More information on Rommert Dekker
- 2000 - present: Opleidingsdirecteur Econometrie (directory of the Econometrics study)
- 1992 - present: Professor of Operations Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- 1997 - 1999: Coordinator TRAIL at the EUR
- 1990 - 1991: Refinery information systems analyst, Shell International Petroleum
- 1985 - 1990: Research mathematician, Shell Research Laboratory, Amsterdam
- 1981 - 1984: Research assistent, Dutch Organization for the Advancement of Research
Professional activities
- Member scientific board of ERIM (2000- )
- Member of the Parts Business Forum
- Coordinator of the Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics, TRAIL at
the EUR (until sept 1999)
- Chairman of the Dutch Society of Statistics and Operations Research (until April 6
- Member daily board of the Dutch Network for Operations Research (LNMB)
- Member program committee Research school TRAIL
- Coordinator Tinbergen Institute theme Operations Research
- State University of Leiden, Netherlands - M.S. Applied Math, 1981 (cum laude)
- State University of Leiden, Netherlands - Ph.D. Operations Research, 1985 title:
Denumerable Markov decision chains with small interest rates supervisor: Prof. Arie
- Technical University of Twente, Netherlands, MSc Industrial Engineering, 1990