Welcome to the homepage of
Rommert Dekker
- On August 20, 2012 Rommert was appointed to fellow of the ISIR society.
- On March 21, 2012 Rommert Dekker gave a breakfast seminar on service
logistics at Deltalinqs.
- On March 8, 2012 the ESE awarded her "toppers". Rommert was one of the
Top Senior Researchers. See
in Dutch.
- The Erasmus Smart Port project aims to
concentrate all port and maritime activities at the EUR. Rommert is one of
the professors involved. His port and related maritime research involved the
planning of liner ship routes (under uncertainty), the analysis of port
congestion and truck appointment systems as well as a chassis exchange
terminal, environmental analysis of port activities and finally intermodal
The ProSeleco proposal, which aims to develop pro-active
solutions for service logistics has been approved by the logistic top
institute Dinalog. Rommert Dekker is leading the subproject shared parts,
where organisations share service parts.
There is more information available on the
education, jobs and professional activities of Rommert Dekker.
The following courses are taught in the Econometrics and Operations Research
- Facility location and inventory control in the Quantitative methods for
Logistics and Transportation
- cases in the "werkcollege Logistiek"
- Simulatie
- Markov Processes
In the Masters of Science in
Operations Research and Quantitative Logistics
- Topics in OR and Quantitative Logistics
- Production planning and scheduling
- Cases in Inventory Control
For application click
Next in the ESPR-MSc "Maritime
Economics and Logistics"
- course Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- course Management Science
Courses for PhD's
Final year Econometric students wanting to write a thesis on logistics are
welcome. Regularly there are subjects with companies.
The following PhD and MSc students are (
or have been ) working under supervision of Rommert Dekker.
List of publications of Rommert Dekker.
A list of useful algorithms or programs
from the publications
In this directory Powerpoint files of
by Rommert Dekker can be obtained.
- Maintenance Optimization
The idea is to develop a suit of models and methods with which the
maintenance concept for a general system can be designed. This will include
both preventive maintenance and inspections. The main focus is on developing
methods for multi-component maintenance optimization. Next there is
attention to embed these methods in decision support systems. A project has
been done on the development of policies for lamp replacement. Another
project is on evaluating the cost effectiveness of node-to-node road
- Service Logistics
Research is being conducted on advanced methods for spare parts inventory
control, control of repair shops, initial ordering and service contracts.
- Inventory Control
There are a number of subprojects: spare parts, remanufacturing, joint
replenishment, break quantities and emergency reserve Within spare parts we
have developed a method for determining the level of initial spares.
Presently we are working together with Maarten Krever from the CERN and from
Sirius BV on improving his decision support system for inventory management.
For information: Click
- Reverse Logistics
The objectives of this research is to set up a framework for decision making
in reverse logistics together with a suite of quantitative models to assist
in this respect. The research is part of a large EU sponsored project with
the same name, in which a number of European Universities participate. A
Reverse Logistics web site is dedicated to this subject.
- Transportation
We investigate ways to create robust timetables.
- Distribution optimization and transportation
Here the main interest is in the break quantity concept. That is delivering
orders larger than the break quantity from a higher level in the
distribution network. This can be either a central depot/warehouse, or the
production plant directly. This effects both transportation costs as well as
inventory costs. We have been looking at models with which the optimal break
quantity (or exceptional quantity) can be determined.
- Container logistics
A review on container logistics has been written.
- Harbor logistics
Several industrial cases have been done, during which jetty and tankage
capacities have been assessed and optimized during design and take-over
situations. Next to that the supply logistics for GEP has been analysed.
- Medical decision making (e.g. screening optimization)
Apart from doing a case study on the choice of valves for heart valve
replacement, we have been investigating analytical models for optimising
screening ages. We have also done an uncertainty analysis.
- Chairman daily board of the Dutch Network for Operations Research (LNMB)
(from 1-9-99 to 31-12-2010)
- Member program committee Research school TRAIL, past coordinator of TRAIL
at the EUR (until 1-10-99)
- Fellow ERIM in Business Processes and Logistics
- Associate Editor Operations Research
- Associate Editor Maritime Economics and Logistics
- Associate Editor IMA Journal on Management Mathematic
- The Service Logistic Forum project on service logistics
- A comparative study on inventory holding cost rates.
- Due date control of mortgage offers at a mortgage company
- Investigating efficiency of maintenance management decision processes
with different railways.
- Spare parts inventory control with SAP R/3
- Assessing the value of a Materials Catalogue System for a major
international company
- Developing stacking algorithms for the container terminal of the future (FAMAS
- Assessing the supply logistics for GEP (tankage and barge capacity
- Assessing jetty bottlenecks for a oil company
- Assessing truck waiting times in a tank terminal
- Determining service capacity in a call centre
- Assessing waiting times at a jetty
- Performance analysis of internal transport systems at a large container
terminal complex (ECT)
- Evaluating jetty configuration and tankage assessment for a new chemical
- Developing spare parts selection procedures
- Evaluating spare parts inventory policies at a refinery
- Evaluating the economic necessity of a national 50/10kV transformator
- Development of a prototype decision support system for civil maintenance
- Performance evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicles.