Papers & Books by Peter P. Wakker; Appeared/in Press

Papers not to be published

1. Papers in Press

Principi, Giulio , Peter P. Wakker, & Ruodu Wang (2024) “ Anticomonotonicity for Preference Axioms: The Natural Counterpart to Comonotonicity,” Theoretical Economics, forthcoming. Abstract

2. Published Academic Papers & Books

All articles below are the sole copyright of the respective publishers. Materials are provided for educational use only.


Li, Chen & Peter P. Wakker (2024) “ A Simple and General Axiomatization of Average Utility Maximization for Infinite Streams,” Journal of Economic Theory 216, 105795. Abstract


[23.1] Wakker, Peter P. (2023) “The Correct Formula of 1979 Prospect Theory for Multiple Outcomes,” Theory and Decision 94, 183-187. Abstract

[23.2] Wakker, Peter P. (2023) “A Criticism of Bernheim & Sprenger’s (2020) Tests of Rank Dependence,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 107, 101950. Abstract & Online Appendix


[22.1] Wakker, Peter P. (2022) “Transforming Ordinal Riskless Utility into Cardinal Risky Utility: A Comment on Chung, Glimcher, & Tymula (2019),” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 14, 561-565. Abstract


[21.1] Johnson, Cathleen, Aurιlien Baillon, Han Bleichrodt, Zhihua Li, Dennie van Dolder, & Peter P. Wakker (2021) “Prince: An Improved Method For Measuring Incentivized Preferences,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 62, 1-28. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set + stimuli

[21.2] Baillon, Aurιlien, Han Bleichrodt, Chen Li, & Peter P. Wakker (2021) “Belief Hedges: Measuring Ambiguity for All Events and all Models,” Journal of Economic Theory 198, 105353. Abstract

[21.3] Wakker, Peter P. & Jingni Yang (2021) “Concave/Convex Weighting and Utility Functions for Risk: A New Light on Classical Theorems,” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 100, 429-435. Abstract & Online Appendix


[20.1] (Dated 2019 by the journal, but appeared only in the year 2020)
Bleichrodt, Han, Jason N. Doctor, Yu Gao, Chen Li, Daniella Meeker, & Peter P. Wakker (2019) “Resolving Rabin’s Paradox,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 59, 239-260. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set

[20.2] Abdellaoui, Mohammed & Peter P. Wakker (2020) “Savage for Dummies and Experts,” Journal of Economic Theory 186, article nr. 104991. Abstract

[20.3] Doctor, Jason N., Peter P. Wakker, & Tong V. Wang (2020) “Economists’ Views on the Ergodicity Problem,” Nature Physics 16 (IF: 19.25), 1168. Abstract, Online Appendix, & 12-minutes lecture

[20.4] Li, Chen, Uyanga Turmunkh, & Peter P. Wakker (2020) “Social and Strategic Ambiguity versus Betrayal Aversion,” Games and Economic Behavior 123, 272-287. Abstract & Online Appendix

[20.5] Wakker, Peter P. (2020) “A Personal Tribute to David Schmeidler’s Influence,” Revue Economique 71, 387-390. Abstract

[20.6] Wakker, Peter P. (2020) “A One-Line Proof for Complementary Symmetry,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 98, 102406. Abstract


[19.1] Li, Chen, Uyanga Turmunkh, & Peter P. Wakker (2019) “Trust as a Decision under Ambiguity,” Experimental Economics 22, 51-75. Abstract, Online Appendix, data set, & typo

[19.2] Wakker, Peter P. (2019) “Book Review of”: Nicolas Jacquement & Olivier l’Haridon (2019) “Experimental Economics: Method and Applications,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; Cambridge; Oeconomia - History | Methodology | Philosophy 9, 193-197.

[19.3] Wakker, Peter P. & Jingni Yang (2019) “A powerful Tool for Analyzing Concave/Convex Utility and Weighting Functions,” Journal of Eonomic Theory 181, 143-159. Abstract

The paper below is dated 2019 by the journal, but appeared only in the year 2020. It is repeated above, with details, under the number 20.1. I discovered this problem too late to change the numbering.
Bleichrodt, Han, Jason N. Doctor, Yu Gao, Chen Li, Daniella Meeker, & Peter P. Wakker (2019) Resolving Rabin’s Paradox,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 59, 239-260.


[18.1] Baillon, Aurιlien, Zhenxing Huang, Asli Selim, & Peter P. Wakker (2018) “Measuring Ambiguity Attitudes for All (Natural) Events,” Econometrica 86, 1839-1858. Abstract, Online Appendix ("Supplementary Material"), & data set

[18.2] Li, Zhihua, Julia Mόller, Peter P. Wakker, & Tong V. Wang (2018) “The Rich Domain of Ambiguity Explored,” Management Science 64, 3227-3240. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set & stimuli

[18.3] Trautmann, Stefan & Peter P. Wakker (2018) “Making the Anscombe-Aumann Approach to Ambiguity Suitable for Descriptive Applications,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 56, 83-116. Abstract, Online Appendix,& data set


[17.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Martin Filko, Amit Kothiyal, & Peter P. Wakker (2017) “Making Case-Based Decision Theory Directly Observable,” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 9, 123-151. Abstract & data set

[17.2] Li, Zhihua, Kirsten Rohde, & Peter P. Wakker (2017) “Improving One's Choices by Putting Oneself in Others' Shoes-An Experimental Analysis,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 54, 1-13. Abstract & data set


[16.1] Attema, Arthur E., Han Bleichrodt, Yu Gao, Zhenxing Huang, & Peter P. Wakker (2016) “Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility,” American Economic Review 106, 1476-1494.  Abstract, Online Appendix,& data set.
This paper was on the shortlist for the Exeter 2017 prize.

[16.2] Baillon, Aurιlien, Han Bleichrodt, Ning Liu, & Peter P. Wakker (2016) “Group Decision Rules and Group Rationality under Risk,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 52, 99-116.  Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set

[16.3] Bleichrodt, Han, Chen Li, Ivan Moscati, & Peter P. Wakker (2016) “Nash Was a First to Axiomatize Expected Utility,” Theory and Decision 81, 309-312. Abstract

[16.4] Chai, Junyi, Chen Li, Peter P. Wakker, Tong V. Wang, & Jingni Yang (2016) “Reconciling Savage’s and Luce’s Modeling of Uncertainty: The Best of Both Worlds,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 75, 10-18. Abstract

[16.5] Dimmock, Stephen G., Roy Kouwenberg, & Peter P. Wakker (2016) “Ambiguity Attitudes in a Large Representative Sample,” Management Science 62, 1363-1380.  Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set


[15.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Umut Keskin, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, Vitalie Spinu, & Peter P. Wakker (2015) “Discounted Utility and Present Value—A Close Relation,” Operations Research 63, 1420-1430. Abstract

[15.2] Bleichrodt, Han & Peter P. Wakker (2015) “Regret Theory: A Bold Alternative to the Alternatives,” Economic Journal 125, 493-532. Abstract

[15.3] Sales, Cιlia M. D., Peter P. Wakker, Paula C. G. Alves, & Luνs Faνsca (2015) “MF Calculator: A Web-based Application for Analyzing Similarity,” Journal of Statistical Software 65, May 2015, code snippet 2. Abstract


[14.1] de Palma, Andrι, Mohammed Abdellaoui, Giuseppe Attanasi, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Ido Erev, Helga Fehr-Duda, Dennis Fok, Craig R. Fox, Ralph Hertwig, Nathalie Picard, Peter P. Wakker, Joan L. Walker, & Martin Weber (2014) “Beware of Black Swans,” Marketing Letters 25, 269-280. Abstract

[14.2] Kothiyal, Amit, Vitalie Spinu, & Peter P. Wakker (2014) “Average Utility Maximization: A Preference Foundation,” Operations Research 62, 207-218. Abstract

[14.3] Kothiyal, Amit, Vitalie Spinu, & Peter P. Wakker (2014) “An Experimental Test of Prospect Theory for Predicting Choice under Ambiguity,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 48, 1-17. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set

[14.4] Li, Chen, Zhihua Li, & Peter P. Wakker (2014) “If Nudge Cannot Be Applied: A Litmus Test of the Readers’ Stance on Paternalism,” Theory and Decision 76, 297-315. Abstract


[13.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Amit Kothiyal, Drazen Prelec, & Peter P. Wakker (2013) “Compound Invariance Implies Prospect Theory for Simple Prospects,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 57, 68-77. Abstract

[13.2] Bleichrodt, Han, Rogier J.D. Potter van Loon, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, & Peter P. Wakker (2013) “A Criticism of Doyle's Survey of Time Preference: A Correction Regarding the CRDI and CADI Families,” Judgment and Decision Making 8, 630-631. Abstract & Online Appendix.

[13.3] Spinu, Vitalie & Peter P. Wakker (2013) “Expected Utility without Continuity: A Comment on Delbaen, Drapeau, and Kupper (2011),” Journal of Mathematical Economics 49, 28-30. Abstract


[12.1] Attema, Arthur E., Han Bleichrodt, & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “A Direct Method for Measuring Discounting and QALYs more Easily and Reliably,” Medical Decision Making 32, 583-593. Abstract & data set
[12.2] Baillon, Aurιlien, Laure Cabantous, & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “Aggregating Imprecise or Conflicting Beliefs: An Experimental Investigation Using Modern Ambiguity Theories,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 44, 115-147. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set
[12.3] Baillon, Aurιlien, Bram Driesen, & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “Relative Concave Utility for Risk and Ambiguity,” Games and Economic Behavior 75, 481-489. Abstract
[12.4] Baltussen, Guido, Thierry Post, Martijn J. van den Assem, & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “Random Incentive Systems in a Dynamic Choice Experiment,” Experimental Economics 15, 418–443. Abstract & data set


[11.1] Abdellaoui, Mohammed, Aurιlien Baillon, Laetitia Placido, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “The Rich Domain of Uncertainty: Source Functions and Their Experimental Implementation,” American Economic Review 101, 695-723. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set
[11.2] Bleichrodt, Han, Jason N. Doctor, Martin Filko, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “Utility Independence of Multiattribute Utility Theory is Equivalent to Standard Sequence Invariance of Conjoint Measurement,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 55, 451-456. Abstract
[11.3] Kothiyal, Amit, Vitalie Spinu, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “Comonotonic Proper Scoring Rules to Measure Ambiguity and Subjective Beliefs,” Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 17, 101-113. Abstract
[11.4] Kothiyal, Amit, Vitalie Spinu, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “Prospect Theory for Continuous Distributions: A Preference Foundation,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 42, 195-210. Abstract
[11.5] Trautmann, Stefan T., Ferdinand M. Vieider, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “Preference Reversals for Ambiguity Aversion,” Management Science 57, 1320-1333. Abstract & data set
[11.6] van de Kuilen, Gijs, & Peter P. Wakker (2011) “The Midweight Method to Measure Attitudes toward Risk and Ambiguity,” Management Science 57, 582-598. Abstract, Online Appendix, & data set
[11.7] Wakker, Peter P. (2011) “Jaffray's Ideas on Ambiguity,” Theory and Decision 71, 11-22. Abstract


[10.1] Attema, Arthur E., Han Bleichrodt, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, Peter P. Wakker (2010) “Time-Tradeoff Sequences for Analyzing Discounting and Time Inconsistency,” Management Science 56, 2015-2030. Abstract, data set, & typo.
[10.2] Trautmann, Stefan T. & Peter P. Wakker (2010) “Process Fairness and Dynamic Consistency,” Economics Letters 109, 187-189. Abstract

[10.3] Wakker, Peter P. (2010) “Prospect Theory for Risk and Ambiguity.” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. “Abstract & comments.
How to buy.


[09.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, & Peter P. Wakker (2009) “Non-Hyperbolic Time Inconsistency,” Games and Economic Behavior 66, 27-38. Abstract & comment.
[09.2] Offerman, Theo, Joep Sonnemans, Gijs van de Kuilen, & Peter P. Wakker (2009) “A Truth Serum for Non-Bayesians: Correcting Proper Scoring Rules for Risk Attitudes,” Review of Economic Studies 76, 1461-1489. Abstract, background material (data etc.), & comments.
[09.3] Sales, Cιlia M.D. & Peter P. Wakker (2009) “The Metric-Frequency Measure of Similarity for Ill-Structured Data Sets, with an Application to Family Therapy,” British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 62, 663-682. Data, and software for calculating the similarity index.   Abstract


[08.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, & Peter P. Wakker (2008) “Combining Additive Representations on Subsets into an Overall Representation,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 52, 304-310. Abstract & comments
[08.2] Bleichrodt, Han, Kirsten I.M. Rohde, & Peter P. Wakker (2008) “Koopmans' Constant Discounting for Intertemporal Choice: A Simplification and a Generalization,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 52, 341-347. Abstract
[08.3] de Palma, Andrι, Moshe Ben-Akiva, David Brownstone, Charles Holt, Thierry Magnac, Daniel McFadden, Peter Moffatt, Nathalie Picard, Kenneth Train, Peter P. Wakker, & Joan Walker (2008) “Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models,” Marketing Letters 19, 269-285. Abstract
[08.4] Trautmann, Stefan T., Ferdinand M. Vieider, & Peter P. Wakker (2008) “Causes of Ambiguity Aversion: Known versus Unknown Preferences,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 36, 225-243. Abstract & data set
[08.5] Wakker, Peter P. (2008) “Lessons Learned by (from?) an Economist Working in Medical Decision Making,” Medical Decision Making 28, 690-698. Abstract
[08.6] Wakker, Peter P. (2008) “Explaining the Characteristics of the Power (CRRA) Utility Family,” Health Economics 17, 1329-1344. Abstract & comments
[08.7] Wakker, Peter P. (2008) “Uncertainty.” In Lawrence Blume & Steven N. Durlauf (Eds.) The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics 8, 428-439, the MacMillan Press, London. Abstract & comments


[07.1] Abdellaoui, Mohammed, Carolina Barrios, & Peter P. Wakker (2007) “Reconciling Introspective Utility with Revealed Preference: Experimental Arguments Based on Prospect Theory,” Journal of Econometrics 138, 356-378. Abstract, comments, & data set
[07.2] Diecidue, Enrico, Peter P. Wakker, & Marcel Zeelenberg (2007) “Eliciting Decision Weights by Adapting de Finetti's Betting-Odds Method to Prospect Theory,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 34, 179-199. Abstract & data set>
[07.3] Kφbberling, Veronika, Christiane Schwieren, & Peter P. Wakker (2007) “Prospect-Theory's Diminishing Sensitivity versus Economics' Intrinsic Utility of Money: How the Introduction of the Euro Can Be Used to Disentangle the Two Empirically,” Theory and Decision 63, 205-231. Abstract & data set
[07.4] Wakker, Peter P., Danielle R.M. Timmermans, & Irma A. Machielse (2007) “The Effects of Statistical Information on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes, and on Rational Insurance Decisions,” Management Science 53, 1770-1784. Abstract & data set


[06.1] van de Kuilen, Gijs & Peter P. Wakker (2006) “Learning in the Allais Paradox,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 33, 155-164. Abstract & data set


[05.1] Abdellaoui, Mohammed & Peter P. Wakker (2005) “The Likelihood Method for Decision under Uncertainty,” Theory and Decision 58, 3-76. Abstract & comments

[05.2] Köbberling, Veronika & Peter P. Wakker (2005) “An Index of Loss Aversion,” Journal of Economic Theory 122, 119-131. Abstract
Selected as one of the 50 most influential papers published in Journal of Economic Theory. Reprinted in special issue: Karl Shell, Tilman Borgers, & Alessandro Pavan (Eds., 2020) “Articles Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Economic Theory,” May 2020. link
[05.3] Wakker, Peter P. (2005) “Decision-Foundations for Properties of Nonadditive Measures; General State Spaces or General Outcome Spaces,” Games and Economic Behavior 50, 107-125. Abstract & comments


[04.1] Diecidue, Enrico, Ulrich Schmidt, & Peter P. Wakker (2004) “The Utility of Gambling Reconsidered,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 29, 241-259. Abstract & comments
[04.2] Köbberling, Veronika & Peter P. Wakker (2004) “A Simple Tool for Qualitatively Testing, Quantitatively Measuring, and Normatively Justifying Savage's Subjective Expected Utility,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 28, 135-145. Abstract
[04.3] van Osch, Sylvie M.C., Peter P. Wakker, Wilbert B. van den Hout, & Anne M. Stiggelbout (2004) “Correcting Biases in Standard Gamble and Time Tradeoff Utilities,” Medical Decision Making 24, 511-517. Abstract
[04.4] Wakker, Peter P. (2004) “On the Composition of Risk Preference and Belief,” Psychological Review 111, 236-241. Abstract; Role of Amos Tversky.
[04.5] Wakker, Peter P. (2004) “Preference Axiomatizations for Decision under Uncertainty.” In Itzhak Gilboa (Ed.) Uncertainty in Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of David Schmeidler's 65th Birthday, 20-35, Routledge, London. Abstract
[04.6] Wakker, Peter P., Sylvia J.T. Jansen, & Anne M. Stiggelbout (2004) “Anchor Levels as a New Tool for the Theory and Measurement of Multiattribute Utility,” Decision Analysis 1, 217-234. Abstract


[03.1] Wakker, Peter P. (2003) “The Data of Levy and Levy (2002) “Prospect Theory: Much Ado about Nothing?” Actually Support Prospect Theory,” Management Science 49, 979-981. Abstract & comments
[03.2] Köbberling, Veronika & Peter P. Wakker (2003) “Preference Foundations for Nonexpected Utility: A Generalized and Simplified Technique,” Mathematics of Operations Research 28, 395-423. Abstract (and a background paper)


[02.1] Diecidue, Enrico & Peter P. Wakker (2002) “Dutch Books: Avoiding Strategic and Dynamic Complications, and a Comonotonic Extension,” Mathematical Social Sciences 43, 135-149. Abstract
[02.2] Gilboa, Itzhak, David Schmeidler, & Peter P. Wakker (2002) “Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory,” Journal of Economic Theory 105, 483-502. Abstract & comments
[02.3] Wakker, Peter P. & Horst Zank (2002) “A Simple Preference-Foundation of Cumulative Prospect Theory with Power Utility,” European Economic Review 46, 1253-1271. Abstract

[02.4] Wakker, Peter P. (2002) “Decision-Principles to Justify Carnap's Updating Method and to Suggest Corrections of Probability Judgments.” In Adnam Darwiche & Nir Friedman (Eds.) Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference, 544-551, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA. Abstract


[01.1] Bleichrodt, Han, Jose Luis Pinto, & Peter P. Wakker (2001) “Making Descriptive Use of Prospect Theory to Improve the Prescriptive Use of Expected Utility,” Management Science 47, 1498-1514. Abstract, comments, data set, & additional analyses that were alluded to, but not given, in the paper)
[01.2] Wakker, Peter P. (2001) “Testing and Characterizing Properties of Nonadditive Measures through Violations of the Sure-Thing Principle,” Econometrica 69, 1039-1059. Abstract
[01.3] Diecidue, Enrico & Peter P. Wakker (2001) “On the Intuition of Rank-Dependent Utility,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 23, 281-298. Abstract

[01.4] De Waegenaere, Anja & Peter P. Wakker (2001) “Nonmonotonic Choquet Integrals,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 36, 45-60. Abstract
[01.5] Post, Piet N., Anne M. Stiggelbout, & Peter P. Wakker (2001) “The Utility of Health States Following Stroke; a Systematic Review of the Literature,” Stroke 32, 1425-1429. Abstract


[00.1] Jansen, Sylvia J.T., Anne M. Stiggelbout, Peter P. Wakker, Marianne A. Nooij, E.M. Noordijk, & Job Kievit (2000) “Unstable Preferences: A Shift in Valuation or an Effect of the Elicitation Procedure?,” Medical Decision Making 20, 62-71. Abstract
Awards: Poster-1999 award of ISOQOL, Dutch MTA publication award of 2001, and INFORMS Decision-Analysis Society Publication Award of 2002.
[00.2] Wakker, Peter P. (2000) “Dempster Belief Functions Are Based on the Principle of Complete Ignorance,” International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 8, 271-284. Abstract
[00.3] Sarin, Rakesh H. & Peter P. Wakker (2000) “Cumulative Dominance and Probabilistic Sophistication,” Mathematical Social Sciences 40, 191-196. Abstract
[00.4] Wakker, Peter P. (2000) “Uncertainty Aversion: A Discussion of Critical Issues in Health Economics,” Health Economics 9, 261-263.
[00.5] Wakker, Peter P. (2000) “Luce's Paradigm for Decision under Uncertainty.” Book Review of: R. Duncan Luce (2000) “Utility of Gains and Losses: Measurement-Theoretical and Experimental Approaches,” Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, London; Journal of Mathematical Psychology 44, 488-493.
[00.6] Wakker, Peter P. (2000) Book Review of: Barberà, Salvador, Peter J. Hammond, & Christian Seidl (1998) “Handbook of Utility Theory, Vol. 1, Principles,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; Journal of Economic Literature 38, 638-639.


[99.1] Wakker, Peter P. & Horst Zank (1999) “State Dependent Expected Utility for Savage's State Space,” Mathematics of Operations Research 24, 8-34. Abstract
[99.2] Wakker, Peter P. & Horst Zank (1999) “A Unified Derivation of Classical Subjective Expected Utility Models through Cardinal Utility,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 32, 1-19. Abstract
[99.3] Chateauneuf, Alain & Peter P. Wakker (1999) “An Axiomatization of Cumulative Prospect Theory for Decision under Risk,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 18, 137-145. Abstract


[98.1] Jansen, Sylvia J.T., Anne M. Stiggelbout, Peter P. Wakker, Thea P.M. Vliet Vlieland, Jan-Willem H. Leer, Marianne A. Nooy, & Job Kievit (1998) “Patient Utilities for Cancer Treatments: A Study of the Chained Procedure for the Standard Gamble and Time TradeOff,” Medical Decision Making 18, 391-399. Abstract
[98.2] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1998) “Revealed Likelihood and Knightian Uncertainty,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16, 223-250. Abstract
[98.3] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1998) “Dynamic Choice and Nonexpected Utility,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 17, 87-119. Abstract

[98.4] Miyamoto, John M., Peter P. Wakker, Han Bleichrodt, & Hans J.M. Peters (1998) “The Zero-Condition: A Simplifying Assumption in QALY Measurement and Multiattribute Utility,” Management Science 44, 839-849. Abstract
[98.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1998) “Non-EU and Insurance.” Book Review of: Christian Gollier & Mark J. Machina (Eds., 1995) “Non-Expected Utility and Risk Management,” Kluwer Academic Publishers; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 11, 151-160. Abstract


[97.1] Kahneman, Daniel, Peter P. Wakker, & Rakesh K. Sarin (1997) “Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 112, 375-405. Abstract
[97.2] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1997) “A Single-Stage Approach to Anscombe and Aumann's Expected Utility,” Review of Economic Studies 64, 399-409. Abstract & comments
[97.3] Fennema, Hein & Peter P. Wakker (1997) “Original and Cumulative Prospect Theory: A Discussion of Empirical Differences,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 10, 53-64. Abstract
[97.4] Bleichrodt, Han, Peter P. Wakker, & Magnus Johannesson (1997) “Characterizing QALYs by Risk Neutrality,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 15, 107-114. Abstract
[97.5] Stalmeier, Peep F.M., Peter P. Wakker, & Thom G.G. Bezembinder (1997) “Preference Reversals: Violations of Unidimensional Procedure Invariance,” Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance 23, 1196-1205. Abstract & data set
[97.6] Wakker, Peter P., Richard H. Thaler, & Amos Tversky (1997) “Probabilistic Insurance,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 15, 7-28. Abstract


[96.1] Wakker, Peter P. & Daniel Deneffe (1996) “Eliciting von Neumann-Morgenstern Utilities when Probabilities Are Distorted or Unknown,” Management Science 42, 1131-1150. Abstract, data set, & typos
[96.2] Chew, Soo Hong & Peter P. Wakker (1996) “The Comonotonic Sure-Thing Principle,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 12, 5-27. Abstract
[96.3] Miyamoto, John & Peter P. Wakker (1996) “Multiattribute Utility Theory without Expected Utility Foundations,” Operations Research 44, 313-326. Abstract & comments
[96.4] Peters, Hans J.M. & Peter P. Wakker (1996) “Cycle-Preserving Extension of Demand Functions to New Commodities,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 25, 281-290. Abstract
[96.5] Fennema, Hein & Peter P. Wakker (1996) “A Test of Rank-Dependent Utility in the Context of Ambiguity,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 13, 19-35. Abstract & data set
[96.6] Wakker, Peter P. (1996) “A Criticism of Healthy-Years Equivalents,” Medical Decision Making 16, 207-214. Abstract Rejoinder
[96.7] Deneffe, Daniel & Peter P. Wakker (1996) “Mergers, Strategic Investments and Antitrust Policy,” Managerial and Decision Economics 17, 231-240. Abstract
[96.8] Wakker, Peter P. (1996) “The Sure-Thing Principle and the Comonotonic Sure-Thing Principle: An Axiomatic Analysis,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 25, 213-227. Abstract
[96.9] Wakker, Peter P. (1996) “Time Preference.” Book Review of: George F. Loewenstein & John Elster (1992) “Choice over Time,” Russell Sage Foundation, New York; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 9, 297-303.
[96.10] Wakker, Peter P. (1996) Book Review of: Patrick Rivett (1994) “The Craft of Decision Modelling,” Wiley, New York; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 9, 150-151.


[95.1] Fishburn, Peter C. & Peter P. Wakker (1995) “The Invention of the Independence Condition for Preferences,” Management Science 41, 1130-1144. Abstract & comments
[95.2] Maas, Arne, Thom G.G. Bezembinder & Peter P. Wakker (1995) “On Solving Intransitivities in Repeated Pairwise Choices,” Mathematical Social Sciences 29, 83-101. Abstract
[95.3] Wakker, Peter P. & Anne M. Stiggelbout (1995) “Explaining Distortions in Utility Elicitation through the Rank-Dependent Model for Risky Choices,” Medical Decision Making 15, 180-186. Abstract
[95.4] Wakker, Peter P. & Marc P. Klaassen (1995) “Confidence Intervals for Cost/Effectiveness Ratios,” Health Economics 4, 373-381. Abstract
[95.5] Tversky, Amos & Peter P. Wakker (1995) “Risk Attitudes and Decision Weights,” Econometrica 63, 1255-1280. Abstract & comment
[95.6] Timmermans, Danielle R.M., Peter Politser, & Peter P. Wakker (1995) “Aggregation, Rationality, and Risk Communication: Three Current Debates in Medical Decision Making.” In Jean-Paul Caverni, Maya Bar-Hillel, Francis Hutton Barron, & Helmut Jungermann (Eds.) Contributions to Decision Making -I, 111-117, Elseviers Science, Amsterdam.


[94.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1994) “Separating Marginal Utility and Probabilistic Risk Aversion,” Theory and Decision 36, 1-44. Abstract
[94.2] Wakker, Peter P., Ido Erev, & Elke U. Weber (1994) “Comonotonic Independence: The Critical Test between Classical and Rank-Dependent Utility Theories,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 9, 195-230. Abstract & data set
[94.3] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “Folding Back in Decision Tree Analysis,” Management Science 40, 625-628. Abstract
[94.4] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “A General Result for Quantifying Beliefs,” Econometrica 62, 683-685. Abstract & extended version
[94.5] Peters, Hans J.M. & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “WARP Does not Imply SARP for More Than Two Commodities,” Journal of Economic Theory 62, 152-160. Abstract
[94.6] Maas, Arne & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “Additive Conjoint Measurement for Multiattribute Utility,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 86-101. Abstract
[94.7] Quiggin, John & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “The Axiomatic Basis of Anticipated Utility; A Clarification,” Journal of Economic Theory 64, 486-499. Abstract
[94.8] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “Gains and Losses in Nonadditive Expected Utility,” In Mark J. Machina & Bertrand R. Munier (Eds.) Models and Experiments on Risk and Rationality, 157-172, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Abstract
[94.9] Fennema, Hein & Peter P. Wakker (1994) “An Explanation and Characterization for the Buying of Lotteries.” In Sixto Rios (Ed.) Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges, 163-175, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Abstract
[94.10] Wakker, Peter P. (1994) “Expected versus Nonexpected Utility: The State of the Art.” Book Review of: Ward Edwards (ed., 1992) “Utility measurements and Applications,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 521-524.
[94.11] Wakker, Peter P. (1994) “Quiggin's Rank-Dependent Model.” Book Review of: John Quiggin (1993) “Generalized Expected Utility Theory: The Rank-Dependent Model,” Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht; Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 525-526.


[93.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1993) “Additive Representations on Rank-Ordered Sets II. The Topological Approach,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 22, 1-26. Abstract
[93.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1993) “Counterexamples to Segal's Measure Representation Theorem,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 6, 91-98. Abstract
[93.3] Chew, Soo Hong, Larry G. Epstein, & Peter P. Wakker (1993) “A Unifying Approach to Axiomatic Non-Expected Utility Theories: Correction and Comment,” Journal of Economic Theory 59, 183-188. Abstract
[93.4] Wakker, Peter P. (1993) “Clarification of some Mathematical Misunderstandings about Savage's Foundations of Statistics, 1954,” Mathematical Social Sciences 25, 199-202. Abstract
[93.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1993) “Unbounded Utility for Savage's “Foundations of Statistics,” and other Models,” Mathematics of Operations Research 18, 446-485. Abstract
[93.6] Wakker, Peter P. (1993) “Savage's Axioms Usually Imply Violation of Strict Stochastic Dominance,” Review of Economic Studies 60, 487-493. Abstract & comment
[93.7] Wakker, Peter P. & Amos Tversky (1993) “An Axiomatization of Cumulative Prospect Theory,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 7, 147-176. Abstract & typos
[93.8] Chateauneuf, Alain & Peter P. Wakker (1993) “From Local to Global Additive Representation,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 22, 523-545. Abstract
[93.9] Jaffray, Jean-Yves & Peter P. Wakker (1993) “Decision Making with Belief Functions: Compatibility and Incompatibility with the Sure-Thing Principle,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 7, 255-271. Abstract


[92.1] Sarin, Rakesh K. & Peter P. Wakker (1992) “A Simple Axiomatization of Nonadditive Expected Utility,” Econometrica 60, 1255-1272. Abstract & typos
[92.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1992) “Characterizing Stochastically Monotone Functions by Multi-Attribute Utility Theory,” Economic Theory 2, 565-566. Abstract


[91.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1991) “Additive Representation for Equally Spaced Structures,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 35, 260-266. Abstract

[91.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1991) “Continuity of Transformations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 162, 1-6. Abstract

