in Dutch> |
2015k> | De Gelukswijzer werkt: Gebruikers website werden gelukkiger Magazine Coachend Vlaanderen, jaargang 3, nr. 2, blz. 58-61 Met Pieter van Haren> |
full text> |
2015j> | Consumption and happiness: An introduction International Review of Economics (IREC) 62 (2) 91-99, DOI: 10.1007/s12232-015-0234-2 With Luca Stanca> |
abstract full text> |
2015i> | Happiness raised by raising awareness: effect on happiness using the Happiness Indicator Erasmus University Rotterdam, EHERO working paper 2015/01 Together with Arnold Bakker, Martijn Burger, Pieter van Haaren en Wido Oerlans> |
abstract full text> |
2015h> | Happy protest voters: The case of Rotterdam 1997-2009 Social Indicators Research, 126 (2) 739-756, DOI 10.1007/s11205-015-0920-y With Piet Ouweneel (first author) Open Access> |
abstract full text> |
2015f> | Hope and happiness Opentia Newletter, 5 (3) 5, Decber 2015 |
full text> |
2015e> | 'Very happy' is not always equally happy: On the meaning of verbal response options in survey questions Journal of Happiness Studies, 16 (1) 77-101, DOI: 10.1007/s10902-013-9497-9 With Tineke de Jonge (first author), Wim Kalmijn and Lidia Arends> |
abstract full text> |
2015d> | Social conditions for happiness: A review of research International Journal of Psychology, online since April 2015. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12161 |
abstract full text> |
2015ca> | Iktisat ve mutluluk: Bugun daha mutlu muyez? (Economics of happiness: Are we happy today?) In: Dumladag, D., Gokdir, O., Neyse, L. & Ruben, E. (eds.) 'Iktisatta davranissal yaklasimlar (Behavioral approaches in economics)', Imge Kitabevi, Ankara Turkey, 2015, ISBN 978-975-533-820-0, pp 201-230. With Devrim Dumladag> |
full text in Turkish> |
2015cb> | Iktisat ve mutluluk (Economics of happiness) Iktisat ve Toplum Dergisi , Agustos 2015, Sayi: 58 ss, 46-55 With Devrim Dumladag> |
full text in Turkish> |
2015b> | Hope and happiness Opentia Newletter, 5 (3) 5, Decber 2015 |
full text> |
2015a> | Overall satisfaction with life: Subjective approaches (1) Chapter 12 in: Wolfgang Glatzer, Laura Camfield, Valerie Moller & Mariano Rojas (eds.) 'The Global handbook of Quality of Life: Explorations of well-being in nations and continents', ISBN 978-94-017-9177-9, Springer Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Chapter 9, pp 207-238. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9178-6_9> |
full text > |
2014> | ||
2014w> | Average happiness and dominant family type: In regions in Western Europe around 2000 Advances in Applied Sociology, 4: 271-288, ISSN 2165-4316, DOI: 10.4236/aasoci.2014.412031 Open Access With Gael Brule (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2014v> | De meesterproef van Ruut Veenhoven: Wat blijft er in het licht van de geschiedenis van een promotie onderzoek? MGV Magazine voor GGZ en Verslavingszorg 69, 6, 47-49, ISSN 0024-8576 |
full text> |
2014u> | Happiness and participatory teaching Optentia newsletter 4:, 3, 14-15, ISSN 18770428 |
full text> |
2014t> | Kalkinmaya farkli bir bakis: Iyi olus (Views on well-being) In: Yayina Hazirlayander, Ahmet Faruk Aysan & Devrim Dumludag (eds.) 'Kalkinmada yeni yaklasimlar' (New approaches to development), Ankara, Turkey, 2014, Imge, ISBN 078-975-533--761-6, 543 pages, Chapter 17, pp 337-363 With Ozge Gokdir (first author)> |
abstract in Turkish abstract in English full text in Turkish> |
2014s> | Participatory teaching and happiness in nations Journal Advances in Applied Sociology (AASoci) 4: 235-245, ISSN Online: 2165-4336, DOI 10.4236/aasoci.2014.411028 Open Access With Gael Brule (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2014r> | Hoofdstukken in: Langeweg, S. & Van Blitterswijk, D. (redactie) Het rendent van geluk: Inzichten uit wetenschap en praktijk, Stichting Maatschappij en Onderning, Den Haag. SMO publicatie 2014/4, ISBN 978-90-6962-251-4, 176 blz. |
full text (a) full text (b) full text (c) full text (d)> |
2014q> | Sociology's blind eye for happiness |
abstract full text> |
2014p> | Articles in Alex C. Michalos (Ed.) "Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research", Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Springer Reference Series. ISBN 9 78-94-00 7-0 752-8 DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5 |
full text (a) |
2014n> | Freedom and happiness in nations: Why the Finns are happier than the French Psychology of Well-being: Theory, Research and Practice. ISSN: 2211-1522, Open access With Gael Brule (first author)> |
abstract full text> |
2014j> | Index of Inequality-Adjusted Happiness (IAH) improved: A research note Journal of Happiness Studies 2014, 15, 1259-1265. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-013-9474-3 With Wim Kalmijn (first author) > |
2014h> | Did civilization add to the quality of human life? In: Alsmqvist, K. & Linklater, A. (eds.) 'Civilization', Axel and Margaret Ax: son Johnson foundation, 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-89672-62-8, pp 267-273 |
full text> |
2014g> | Homogenizing responses to different survey questions on the same topic: Proposal of a scale homogezination method using a reference distribution |
abstract full text> |
2014f> | Why sociological theory of happiness falls short Social Indicators Network News (SINET), ISSN 0885-6729, May-August, nr. 119-120, pp 1-4 |
full text> |
2014e> | The Easterlin Illusion:
Economic growth does go with greater happiness |
abstract full text> |
2014d> | Long-term change of happiness in nations: To times more rise than decline since the 1970s In: Sheldon, K. & Lucas, R. (eds.), Stability of happiness: Theories and evidence on whether happiness can change', chapter 9, pp 167-200, Elsevier Publishing, ISBN 978-0-12-411478-4 |
abstract full text> |
2014c> | Secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden en geluk TPE-digitaal, 8: 15-28, http://www.tpedigitaal.nl With Luc Benda (first author) and Kea Tijdens> |
abstract full text> |
2014b> | A guide to findings on happiness of children in the World Database of happiness |
full text> |
2014a> | Classic wisdom about ways to happiness: How does it apply today? In: Vincenzo Giorgino (ed.) 'Pursuit of happiness and the traditions of wisdom', Springer series Briefs in Wellbeing and Quality of life research, ISBN 978-3-319-04744-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04744-7_1, pp 1-12 |
2013> | ||
2013q> | The four qualities of life: Ordering concepts and measures of the good life In: DellaFave, A (ed.) 'The Exploration of happiness: Present and future perspectives', Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Happiness Studies Book Series 2013, Chapter 11, pp 195-226, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5702-8_11. Reprint of 2000c |
abstract full text > |
2013p> | Happy Life Years OECD factsheet, Ognanization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France Update 2007f |
full text > |
2013o> | More modern, more happy Optentia newsletter, 3 (4) 4 |
full text> |
2013n> | Economic growth and happiness Optentia Newsletter, vol. 3, nr. 1, pp 3-4 |
full text> |
2013m> | Greater happiness for a greater number: Is that possible in Mexico? |
full text in English full text in Spanish> |
2013l> | Memory-experience gap in early adolescents' happiness reports Child Indicator Research, 7: 21-40, DOI 10.1007/s12187-013-9194-6. ISSN 1874-897X Together with Maja Tadic (first author), Huub Braam and Katja van Vliet.> |
abstract full text> |
2013k> | The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM):
Applications in organizations |
full text > |
2013j> | Notions of the good life In: David, S.A., Boniwell, I & Ayers, A.C., (eds.),The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, Chapter 12, pp 161-173, 2013, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-0-19-955725-7 |
full text > |
2013i> | Is geluk voor de dommen?
Over het verband tussen intelligentie en geluk In: Bijl, R., Van den Brink, R, Dekker, P., De Hart J. & Keuzenkamp, S (redactie), 'Opvallend gewoon. Het bijzondere van Nederland. Beschouwingen bij het afscheid van Paul Schnabel als directeur van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau'. Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag, maart 2013, ISBN 978-90-377-0646-8, blz. 72-79> |
full text> |
2013h> | Levenskunst: De kunst zo te leven dat men er zich prettig bij voelt In: Joep Wijsbek (red.) “Levenskunst à la carte”, Uitgeverij Quist, Leidschendam, 2013, ISBN 987-90-77983-92-8, blz. 67-86> |
full text> |
2013g> | Biological pathways and genetic mechanisms involved in social functioning |
abstract full text > |
2013f> | Has modernization gone too far? Happiness and modernity in 141 contporary nations International Journal of Happiness and Development, 1: 172-195, DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2013.055645 With Maarten Berg > |
abstract full text supplent> |
2013e> | Daily activities and happiness in later life: The role of work status Journal of Happiness Studies, online since October 1, 2012, DOi 10.1007/s10902-012-9392-9 With Maja Tadic (first author), Arnold Bakker and Wido Oerlans > |
abstract full text> |
2013d> | The Easterlin illusion |
abstract full text> |
2013c> | Economic growth and happiness Optentia Newsletter, vol. 3, nr. 1, pp 3-4 |
full text> |
2013b> | Happiness through leisure In: T. Freire (ed.), Positive Leisure Science: From Subjective Experience to Social Contexts (pp 193-209). Dordrecht, Springer Science. http://rd.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-5058-6/page/1. With Jeroen Nawijn (first author) > |
full text > |
2013a> | Contentment and affect in the estimation of happiness Social Indicators Research, 110: 415-431 , DOI 10.1007/s11205-011-9952-0 With Mariano Rojas> |
abstract full text> |
2012> | ||
2012o> | Veiligheid en geluk in landen In: E.R. Muller (red.), 'Veiligheid: Veiligheid en Veiligheidszorg in Nederland'. Hoofdstuk 5, blz. 119-156, Kluwer, Deventer 2e druk, 2012. ISBN 978-90-0946-9. Update of 2004g > |
full text> |
2012n> | Grösseres Glück, fur eine grössere Zahl:
Ist das möglich und erstrebenswert? Neue Ergebnisse der Glücksforschung In: Döring, D. & Kroker, E.J.M. (Hrsg.), ’Vom Glück’, Köningssteiner Forum Societäts-Verlag, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, 2012, ISBN 978-3-942921-57-2, seite 101-146 |
abstract full text> |
2012m> | Social development and happiness in nations |
abstract full text > |
2012l> | South Africans are fairly happy Optentia Newsletter 2 (4) 7, North-West University, South Africa |
full text> |
2012k> | Does happiness differ across cultures? In: Selin, H & Davey, G. (eds.) 'Happiness across cultures Views of happiness and quality of life in non-western cultures', Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-007-2699-4, pp 451-472, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2700_30 |
full text > |
2012j> | Evidence-based pursuit of happiness: What we should know, what we do know and what we can get to know. Erasmus Happiness Research Organization, White paper nr. 1, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Also published as Opentia paper, North-West University South Africa |
abstract full text> |
2012i> | Quality-of-life in technological society In: Phillip Brey, Adam Briggle and Edward Spence (eds.) ‘The Good Life in a Technological Age’, Routledge, New York, Series Studies in Science Technology and Society, Chapter 3, pp 55-76, ISBN 978-0-415-89126-4 (hbk), 987-0-203-12458-1 (ebk) > |
abstract full text > |
2012h> | Is geluk maakbaar? In: Van Damme, S. (red.) ‘Geluk, drang of dwang?' Studium Generale Universiteit Gent. Acadia Press, 2012, Gent, België. ISBN 978-90-382-2017-8, blz. 139-154> |
full text > |
2012g> | Sturen op geluk: is dat mogelijk en wenselijk? In: Van Campen, C., Bergsma, A., Boelhouwer, J., Boerefijn, J. & Bolier, L. (redactie) 'Sturen op geluk: Geluksbevordering door nationale overheden, geenten en publieke instellingen', Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP), ISBN 978-90-377-0608-6, hoofdstuk 4, blz. 34-47 |
full text> |
2012f> | Greater happiness for a greater number: Is that possible? If so how? In: Mareï Salama-Younes (ed.) 'Arabic Positive Psychology', Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo, ISBN: 977-05-2759-9, pp 101-115 With ad Samual > |
full text in Arabic full text in English> |
2012e> | Why are Latin Europeans less happy? The impact of hierarchy. Chapter 12 in: Canevacci, M. (ed.) Polyphonic Antropology: Theoretical and pirical cross-cultural field work. InTech Open Access Publishers, Reijka, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-51-0418-6 With Gael Brule |
abstract full text > |
2012d> | Does intelligence boost happiness? Smartness of all pays more than being smarter International Journal of Happiness and Development, 1: 5-27 With Yowon Choi > |
abstract full text > |
2012c> | Cross-national differences in happiness: Cultural measurent bias or effect of culture? International Journal of Wellbeing, 2: 333-353, DOI: 10.5502/ijw.v2.i4.4, ISSN 11 79-8602 |
abstract full text> |
2012b> | Happiness: Also known as ‘life-satisfaction’ and ‘subjective well-being’ | full text> |
2012a> | The medicine is worse than the disease: Comment on Delhey and Kohler’s proposal to measure inequality in happiness using ‘Instrument-Effect-Corrected’ standard deviations. Social Science Research 41(1) 203-205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2011.11.009 > |
abstract full text> |
2011> | ||
2011t> | Happy life expectancy associated with various mental disorders |
full text> |
2011s> | Happiness and society Soziale Sicherheit 9: 298-302, ISSN 1420-2670 |
full text in English full text in French full text in German> |
2011r> | The effect of leisure activities on life-satisfaction: The importance of holiday trips |
full text > |
2011q> | Can we get happier than we are? |
full text > |
2011p> | Le plus grand bonheur du plus grand nombre: Est-ce possible? Si oui comment? In: Charles Martin-Krumm & Cyril Tarquino (eds.) 'Traite de psychologie positive', Chapter 7, pp 152-163, De Boeck, Bruxelles, Series 'Ouvertures Psychologiques', ISBN 978-2-8041-6614-4 |
abstract in French full text> |
2011o> | Do they know how happy they are? On the value of self-rated happiness of people with a mental disorder |
abstract full text > |
2011n> | Welbevinden in Nederland Speling, special 'Werken aan welbevinden, 63: 8-12, ISSN 003-7320 |
full text> |
2011m> | Greater happiness for a greater number: Is that possible in Austria? |
full text > |
2011l> | The happiness of people with a mental disorder in modern society Psychology of Well-Being; Theory, Research & Practice 1(2) With A. Bergsma (first author) > |
abstract full text > |
2011k> | World Database of Happiness: Example of a focussed Findings Archive Working paper nr. 169, German data Forum RatSWD, February 2011 |
abstract full text> |
2011j> | Happiness scale interval study: methodological considerations |
abstract full text> |
2011i> | Onbehagen in het paradijs (Discontent in paradise) HOVO jaartha essay. Studiegids HOVO Rotterdam 2011/2012, blz. 30-33 > |
full text> |
2011h> | Kwaliteiten van leven en geluk (Qualities of life and happiness) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde (NTVT), 2011, vol. 118, pp 130-132, ISSN 0028-2200, DOI: 10.5177/nvt.2011.03.10190 |
full text in Dutch abstract in Dutch abstract in English> |
2011f> | Finding the key to happy aging: A day reconstruction study of happiness Journal of Gerontology series B: Psychological Sciences and Social sciences, 66b: 665-674 DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbr040 Together with Wido Oerlans and Arnold Bakker> |
abstract full text> |
2011e> | Geluksgevoel in Nederlandse provincies: oktober 2010 tot en met februari 2011 (Feeling of happiness in provinces in The Netherlands: October 2010 up to and including February 2011) GeluksWijzer Voortgangsrapport 2011, RISBO, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Met Wido Oerlans (first author) > |
full text> |
2011d> | Glück als subjektives Wohlbefinden: Lehren aus der pirischen Forschung |
full text> |
2011c> | Maakt Geld Gelukkig? |
full text> |
2011b> | Greater happiness for a greater number:
Is that possible? If so, how? In: Sheldon, K.M., Kashdan, T.B. & Steger, M.F. (eds.) Designing Positive Psychology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward', Oxford University Press, New York, 2011, ISBN 978-0-19-537358-5, Chapter 26, pp 396-409 |
full text> |
2011a> | Most people with a mental disorder are happy: A 3-year follow-up in the Dutch general population |
+abstract full text> |
2010> | ||
2010m> | Wat we weten In: Leo Bormans (ed.) Geluk: The World Book of Happiness, Lanoo, Tielt, België, ISBN 978-90-209-9066-9, blz. 338-349 |
full text> |
2010j> | What we know The World Book of Happiness, Leo Bormans (ed.) Lannoo Uitgeverij, Tielt, Belgium, ISBN 978 90 209 90669, pp 338-346 |
full text> |
2010i> | Which patient will feel down, which will be happy? The need to study genetic disposition of otional states Quality of Life Research, 19: 1429-1437, DOI 10.1007/s111136-0109652-2 Together with Mirjam A. G. Sprangers, Meike Bartels, Frank Baas, Nicholas G. Martin, Miriam Mosing, Benjamin Movsas, Mary E. Ropka, Gen Shinozaki, Dick Swaab and the GENEQOL Consortium |
abstract full text> |
2010h> | Happiness |
full text> |
2010g> | Vacationers happier, but mostly not happier after a holiday Applied Research in Quality Of Life (ARQOL), 5: 35-47, DOI: 10.1007/s11482-009-9091-9 With Jeroen Nawijn (first author), Miquelle Marchand and Ad Vingerhoets > |
abstract full text> |
2010f> | Maakt geld gelukkig? De Volkskrant, zaterdag 9 januari 2010, Lma in serie 'Gamma Canon' |
full text> |
2010e> | Life is getting better: Societal evolution and fit with human nature Social Indicators Research (2010) 97:105-122, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-009-9556-0 |
2010d> | Capability and Happiness: Conceptual difference and reality links Journal of Socio-Economics, 2010 39: 344-350, DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2009.11.007 |
abstract full text> |
2010c> | Greater happiness for a greater number: is that possible and desirable? Journal of Happiness Studies, 11: 605-629, DOI 10.007/s10902-010-9204-z |
2010b> | Income inequality and happiness in 119 nations In: Bent Greve (ed.) 'Social Policy and Happiness in Europe', Edgar Elgar, chaper 11, pp 174-194 Together with Maarten Berg> |
abstract full text> |
2010a> | How universal is happiness? |
abstract full text> |
2000s> |
2009l> | Geloof en geluk in landen Ethiek en Maatschappij, 2009, 12: 49-69, ISSN 1373-0975 Met Maarten Berg> |
abstract in Dutch abstract in English full text in Dutch > |
2009k> | World Database of Happiness: Tool for dealing with the 'Data-Deluge' Psychological Topics, Special issue on Positive Psychology18: 221-246, ISSN 1332-0742 > |
abstract full text> |
2009j> | Medidas de la Felicidad Nacional Bruta Intervencion Psicosocial: Revista sobre Igualdad y Calidad de Vida, 2009 18:279-299, ISSN 1132-0559 > |
abstract in Spanish |
2009i> | Optimal life-style mix: An inductive approach In: Kathleen Matuska, Charles Christiansen, Helene Polatajko & Jane Davis (eds.) 'Life Balance: Multidisciplinary Theories and Research', AOTA Press, 2009, Bethesda, MD USA, ISBN 978-1-55642-906-4, Chapter 4, pp 33-42> |
abstract full text> |
2009h> | Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk? |
abstract in Dutch abstract in English full text in Dutch > |
2009g> | The establihment of the GENEQOL consortium to investigate the genetic disposition of patient reported quality-of-life outcomes |
abstract full text> |
2009f> | Meting output onderzoek FSW 1995-2007. Commentaar bij de resultaten Met Evelien Haagsma > |
full text> |
2009e> | False promise of happiness Review of Michael Mary ‘Die Glücklüge; vom Glaube an die Machbarkeit des Lebens’, Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 2003, ISBN 3-7857-2141-2 Journal of Happiness Studies, DOI 10.1007/s10902-004-6178-8> |
full text> |
2009d> | Well-being in nations and well-being of nations: Is there a conflict between individual and society? Social Indicators Research, 91: 5-21, DOI 10.1007/s11205-008-9323-7 |
abstract full text> |
2009c> | Enjoyment of life lenghtens life: Findings and consequences In: Freire, T (ed.) 'Understanding positive life: Research and practice on positive psychology', Climpsi Editores, Lisboa, Portugal, pp 19-42, ISBN 978-972-796-310-2> |
full text> |
2009b> | International scale interval study: Improving the comparability of responses to survey questions about happiness |
2009a> | How do we assess how happy we are? |
abstract full text> |
2008k> | Sustainable consumption and happiness In: Reddy. S (ed.) 'Green Consumerism: Approaches and Country Experiences' , Icfai University Press, 2008, Hyderabad, India, ISBN 81-314-1390-0, pp 39-68. > |
abstract full text> |
2008j> | Grösseres Glück fur eine grössere Zahl von Menschen: Ist das in Deutschland möglich? |
text in German text in English> |
2008i> | Hvad vi ved om lykke (What we know about happiness) In: Lyhne, J. & Knoop, H.H. (redaction) Positiv Psykologi, Positiv Paedagogik, Dansk Psykologisk Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-87-7706-126-4, pp 31-74 > |
abstract in Danish text in Danish text in English> |
2008g> | Measures of Gross National Happiness In: Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007. Measuring and fostering the progress of societies. General Economics & Future Studies, 2008 nr. 6, OECD Publishing, ISBN 978-92-64-04323-7, chapter 16, pp 231-253> |
abstract full text> |
2008f> | Comparability of happiness across nations School of Sociology and Social Work Journal, nr. 104, 2008, pp 211-234, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, ISSN 0452-9456 > |
abstract full text> |
2008e> | Ancient Chinese Philosophical Advice: Can it help us find happiness today? |
abstract full text> |
2008d> | Healthy happiness: Effects of happiness on physical health and the consequences for preventive health care Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 9, 449-464, DOI 10.1007/s10902-006-9042-1> |
abstract full text> |
2008c> | Sociological theories of subjective well-being In: Michael Eid & Randy Larsen (eds). "The Science of Subjective Well-being: A tribute to Ed Diener", Guilford Publications, New York, ISBN: 978-1-59385-581-9, pp 44-61> |
2008b> | Freedom and happiness: comparison of 126 nations in 2006 |
abstract full text> |
2008a> | Meten van Bruto Nationaal Geluk (Measures of Gross National Happiness) TPEdigitaal, nummer over 'Brede Welvaart', vol. 2, nr. 3, pp 10-35 > |
abstract full text> |
2007p> | Reactie Ruut Veenhoven op rapport 'Duurzame Kwaliteit van Leven' (comments to report on Sustainable Quality of Life) In: I. Robeyns en R.J. van der Veen, 'Duurzame kwaliteit van leven: Conceptueleanalyse voor pirisch onderzoek'. Rapport nr. 550031005/2007, Natuur en Millieu Planbureau, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, pp 153-156 > |
full text> |
2007o> | Περίθαλψη>καιΥποκειμενικήΕυημερίασταΔιάφοραΈδνη ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ στο χώρο εργασίας Τόμος Α (Health psychology Workplace, Volume A) Ιοιρικές Εκδόσεις ΤΤ.Χ. ΤΤασχα/ίδης, ISNB 978-960-399-582-1, pp 83-110 |
full text in English> |
2007n> | I commenti dei nostri esperti sui risultati delle ricerca In: Toppan, R. Verso un'economia della felicita (Towards a wellbeing economy), Asozatione Athena, 2007, pp 187-190 > |
full text> |
2007m> | Does happiness matter? On the value of great happiness for a great number In: Joop Stam & Ruut Veenhoven (eds.), Quality of life & Happiness of people in Japan and TheNetherlands, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam in cooperation with NIOD Encounters Series volume I, pp 156-163, ISBN 978 90 6832 4358> |
full text > |
2007l> | Quality of life in nations, as measured with how long and happy people live In: Joop Stam & Ruut Veenhoven (eds.), Quality of life & Happiness of people in Japan and The Netherlands, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam in cooperation with NIOD Encounters Series volume I, pp 16-31, ISBN 978 90 6832 4358> |
full text> |
2007k> | Quality of life & Happiness of
people in Japan and TheNetherlands Editor together with Joop Stam, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam in cooperation with NIOD Encounters Series volume I, 172 pages, ISBN 978 90 6832 4358> |
contents> |
2007j> | Als geld niet gelukkig maakt, waarom werken we dan zo hard? |
full text> |
2007i> | Contributions to web discussion on "Are we happy yet? Happiness in an age of abundance", moderated by Will Wilkinson,
CATO Unbound, April 2007 |
full text (a) full text (b) full text (c) full text (d) > |
2007h> | Nederlandse tieners gelukkig:
Mede door het nieuwe leren? Gepubliceerd in NRC-Handelsblad, 26 februari 2007, Opiniepagina, onder de titel ‘Het nieuwe leren maakt gelukkig’> |
full text> |
2007f> | Happy Life Years Virtual Indicator Expo: International conference "Beyond GDP: Measuring progress, true wealth and the well-being of nations", Brussels, Novber 19-20 |
full text> |
2007e> | Groter geluk voor een groter aantal. Kan dat in Nederland? |
full text> |
2007d> | Quality of Life Research In: Peck, D.L. & Bryant, C.D. (eds.) '21th Century Sociology: A reference handbook', Sage, volume 2, chapter 7, pp 54-62, ISBN 978-1-4129-1608-0 > |
full text> |
2007c> | Ruut Veenhoven: For a better quality of life In: Mattieu Defl (ed.) 'Sociologists in a global age: Biographical perspectives', Chapter 11, pp 175-186, Ahsgate, ISBN 978-0-7546-7307-7 > |
2007b> | Le bonheur du plus grand nombre comme but des politiques sociales Revue québécoise de psychologie 2007, vol. 28 (1), 35-60 Updated translation of 2004c |
2007a> | Subjective measures of well--being In: Mark McGillivray, (ed.) 'Human Well-being: Concept and Measurent', Palgrave McMillan, Houndsmill, UK, ISBN 0-230-00498-9, chapter 9, pp 214-239 > |
abstract full text> |
2006g> | Sociology's blind eye for happiness Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of Sociology, Working Group 06 'Social Indicators', Durban South Africa, July 23-29, 2006 > |
abstract full text> |
2006f> | The four qualities of life. Ordering concepts and
measures of the good life In: McGillivray, M & Clarke, M (eds.) 'Understanding Human Well-being' , chapter 4, pp 74-100, United Nations University Press, New York, 2006, ISBN 92-808-1130-4. Shortened version of publication 2000c > |
abstract in English full text in English full text in Spanish> |
2006e> | Quality of life in modern society, Measured with Happy Life Years Published in: Yew-Kwang Ng & Lok Sang Ho (eds.) ‘Happiness and Public Policy, Theory, Case studies and Implications’ Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, 2006, ISBN 13: 978-0-230-00497-9, chapter 2, pp 19-44.> |
full text> |
2006d> | Hvad vi ved om lykke (What we know about happiness) Kognition & Pedagogik, vol. 16, pp 14-50, ISBN 0906-6225 > |
abstract in Danish text in Danish text in English> |
2006c> | Geluk op leeftijd In: GERON Tijdschrift over ouder worden en maatschappij, vol. 8, nr. 1, pp 58-61, ISSN 1389143X > |
text in Dutch> |
2006b> | What is happiness? |
text in Dutch text in English> |
2006a> | Rising happiness in nations,1946-2004. A reply to Easterlin |
abstract full text> |
2005m> | Lo que sabenos de la filicidad (What we know about happiness) In: Leon Garduno Estrada, Bertha Salinas Amescua & Mariano Rojas Herrera (eds.) 'Calidad de vida y bienestar subjectivo en Mexico', Plaza Valdes, Mexico, ISBN 970-722-398-7, pp 17-56 > |
2005n> | Happiness in multiple choice society Review of Barry Schwartz: 'The Paradox of Choice. Why more is less', Harper & Collins, New York, USA 2004, ISBN 0-06-000568-8, 265 pages. Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 6, pp 93-96> |
full text> |
2005l> | Maatschappelijke Citaties van
Hogescholen - Vermelding in Landelijke en Regionale kranten Studie HBO-raad, mei 2005, 14 p. Met Fatih Topcu> |
full text> |
2005k> | Is life getting better? How long
and happy do people live in modern society? Published in: European Psychologist, 2005, special section on 'Human development and Well-being', vol. 10, pp 330-343 |
abstract full text> |
2005j> | Apparent quality of life: How long and happy people
live Social Indicators Research, vol. 71, pp 61-86> |
abstract full text> |
2005i> | Wat bracht de seksuele revolutie? In: Couwenberg, S.W. (red.) 'Seksuele revolutie ter discussie. Van Phil Bloom tot Sex in the City' Civis Mundi, Jaarboek 2005, ISBN 90 5573 610 4, blz. 95-105> |
text in Dutch text in English > |
2005h> | Health care and subjective well-being in nations In: Antoniou, A-S. G. & Cooper, C.L. (eds.) 'Research companion to organizational health psychology', Edgar Elgar Publishers, 2005, Cheltenham, UK, ISBN 1 84376 624 8, pp 393-412. Co-authored with Bruce Kirkcaldy and Adrian Furnham> |
full text> |
2005g> | Is de belofte
van economische groei wel zo vals?
text in Dutch> |
2005f> | Happiness in hardship In: Bruni, L. & Porta (eds.) 'Economics and happiness: Framing the analysis', Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-928628-0, pp 243-266> |
abstract full text> |
2005e> | Gezond Geluk Verkennende studie voor ZonMw, programma 'Gezond leven', oktober 2005, 85 p.> |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
2005d> | Return of inequality in
modern society? Test by trend in dispersion of life-satisfaction across time and nations Journal of Happiness Studies, Special issue on Inequality of Happiness in Nations', vol. 6, pp 457-487, DOI 10.1007/s10902-005-8858-4> |
abstract full text> |
2005c> | Inequality-Adjusted
Happiness in nations. Egalitarianism and utilitarianism married together in a new index of
societal performance Journal of Happiness Studies, Special issue on 'Inequality of happiness in nations', vol. 6, pp 421-455. Together with Wim Kalmijn, DOI 10.1007/s10902-005-8857-5> |
abstract full text> |
2005b> | Measuring inequality of
happiness in nations. In search for proper statistics. Journal of Happiness Studies, Special issue on 'Inequality of Happiness in Nations', vol. 6, pp 357--396. Together with Wim Kalmijn, DOI 10.1007/s10902-005-8855-7> |
abstract full text> |
2005a> | Inequality of Happiness in
Nations. Introduction to this special issue Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 6, pp 351-355, DOI 10.1007/s10902-005-0003-x> |
full text> |
2004g> | Veiligheid en geluk (Safety and Happiness) In: Muller, R.E., (ed.) 'Veiligheid; studies over Inhoud, Organisatie en Maatregelen', Kluwer, 2004, Dordrecht, pp 153-185, ISBN 90 1300 11 292 > |
full text> |
2004f> | World Database of happiness:
Continuous register of subjective appreciation of life Published in: Glatzer, W., Von Below, S. & Stoffregen, M. (eds.), Challenges for quality of life in the contporary world: Advances in quality-of-life studies, theory and research, Kluwer Acadic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2004, Social Indicators Research Series, vol. 24, ISBN 1-40202890-3 (e-book 1-4020-2903-9), pp 75-89> |
abstract full text> |
2004e> | Maatschappelijke citaties van universiteiten.
Vermeldingen in overheidspublicaties en kranten Presentatie discussiebijeenkomst Maatschappelijk publiceren voor de kennissamenleving, Stichting Weten en Science Alliance, Amsterdam, 24-6-2004. Met Fatih Topcu> |
full text> |
2004d> | Sustainable consumption and
happiness Proceedings of international conference on 'Driving forces and barriers to sustainable consumption', University of Leeds, March 4-6. > |
abstract full text> |
2004c> | Happiness as an aim in public
policy: The greatest happiness principle In: Linley, P.A. & Joseph, S. (eds.) 'Positive psychology in practice' chapter 39, pp. 658-678, Wiley, 2004 Hoboken, New York, USA, ISBN 0471459062 Update in publication 2015n > |
abstract full text update in French> |
2004b> | Happy Life Years: A
measure of Gross National Happiness Published in: Karma Ura & Karma, Galay (eds.) 'Gross national happiness and development', Proceedings of the first international sinar on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness, Center of Bhutan Studies, Thimphu, Bhutan, 2004, ISBN 99936-14-19-X, pp 287-318> |
abstract full text> |
2004a> | Felici nelle avversista (Happiness in
hardship) In: Bruni, L. & Becattini, G. (eds.) 'Felicita ed economica. Quando il benessere e ben vivere' Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati, Milano, Italia, ISBN 88-8335-482-6, pp 257-277> |
abstract in English full text in English full text in Italian> |
2003h> | Meting maatschappelijke impact van onderzoek.
Vermelding van sociologen in de krant en overheidspublicaties Facta oktober 2003, blz. 12-15. Met Willem de Koster en Masja van Meeteren> |
full text> |
2003g> | Meting output onderzoek FSW/EUR. Productiviteit en
impact Onderzoeksrapport Afdeling Sociologie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 12 blz. Met Willem de Koster en Masja van Meeteren> |
full text> |
2003e> | Wealth and happiness revisited. Growing wealth of
nations does go with greater happiness Social Indicators Research, vol. 64, 2003, pp 1-27. With Michael Hagerty> |
abstract full text> |
2003d> | Happiness The Psychologist, vol.16, nr. 3, pp 128-9> |
full text> |
2003c> | Hedonism and happiness Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 4, pp 437-457, ISSN 1389-4978> |
abstract full text> |
2003b> | Arts of living Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 4, pp 373-384, ISSN 1389-4978> |
abstract full text> |
2003a> | Notions of Art-of-Living. Introduction to this
special issue Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 4, pp 345-349, ISSN 1389-4978> |
full text> |
2002f> | Why social policy needs subjective indicators Social Indicators Research, 2002, vol. 58, pp 33-45, ISSN 0303-8300 Also published in: Hagerty M.R., Vogel, J., & Moller, V. (eds.) Assessing quality of life and living conditions to guide national policy. The state of the art, Social Indicators Research Series, vol. 11, pp 33-45, Kluwer Acadic, 2002, Dordrecht, Netherlands, ISBN 1-4020-0727-2 > |
abstract full text> |
2002e> | Het grootste geluk voor het grootste aantal. Geluk
als richtsnoer voor beleid. Inaugural lecture Erasmus University 31-5-2002 Tevens gepubliceerd in Sociale Wetenschappen, 2002, nr. 4, pp 1-43, ISSN 0037 8077 > |
2002d> | Feminine values and happy life-expectancy in
nations Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 33, pp 803-813. With W.A. Arrindell> |
abstract full text > |
2002c> | Bevrijde seks; tijd, cultuur en geluk De Psycholoog, juli/augustus 2002, vol. 42, pp 377-382, ISSN 0033-3115> |
full text> |
2002b> | The units of utility. Comments to Clarck, A.E. &
Oswald, A.J. 'A simple statistical method for measuring how life-events affect happiness'. International Journal of Epidiology, vol. 31, pp 1144-1146 |
full text> |
2002a> | Return of inequality in moderns society? Trends in
dispersion of lifesatisfaction in EU-nations 1973-1996 Published in German in: Wolfgang Glatzer, Roland Habich, Karl Ulrich Maier (Hrgs.), 'Socialer Wandel und Gesellschaftliche Dauerbeobachtung. Festschrift für Wolfgang Zapf, Leske + Bundrich, 2002 Opladen, Deutschland, ISBN 3-8100-3368-5, pp 273-294> |
abstract in German abstract in English full text in German full text in English> |
2001e> | Quality-of-life and happiness: Not quite the same Published in Italian in: G. DeGirolamo et al (eds.) 'Health and Quality of life' WHO and Centro Scientifici Editore, Torino, Italia, pp 67-95> |
abstract full text in English full text in Italian full text in Spanish> |
2001d> | Hedonism and happiness |
abstract full text> |
2001c> | Are the Russians as unhappy as they say
they are? Comparability of self-reports across nations Journal of Happiness Studies, 2001, vol. 2, pp 111-136> |
abstract full text> |
2001b> | Happiness in society In: Jutta Allmendinger (Hrsg.) 'Gute Gesellschaft? Verhandlungen des 30. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie', Opladen 2001, Leske + Budrich, pp 1265-1314> |
abstract full text> |
2001a> | What we know about happiness Paper presented at the dialogue on 'Gross National Happiness', Woudschoten, Zeist, The Netherlands, January 14-15 2001> |
abstract full text> |
2000k> | Views on happiness in early sociology: Introduction to this special issue Journal of Happiness Studies, 1: 419-421 |
full text> |
2000j> | Why social policy needs subjective indicators Procedings 3rd international conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies in Gerona Spain, 2000, Casas, F. & Saurina C (eds.), Universitat de Girona, Institut de Recerca sobre Qualitat de Vida, ISBN 84-8458-125-X, 2001, pp 807-817> |
abstract in English abstract in Spanish full text> |
2000i> | Leefbaarheid: betekenissen en meetmethoden Rapport voor ministerie WVS> |
abstract full text> |
2000h> | Beeld van geluk in wetenschap en bellettrie 'Bericht aan de vrienden van de Jan Campert-Stichting', nr. 16, mei 2000> |
full text> |
2000g> | Individualisme zo slecht nog niet Psychologie magazine, vol. 19, nr. 1, pp 12-15, ISSN 0167-6598> |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
2000f> | Leuk levenskunst Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, vol. 1, nr. 2, pp 13-19 Reprinted in Dohmen, J. (red.) 'Over de levenskunst', AMBO, Amsterdam 2002, ISBN 90263 174 25, pp 357-368> |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
2000e> | Hoe diep zit de kinderwens? Freya magazine, 2000, vol. 16, nr. 3, pp 15-18> |
full text> |
2000d> | Stability of life-satisfaction over time. Analysis
of change in ranks in a national population Journal Of Happiness Studies, 2000, vol. 1, pp 177-205. With Joop Erhhardt and Will Saris> |
abstract full text> |
2000c> | The four qualities of life. Ordering concepts and
measures of the good life Journal Of Happiness Studies, 2000, vol. 1, pp 1-39 Shortened version reprinted in: McGillivray, M & Clarke, M (eds.) 'Understanding Human Well-being', chapter 4, pp 74-100, United Nations University Press, New York, 2006, ISBN 92-808-1130-4 > |
abstract in English full text in English full text in Spanish> |
2000b> | Well-being in the welfare state: Level not higher,
distribution not more equitable Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 2000, vol. 2, pp 91-125> |
abstract full text datamatrix> |
2000a> | Freedom and happiness: a comparative study in 44
nations in the early 1990's Published in: Diener, E. & Suh, E.M. (eds.) 'Culture and subjective wellbeing', MIT press, Cambridge, MA USA, 2000, ISBN 0 262 04182 0, pp 257-288> |
abstract full text> |
1990s> |
1999d> | Is langer leven nog wel leuk? Levensvoldoening van
hoogbejaarden in 8 EU-landen Sociale Wetenschappen, vol. 42, nr. 4. pp 38-62> Samen met Pietrica Okma |
abstract in English full text> |
1999c> | Welzijn in de verzorgingsstaat: Niveau niet hoger,
verdeling niet gelijker In: Brinkgreve, C. & VanLieshout, P. (reds.) 'Geregelde gevoelens', Elsevier/DeTijdstroom, Maarsen, ISBN 90-352-2193-1, pp 155-196> |
abstract in Dutch full text data matrix> |
1999b> | Op zoek naar de menselijke maat. Leefbaarheid van
de individualistische samenleving Rekenschap juni 1999, pp 83-95> |
abstract in Dutch abstract in English full text> |
1999a> | Quality-of-life in individidualistic society: A
comparison in 43 nations in the early 1990's Social indicators Research, 1999, vol. 48, pp 157-186 (Prize paper)> |
abstract full text> |
1998d> | World Database of Happiness:
Continuous register of research on subjective appreciation of life |
web site> |
1998c> | Welvaart en geluk |
full text> |
1998b> | Vergelijken van geluk in landen |
abstract in English full text> |
1998a> | Two state-trait discussions on
happiness: A reply to Stones et al |
abstract full text> |
1997c> | Progrès dans la compréhension
du bonheur |
abstract in English abstract in French full text in English full text in French> |
1997c> | Advances in the understanding of happiness English version of article in French in Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 1997, vol. 18, pp 29-79> |
abstract text in English text in French> |
1997b> | Die Lebenszufriedenheit der
Bürger: Ein Indicator für die 'Lebbarkeit' von Gesellschaften? |
abstract in English abstract in German full text> |
1997a> | Quality-of-life in
individualistic society, a comparison of 43 nations in the early 1990's |
abstract full text> |
1996h> | Leefbaarheid van landen |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1996g> | Satisfaction and social
position: within nation differences compared accross nations |
abstract full text> |
1996f> | Average level of satisfaction
in10 European countries: explanation of differences |
abstract full text> |
1996e> | Satisfaction in 10 countries: summary of findings Chapter 13, pp 223-230. Samen met W.E. Saris> |
1996d> | The study of life-satisfaction |
abstract full text> |
1996c> | A comparative study of
satisfaction with life in Europe |
contents> |
1996b> | Happy life-expectancy. A
comprehensive measure of quality-of-life in nations |
abstract full text> |
1996a> | Developments in
satisfaction-research |
abstract full text> |
1995c> | World Database of Happiness |
abstract full text> |
1995b> | The cross-national pattern of
happiness. Test of predictions implied in three theories of happiness |
abstract full text> |
1995a> | Livability of the welfare-state.
Appreciation-of-life and length-of- life in nations varying in state-welfare-effort |
abstract full text> |
1994f> | Happy life-expectancy in 15 European countries Paper presentedat the XIII World Congress of Sociology, WG 06, Session 8: Quality of life in transnational comparisons (II), Bielefeld, Germany, July 18-23, 1994. Together with A.E. Kunst and P.T. Okma-Keulen> |
abstract full text> |
1994e> | Over het nut van genot In: 'Vrije tijd tussen gebod, genot en verleiding', Verslag conges Vereniging voor de vrijetijdssector VVS dd 15-12-94, HR&O Rotterdam, pp 4-8 > |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1994d> | El estudio de la satisfaccion
con la vida |
abstract in English abstract in Spanish text in Spanish> |
1994c> | How satisfying is rural life?
Fact and Value |
abstract full text> |
1994b> | Correlates of Happiness: 7837 findings from 603 studies in 69 nations 1911-1994 |
abstract contents full intro text update on web> |
1994a> | Is happiness a Trait? Tests of
the theory that a better society does not make people any happier |
abstract full text> |
1993d> | Kan Abortus weer verboden worden? In: Doppenberg, H.: 'Abortus: medisch verantwoorde zwangerschapsonderbreking in Rotterdam, na 20 jaar'. Janna Stek Stichting Rotterdam, pp 31-38.> |
full text> |
1993c> | Happiness as an indicator in
social policy evolution: some objections considered |
abstract full text> |
1993b> | Happiness in nations.
Subjective appreciation of life in 56 nations 1946-1992 |
abstract contents update on web> |
1993a> | Bibliography of Happiness: 2473
contpory studies on subjective appreciation of life |
abstract contents update on the web> |
1992b> | De vrolijke vechtmaatschappij Paper studiedag 'Vechtmaatschappij' Socrates, Utrecht 1992> |
abstract full text> |
1992a> | Social equality and state welfare effort: More
income-equality, no more equality in quality-of-life Paper presented at conference 'Towards the good society', June, Rotterdam, unpublished> |
abstract text in English text in Spanish> |
1991g> | Psychologie en Onderhandelen |
full text> |
1991f> | Alternatieve Relaties |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1991e> | Levensvoldoening van
alleenstaanden: Achterstand op samenwoners in 11 EG landen 1974-1986 |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1991d> | Ist Glück relativ? Uberlegungen
zu Glück, Stimmung und Zufriedenheit aus Psychologischer Sicht |
abstract in German full text> |
1991c> | Questions on happiness:
Classical topics modern anwers, blind spots |
abstract full text> |
1991b> | Top-down versus Bottom-up:
Theories of subjective well-being |
abstract full text> |
1991a> | Is happiness relative? |
abstract full text> |
1990d> | New poverty in Europe?
The happiness-income relationship 1973-1986 Paper presented at the XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July 1990, Working Group 6: Social Indicators Session 8: Poverty and Well-Being With Renee van Schoonhoven> |
abstract full text > |
1990c> | Inequality in happiness: inequality between
countries compared accross countries Paper presented at the 12th Congress of Sociology, Madrid 1990> |
abstract full text> |
1990b> | Resultaat van de
Verzorgingsstaat: leefbaarheid en gelijkheid |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1990a> | Cross-National Differences in
Happiness: Cultural Bias or Societal Quality? |
abstract full text> |
1980s> |
1989k> | Is happiness mere contentment? Cognition and affect in the overall evaluation of life Paper presented at the international conference on 'Evaluation and and otions in social cognition', Sopot, Poland, June 1-4, 1989 > |
abstract full text> |
1989j> | Het rendent van de verzorgingsstaat: meer geluk,
beter verdeeld |
full text> |
1989i> | Does happiness bind? |
abstract full text in English full text in Spanish> |
1989h> | Liefde en geluk |
full text> |
1989g> | Psychische kosten van
werkloosheid: zelfwaardering en geluk bij kinderen waarvan de vader werkeloos is |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1989f> | Is happiness relative? |
abstract full text > |
1989e> | The well-being of only children |
abstract text in English text in Spanish> |
1989d> | National Wealth and Individual
Happiness |
abstract full text> |
1989c> | Does happiness induce a rosy outlook? In: R. Veenhoven (ed.) 'How harmful is happiness? Consequences of enjoying life or not' University Press Rotterdam, pp 106-127 With Bruce Heady> |
abstract full text> |
1989b> | Did the crisis really hurt?
Effects of the 1980-82 economic recession on satisfaction, mental health and mortality |
book abstract contents + chapters conclusions> |
1989a> | How harmful is happiness?
Consequences of enjoying life or not |
book abstract contents + chapter abstracts Introduction conclusions> |
1988c> | Kan Nederland Gelukkiger? (redactie) |
contents text introduction> |
1988b> | Welbevinden van kinderen na
echtscheiding: een onderzoek onder adolescenten |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1988a> | The Utility of Happiness |
abstract text in English text in Spanish> |
1987c> | Liefde in vroeger tijden In: R. Veenhoven (red.) "De Liefde Ontleed'', Rotterdam, uitgeverij Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, pp 51-75.> |
full text> |
1987b> | Alleen leven en geluk, verhoogt
onvrede met het bestaan de kansen om alleen te staan? |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1987a> | Cultural Bias in ratings of
perceived life quality |
abstract full text> |
1986d> | Review of Harry Maddox; 'Happiness, lifestyle and Environment, 1982 Social Indicators Research, 18 126-127> |
1986c> | Hoe schadelijk is scheiding? |
full text> |
1986b> | Ouderschap,
motivatie en consequenties |
full text> |
1986a> | Multi-niveau problen in
geluksonderzoek |
full text> |
1985e> | Opgroeien in een
éénouder-gezin |
1985d> | Zijn sommige
leefvormen "slecht" voor kinderen? |
full text> |
1985c> | Over de waarde van geluk |
full text> |
1985b> | Worden we vaker depressief?
Commentaar bij Ormel |
full text> |
1985a> | Gewantrouwd geluk? |
full text> |
1984f> | Levensdoelen en geluk Rapportage aan deelners onderzoek > |
full text> |
1984e> | Hoe relatief is geluk? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Betere Wereld, gelukkiger mensen?', Swets en Zeitlinger, Lisse pp 140-150.> |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1984d> | Zonder partner even gelukkig? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Betere Wereld, gelukkiger mensen?', Swets en Zeitlinger, Lisse pp 44-60> |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1984c> | Betere Wereld, gelukkiger
mensen? (redactie) |
contents> |
1984b> | Databook of Happiness |
abstract contents full text> |
1984a> | Conditions of Happiness |
book abstract |
1983b> | Welvaart en Geluk |
full text> |
1983a> | The growing impact of marriage |
abstract full text > |
1980a> | Psychological differentiation and rise of the modern family Paper presented at 3rd convention of the International Psycho-Historical Association, New York, June 1980 > |
abstract full text> |
1970s> |
1979h> | Beter geen wet dan
deze: Bezwaren tegen het ontwerp van wet Afbreking Zwangerschap 15475 (redactie) |
abstract in Dutch > |
1979f> | De toekomst van het huwelijk |
abstract in Dutch full text> |
1979e> | Goed of slecht? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Vrijwillige kinderloosheid', Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, Rotterdam, pp 139-149> |
full text> |
1979d> | Achtergronden van verandering In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Vrijwillige kinderloosheid', Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, Rotterdam, pp 125-138> (samen met M.L. de Bandt) |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1979c> | Hoe wordt over vrijwillige
kinderloosheid gedacht? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Vrijwillige kinderloosheid', Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, Rotterdam, pp 100-125> |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1979b> | Hoe worden moeders gaakt? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) 'Vrijwillige kinderloosheid', Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, Rotterdam, pp 9-32> Samen met M.L. de Bandt |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1979a> | Vrijwillige
Kinderloosheid (redactie) |
contents> |
1978c> | Liefde in vroeger tijden In: R. Veenhoven (red.) "De Liefde Ontleed'', Rotterdam, uitgeverij Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, pp 51-78> |
full text> |
1978b> | Wat heet liefde? In: R. Veenhoven (red.) "De Liefde Ontleed'', Rotterdam, uitgeverij Kooyker Wetenschappelijk, pp 17-24> |
full text> |
1978a> | De Liefde Ontleed (redactie) |
contents> |
1977f> | School education and psychological wellbeing: The years people spend in school do change the way they feel, but hardly make th feel happier Working paper, Dpt. of sociology, Erasmus university Rotterdam, Decber 1977 With Peter Bakker > |
abstract full text> |
1977e> | Level of education and the promise of happines Working paper, Dpt of Sociology, Erasmus university Rotterdam, Decber 1977 With Peter Bakker |
abstract full text> |
1977d> | Het welzijn van ongewenste kinderen In: Veenhoven, R. & Van der Wolk, E. (red.) 'Kiezen voor kinderen?', Van Gorcum, Amsterdam, pp 119-127> |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1977c> | Zijn kinderen goed voor het huwelijk? In: Veenhoven, R. & Van der Wolk, E. (red.) 'Kiezen voor kinderen?', Van Gorcum, Amsterdam, pp 48-54> |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1977b> | Is er een aangeboren
behoefte aan kinderen? |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1977a> | Kiezen voor
kinderen? |
contents> |
1976b> | Waarheen met het huwelijk? |
full text> |
1976a> | Wenn Abtreibung legalisiert wird |
abstract in English full text> |
1975d> | Is modern marriage more free? Paper prepared for 1st World Congress on Women, Mexico 1975 > |
abstract full text> |
1975c> | Is there an innate need for
children? |
abstract full text> |
1975b> | Vier jaar abortus in
Nederland: Kernproblen liberalisering in stilte opgelost |
1975a> | Nederlanders over
abortus |
abstract in
Dutch abstract in English Full text in Dutch> |
1974c> | Cultuurcrisis maakt oliecrisis
zoet |
full text> |
1974b> | Hulp bij ongewenste
zwangerschap |
full text> |
1974a> | Geestelijke
gezondheid en sociaal milieu. Ongewenste zwangerschap als oorzaak van relatief slechtere
geestelijke gezondheid in gedepriveerde sociale milieus |
abstract in
English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1973c> | Hoe gevaarlijk is
abortus? |
full text> |
1973b> | Medische en
psychologische vereisten voor een goede abortuswet |
abstract in
Dutch abstract in English full text> |
1973a> | Abortus:
achtergronden van het proble, effecten van liberalisering, weerstanden tegen
liberalisering en praktijkproblen |
abstract in
Dutch abstract in English> |
1972g> | Houding van
huisartsen en Gynaecologen t.a.v. abortus en abortuswet |
full text> |
1972f> | Frequentie en
spreiding van abortus |
full text> |
1972e> | Alternatieven voor
abortus |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1972d> | De Mental-Health
controverse in de abortus dicussie |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1972c> | Optimale behandeling
bij abortus |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1972b> | Houdingen t.a.v.
abortus |
abstract full text> |
1972a> | Menselijk Geluk (redactie) |
1971c> | STIMEZO: achtergronden, overwegenen en opzet Startnotitie eerste abortuskliniek in Nederland> |
full text> |
1971b> | Over twee verlanglijstjes |
full text> |
1971a> | Contra en Pro Abortus Intermediar, vol. 7, nr. 1, pp. 1 + 7, nr. 2, pp 47-49, nr. 11, p 51.> |
abstract in
Dutch full text> |
1970a> | Geluk als onderwerp van
wetenschappelijk onderzoek |
abstract in English abstract in Dutch full text> |
1960s> |
1968b> | La famille éducogène: gezin en sociale
aspiraties van kinderen Mens en Maatschappij, vol. 43, nr. 2, pp 158-172.> |
full text> |
1968a> | Abortus in de
politiek |
full text> |
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