The past is never dead. It's not even past.
William Faulkner
Gijs van Oenen is associate professor in practical philosophy at the Erasmus School of Philosophy,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He was born in
1959, and studied political science at the University of
Amsterdam. After getting his M.A. in 1986, he was awarded a
research appointment in philosophy of law, and received his
Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1994. .
He headed the research program Interpassive metal
fatigue, sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO), from 2007-2012. Next to the Erasmus
University, he has been affiliated with the University of
Amsterdam, Webster University Leiden, and the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and
Urban Design.
From 2013 on, he is also a fellow of Erasmus University College.
* Associate professor in practical
philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2010-present
* Assistant professor in practical philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1994-2010
* Fellow and lecturer at Erasmus
University College, 2013-present
* Project leader of research program
Interpassive metal fatigue sponsored by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 2007-2012.
* Lecturer at the Rotterdam Academy of
Architecture and Urban Design, spring 2007
* Adjunct professor, Webster University
Leiden, summer 2002.
* Post doc researcher, Department of Philosophy, University of
Amsterdam, 1996-1998 (part time).
* Lecturer in legal philosophy, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam,
* Ph.D. degree in law/philosophy,
january 1994, University of Amsterdam.
Thesis (in Dutch): Convention and law's intrigue. A vision on
Ronald Dworkin's legal philosophy
* Research assistant in legal
philosophy, Faculty of Law, University of
Amsterdam, 1987-1993
* Lecturer in political science at
the Haarlem Polytechnic, 1987 and
* M.A. degree in political science, University of Amsterdam, august 1986
(cum laude).
* Assistant lecturer in Political
Science, Department of Political and
Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam, 1984-1986
I teach social and political
philosophy, legal philosophy, and ethics, as well as philosophy
of arts & humanities and their history, both at the Faculty
of Philosophy and at Erasmus
University College.
As of 2015, my courses are
almost exclusively in English.
Next to courses in the Faculty of Philosophy and the University
College, I also taught an interdivisional 'minor'' on the
history of the social sciences and the humanities (2001-2014),
and a university-wide 'Honours Course'
for excellent bachelorstudents (2009-2012).
In the Erasmus Graduate
School for Social Sciences and Humanities, I teach two
Ph.D. courses, on Philosophy of the humanities and social
sciences, and on Great thinkers of the last 50 years.
Take a look at the list of all
my courses over the years (in both Dutch and English
Onbegrepen overheid. Tegendraads denken over
de staat Boom, Amsterdam 2024
[Uncomprehended government. Thinking the
state against the grain]
veldslagen. Filosofie van de culture wars. Boom, Amsterdam 2022
[Cultural battles. Philosophy of the culture
democratie. Hoge verwachtingen, paradoxale gevolgen. Boom,
Amsterdam 2018
[Stressed-out democracy. High expectations,
paradoxical consequences]
Nu even
niet! Over de interpassieve samenleving. Van Gennep, Amsterdam
[Not right now please! On interpassive
Anders denken over de rechtsstaat. Boom Juridische
uitgevers, Den Haag 2004
[Unfit law. Thinking through the rule
of law] [A collection of essays ]
surplus van illegaliteit. De Balie, Amsterdam 2002
[Illegality's surplus. An essay on the
social, political, and philosophical (surplus) value of
orde. Gedogen en de omgang met wilde praktijken. Boom,
Amsterdam 2002 [edited volume]
[Unruly order. On forbearance and how
to deal with unruly practices]
en rechtsintrige. Een visie op de rechtstheorie van Ronald
Dworkin. W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle 1994
[Ph.D. dissertation on Ronald Dworkin's
legal philosophy]
Erasmus School of Philosophy,
Woudestein campus, Bayle building, room J5-43,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
address Erasmus School of Philosophy, P.O. Box
1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands