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List of publications of Rommert Dekker

Markov Decision Chains Maintenance and Reliability Inventory theory and logistics
Miscellaneous Submitted for publication Reports (not going to be published)

Postscript versions of some recent reports (from 1995) can be obtained from EI Report List.

Maintenance and Reliability

  1. E. Smeitink and R. Dekker, "A simple approximation to the renewal function", IEEE Trans. on Reliab., p. 71-75 (1990). (submitted 26-7-88).
  2. R. Dekker and E. Smeitink, "Opportunity-based block replacement: the single component case", Eur. Journ. of Oper. Res., 53, p. 46-63 (1991) (submitted 10-1-89).
  3. R. Dekker, "Use of expert judgment for maintenance optimization", Contribution to the first report of the ESRRDA Project Group on Expert Judgment (1989).
  4. J.A. van Noortwijk, R. Dekker, R.M. Cooke and T.A. Mazucchi, "Expert judgement in maintenance optimization" IEEE Trans. on Reliab., 41, p. 427-432, (1992).
  5. R. Dekker and M.C. Dijkstra, "Opportunity-based age replacement: exponentially distributed times between opportunities", Naval Research Logistics, 39, p. 175-190, (1992). (submitted 4-6-90).
  6. T.A. Mazucchi, R.M. Cooke, R. Dekker, J.R. van Dorp and J.M. van Noortwijk, "The Elicitation and use of expert judgment for Maintenance Optimization", Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems, Orlando, Florida, 1991, vol. 2. p. 888-896, (1992).
  7. R. Dekker, A.C.J.M. Smit and J.E. Loosekoot, "Combining Maintenance Activities in an Operational Planning Phase". IMA Journal of Math. Buss. and Ind. 3. p. 315-331, (1992).
  8. R. Dekker, "On the use of mathematical optimisation models for maintenance decision making", Proc. 3rd ESRRDA Workshop, Chamonix, Oct. 1992.
  9. R. Dekker, A.C.J.M. Smit & C.F.H. van Rijn, "Onderhouds optimalisatie modellen: nuttig voor de onderhouds manager?" (in Dutch) Doelmatige Bedrijfsvoering, 1/2, p. 4-7, (1993), also appeared as: "Mathematical models for the optimisation of maintenance and their application in practice", Maintenance, 9, p. 22-26, (1994).
  10. R. Dekker, "Schipperen tussen theorie en praktijk: twijfels van een besliskundige", Oratie Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 11 maart 1993, also Kwantitatieve Methoden, 44 p. 103-120, (1993).
  11. J. Grievink, K. Smit, R. Dekker, and C.F.H. van Rijn, "Managing reliability and maintenance in the process industry", Proc. FOCAPO-2 conference, Cache Publications, Austin, Texas, p. 133-158, (1994).
  12. R. Dekker and E. Smeitink, "Preventive maintenance at opportunities of restricted duration" Naval Research Logistics, 41, p. 335-353, (1994).
  13. R. Dekker, "On the use of operations research models for maintenance decision making", SRE proceedings, p. 347-357, Gestel, P.J. and Roseboom (Eds), Kema, Netherlands, (1993), also appeared in Microelectron. Reliab., 35, no. 9-10, p. 1321-1331, (1995).
  14. R. Dekker and W.P. Groenendijk, "Availability assessment methods and their application in practice" SRE proceedings, p. 122-139, Gestel, P.J. and Roseboom (Eds), Kema, Netherlands, (1993), also appeared in Microelecron. Reliab., 35, no. 9-10, p. 1257-1274, (1995).
  15. R. Dekker, A. Hordijk and F.M. Spieksma, "On the relation between recurrence and ergodicity conditions in denumerable Markov decision chains", Math. Oper. Res., 19, p. 539-559, (1994). (submitted 5-4-91).
  16. R. Dekker and I.F.K. Roelvink, "Marginal cost criteria for group replacement", European Journal of Operational Research, 84(2), p. 467-480, (1995).
  17. R. Dekker, "Applications of maintenance optimisation models: a review and analysis", (working paper EI9228/A); Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, 51, p. 229-240, (1996) .
  18. R. van Egmond, R. Dekker and R.E. Wildeman, Correspondence: "Determining economic maintenance frequency of a transport fleet", Int. Journal on Systems Science, 26(9), 1755-1757. (1995).
  19. F.P.A. Coolen and R. Dekker, "Analysis of a two-phase inspection model with competing risks", (working paper EI9428/A) IEEE Trans. Rel., 44, 3, p. 505-511, (1995)
  20. R. Dekker, "Integrating optimisation, priority setting, planning and combining of maintenance activities", (working paper EI9270/A);  European Journal of Operational Research, 82, p. 225-240, (1995).
  21. R. Dekker, R.E. Wildeman and R. van Egmond, "Joint replacement in an operational planning phase" (1997), (working paper EI9362/A and 9438/A); European Journal of Operational Research 91, 74-88.
  22. R. Dekker and C.F.H. van Rijn, "PROMPT - a decision support system for opportunity based preventive maintenance", in: S. Ozekici (ed) Reliability and Maintenance of Complex Systems, NATO ASI series vol. 154, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 530-549 (1996).
  23. R. Dekker, J.B.G. Frenk and R.E. Wildeman, "How to determine maintenance frequencies for multi-component systems: a general approach", (working paper EI9539/A). In: S. Ozekici (ed.), Reliability and Maintenance of Complex Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 239-280 (1996).
  24. R. Dekker and C. van Rijn, "Operations research models for maintenance decision making", in: L. Fortuin, P. van Beek and L. van Wassenhove (eds.), OR at wORk, p. 93-108, Taylor and Francis, London, (1996)
  25. T.W. Archibald and R. Dekker , "Modified block replacement for multiple components", (working paper EI9412/A) IEEE Transactions on Reliability 45: 75-83 (1996).
  26. R.E. Wildeman, R. Dekker and A.C.J.M. Smit, "A dynamic policy for grouping maintenance activities", (working paper EI9251/A, 9424/A and 9537/A); Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 99: 530-551 (1997) (appeared as working papers EI9424/A, 9537/A).
  27. M.A.J. Smith and R. Dekker, "Preventive maintenance in a 1-out-of-n system: the uptime, downtime and costs", (working paper EI9440/A); Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 99: 565-683 (1997). (a short version appeared in the Proceedings of the Esrel'95 Conference, Inst. of Qual. Assur., London, p. 287-307, (1995)).
  28. J.B.G. Frenk, R. Dekker and M.J. Kleijn, "Technical note: on the marginal cost approach in maintenance",  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 94(3), 771-781, (1997)(appeared as working paper EI9603/A).
  29. J.B.G. Frenk, R. Dekker and M.J. Kleijn, "A unified treatment of single component replacement models", (working paper EI9602/A); Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 45: 437-454 (1997).
  30. R. Dekker, R.E. Wildeman and F.A. van der Duyn Schouten, "A review of multicomponent maintenance models with economic dependence", Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 45: 411-435 (1997).
  31. A.I. Barros, R. Dekker. J.B.G. Frenk and S. van Weeren, "Optimizing a general optimal replacement model by fractional programming techniques",  Journal of Global Optimization 10:405-423 (1997) (working paper EI9547/A).
  32. R. Dekker and R.Ph. Plasmeijer, "On the use of equipment criticality in maintenance optimization and spare parts inventory control", in: C. Guedes Soares (ed.), Advances in Reliability, vol. 3, p. 1709-1718, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1997).
  33. M. Smith, T. Aven, R. Dekker and F. A. van der Duyn Schouten, "A survey on the interval distribution of failure prone systems", in C. Guedes Soares (ed), Advances in Reliability, vol. 3, p. 1727-1740, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England.
  34. Wildeman, R.E. and R. Dekker, "Dynamic influences in multi-component maintenance", (working paper EI9630/A); ?Qual. Rel. Eng. Int. 13, p. 199-207 (1997)..
  35. Aven T. &  R. Dekker, "A useful framework for optimal replacement models", (working paper EI9618/A); Rel. Eng. Syst. Saf. 58(1):61-67 (1997).
  36. R. Dekker and P.A. Scarf, "On the impact of optimization models in maintenance decision making: the state of the art", (working paper EI9730/A); Rel.Eng.Syst.Safety 60, p. 111-119 (1998).
  37. R. Dekker, J.R. van der Meer, R.Ph. Plasmeijer, R.E. Wildeman and J.J. de Bruin, "Maintenance of light standards, a case study", (working paper EI9655/A);  JORS 49:132-143 (1998).
  38. Winden C.G.M. van & R. Dekker, "Rationalisation of building maintenance by Markov decision models: a pilot case study", JORS 49, 928-935 (1998) (working paper EI9473/A).
  39. Dekker R., & M.A.J. Smith, "New developments in the optimisation of maintenance", in: Safety and reliability. Volume 2. Lydersen, Hansen & Sandtorv (eds.): 731-737. ISBN 90-5410-968-8. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam (1998).
  40. R. Dekker, &  R.P.Plasmeijer, "On the use of equipment criticality in maintenance optimization and spare parts inventory control; in: Advances in safety and reliability, Proceedings of the ESREL '97 International conference on safety and reliability. Volume 3; (Soares - ed.): pp 1709-1718. ISBN 0-08-042835-5; Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK (1997).
  41. M.A.J. Smith, T. Aven, R. Dekker, & F.A. van der Duyn Schouten, "A survey on the interval availablility distribution of failure prone systems", in: Advances in safety and reliability, proceedings of the ESREL '97 international conference on safety and reliability. volume 3 (Soares - ed.): pp 1727-1737. ISBN 0-08042835. Elsevier Science, Oxford, U.K. (1997).
  42. R. Dekker, "Review problem owner perspective" In: Engineering probabilistic design and maintenance for flood protection (R. Cooke et al. eds.) pp 199-200. Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997).
  43. R. Dekker, R.P. Plasmeijer, & J.H. Swart, "Evaluation of a new maintenance concept for the preservation of highways", (working paper EI9747/A);  IMA Journal of Mathematics applied in business & industry 9:109-156 (1998).
  44. F.A. van der Duyn Schouten, and R. Dekker, "Maintenance management" to appear in the Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management.
