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Stefan Stremersch

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Book Chapters



Personal Data

Full name: Stefan Stremersch
Titles: Prof.dr.
Affiliation: Department of Business Economics, School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Address: P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Room: E02-04
Phone: (+31) 10 - 408.87.19
Fax: (+31) 10 - 408.91.69
Curriculum Vitae: My complete VITAE can be downloaded here.

Ph.D., Tilburg University, The Netherlands (cum laude)
Lic. Applied Economics, University of Gent, Belgium (magna cum laude).

Research Interests:


Pharmaceutical Marketing.
Marketing of High Technology.
New Product Growth Forecasting. Marketing Response Models.
Marketing Strategy.
Teaching Interests:

Technology Marketing.
Marketing Strategy.
Marketing of Life Sciences.
New Product Models.
International Marketing.

Taught at all levels:
Bachelor and Master in Economics,
Bachelor in Business, MBA, EMBA,
Global MBA, open programs (PLD, PMD), custom programs, PhD, in-company programs.


“The Rise of the Subscription Model in the Video Game Console Industry: Unveiling the Commercial Consequences for Platform Owners and Video Game Sellers,” with Michiel van Crombrugge, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2025, forthcoming. (pdf download here)

“Engagement in Platform Markets: A (Video) Game Changer?,” with Michiel van Crombrugge, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2025, forthcoming. (pdf download here)

“Customer Insights for Innovation: A Framework and Research Agenda for Marketing,” with Elke Cabooter, Ivan A. Guitart and Nuno Camacho, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2025, forthcoming. (pdf download here)

“Branded response to generic entry: Detailing beyond the patent cliff,” with Vijay G. Hariharan and Vardit Landsman, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2024, 41(3), 567-588. (pdf download here)

“How can academics generate great research ideas? Inspiration from ideation practice,”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2024, 41(1), 1-17. (pdf download here)

“The Value of Context-Specific Studies for Marketing,” with Jorge Gonzalez, Albert Valenti, and Julian Villanueva, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2023, 51(1), 50-65. (pdf download here)

“The Rise of New Technologies in Marketing: A Framework and Outlook,” with Donna Hoffman, Page Moreau and Michel Wedel, Journal of Marketing, 2022, 86(1), 1-6. (pdf download here)
Special issue editorial

“Financial Projections in Innovation Selection: The Role of Scenario Presentation, Expertise, and Risk,” with Vardan Avagyan, Nuno Camacho, and Wim Van der Stede, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2022, 39(3), 907-926. (pdf download here)
Featured in LSE Business Review [link].

“Grassroots Innovation Success: The Role of Self-Determination and Leadership Style,” with Nuno Camacho, Elio Keko, and Stefan Wuyts, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2022, 39(2), 396-414. (pdf download here)
Featured in UpNext Podcast [link].

“Faculty Research Incentives and Business School Health: A New Perspective from and for Marketing,” with Russ Winer and Nuno Camacho, "lead article", Journal of Marketing, 2021, 85(5). (pdf download here)
Featured in special webinar of the editors and in numerous media outlets such as Yahoo!Finance, Poets & Quants, AACSB Insights, EurekaAlert (run by the AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences), etc (see details in

“The Impact of Informational and Emotional Television Ad Content on Online Search and Sales,” with Ivan Guitart, Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 58(2), 299-320. (pdf download here)

“The Study of Important Marketing Issues: Reflections,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2021, 38(1), 12-17. (pdf download here)

“The Commercial Consequences of Collective Layoffs: Close the Plant, Lose the Brand?,” with Vardit Landsman, Journal of Marketing, 2020, 84(3), 122-141. (pdf download here)

“Gear Manufacturers as Contestants in Sport Competitions: Breeding and Branding Returns”, with Yvonne van Everdingen and Vijay G. Hariharan, Journal of Marketing, , 2019, 83(3), 124-144. (pdf download here)

“Tournaments to Crowdsource Innovation: The Role of Moderator Feedback and Participation Intensity,” with Nuno Camacho, Hyoryung Nam, and P.K. Kannan, Journal of Marketing, 2019, 83(2), 138-157. (pdf download here)

“Advertising non-premium products as if they were premium: The impact of advertising up on advertising elasticity and brand equity,”(with Ivan Guitart and Jorge Gonzalez), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2018, 35(3), 471-489. (pdf download here)

“Predicting the consequences of marketing policy changes: A new data enrichment method with competitive reactions,” (with Eelco Kappe and Sriram Venkataraman), Journal of Marketing Research, 2017, 54(5) 720–736. (pdf download here).


“Drug Detailing and Doctors’ Prescription Decisions: The Role of Information Content in the Face of Competitive Entry”, (with Eelco Kappe), Marketing Science, 2016, 35(6), 915-933 (pdf download here)


“Introduction to the IJRM Special Issue on Marketing and Innovation, (with Gui Liberali, Eitan Muller and Ronald T. Rust), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015, 32(3), 235-237. (pdf download here)


“Unraveling Scientific Impact: Citation Types in Marketing Journals”, (with Nuno Camacho, Sofie Vanneste and Isabel Verniers), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015, 32(1), 64-77. (pdf download here)


The Effect of Customer Empowerment on Adherence to Expert Advice”, (with Nuno Camacho and Martijn De Jong), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2014, 31(3), 293-308. (pdf download here)


Variable Selection in International Diffusion Models”, (with Sarah Gelper), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2014, 31(4), 356-367. (pdf download here)


“The Commercial Contribution of Clinical Studies for Pharmaceutical Drugs”, (with Ashish Sood and Eelco Kappe), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2014, 31(1), 65-77. (pdf download here)


From academic research to marketing practice: Some further thoughts”, (with John Roberts and Ujwal Kayande), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2014, 31(2), 144-146. (pdf download here)


“From Academic Research to Marketing Practice: Exploring the Marketing Science Value Chain”, (with John Roberts and Ujwal Kayande), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2014, 31 (2), 127-140. (pdf download here)

Winner of 2015 ERIM Top Article Award.

Winner of 2014 Best Paper Award.


Donald R. Lehmann

Russell S. Winer


John H. Roberts, Ujwal Kayande, and Stefan Stremersch.


“The Relationship between DTCA, Drug Requests and Prescriptions: Uncovering Variation in Specialty and Space”, (with Vardit Landsman & Sriram Venkataraman), Marketing Science, 2013, 32 (1), 89-110. (pdf download here)


“Analysis of Sensitive Questions Across Cultures: An Application of Multigroup Item Randomized Response Theory to Sexual Attitudes and Behavior”, (with Martijn de Jong & Rik Pieters), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012, 103 (3), 543-564. (pdf download here)


“Dynamics in International Market Segmentation of New Product Growth”, (with Aurélie Lemmens & Christophe Croux), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2012, 29 (1), 81-92. (pdf download here)

Winner IJRM Best Paper Award 2012.


“Multi-Homing in Two-Sided Markets: An Empirical Inquiry in the Video Game Console Industry”, (with Vardit Landsman), Journal of Marketing, 2011, 75 (November), 39-52. (pdf download here)


“The Global Entry of New Pharmaceuticals: A Joint Investigation of Launch Window and Price”, (with Isabel Verniers & Christophe Croux), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2011, 28 (4), 295-308. (pdf download here)


“Predictably Non-Bayesian: Quantifying Salience Effects in Physician Learning About Drug Quality”, (with Nuno Camacho & Bas Donkers), Marketing Science, 30 (2), 2011, 305-320. (pdf download here)

Dissertation-based paper of Nuno Camacho.


“Does New Product Growth Accelerate Across Technology Generations?”, (with Eitan Muller & Renana Peres), Marketing Letters, 21 (2), 2010, 103-120. (pdf download here)


“Editorial Marketing competition in the 21st century”, (with Oliver Heil and Don Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, 2010, 161–163. (pdf download here)


“The Evolving Social Network of Marketing Scholars”, (with Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai, and Eitan Muller), Marketing Science, 29 (3), 2010, 561–567. (pdf download here)


“Preface to The chilling effects of network externalities”, (with Donald R. Lehmann and Marnik G. Dekimpe), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27 (1), 2010, 1-3. (pdf download here)


“From the (Past) Editors”, (with Donald R. Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (4), 2009, 257-258. (pdf download here)


“Preface to a Debate”, (with Donald R. Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (2), 2009, 153. (pdf download here)


“Marketing of the Life Sciences: A New Framework and Research Agenda for a Nascent Field”, (with Walter Van Dyck), "lead article" "article featured on JM blog", Journal of Marketing, 73 (4), 2009, 4-30. (pdf download here)


“Modeling Global Spill-Over in New Product Takeoff”, (with Yvonne Van Everdingen and Dennis Fok), Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (5), 2009, 637-652. (pdf download here)

Winner ERIM Top Article Award 2010.


“The Effect of Superstar Software on Hardware Sales in System Markets”, (with Jeroen L.G. Binken), Journal of Marketing, 73 (2), 2009, 88-104. (pdf download here)


“Sales Growth of New Pharmaceuticals Across the Globe: The Role of Regulatory Regimes”, (with Aurélie Lemmens), Marketing Science, 28 (4), 2009, 690-708. (pdf download here)


“Health and Marketing: The Emergence of a New Field of Research”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (4), 2008, 229-233. (pdf download here)


“25 Years of IJRM: Reflections on the Past and the Future”, (with Donald R. Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (3), 2008, 143-148. (pdf download here)


“Editorial”, (with Don Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24 (4), 2007, 277. (pdf download here)


“The Debate on Influencing Doctors’ Decisions: Are Drug Characteristics the Missing Link?”, (with Sriram Venkataraman), Management Science, 53 (11), 2007, 1688-1701. (pdf download here)


“The Quest for Citations: Drivers of Article Impact”, (with Isabel Verniers and Peter C. Verhoef), Journal of Marketing, 71 (3), 2007, 171-193. (pdf download here)


“Indirect Network Effects in New Product Growth”, (with Gerard Tellis, Philip Hans Franses and Jeroen L.G. Binken), Journal of Marketing, Chicago: 71 (3), 2007, 52-74. (pdf download here)


“Editorial”, (with Don Lehmann), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24 (1), 2007, 1-2. (pdf download here)


“Customizing Complex Products: When Should the Vendor Take Control?”, (with Mrinal Ghosh and Shantanu Dutta), Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (November), 2006, 664-679. (pdf download here)


“Globalization of Authorship in the Marketing Discipline: Evolution, Country Productivity and Consequences”, (with Peter C. Verhoef), Marketing Science, 24 (4), 2005, 585-594. (pdf download here)


“Marketing Mass Customized Products: Striking the Balance between Utility and Complexity”, (with Benedict G.C. Dellaert), Journal of Marketing Research, 42 (May), 2005, 219-227. (pdf download here)


“Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products”, (with Gerard J. Tellis), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21 (4), 2004, 421-438. Winner of the MSI&IJRM Research Competition on Global Marketing 2003. (pdf download here)

Finalist AMA TechSIG Best Paper Award 2005.


“Vertical Marketing Systems for Complex Products: A Triadic Perspective”, (with Stefan Wuyts, Christophe Van den Bulte and Philip Hans Franses), Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (November), 2004, 479-487. (pdf download here)


“Social Contagion and Income Heterogeneity in New Product Diffusion: A Meta-Analytic Test”, (with Christophe Van den Bulte), Marketing Science, 23 (4), 2004, 530-544. (pdf download here)

Winner ERIM Top Article Award 2005.


“Portfolios of Interfirm Agreements in Technology-Intensive Markets: Consequences for Innovation and Profitability”, (with Stefan Wuyts and Shantanu Dutta), Journal of Marketing, 68 (2), 2004, 88-100. (pdf download here)


“Buying Modular Systems in Technology-Intensive Markets”, (with Allen M. Weiss, Benedict G.C. Dellaert and Ruud T. Frambach), Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (3), 2003, 335-350. (pdf download here)

Finalist AMA TechSig Best Paper Award 2004.


