Bruce Headey and Ruut Veenhoven
In: Ruut Veenhoven & Aldi Hagenaars (eds)'How harmfull is happiness? Consequences
of enjoying life or not', Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1989, The Netherlands, ISBN 90
257 22809, Chapter 10, pp 106-127
The appreciation of a life-as-a-whole affects evaluative perceptions of various
aspects of life. When people get happier, they become more satisfied with their jobs and
attainments, they see more nice events happen to them and they rise in their own
estimation. This appears in an analysis of the Australian QOL-panel study, involving 4
interviews over a 7 year period. There is no ground to dismiss these effects as rosily
unrealistic, but there are good reasons to consider them beneficial for the individual and
the society.