Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 1970's: 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1971 | ||
4/3 | Volkskrant: Circa 33.000 vrouwen vroegen om abortus. Soortgelijke berichten naar aanleiding eerste registratie van abortus in NRC, Haagse Courant en op radionieuwsdienst |
abortion |
6/3 | Utrechts Nieuwblad, Logbowk wetenschap. Ander licht op abortus vraag. n.a.v artikel 'Argumenten voor en tegen abortus' in Intermediar jjanuari 1971 | abortion |
23/3 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Lezerstribune. Abortus | abortion |
18/4 | IKOR radio Politiek, wat koop je er voor? | happiness policy |
1972 | ||
25/3 | Volkstrant:. Artsen sterk verdeeld over abortus | abortion |
25/3 | Resultaten enquete onder artsen ook besproken op radio 1 news and radio VPRO and KRO | aborrtion |
*/6 | Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB) p 578 Geluk. Signlament paper 'Geluk als onderwerp vn sociologisch onderzoek' |
happiness |
15/11 | NRC-Handelsblad. Ongewenste kinderen kunnen tot probleem mensen opgroeien | abortion |
1973 | ||
?/? | TS Gezondheid p.21 Bespreking 'Abortus: achtergronden van het probleem, effecten van liberalisering, weerstanden tegen liberalisering en praktijkproblemen' door C.G. van der Plas |
abortion |
?/? | Mensen van Nu Abortus vrij door Hankie Bauer | abortion |
7/7 | Accent, p. 51, Bespreking 'Abortus: achtergronden van het probleem, effecten van liberalisering, weerstanden tegen liberalisering en praktijkproblemen' door W.G. Zelvelder |
abortion |
1974 | ||
?/? | Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geneeskunde , 52 (1) p.35. Bespreking 'Abortus: achtergronden van het probleem, effecten van liberalisering, weerstanden tegen liberalisering en praktijkproblemen' door P.E. Treffers. |
abortion |
?/? | De Bazuin vol 74, p 3-6 De zoerzure olicrisis | economic recession |
15/1 | Trouw. Ongewenste kinderen hebben minder kans op gezondheid | abortion, unwanted children |
21/11 | Algemeen Dagblad, p. 17 | happiness and having children |
1975 | ||
nr. 1 | Reflex, p. 5 | happiness and having children |
?/? | Qoud Novum, p.5 | happiness |
?/? | Mensen van Nu, p. 50-52 | happiness and having children |
?/? | VIVA, p. 46-48 | happiness and having children |
11/1 | Volkskrant; Abortus nu definifief politike zaak' nav publicatie 'Vier jaar abortus in Nederland' | abortion practice |
11/1 | Trouw: Overgangproblemen vrijer abortusbeleid in stilte opgelost..nav publicatie 'Vier jaar abortus in Nederland' | abortion practice |
21/1 | NRC p.7 redactioneel commentaar ' Abortus' nav publicatie 'Vier jaar abortus in Nederland' |
abortion practice |
26/3 | Trouw | happiness and having children |
16/1 | Het Parool, p.13 | happiness and having children |
*/7 | Ouders van Nu. Het gezin moet niet de enige samenlvingvorm zijn | Alternative family forms |
7/11 | Qoud Novum: p.1 Huwelijk:als padvindersmes | happiness and marriage |
8/11 | Volkskrant Voorkeusbehandeling van het huwelijk geeft andere leefvormen geen kans | Alternative fmily forms |
13/11 | NRC, p.2 | happiness and marriage |
29/11 | De Haagse Post | happiness and marriage |
31/11 | De Volkskrant | happiness and marriage |
13/12 | Accent, p. 35-39 | happiness and marriage |
1976 | ||
