R. Veenhoven & B. Sondermeyer
Published in Dutch as ''Abortus''. Nisso Literature Study nr. 6, Netherlands Institute for Social-Sexuological Research (NISSO), Zeist, 1973, 358 pages

Our first purpose in this study was to attempt an overview of the effects of liberalisation of legal abortion-policy. Secondly we tried to explain the backgrounds of the abortion-problem. We made an inventarisation of factors leading to unwanted pregnancies and we looked for an answer to the question why so many people are opposed to abortion. The following general conclusions can be formulated. For the specific details we refer to the paragraphs in the book.

Part 1 Effects of the liberalisation of abortion-policy.

Effects of liberation on the frequency of abortion.

Effects of liberalisation on (mental) public health

Effects of liberalisation on the birthrate

Other effects of liberalisation

Problems of transition

Part II. Determinants of unwanted pregnancies

Part III. Constraints against liberalisation of the abortion policy.