  45. Dekker, R., J.R. van der Meer, R. Plasmeijer, R. E. Wildeman and J.A de Bruin, Maintenance of light standards, a case study, JORS 49, p. 132-143, (1998). 
  46. R. Dekker, R. Plasmeijer and J. Swart, "On the economic evaluation of the joint-to-joint concept for road maintenance", IMA Journal on Math. in Bus. and Ind., 9, p 109-156, (1998).
  47. Winden C van and R. Dekker, "Markov decision models for building maintenance", Journ. Oper. Res. Soc., 49(9), p. 928-935, (1998).
  48. R. Dekker and M.A.J. Smith, New developments in the optimisation of maintenance, in S. Lydersen, Hansen and Sandtorv (eds), Safety and Reliability, p. 731-737, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998.
  49. F.A. van der Duyn Schouten and R. Dekker, "Maintenance management decision models" Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, P. Swamidass (ed). Kluwer, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-8630-2.
  50. Dekker, R. and R.P. Plasmeijer, "Evaluation of a new concept for the maintenance of highways", Medium Economische Toepassingen 8(3) p. 23-28, (2000).
  51. Dekker, R. and J.M. van Noortwijk, "Modellen voor het optimaliseren van onderhoud", NVRB jubileum uitgave, p. 16-21, (2000) NVRB-Dutch Society for Risk and Reliability Analysis.
  52. Dekker, R. Wildeman, R.E. Frenk, J.B.G. and Van Egmond, R., "A general approach for the coordination of maintenance frequencies", in M. Ben-Daya, S.O. Duffuaa and A. Raouf (eds), Maintenance, modeling and optimization, p. 245-282, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (2000).
  53. R. Dekker and R. Plasmeijer, "Marginal cost based optimisation of multi-parameter maintenance models, JORS, 52(1), p. 188-197, (2001).
  54. Dekker, R. and J.M. van Noortwijk, "Beslissingsondersteuning voor civiel onderhoud", Bedrijfskunde, 73(2), p. 6-17, (2001).
  55. Smith, M., R. Dekker, J. Kos and J.A.M. Hontelez, "The availability of unmanned air vehicles: a post-case study", JORS, 52(2), p. 161-168, (2001).
  56. Dekker, R. and Budai, G., "An overview of techniques used in planning railway infrastructure maintenance, Proceedings IFRIMmmm maintenance management & modelling conference Vaxjo, Sweden, 6-8 May, (2002).
  57. G. Budai and R. Dekker, A dynamic approach for planning preventive railway maintenance activities, Computers in Railways, J. Allan, C.A. Brebbia, R.J. Hill, G. Sciutto and S. Sone (eds), WIT Press, p. 323-332, (2004).
  58. G. Budai, D. Huisman and R. Dekker, "Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities", Journ. Oper. Res. Soc. 57(9), p. 1035-1044, (2006).
  59. Robin P. Nicolai and Rommert Dekker, "Optimal maintance policies of Multi Component Systems, a Review", to appear in a book edited by P. Murthy and Khobaccy, (2006).
  60. Robin P. Nicolai and Rommert Dekker and Jan M. Noortwijk, "Modelling deterioration of the coating on steel structures: a comparison of methods. To appear in RESS, (2006).
  61. Gabriella Budai, Rommert Dekker and Robin P. Nicolai, "Maintenance and Production: a review, to appear in a special book on maintenance and reliability, (2006).
  62. Nicolai, R.P. and Dekker, R., "Optimal maintenance policies of multicomponent systems, a review", in "Complex System Maintenance Handbook", Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Murthy, D.N.P.; Kobbacy, K.A.H. (Eds.), Hardover, ISBN: 978-1-84800-010-0. A short version appeared in: Risk, Reliability and Societal Risk, Aven & Vinnem (eds.), p. 289-296, Taylor and Francis Group, London, (2007).
  63. Nicolai, R.P., and Dekker, R. and Van Noortwijk, J.M., "A comparison of models for measurable deterioration: An application to coatings on steel structures", Reliability Engineering and System Safety 92, p. 1635-1650, (2007).
  64. Nicolai, R.P. and Dekker, R. "A comparison of two non-stationary degradation processes". In Risk, Reliability and Societal Risk, Aven & Vinnem (eds.), p. 469-476, Talor and Francis Group, Londen, (2007).
  65. Nicolai, R.P., and Dekker, R., "Multicomponent maintenance", in Encyclopia of statistics in Quality and Reliability, Ruggeri, F., Kenett, R. and Faltin, F.W. (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 1143-1149, (2007)
  66. Dekker, R., "Block replacement", in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Ruggeri, F., Kenett, R. and Faltin, F.W. (eds.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 229-233, (2007)
  67. Budai, G., Dekker, R. and Nicolai, R.P. "Maintencance and production: a review", in "Complex System Maintenance Handbook", Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Murthy, D.N.P.; Kobbacy, K.A.H. (Eds.), Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-84800-010-0, (2008)
  68. Nicolai, R.P., Frenk, J.B.G., and Dekker R,  "Modelling and optimizing imperfect maintenance of coatings on steel structures", Structural Safety, 31(3), p. 234-244, (2009)

Inventory theory and logistics

  1. R.A.J.J. Nieboer and R. Dekker, "Brownian motion approximations for stock control and tankage assessment", European Journal of Operational Research, 85(1), p. 677-689 (1995).
  2. R. Nass, R. Dekker and W. van Sonderen-Huisman, "Optimizing distribution through break quantities: a case study",  (working paper EI9376/A); Kwantitatieve Methoden, 45, p. 53-67, (1994).
  3. E. van der Laan, R. Dekker, M. Salomon and  A. Ridder, "An (s,Q) inventory model with remanufacturing and disposal", (working paper EI9432/A);  International Journal of Production Economics 46-47: 339-350 (1996).
  4. R. Dekker, N. Piersma, J. de Bruin and E. v.d. Vlist, "Operations research in action for mainport Rotterdam", TRAIL-studies 94/5, Delft, The Netherlands (1994) (in Dutch), also in Kwantitatieve Methoden, 16 (49), p. 5-18, (1995).
  5. M. Salomon, M. Thierry, E. van der Laan, R. Dekker, J.A.E.E. van Nunen and L.N. van Wassenhove, "Reversed logistics", Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, 11, no. 6, p. 11-17 and no 7/8, p. 48-52, (1995).
  6. M.J. Kleijn and R. Dekker, "Using break quantities for tactical optimization in multi-stage distribution systems", (working paper EI9737/A). In: Lecture notes in ecnomics and mathematical systems. 460 advances in distribuiton logisitcs . Fleischmann, Van Nunen, Speranza & Stahly (eds): 305-317. ISBN 3-540-64288-9. Springer-Verlag (1998).
  7. E. van der Laan, R. Dekker and M. Salomon, "Product remanufacturing and disposal: A numerical comparison of alternative control strategies", Int. Journ. of Prod. Econ. 45: 489-498 (1996).
  8. R.E. Wildeman, J.B.G. Frenk, & R. Dekker, "An efficient optimal solution method for the joint replenishment problem", (working paper EI9542/A);  Eur. J of Oper. Research 99: 433-444 (1997).
  9. R. Dekker, M.J. Kleijn and P.J. de Rooij, "A spare parts stocking policy based on equipment criticality", (working paper EI9625/A);  Proc. 8th Working Seminar on Prod. Econ., IGLS 1995, p. 213-224, Int. J. of  Prod. Econ. 56-57: 69-77 (1998).
  10. R. Dekker, M.J. Kleijn and A.G. de Kok, "The break quantity rule's effect on inventory costs in a 1-warehouse N-retailers distribution system", (working paper EI9624/A);  Proc. 8th Working Seminar on Prod. Econ., IGLS 1995, p. 301-312, Int. J of Prod. Econ. 56-57:69-77 (1998).
  11. M.A.J. Smith and R. Dekker, "On the (S-1,S) model for renewal demand processes: Poisson's poison", (working paper EI9608/A);  Prob. in the Engin. and Inform. Sciences 11:375-386 (1997).
  12. J.B.G. Frenk, M.J. Kleijn and R. Dekker, "An efficient algorithm for a generalized joint replenishment problem", (working paper EI9701/A);  to appear in European Journal of Operational Research (1999).
  13. A.I. Barros, R. Dekker and V. Scholten, "A two-level network for recycling sand: a case study", European Journal of Operational Research 110, 199-214 (1998)   (working paper EI9637/A).
  14. M.B. Duinkerken, J.A. Ottjes, J.J.M. Evers, S.T.G.L. Kurstjens, R. Dekker and N.P. Dellaert, "Simulation studies on Inter Terminal Transport at the Maasvlakte", TRAIL Research School, Proceedings Trail Conference, 22 pp. ISBN 90-5584-020-3 (1996)
  15. S.T.G.L. Kurstjens, R. Dekker, N.P. Dellaert, M.B. Duinkerken, J.A. Ottjes and J.J.M. Evers, "Planning of Inter Terminal Transport at the Maasvlakte", TRAIL Research School, Proceedings Trail Conference, 17 pp. ISBN 90-5584-020-3 (1996).
  16. M.Fleischmann, J.M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, R. Dekker, E. van der Laan, J.A.E.E. van Nunen and L.N. van Wassenhove, "Quantitative models for reverse logistics", (working paper EI9726/A);  Eur. J. Oper. Research 103:1-17 (1997).
  17. R. Dekker, J.M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, M.Fleischmann, E. van der Laan, J.A.E.E. van Nunen and L.N. van Wassenhove, "Operations research models for reverse logistics: some recent contributions", Int. J. Log.Res. and Appl. 1(2), 141-155 (1998) (working paper EI9807/A);  Proceed. 3rd Int. Symp. on Logistics, Padua, Italy (1996).
  18. R. Nass, R. Dekker & W. van Sonderen-Huisman, "Distribution management by means of cutoff order size: a case study", J. Oper. Research Society 48:1057-1064 (1997).
  19. V. Strusevich, F.J.M. van de Waard & R. Dekker, "A wordt case analysis for a two machine route dependent flow shop", (working paper EI9318/A);  Journal of Heuristics 5, p. 5-28 (1999).
  20. T.W. Archibald, M. Bokkers, R. Dekker & A. van Vliet, "Minimising transmission costs in EDI systems", (working paper EI9363/A);  EJOR 115(2), p. 380-391, (1999).
  21. E.A. van der Laan, M. Salomon and R. Dekker, "Lead-time effects in Push and Pull controlled manufacturing/remanufacturing systems", EJOR 115, 195-214 (1999).
  22. R. Dekker and P. Meersmans, "Econometrie ondersteunt container overslag in de Rotterdamse haven", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 7(1), p. 26-28 1999.
  23. E.A. van der Laan, M. Fleischmann, R. Dekker, and L.N. van Wasenhove, "Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing", Mgmt Sci 45(5), p. 733-747, (1999).
  24. J.R. van der Meer, R. de Koster, P. Meersmans and R. Dekker, "FAMAS/NewCon", te verschijnen in het SimLog boek, Eburon, Delft (1999).
  25. R. Dekker, "Case simulatie van opslag en overslag activiteiten voor olie en chemie", SimLog boek, Eburon, Delft (1999).
  26. J.M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, R. Dekker and J.A.E.E. van Nunen, "Hergebruik verpakking vereist logistieke ketenaansturing van retourstromen", in P. van Beek et al. (eds). "Werkende ketens", Keesing Noordervliet, Houten, p. 109-119 (in Dutch) (1999).
  27. M.J. Kleijn and R. Dekker, "An overview of inventory systems with several demand classes", to appear in a Springer book on the IWDL workshop in Brescia.
  28. Archibald, T.W., M.B. Bokkers, R. Dekker and A. van Vliet, "Minimising transmission costs in EDI systems", Eur. Journ. Oper. Res., 115(2), p. 380-391, (1999).
  29. Barros, R. Dekker and V.Scholten, A two-level network for recycling sand: a case study, Eur. Journ. Oper. Res.110(2), p. 99-114, (1998).
  30. Strusevich, F.J.M. van de Waard and R. Dekker, "A worst case analysis for a two machine route dependent flow shop", Journal of Heuristics, 5, p. 5-28, (1999).
  31. Van der Laan, E., M. Salomon and R. Dekker, "Lead-time effects in Push and Pull controlled manufacturing/remanufacturing systems, Eur. Journ. Oper. Res., 115, p. 195-214, (1999).
  32. R. Dekker, R., J. M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, M. Fleischmann, E.A. van der Laan, J.A.E.E. van Nunen, L.N. van Wassenhove, Operational research in reverse logistics: some recent contributions, Int. Journ. Log.: Res and Appl, 1(2), p. 141-155, (1998).
  33. Dekker, R., J.B.G. Frenk, M.J. Kleijn and A.G. de Kok, "On the newsboy problem with a cutoff transaction size" to appear in IIE Trans 32(5),p. 461-469, (2000).
  34. Van der Laan, E. M. Salomon, R. Dekker and L.N. van Wassenhove, "Production planning and inventory control for remanufacturable durable products", Mgmt Sci, 45(5), p. 733-747, (1999).
  35. Van der Laan, E.A., M. Fleischmann, R. Dekker and L.N. van Wassenhove, Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing, S. Tayur, R. Ganeshan and M. Magazine (ed) Quantitative models for supply chain management, Kluwer, ISBN 0-7923-8344-3 (1998)
  36. H.P. Celen, R.J.W. Slegtenhorst, R.Th. van der Ham, A. Nagel, J. van den Berg, R. de Vos Burchart, J.J.M. Evers, D.G. Lindeijer, R. Dekker, P.J.M. Meersmans, M.B.M. de Koster, R. van der Meer, A.F.C. Carlebur and F.J.A.M. Nooijen, "FAMAS – NewCon: Fase 1 uitgangspunten, Fase 2: Architectuur integrerend informatiesysteem, CTT publicatiereeks 32, ISBN 90-76091-36-6, (1999)
  37. R. Dekker and P. Meersmans, "Econometrie ondersteunt container overslag in de Rotterdamse haven", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 7(1), p. 26-28 1999 (in Dutch).
  38. M.J. Kleijn and R. Dekker, "An overview of inventory systems with several demand classes", in: M. Grazia Speranza and P. Stahly (eds), "New Trends in Distribution Logistics", Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 480, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1999).
  39. J.R. van der Meer, R. de Koster, P. Meersmans and R. Dekker, "Containerterminal in het FAMAS NewCon concept", in "Simulatie en Logistiek rond de haven", J. van Nunen and L. Verspui (eds), p. 89-104, Eburon, Delft (1999).
  40. R. Dekker, "Case simulatie van opslag en overslag activiteiten voor olie en chemie", ", in "Simulatie en Logistiek rond de haven", J. van Nunen and L. Verspui (eds), p. 105-116, Eburon, Delft (1999).
  41. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M., R. Dekker and J.A.E.E. van Nunen, "Hergebruik verpakking vereist logistieke ketenaansturing van retourstromen", in: P. van Beek et al. (eds), "Werkende ketens", Keesing Noodervliet, Houten, p. 109-119, (1999) (in Dutch).
  42. P.M. Melchiors, R. Dekker and M.J. Kleijn, "Inventory rationing in an (s,Q) inventory model with lost sales and two demand classes", J. Oper. Res. Soc., 51(1) p. 111-122. 
  43. Fleischmann, R. Kuik and R. Dekker, "Controlling inventories with stochastic item returns: a basic model", EJOR, (1997).
  44. A.I. Kokkinaki, R. Dekker, J. van Nunen and C. Pappis, "An exploratory study on electronic commerce for reverse logistics",  Logistique et Management (dec 1999).
  45. R. Dekker and E.A. van der Laan, "Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing: a review of recent results", Logistique et Management (dec 1999).
  46. M. Fleischmann, H.R. Krikke, R. Dekker and S.D.P. Flapper, "Logistics network (re-) design for product recovery and re-use", Omega (March 99).
  47. R. Korporaal, R. Dekker, A. Ridder and P. Kloprogge, "Capacity planning of prisons in the Netherlands, JORS, (February 99).
  48. A.I. Kokkinaki, R. Dekker, J. van Nunen and C. Pappis, "An exploratory study on electronic commerce for reverse logistics", Logistique et Management, vol. 7 no. 2, p. 27-36 (1999), (in French); Supply Cain Forum 1, p. 8-17, (2000) (in English).
  49. M. Fleischmann, H.R. Krikke, R. Dekker and S.D.P. Flapper, "A classification of logistics networks for product recovery, Omega intern. Journal management science, 28 (6), pp 653-666, (2000).
  50. Dekker, R, P. Voogd, L. Nagy and P.J.M. Meersmans, "FAMAS-Newcon; Long-term stacking experiments for the reference case", TRAIL, Communication Series 2000, ISBN 90-5584-038-6, (2006)

  51. Dekker, R., R.M. Hill and M.J. Kleijn, "On the (S-1,S) lost sales inventory model with priority demand classes", Naval Research Logistics 49, p. 593-610, (2002).

  52. M. Fleischmann, R. Kuik and R. Dekker, "Controlling inventories with stochastic item returns: a basic model", Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 138 p. 63-75, (2002).  

  53. A.I. Kokkinaki, R. Dekker, M. B. M. De Koster, C. Pappis, W. Verbeke, "E-business models for reverse logistics: contributions and challenges", IEEE Computer Society (ITCC) 2002 International Conference on Information Technology, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 8-10 April, 2002.

  54.  Kokkinaki, A.I, Dekker, R., Karacapilidis, N., Pappis, C. “A Web-Based Recommender System for end-use ICT products”, in: Montero, J.L., Swatman, P.M.C., Tavares, L.V. (eds.) “Towards the Knowledge Society, e-Commerce, e-Business, E-Government”, The Second IFIP conference on E-commerce, e-Business, e-Government (I3E 2002), p. 601-613. Oct 7-9, Lisbon, Portugal. Kluwer, Academic Publishers, 2002.

  55. Dekker, R., “Port excellence by optimising operations and logistics: cases in the Port of Rotterdam”, Proceedings the International Symposium on “The vision and strategy of Busan Port for Global City Pusan”, May 24th, p. 60-76, 2002.

  56. Dekker, R and Budai, G., “An overview of techniques used in planning railway infrastructure maintenance, Proceedings IFRIMmmm maintenance management & modelling conference Vaxjo, Sweden, 6-8 May, (2002).

  57. Kokkinaki, A.I., Dekker, R. , Lee, R. and Pappis, C., Design issues on E-marketplaces for returns, in T.G. Crainic & B. Gavish (eds.), Proc. Of the 5th Int. Conf. On Electronic Commerce Research (p. 1-10), Inf. Distribution Centre Comm. Branch Ind. Canada.(2002).

  58.   Brito, M. de and Dekker, R., "Modelling product return flows in inventory control - exploring the validity of general assumptions", the International Journal of Production Economics, 81-82, p. 225-241, (2003).

  59. Vlachos, D. and Dekker, R., "Return handling options and order quantities for single period products", Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 151 p. 38-52 (2003).

  60. K.P. Aronis, I. Magou, R. Dekker and G. Tagaras, "Inventory control of spare parts using a Bayesian approach: a case study", report Econometric Institute EI-9950/A, European Journal of Operational Research, 154(3), p.730-739 (2004).

  61. Dekker, R. and E. van der Laan, “Inventory control in Reverse Logistics”, in D. Guide and L.N. van Wassenhove (eds.), “Business Aspects of Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Carnegie-Bosch Institute, Int. Mgmt. Series: Vol. 2. (2003).

  62. Asperen, E. van, R Dekker, M. Polman, H. de Swaan Arons, “Allocation of ships in a port simulation”, in A. Verbraeck and V. Hlupic (eds). Simulation in Industry, 15th European Simulation Symposium, Eur. Publishing House, ISBN 3-936150-28-1, (2003).

  63. Asperen, E. van, R Dekker, M. Polman, H. de Swaan Arons, “Modeling ship arrivals in ports”, in S. Chick,  P.J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D.J. Morrice (eds). Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (2003).

  64. Dekker, R, Fleischmann, M., K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), “Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004).

  65. M.P. de Brito and R. Dekker, “A framework for Reverse Logistics”, in: Dekker, R, Fleischmann, M., K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), “Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004).

  66. R. Dekker, M. Fleischmann, K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove, “Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics Decision Making”, in Dekker, R, Fleischmann, M., K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), “Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004).

  67. M. Fleischmann, J.M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, P. Beullens and R. Dekker, “Reverse Logistics Network Design”, in Dekker, R, Fleischmann, M., K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), “Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004).

  68. E.A. van der Laan, G. Kiesmuller, R. Kuik, D. Vlachos and R. Dekker, “Stochastic Inventory control for Product Recovery”, in Dekker, R, Fleischmann, M., K. Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (Eds.), “Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004)

  69. A. Kokkinaki, R. Zuidwijk, J. van Nunen and R. Dekker, "ICT Enabling Reverse Logistics", in Dekker, R. Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth and L.N. van Wassenhove (EDS.), "Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains", Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40696-4, (2004)

  70. Listes, O.L. and Dekker, R., "Stochastic approaches for product recovery network design: a case study", Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 160(1), p. 268-275 (2005).

  71. Wunderink, S., Krever, M., Dekker, R. and Schorr, B., "Inventory control based on advanced probability theory", Eur. Journ. Oper. Res. 162, p. 342-358, (2005).

  72. E. Porras and R. Dekker, Joint replenishment in supply chains: a case study, Int. Journ. Prod. Econ. 93-94, p. 179-188, (2005).

  73. M. de Brito, S.D.Flapper and R. Dekker, “Reverse Logistics: a review of case studies”, in B. Fleischmann and A. Klose (eds.) “Distribution Logistics, advanced solutions to practical problems”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISSN 0075-8442, (2005).

  74. O. Listes and R. Dekker (2002), "A scenario aggregation based approach for determining a robust airline fleet composition" Econometric Institute Report EI 2002-17, te appear in Transportation Science (2005).

  75. Z.P. Bayindir, E. Porras Musalem and R. Dekker, "Determination of recovery effort for a probailistic recovery system under various inventory control policies." Accepted for publication in Omega (2005).

  76. A. Tebbenhof en R. Dekker, "Econometrie en besliskunde in de lift", Stator 5(3), p. 23-28 (2004).

  77. Porras, E. and R. Dekker, "An efficient optimal solution method for the joint replenishment problem with minimum order quantities", to appear in EJOR (2005).

  78. P.M. Melchiors, R. Dekker and M.J. Kleijn, "Inventory rationing in an (s, Q) inventory model with lost sales and two demand classes", Journal of the Operational Res. Soc., 51(1), p. 111-122, (2000).