?/? | Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geneeskunde vol 54, p 844-847 Documentatie over abortus door P.E. Treffers Op p 845 Bespreking ' Nederlanders over abortus,, meningen over beeindiging van leven bij abortus, euthanasie, oorlogsvoering en bestraffing' |
abortion |
15/10 | VIVA, p. 60-63 | Love |
3/1 | Het Vrije Volk, p. 8 | happiness and marriage |
20/3 | Haarlems Dagblad | abortion |
5/12 | VARA TV | happiness and marriage |
1977 | ||
19/12 | Algemeen Dagblad | happiness |
25/3 | Margriet, p 86-87 En ze leefden nog lang en ongelukkig .. heus? | Family, divorce |
1978 | ||
?/? | K&O vol. 21 nr 3 p 34. Boek annotatie 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
?/? | Maandblad Gezinsverzorging. vol. 8, nr 4. Bespreking 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
?/? | Huisarts en Wetenschap vol 21, p 269 Bespreking 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?' door G.J.Bremer |
happiness and having children |
?/? | Prisma literatuurinlichting; signlement 'Kiezen voor kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
?/? | Nederlnds Bibliotheek en Lectuur centrum Signalement 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
14/1 | Limburgs Dagblad | happiness and having children |
28/1 | Gooi en Eemlander, p. 29 | happiness and having children |
23/2 | Het Parool | happiness nd having children |
28/2 | Parool, Bespreking 'Kinderen ja of Nee' | happiness and having children |
1/4 | Het Dagblad Zwolle, signalement 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
19/5 | Welzijnsweekblad p. 20-21 | happiness |
*/6 | Avenue, Gevoelsgids | happiness and having children |
7/6 | Qoud Novum Geluksfbriek | happiness |
10/6 | GPD dagbladen | happiness |
27/6 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad, p. 13 | happiness and having children |
12/7 | Nieuwe Noord-Hollandse Courant, bespreking 'De Liefde Ontleed' door Guus Herbschleb | love |
2/8 | Telegraaf p 13 nav boek ' Deliefde ontleed' | love |
19/8 | Algemeen Dagblad, p.17 | happiness and marraige |
1979 | ||
17/2 | De Haagsche Courant, p. 9 | abortion |
23/2 | Het Volk (Belgie) Bespreking boek' Kiezen voor kinderen?' | happiness and having children |
10/6 | Uniworld consult. Rapport 'Onderzoek naar 'happiness': Over het werk van prof Ruut Veenhoven' | livbility of nations |
8/12 | Algemen Dagblad Kinderen? Beslist niet! Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | Volkkrant Kinderloze echtparen behoeven meer begrip. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | Haagse Courant. 1 op 10 huwelijke vrijwillig kinderloos. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntry childlessness |
14/12 | Het Vrije Volk. Tien percent vrijwillig kinderloos. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | Trouw Geen kind willen is niet onnatuurlijk. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | Leeuwarder Courant Een op de tien huwelijken blijft vrijwillig kinderloos. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | NRC NVSH-studie Moederinstinct bestaat niet . Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/12 | Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant. 10% huwelijken blijft vrijwillig kinderloos. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
15/12 | De Telegraaf Zonder kinderen toch gelukkig. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
21/12 | Utrechts Universiteitsblad, Moeilijk doen over mensen zonder kinderen. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 1980's
