Unwanted births as a determinant of the higher mental
morbidity in the lower social strata
Ruut Veenhoven
Published in: 'Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geneeskunde', vol. 52, blz. 26-29, 1974
In addition to existing theory a new explanation of the higher frequency of mental illness
in the lower social classes is proposed. The higher mental morbidity in the lower classes
can be explained by the higher frequency of unwanted births in these social strata:
unwanted children having less chance for a healthy development. In support of this theory
the author reviews available literature to demonstrate that:
the frequency of unwanted birth is in The Netherlands still high enoughto be taken into account explaining the mass phenomenon of mental illness
- the frequency of unwanted pregnancy is higher in the lower classes
- the theoretical mechanisms in the relationship unwanted birth - mental illness are known and amply described in the literature
- the relationship unwanted birth - mental illness is empirically demonstrated
full text in Dutch