[91.3] Wakker, Peter P. (1991) “Additive Representations on Rank-Ordered Sets. I. The Algebraic Approach,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 35, 501-531. Abstract
[91.4] Peters, Hans J.M. & Peter P. Wakker (1991) “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Revealed Group Preferences,” Econometrica 59, 1787-1801. Reprinted in William Thomson (2010, ed.) “Bargaining and the Theory of Cooperative Games: John Nash and Beyond,” Ch. 4, Edward Elgar Publisher, Northampton, MA. Abstract
[91.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1991) “Additive Representations of Preferences, A New Foundation of Decision Analysis; The Algebraic Approach.” In Jean-Paul Doignon & Jean-Claude Falmagne (Eds.) Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments, 71-87, Springer, Berlin. Abstract


[90.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1990) “A Behavioral Foundation for Fuzzy Measures,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems 37, 327-350. Abstract

[90.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1990) “Characterizing Optimism and Pessimism Directly through Comonotonicity,” Journal of Economic Theory 52, 453-463. Abstract
[90.3] Wakker, Peter P. (1990) “Under Stochastic Dominance Choquet-Expected Utility and Anticipated Utility are Identical,” Theory and Decision 29, 119-132. Abstract
[90.4] Bezembinder, Thom G.G. & Peter P. Wakker (1990) Review of Chapter 2.10 of Richard C. Atkinson, R.J. Hernnstein, Gardner E. Lindzey, & R. Duncan Luce (1988, Eds.), “Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology” (Wiley, New York), Acta Psychologica 75, 193-194.
[90.5] Peters, Hans J.M. & Peter P. Wakker (1990) “ “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Revealed Group Preferences” (Extended abstract). In Tatsuro Ichiishi, Abraham Neyman, & Yair Tauman (Eds.) Game Theory and Applications, 404-406, Academic Press, New York. Abstract
[90.6] Schmeidler, David & Peter P. Wakker (1990) “Expected Utility and Mathematical Expectation.” In John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, & Peter Newman (Eds.) Utility and Probability. The New Palgrave, 70-78, the MacMillan Press, London.  (Reprint of paper 87.3)   Abstract


[89.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1989) “Continuous Subjective Expected Utility with Nonadditive Probabilities,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 18, 1-27. Abstract
[89.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1989) “A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Revealed Preference,” Methodology and Science 22, 53-66. Abstract
[89.3] Wakker, Peter P. (1989) “Subjective Expected Utility with Non-Increasing Risk Aversion,” Annals of Operations Research 19, 219-228. Abstract
[89.4] Wakker, Peter P. (1989) “Transforming Probabilities without Violating Stochastic Dominance.” In Edward E.Ch.I. Roskam (Ed.) Mathematical Psychology in Progress, 29-47, Springer, Berlin. Abstract
[89.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1989) “Additive Representations of Preferences, A New Foundation of Decision Analysis.” Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Abstract & comments
Pdf file(s) of the book (if you have legal access to Springer)


[88.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1988) “Nonexpected Utility as Aversion of Information,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 1, 169-175.
(Discussion in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2, 1989, 197-202.) Abstract
[88.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1988) “Continuity of Preference Relations for Separable Topologies,” International Economic Review 29, 105-110. Abstract
[88.3] Wakker, Peter P. (1988) “The Algebraic versus the Topological Approach to Additive Representations,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 32, 421-435. Abstract & typos
[88.4] Wakker, Peter P. (1988) “Derived Strength of Preference Relations on Coordinates,” Economics Letters 28, 301-306. Abstract
[88.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1988) “Characterizations of Quasilinear Representing Functions, and Specified Forms of These.” In Wolfgang Eichhorn (Ed.) Measurement in Economics (Theory and Applications of Economic Indices), 311-326, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. Abstract


[87.1] Peters, Hans J.M. & Peter P. Wakker (1987) “Convex Functions on Non-Convex Domains,” Economics Letters 22, 251-255. Abstract
[87.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1987) “Subjective Probabilities for State-Dependent Continuous Utility,” Mathematical Social Sciences 14, 289-298. Abstract
[87.3] Schmeidler, David & Peter P. Wakker (1987) “Expected Utility and Mathematical Expectation.” In John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, & Peter Newman (Eds.) The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 229-232, the MacMillan Press, London.   1990 reprint of same text with repagination and nicer layout;   Abstract
[87.4] Wakker, Peter P. (1987) “From Decision Making under Uncertainty to Game Theory.” In Hans J.M. Peters & Koos J. Vrieze (Eds.) Surveys of Game Theory and Related Topics, 163-180, CWI Tract 39, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam. Abstract


[86.1] Wakker, Peter P., Hans J.M. Peters, & Tom B.P.L. van Riel (1986) “Comparisons of Risk Aversion, with an Application to Bargaining,” Methods of Operations Research 54, 307-320. Abstract
[86.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1986) “The Repetitions Approach to Characterize Cardinal Utility,” Theory and Decision 20, 33-40. Abstract
[86.3] Wakker, Peter P. (1986) “Concave Additively Decomposable Representing Functions and Risk Aversion.” In Luciano Daboni, Aldo Montesano, & Marji Lines (Eds.) Recent Developments in the Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory, 249-262, Reidel, Dordrecht. Abstract
[86.4] Wakker, Peter P. (1986) “Review of Dennis V. Lindley (1985) “Making Decisions.” Wiley, New York, Kwantitatieve Methoden 20, 144-145.
[86.5] Wakker, Peter P. (1986) “Representations of Choice Situations.” Ph.D. thesis, Tilburg Univeraity, the Netherlands.


[85.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1985) “Continuous Expected Utility for Arbitrary State Spaces,” Methods of Operations Research 50, 113-129. Abstract
[85.2] Wakker, Peter P. (1985) “Extending Monotone and Non-Expansive Mappings by Optimization,” Cahiers du C.E.R.O. 27, 141-149. Abstract


[84.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1984) “Cardinal Coordinate Independence for Expected Utility,” Journal of Mathematical Psychology 28, 110-117. Abstract


[83.1] Koster, Rene de, Hans J.M. Peters, Stef H. Tijs, & Peter P. Wakker (1983) “Risk Sensitivity, Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Continuity of Bargaining Solutions,” Mathematical Social Sciences 4, 295-300. Abstract




[81.1] Wakker, Peter P. (1981) “Agreeing Probability Measures for Comparative Probability Structures,” Annals of Statistics 9, 658-662. Abstract

3. Non-Academic Papers


[19.4] Wakker, Peter P. (2019) “Rational vs. Irrational,” New in Chess 2019.1, 10.
(New in Chess is the leading journal in chess, with subscribers in 116 countries.)


[17.3] Heilmann, Conrad & Peter P. Wakker (2017) “Interview,” The Reasoner 11, 26-29.

[17.4] In Dutch:
Awwad, Tamara, Sandra de Jong, & Peter P. Wakker (2017) “De Zin en Onzin van Reisverzekeringen,” NU.NL 19 May 2017, Sanomia Media.
(NU.NL is a Dutch newswebsite ( It opened 1999 and then was the first Dutch website with continuously updated news.)

[17.5] In Dutch:
Bruinsma, Gea & Peter P. Wakker (2017) “Ook naar het Strand Neem Ik Werk mee,” Algemeen Dagblad 8 August 2017, Beurs 17.
(Algemeen Dagblad is a daily newspaper, with 300,000 copies per day, and is the 2nd largest newspaper in the Netherlands.)


[14.5] In Dutch:
de Raat, Friederike, Erik Hordijk, & Peter P. Wakker (2014) “Laat het Los, Al Die Verzekeringen,” NRC Handelsblads 8 February 2014, E18-E19.
(NRC Handelsblad is a daily newspaper, with 200,000 copies per day, and is the 4th largest newspaper in the Netherlands.)

[14.6] In Dutch:
Wakker Peter P. (2014) “Verliesangst,”
NRC Handelsblads (Delta Lloyd Magazine) 27 June, p. 9.
(NRC Handelsblad is a daily newspaper, with 200,000 copies per day, and is the 4th largest newspaper in the Netherlands.)

[14.7] In Dutch:
Vrieselaar, Nic, Ralph Koijen, & Peter P. Wakker (2014) “Sparen voor de Dood,” Elsevier 70 (47), p. 73.
(Elsevier is a weekly magazine with 100,000 subscriptions.)


[13.4] In Dutch:
Stallinga, Rob & Peter P. Wakker (2013) “Wie nooit wil verliezen, mist veel kansen,” Safe 2013#02, p. 26.
(Safe is a journal for clients of Robeco investment Engineers and the Rabobank.)

[13.5] In Dutch:
Wijers, Suzanne, Guus de Jonge, & Peter P. Wakker (2013) “Effectieve Dekking zonder Oververzekering,” Spits 11 June 2013, Personal Finance p. 6.
(Spits is a free daily newspaper, with 500,000 copies per day distributed over the Netherlands, estimated to have 2,000,000 readers per day.)


[12.5] In Dutch:
Brinks, Mirjam & Wakker, Peter P. (2012) “Risico is geen Nederlands Woord,” Interview in Het Parool 09 Aug. 2012.
(National Dutch newspaper)

[12.6] In Dutch:
Wester, Jeroen & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “Heffen op Nationale Hobby: Verzekeren,” Interview in NRC Handelsblad 04 Oct 2012.
(National Dutch newspaper)

[12.7] In Dutch:
Boere, Raymond & Peter P. Wakker (2012) “Honderd Euro Polisgeld Is Snel Terugverdiend,” Interview in Algemeen Dagblad 04 Oct 2012.
(National Dutch newspaper)


[09.4] In Dutch:
Boogaards, Erik & Peter P. Wakker (2009) “Doe de Polis-Check (en Bespaar Geld),” Interview in Plus Magazine 20 no 11, 28-29.


[08.8] In Dutch:
Paul Steenhoff & Peter P. Wakker, Peter P. (2008) “Verliesangst is Drijfveer voor Afsluiten Verzekeren,” Interview in Postbank NL 10 no. 1, 27-29.
(Popular magazine of the Dutch national bank called “Postbank,” with 1.3 million readers.)

[08.9] In Dutch:
Bremmer, David & Peter P. Wakker, Peter P. (2008) “Verzeker vooral niet Alles,” Interview in Algemeen Dagblad, Thema, 26 September 2008, p. 23.
(Algemeen Dagblad is a daily newspaper in the Netherlands, with 110,000 copies per day.)


[95.7] In Dutch:
Wakker, Peter P. (1995) “Keuze-theorie: Die Verdraaide Preferenties!,” Economisch Statistische Berichten 80/4000, 231.

Last updated: 8 Dec. 2024

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