“The International Takeoff of New Products: The Role of Economics, Culture, and Country Innovativeness”, (with Gerard J. Tellis and Eden Yin), Marketing Science, 22 (2), 2003, 188-208. (pdf download here)

Discussed in numerous newspapers, journals and newswires nationally and abroad – such as The Economist, Sloan Management Review, Het Financieel Dagblad, De Financieel Economische Tijd.

Winner ERIM Impact Award 2004.

Winner Global Marketing Award, American Marketing Association, 2006.

Most Highly Cited Paper Published in Marketing Science in the 2003 volume (2005, 2006).

Marketing Science Long Term Impact Award Finalist, 2009 & 2010.


“Strategic Bundling of Products and Prices: A New Synthesis For Marketing”, (with Gerard J. Tellis), Journal of Marketing, 66 (January), 2002, 55-72. (pdf download here)

Winner of the 2002 Harold H. Maynard Best Paper Award.

Top-3 of most readable articles (Sawyer, Laran and Xu, Journal of Marketing, January 2008)


“The Purchasing of Full-Service Contracts: An Exploratory Study within the Industrial Maintenance Market”, (with Stefan Wuyts & Ruud T. Frambach), Industrial Marketing Management, 2001, 30 (1), 1-12. (pdf download here)


"Kiezen voor Winst", 2016, ISBN: 978-9-0244-0427-8,


Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Emerging Practices, Research and Policies, (with Min Ding and Jehoshua Eliashberg), 2013, ISBN 978-1-4614-7800-3.


Verlicht Ondernemen, (with Bruno Tindemans), 2008, ISBN 978-9-0774-9228.

Book Chapters

“Marketing Models for the Life Sciences Industry,” (with Vardan Avagyan and Vardit Landsman), in Handbook of Marketing Decision Models (edited by Berend Wierenga and Ralf van der Lans), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-56939-0.

The What, Who and How of Innovation Generation”, (with Elio Keko and Gert Jan Prevo), in Handbook of Research on New Product Development (edited by Peter Golder and Debanjan Mitra), Edward Elgar, 2018 (pdf donwload here)

“The Pharmaceutical Industry: Specificity, Challenges, and What You Can Learn from this Book,” (with Min Ding and Jehoshua Eliashberg). In: “Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Emerging Practices, Research and Policies”, (with Min Ding and Jehoshua Eliashberg), 2013, ISBN 978-1-4614-7800-3.

“The Successful Launch and Diffusion of New Therapies”, In M. Ding, J. Eliashberg & S. Stremersch (Eds.), Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Emerging Practices, Research, and Policies. Springer. (with Vardit Landsman and Isabel Verniers, ISBN 978-1-4614-7800-3, (2014), 189-223. (pdf download here)

“Grassroots Innovation: A Promising Innovation Paradigm for Pharmaceutical Companies”, In M. Ding, J. Eliashberg & S. Stremersch (Eds.), Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Emerging Practices, Research, and Policies. Springer. (with Ulrich Betz, Nuno Camacho and Michael Gerards), ISBN 978-1-4614-7800-3, (2014), 119-148. (pdf download here)

“The Connected Patient”, In The Book on the Connected Customer, Tilburg Lustrum, in press. (with Nuno Camacho and Vardit Landsman), ISBN: 978-1-84872-837-0, January 2010, 107-139. (pdf download here)


“Commercial Transformation at Grünenthal,” with Nuno Camacho, Elio Keko and Isabel Verniers, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, 2024.

“Merck KGaA: Designing the Next Innospire Process,” with Elio Keko, Nuno Camacho and Thomas Herget, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, 2024.

“Aliaxis Group SA: Developing Big Innovations,” with Elio Keko and Isabel Verniers, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, 2024.

“Komatsu: The Rise of a Service-Dominant Logic,” with Elio Keko, IESE Business School, 2015, M1328-E.

“Babcock: An Innovative Business Model in the Mining and Construction Industry,” with Elio Keko, IESE Business School, 2015, 1329-E.

“Caesar IT Services: Marketing Multiple Value Propositions in One Firm,” with Silvia Belezza, IESE Business School, M-1227-E.

“Alcatel-Lucent: Marketing the Cell Phone as a Mobile Wallet”, with Nuno Camacho, Carlos Garcia-Pont and Isabel Verniers, IESE Business School, M-1279-E.

“Rabobank Corporate Netherlands: Turning the Smartphone into an Engine of Bottom-Line Growth”, with Nuno Camacho, IESE Business School, M-1286-E.


Harold H. Maynard Award
    For most significant contribution to marketing thought, Journal of Marketing best paper award for “Strategic Bundling of Products and Prices: A New Synthesis For Marketing”, (with Gerard J. Tellis), Journal of Marketing, 66 (January), 2002, 55-72.

IJRM Best Paper Award
    2015 for “From academic research to marketing practice: Exploring the marketing science value chain”, (with John H. Roberts & Ujwal Kayande), IJRM, 2014, 31(2), 127-140.

    2013 for “Dynamics in International Market Segmentation of New Product Growth”, (with Aurélie Lemmens & Christophe Croux), IJRM, 2012, 29(1), 81-92.

AMA Awards
    2008 AMA Rajan Varadarajan Award, Early Career Award for contributions to marketing strategy

    2006 AMA Global Marketing Award

EMAC Awards
    2020 EMAC Distinguished Scholar Award, Annual award designed to be the highest honor that a marketing educator who has had extensive connections with EMAC can receive, according to outstanding scholarship and outstanding contributions to the European Marketing Academy.

    2018 Appointed as EMAC Fellow, The European Marketing Academy appoints maximum 20 Fellows, based on scholarly leadership and service to EMAC, which become Honorary Fellows upon retirement; EMAC defines the role of Fellows as advisors to senior leadership of EMAC and to enhance the standing of EMAC to the external world.

MOA Scientist of the Year Award, 2020
    Highest honor given by the Marketing Research community in the Netherlands

Ruigrok Award
2005 Johannes Cornelis Ruigrok Award

International Francqui Chair
    2015 at University Ghent (every year the Francqui foundation funds 2-3 international scholars for an honorary chair at a Belgian university; chairs are chosen across all sciences and proposed to the Francqui Foundation by the Board of a Belgian university)

Marketing Science Long Term Impact Award (Finalist)
    2014 for “Social Contagion and Income Heterogeneity in New Product Diffusion: A Meta-Analytic Test, (with Christophe van den Bulte), Marketing Science, 2004, 23(4), 530-544.

    2013 for “Social Contagion and Income Heterogeneity in New Product Diffusion: A Meta-Analytic Test, (with Christophe van den Bulte), Marketing Science, 2004, 23(4), 530-544.
    2010 for “The International Takeoff of New Products: The Role of Economics, Culture, and Country Innovativeness”, (with Gerard J. Tellis and Eden Yin), Marketing Science, 2003, 22(2), 188-208.
    2009 for “The International Takeoff of New Products: The Role of Economics, Culture, and Country Innovativeness”, (with Gerard J. Tellis and Eden Yin), Marketing Science, 2003, 22(2), 188-208.

Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Long Term Impact Award (Finalist)
    2018 for “Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products” (with Gerard J. Tellis), IJRM, 2004, 21(4), 421-438.

    2017 for “Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products” (with Gerard J. Tellis), IJRM, 2004, 21(4), 421-438.
    2016 for “Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products” (with Gerard J. Tellis), IJRM, 2004, 21(4), 421-438.
    2015 for “Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products” (with Gerard J. Tellis), IJRM, 2004, 21(4), 421-438
    2014 for “Understanding and Managing International Growth of New Products” (with Gerard J. Tellis), IJRM, 2004, 21(4), 421-438.