Zelfwaardering en geluk bij adolescenten waarvan de vader werkeloos is

Maykel Verkuyten and Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Published in Dutch in: Gezin 1989, vol 1, pp 85-99

Happiness and self-esteem among adolescents with an unemployed father
It is generally believed that mass-unemployment involves high social costs, among which an impaired psychological development of children in affected families. This paper assesses psychological well-being in a sample of 2366 secondary schoolpupils in the Netherlands in 1985. Of 244 of these the father was unemployed at that time. Children of an unemployed father report slightly less happiness and self-esteem. These differences persist after control for SES, urbanisation and schooltype. The differences are very small however, and not always significant. The negative differences are most pronounced among girls and al lower educational levels. Among boys and at the highest school level unemployment of the father goes with slightly higher well-being.

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