Ruut Veenhoven
Published in: European Journal of Social Psychology, 1975, vo1, pp. 495-501
It is commonly assumed that we have an innate need for children, in particular, that women
have a 'mother instinct'. This belief lives in the general public as well as among
scientists. In this paper that theory is criticized on two grounds:
Firstly, it is argued that the theory is implausible. One reason is
that the innate need for sex is biologically sufficient to ensure procreation. Another is
that in humans innate motivational tendencies are typically not specific. Contrary to most
animals we have no 'instincts'. Human motivation is rather geared by broad 'needs'. The
need for social contact can explain procreation behavior equally well.
Secondly it is shown that that the theory does not fit reality. They're
too many voluntary childless people to maintain that the need for children is universal
and there is no indication of adverse consequences. A comparison of Dutch couples with and
without children shows more rather than less wellbeing among the childless. The childless
feel somewhat more happy and healthy, and report slightly less psychosomatic complaints.
This pattern appears among males as well as among females, and is most pronounced in the
age-categories 25 to 45.