  79. Dekker, R. "Voorraadbeheersing van reservedelen", in R. de Koster et al. (ed.) Praktijkboek Magazijnen/Distributiecentra, deel 2, p. 2.7. D-01-D-27, (2000).

  80. Dekker, R., E. van Asperen, G. Ochtman and W. Kusters, Floating stocks in FMCG supply chains: using intermodel transport to facilitate advance deployment, 39(8), p. 632-648, (2009)


  1. G. Budai and R. Dekker, A dynamic approach for planning preventive railway maintenance activities, Computers in Railways, J. Allan, C.A. Brebbia, R.J. Hill, G. Sciutto and S. Sone (eds), WIT Press, p. 323-332, (2004).

  2. M. Vromans, R. Dekker and L. Kroon, Simulation and railway timetabling norms, in: Computers in Railways, J. Allan, C.A. Brebbia, R.J. Hill, G. Sciutto and S. Sone (eds), WIT Press, p. 686-694, (2004).

  3. M. Vromans, R. Dekker and L. Kroon, Robustness and homogeneity of railway services, to appear in European Journal of Operations Research (2005).

  4. Tebbenhof, A. and Dekker, R., "Econometrics in the elevator", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 9(3), p. 26-30 (2001).

  5. R. Dekker en M.J.C.M. Vromans, "Punctualiteit in het reizigersvervoer per trein", in "Betrouwbaarheid van technische systemen: anticiperen op trends" M.R. de Graef (ed.), Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek, nr. STT 64, Den Haag, p. 176-189, (2001).

  6. M. Vromans, R. Dekker and L. Kroon, Simulation and railway timetabling norms, in: Computers in Railway, J. Allen, C.A. Brebbia, R.J. Hill, G. Sciutto and S. Sone (eds), WIT Press, p. 686-694, (2004).  

  7. A. Tebbenhof en R. Dekker, "Econometrie en besliskunde in de lift", Stator 5(3), p. 23-28, (2004).

  8. M. Vromans, R. Dekker and L. Kroon, Reliability and Heterogeneity of Railway services, Eur. Journ. Oper. Res., 172(2), p. 647-665, (2006).

  9. Mark B. Duinkerken, Rommert Dekker, Stef T.G.L. Kurstjens, Jaap A. Ottjes and Nico P. Dellaert, "Comparing transportation systems for Inter Transport at the Maasvlakte container terminals, OR Spektrum 28, p. 469-493, (2006).

  10. Duinkerken, M.B., Dekker, R., Kurstjens, S.T.G.L., Ottjes, J.A. and Dellaert, N.P., "Comparing transportation system for inter terminal transport at the Maasvlakte container terminals", OR Spectrum 28, p. 469-493, (2006)

  11. Saanen, Y. and Dekker, R., "Intelligent stacking as way out of congested yards?" Part I, Port Technology Technology International, 31, p. 87-92, (2006), Part II, Port Technology International, 32 p. 80-87, (2006).

  12. Dekker, R., Voogd, P., Van Asperen, E., "Advanced methods for container stacking", OR Spectrum 28, p. 563-586, (2006)

  13. Kroon, L.G., Dekker, R. & Vromans, M.J.C.M.. "Cyclic timetabling: a stochastic optimization approach. In F. Geraets & L.G. Kroon (Eds.), Algorithmic methods for railway optimization, Berlin: Springer, p. 41-66, (2007).

  14. Surico, M., Kaymak, U., Naso, D., and Dekker, R. "A Bi-Objective evolutionary approach to robuust scheduling", Fuzzy Systems Conference, FUZZ-IEEE, p. 1-6, (2007).

  15. Larco, J.A., Kaymak, U., and Dekker, R., "Multi-objective scheduling for distributed security services", Proceedings of the NISIS conference, Tenerife, (2007).

  16. Kroon, L.G., Maroti, G., Retel Helmrich, M., Vromans, M.C.J.M. and Dekker, R., "Stochastic improvement of cyclic railway timetables", Transportation Research part B, 42(6), p. 553-57 (2008).

  17. Pourakbar, M., Sleptchenko, A. and Dekker, R., "Mathematical modeling of the floating stock policy in FMCG supply chains", Transportation Research E 45(1) p.39-49, (2009).


Markov Decision Chains

  1. A. Hordijk and R. Dekker, "Denumerable Markov decision chains: sensitive optimality criteria", Oper. Res. Proc. 1982, p. 452-460, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1983).
  2. A. Hordijk, R. Dekker and L.C.M. Kallenberg " Sensitivity analysis in discounted Markovian decison problems", OR Spektrum, p. 143-151, (1985).
  3. R. Dekker, "Denumerable Markov decision chains: optimal policies for small interest rates", Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Leiden, (1985).
  4. R. Dekker, "Counter examples for compact action Markov decision chains with average reward criteria", Stochastic Models, 3, p. 357-368 (1987).
  5. R. Dekker and A. Hordijk, "Average, sensitive and Blackwell-optimal policies in denumerable Markov decision chains with unbounded rewards", Math. Oper. Res., 13, p. 295-321 (1988).
  6. R. Dekker and A. Hordijk, "Recurrence conditions for average and Blackwell optimality", Math. of Oper. Res., 17, p. 271-289 (1992) 
  7. R. Dekker and A. Hordijk, "Denumerable Semi-Markov Decision Chains with Small Interest Rates", in: J.B. Lasserre, ed. Annals of Operations Research, 28, p. 185-212, (1991).
  8. Dekker, R., Nicolai, R.P., and Kallenberg, L.C.M., "Maintenance and Markov decision models", in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Ruggeri, F., Kenett, R. and Faltin, F.W. (eds.) John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 993-1000, (2007).



  1. P. den Iseger, M.A.J. Smith  and R. Dekker, "Computing compound distributions faster", (working paper EI9627/A); Insurance, Mathematics and Economics 20, p. 23-34 (1997).
  2. R. Dekker, "A review of applications of operations research in the Netherlands", in: "A reveiw of applications of operation research in the Netherlands (Klein Haneveld et al., eds), CWI Amsterdam: 253-260 (1996).
  3. A.R. de Kruyk, J.H.P. van der Meulen, L.A. van Herwerden, J.A. Beckers, E.W. Steyerberg, R. Dekker and J.D.F. Habbema, "Prosthestic heart valves for aortic valve replacement: the patient's age and the optimal choice of valve type", J. Heart Valve Dis. 7(1):4-12 (1998).
  4. T. Chessa, R. Dekker, B. van Vliet, E.W. Steyerberg and J.D.F. Habbema, "Correlations in uncertainty analysis for medical decision making: an application to heart valve replacement", to appear in Medical Decision Making (1997).
  5. De Kruyk AR, Van der Meulen JHP, Van Herwerden LA, Bekkers JA, Steyerberg EW, Dekker R and Habbema JDF, Use of Markov series and Monte Carlo simulation in predicting replacement valve performances. J Heart Valve Dis 1998;7(1): p. 4-12.
  6. Chessa, R. Dekker, B. van Vliet, E. W. Steyerberg and J.D.F. Habbema, "Correlations in uncertainty analysis for medical decision making: an application to heart-valve replacement", Medical Decision Making 19(3) p. 276-286, (1999).
  7. R. Korporaal, R. Dekker, A. Ridder and P. Kloprogge, "An analytic model for capacity planning of prisons in the Netherlands, JORS, 51(11), p. 1228-1237, (2000).
  8. Neddermeijer, H.G., G.J. van Oortmarssen, N. Piersma and R. Dekker, "A Framework for Response Surface Methodology for Simulation Optimization. In Proceeding of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference. J. A. Joines, R.R. Barton, K. Kang and P.A. Fishwick, eds. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 129-136 (2000).
  9. Nicolai, R.P., R. Dekker, N. Piersma and G.J. van Oortmarssen, " Automated response surface methodology for stochastic optimization models with unknown variance", in R.G. Ingalls, M.D. Rossetti, J.S. Smith and B.A. Peters, (eds.) Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (2004).
  10. Göttgens, J.H.A., and Dekker, R., "Operation Research in A Pharmacy", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen 15(4), p. 8-14, (2007).
  11. Porras, E. and Dekker, R., "A solution method for the joint replenishment problem with correction", Int. Journ. Prod. Econ., 113, p. 834-851, (2008)
  12. Teunter, R.H. and Dekker, R., "An easy derivation of the order level optimality condition for inventory systems with backordering", Int. Journ. Prod. Econ. 114(1), p. 201-204 (2008).
  13. Nicolai, R.P. and Dekker, R. "Automated response surface methodology for stochastic optimization models with unknown variance", to appear in Quality Technology Quantitative Methods, (2009).

Reports (not to be published)

  1. P. Voogd, R. Dekker and P.J.M. Meersmans, "FAMAS-Newcon: A generator program for the reference case", Report Econometric Institute EI-9943/A, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

  2. P. Voogd, R. Dekker and P.J.M. Meersmans, "FAMAS-Newcon: Long-term stacking experiments for the reference case", Report Econometric Institute EI-9944/A, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

  3. P.J.M. Meersmans, I. F.A. Vis, R. Dekker and M.B.M. de Koster, "FAMAS-Newcon: Een model voor korte-termijn stacking - modelbeschrijving", Report Econometric Institute EI-9942/A

  4. H.R. Krikke and R. Dekker, "An economic evaluation of the value of a materials catalogue system for Shell", Report Econometric Institute EI-00xx/A.

  5. M. Trimp, S. Sinnema, R. Dekker and R. Teunter, “Optimise initial spare parts inventories: an analysis and improvement of an electronic decision tool”, EI-2004-52, (2004).

  6. C.J. Ruigrok, D.A. Henstra, M. Baart, A.C. Muskens, W.J.J. Manshanden, R. Dekker, “Evaluatie onderhoudskosten ten behoeve van de Nota Mobiliteit”, Rapport TNO Inro 2004-33, (2004).

  7. H.G. Neddermeijer, N. Piersma, G.J. van Oortmarssen, J.D.F. Habbema and R. Dekker, "Comparison of response surface methodology and the Nelder and Mead simplex method for optimization in microsimulation models".

  8. H.G. Neddermeijer, G.J. van Oortmarssen, N. Piersma, R. Dekker and J.D.F. Habbema, "Adaptive extensions of the Nelder and Mead Simplex method for optimization of stochastic simulation models".

  9. Kokkinaki, A.I., Dekker, R., De Koster, M.B.M., Verbeke, W. and Pappis, C. "From e-trash to e-treasure: how value can be created by the new e-business models for reverse logistics", Report Econometric Institute EI2000-32/A.

  10. P.J.M. Meersmans and R. Dekker, "Operations research supports container handling", submitted for publication (oct 2001), Report Econometric Institute EI/2001-22.

  11. Angelika I. Kokkinaki, Rommert Dekker, Ron Lee, & Costas Pappis (2001).  Integrating a web-based system with business processes in closed loop supply chains, 30 pp. Report Econometric Institute EI-2001-31