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1980 | ||
?/? | Pedagogisch Tijdschrift vol. 5 p 527 Bespreking 'Kiezen voor Kinderen?" door F.W. Prins | happiness and having children |
?/? | EO radio, Zojuist verschenen. Bespreking 'Vrijwillige Kinderloosheid' door M.B. Van't Veer | happiness and having children |
?/? | Stichting Hulp bij Ongewennste Zwangerschap (HOZ) Bespreking 'Kinderen: ja of nee? 'Ervaringen, opvattingen enachtergronden | happiness and having children |
10/1 | NRC recatie op NVSH-studie Moederinstinct bestaat niet dd 14/12/1979 | voluntary childlessness |
26/2 | Het Parool, p. 13 | voluntary childlessness |
*/3 | Sextant (magazine NVSH) maart 1980 pp 7-10Het ouderschap is geen aangeboren roeping. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
14/4 | Volkskrant, p. 3. Kind licht geraakt door scheiding ouders | happiness children of divorce |
20/8 | De Groene Amsterdammer, De rozengeur van kinderen: Bespreking 'Kinderen: ja of nee?' door Mieke Goudt | happiness nd having children |
24/12 | NRC-Opinie. Ons is geen kindje geboren. Signalement boek Vrijwillige kinderloosheid. | voluntary childlessness |
1981 | ||
3/1 | De Haagse Post, p.5-7 | abortion |
17/1 | Leids Dagblad, p. 21 | happines and marriage |
28/2 | Algemeen Dagblad, p. 7 | happiness and having children |
*/4 | Avenue April 1981 pp.123-126 Samenvatting boek 'kinderen ja of nee' | happiness and having children |
30/5 | Algemeen Dagblad | happiness of only children |
*/8 | Libelle, nr 35p.60-63 | happiness |
*/11 | Stimezo Nieuws | abortion |
*/11 | Leef, November 1981 pp.18-21. Zijn vrijwillig kinderlozen elitaire nieuwlichters? | voluntary childlessness |
1982 | ||
28/8 | Sijthof Pers | happiness |
11/9 | Dagbladen Persunie | happiness and marriage |
1983 | ||
28/1 | Havenloods. Signalement symposium 'Betere wweereld, Gelukkiger mensen?' | happines and society |
10/3 | Het Vrije Volk | happiness and unemploymnt |
*/4 | Intermagazine nr. 4, p. 52-53 Bespreking 'Betere wereld, Gelukkiiger mensen? door frits Boer | happiness |
23/4 | AVRO Televizier, uitzending docu ' 'Kinderen ja of nee?' | happiness and having children |
28/4 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad, p. 3 | happiness and having children |
*/5 | Nieuwsbrief Psychologie, p. 5-6 Betere wereld, gelukkiger mensen? | happiness nd society |
7/5 | Haagse Post, pp 6-7 | voluntary childlessness |
18/5 | ESB, Economische Statistische Berichten, p.450-451. Discussie relatie welvaart -geluk door Huib van der Stadt | happiness and wealth |
1984 | ||
?/? | Rekenschap p.179-185 Een gelukkig mens.. wat is dat? Bespreking 'Conditions of Happiness' door Christine Jol |
happiness |
?/? | Boston Glob4e, Intelligence Report. Signalement 'Conditions of happiness' | happiness |
?/2 | Het Vrije Volk | abortion, practice |
?/2 | De Volkskrant, p. 11 | abortion, practice |
25/2 | De Telegraaf | happiness |
4/4 | Intermagazine pp.52-53 Geluk II Bespreking Betere wereld, gelukkiger mensen? door Frits Boer | happiness |
29/9 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad | happiness and having children |
?/? | Leids Dagblad | happiness |
27/6 | Quod Novum, p. 3 | happiness |
21/6 | Algemeen Dagblad, p. 2 | happiness |
21/6 | De Telegraaf, T 5 | happiness |
22/6 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad, 'Onderzoeker rekent af met wijsheden over gelukkig zijn | happiness |
23/6 | NRC, Zaterdags Bijvoegsel, p.2 | happiness |
23/6 | Algemeen Dagblad | happiness |
26/6 | De Brug, plaatselijk weekblad 'Socioloog brengt geluk in kaart' | happiness |
22/6 | Welzijnsweekblad, p.1, 9, 16 | happiness |
6/7 | Intermediair, 1-5 | happiness |
29/9 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad 23 | voluntary childlessness |
28/9 | Frankfurter Algemeine Zeiting, Magazin, p. 6. ' Uber Leute' | happines and wealth |
?/10 | Stern (Duits weekblad) | happiness |
*/10 | Mensen van Nu, oktober 1984, p 56 ' Alleeen minder gelukkig | happiness of singles |
*/11 | Mensen, November 1984 ' Geeft geld geluk?' Review Conditions of happiness' en ' Betere Wereld Gelukkiger mensen door Peter Kampschuur |
happiness and socity |
*/12 | De Humanist, p. 10-11 | happiness |
11/12 | De Volkskrant | happiness |
14/12 | VIVA, p. 57 | happiness |
16/12 | Evangelische Omroep | abortion |
1985 | ||
?/? | Gezondheid en Samenleving, vol 6, nr. 1, p.65-67 Bespreking 'Conditions of happiness' door M. Mootz |
happiness |
?/? | Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 16. Bespreking 'Betere wereld, gelukkiger mensen?' door J.H. Vonk |
happiness |
?/? | Tijdschrift voor Sociale gezondheidszorg vol 63, nr. 17, pp. 756-757. Bespreking ' Conditions of happiness' door A. Ph. Visser |
happiness |
?/? | Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review vol 22, nr 2. pp 115-117 Review ' Conditions of Happiness' byNancy Frasure-Smith |
happiness |
?/? | Parool PS p.2 Maakt geld de mens gelukkig? door Jan Pen n.a.v. data in Conditions of Happiness | Happiness and wealth |
*/1-2 | Psychologie jan/feb p 48-49 Geluk gemeten - Here I am, more than glad to be unhappy. Bespreking ' Conditions of happiness' door Trudie DeHue |
happiness |
?/4 | Gids, april, p. 44 Bespreking ' Conditions of Happiness' door J. Hagendoorn |
happiness |
*/3 | MGV: Maandblad Geestelijk Volksgezondheid nr. 3, p. 308-311 Verslag studiedag ouderschap:motieven en reacties | happiness and having children |
13/3 | Hervormd Nederland p. 10-13 | happiness and having children |
13/7 | Parool, PS p.18, Artikel Johanna Fortuin 'Geluk: samen leven, Samen sterven' | happiness |
1986 | ||
?/? | Archives de Sociologie de Religion, Besptreking ' Conditions of Happiness' door Willem Frijhoff | happiness |
?/? | Journal of Public Policyvol. 6 nr 2. Review of 'Conditions for Happiness' by David Donnisson | happiness |
?/? | European Sociological Review Vol.? nr.? pp. 3-4, Review of 'Conditions for happiness' by Hans-Micheal Mohr | happiness |
?/? | Social Indicators research vol 18, pp.125-126. Review of 'Conditions of happiness' by Albert Kozma | happiness |
?/? | Civis Mundi vol. 25, nr.1 pp 39-42. Bespreking ' Conditions of happiness' door C.W. Rietdijk | happiness |
28/5 | Weekblad ' De Brug' | happiness and social bonds |
*/6 | Sextant p.4 (monthy Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sexuele Hervorming NVSH) | action for sexual reform |
20/12 | NRC, Themma bijvoegsel p. 4 | happiness |
24/12 | Trouw | happiness |
27/12 | Het Vrije Volk, p. 11 | happiness and marriage, mate selection |
1987 | ||
nr. 14, | Libelle, p. 46 | happiness |
?/? | ? pp 55-58 De mythe van de vrijgezel doorJan Rolies n.a.v papers over geluk alleenstaanden | happiness of singles |
1988 | ||
8/1 | Het Vrije Volk, p. 1-5 | happiness and marriage |
14/4 | Dagbladen Sijthof Pers | happiness and divorce |
14/4 | De Volkskrant p.3 Kind licht geraakt door sheiding ouders: Onderzoek ruimt vooroordelen uit de weg | happiness and divorce |
*/5 | Cosmopolitan, p 93-94 'Grijp je geluk' | happiness |
11/5 | Weekblad ' De Brug', p. 2 | happiness children of divorce |
*/6 | International Test Commission Newsletter 8 (1) p1-10 | Assessing Quality of Life |
7/6 | De Telegraaf, p. 1, 6 | happiness |
Rotterdams Nieuwsblad | happiness | |
6/7 | De Humanist, zomer 1988 | happiness and time stress |
6/9 | Algemeen Dagblad | happiness |
*/10 | Shell Venster p.15-17 | happiness research |
15/10 | NRC, p. 24 | love |
17/10 | Trouw, p. 4 | happiness and marrig |
19/12 | Knack (Belgie) p. 233-239 | happiness and divorce |
26/12 | Quod Novum, p. 7 | happiness |
28/10 | Het Vrije Volk, p. 15 Gelukkige mensen zijn geen tevreden koeien | happiness |
2/11 | De Telegraaf, T 5 | happiness |
28/10 | De Tijd, p. 66-70 | happiness and divorce |
28/10 | Qoud Novum, Weekblad Erasmus Universiteit, p.7 Geluk is niet te koop | happiness, bio Ruut Veenhoven |
*/11 | MUG Maandblad UitkeringsGerechtigden Zijn stelletjes gelukkiger? | happiness of singles |
1/11 | Trouw Het geluk bungende er wat bij | happiness research |
1/11 | NCRV TV | happiness |
1/11 | Reformatorisch Dagblad Gelukkige mensen leven iets langer en zijn gezonder | happiness and health |
1/11 | Frappe (faculteitsblad politicologie) 17-18, interview door Monika Sie Dhian Ho | happiness |
2/11 | De Telegraaf Hoog cijfer voor ons geluk: Ongelukkige mensen lijden aan psychische problmen | happiness |
2/11 | Dagbladen Persunie | happiness |
2/11 | Rotterdams Dagblad | happiness |
4/11 | Het Vrije Volk Nederland kan nog een beetje gelukkiger | happiness in nations |
4/11 | Het Vrije Volk Geluk Column Rien Vroegindeweij | happiness research |
5/11 | Elsevier Magazine, 117-182 Tevreden, ondanks crisis | Geluk en recessie |
7/11 | De Gelderlander | happiness and economic recession |
8/11 | De Gelderlander | happiness and having children |
25/11 | Het belang van Limburg (Belgie) p.7 | happiness |
1989 | ||
*/3 | Margriet, nr 10p. 52-55 | love |
23/3 | Die Weltwoche (Duits), p. 35 | happiness and divorce |
*/5 | Gezondheidsnieuws, p. 10-11 | happiness |
*/7 | Journal of Public Policy, 10(3), 357-359 Review of "Did the Crisis Really Hurt? by Hugh Freeman |
happiness and economic recession |
*/11 | Intermagazine, p. 97-100 | happiness |
Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 1990's
Mondelinge interviews voor radio en TV pas opgenomen vanaf 1991
1990 | ||
?/? | British Journal of Psychiatry, vol.? nr. ? pp.357-359. Review of ' Did the crisis really hurt' by Hugh Freeman | happiness and economic recession |
?/? | Social Indicators Network News (SINET) vol.? nr.? p. 4. Review of ' Did the crisis really hurt?' | happiness and economic recession |
1991 | ||
*/2 | Social Indicators Network News (SINET), nr 25, pp.1-2. Review of 'How harmful is happiness?' | happiness consequnces |
16/2 | Dagbladen Sijthof Pers, p. 47 | happiness of singles |
18/3 | Het Parool, p.4 Sex en gnot nog ltijd goed voor veel getob | happiness of singles |
*/5 | Margriet, nr 20, p. 26-27 | happiness |
6/7 | Elsevier magazine, 8-13 | abortion, policy of tolerance |
20/9 | NRC, p 1, 3 | abortion |
12/10 | Vrij Nederland, p 18-12 | happiness and divore |
19/10 | De Telegraaf p. 19 | happiness and intimte ties |
23/10 | Quod Novum, p. 12. Ruut Veenhoven van student-activist tot docent | 1960s, biography Ruut Veenhoven |
12/11 | NRC-Handelsblad, Gemeten Geluk | happiness |
1992 | ||
*/? | Social Indicators Research, vol 26, pp. 199-203. Review of Subjective Well-Being: An Interdiciplinary perspective' by Alex Michalos |
happiness |
*/? | Contemporary Psychology vol. 37, nr. 2. Happystance: Review of Subjective Well-Being: An Interdiciplinary perspective' by Ronnie Janoff-Bulman |
happiness |
*/? | Social Indicators research vol. 27, pp. 375-379 Review of ' How harmful is happiness?' and 'Did the crisis really hurt?' by Wolfgang Glatzer and Matias Bos |
happiness consequences, happiness and economic recession |
3/1 | NCRV TV | happiness |
*/3 | De Uithof: (blad jongerencentrum Heeswijk-Dinther) p.408 | happiness |
*/6 | Psychologie, juni nummer pp 11-16 | happiness, role of comparisons |
12/9 | Het Parool , p. 33 | intimte ties |
16/6 | De Telegraaf | happiness |
16/6 | Algemeen Dagblad p 21 | Happiness |
?/9 | Radio Rijnmond | By-stander intervention |
7/12 | Radio Rijnmond | Youth riot behaviour |
9/12 | Maasbladen | Youth riot behaviour |
*/11 | Opzij, novembernummer | Happiness of singles |
19/11 | Actueel, p. 16-19 | Happiness of singles |
24/12 | De Volkskrant, Wetennschap p. 15 | Christmas symbols |
1993 | ||
7/3 | RTL4 TV Lief & Leed | Marriage |
17/4 | Elsevier , 34-17 | Happiness |
22/4 | Belang van Limburg | Happiness |
22/4 | De Gelderlander | Happiness |
23/4 | BRT Radio | Happiness |
23/4 | Leeuwarder Courant | Happiness |
1/5 | BRT TV Zevende Dag | Happiness |
25/5 | Algemeen Dagblad | Happiness |
9/6 | Quod Novum, p. 8 | Emotion-TV |
12/6 | De Telegraaf, TA5 | Happiness |
14/6 | Stads TV Rotterdam | ivability old city quarters |
30/9 | Radio Rijnmond | Media on intimate ties |
30/9 | NOS Radio 5 | Medi on intimte ties |
1/10 | NRC | Happiness of lottery winners |
5/10 | EO Radio, Formule 2 | Happiness of lottery winners |
20/10 | De Telegraaf | Emotion-TV |
22/10 | KRO Radio Het Paleis | Emotion-TV |
?/10 | Wereldomroep, English Program | Happiness |
4/12 | NCRV Radio Plein Publiek | Happiness and money |
8/12 | RTL4 TV Lief & Leed | Happiness and money |
14/12 | NCRV TV Rondom Tien | Marriying |
3/12 | HP/De Tijd, p. 32-35 | voluntary childlessness |
23/12 | Radio Rijnmond | Medi on intimate ties |
1994 | ||
7/1 | HP/De Tijd , p. 7-27 | Emotion-TV |
13/1 | De Gelderlander | Emotion TV |
14/2 | Wereldomroep | Livability of nations |
14/3 | VARA radio, Van Belang | Stress society |
5/3 | TROS radio, Nieuwsshow | Livability of nations |
?/3 | Radio Amstad, Beieren BRD | Selfimage of women |
19/3 | Utrechts Nieuwblad | Emotion-TV |
*/7 | Man juli/aug vol 22, 31-33 | Enjoyment |
13/5 | Intrmediair, p 23 | Sabatical |
15/5 | Zondags Nieuws, p. 1 | Happiness |
16/6 | NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschapsbijlage | Happiness nd economic prosperity |
19/6 | VPRO radio | Happiness nd economic prosperity |
23/6 | Rotterdams Nieuwblad. Op het plattelnd bestaat soms meer haat dan in de stad | Agression |
30/6 | NRC Brieven Geluk in cijfers | Happiness in nations |
*/10 | Avant Garde, oktobernummer | Happiness |
?/7 | Libelle 25, p. 31 | Happiness |
2/7 | Dagblad Noord-Limburg, p. 31 | Happiness |
16/7 | Hervormd Nederland, p. 14-16 | Happiness |
16/7 | Een gevulde maag op weg naar geluk Trouw |
Happiness |
*/7 | Avenue, julinummer (3) 12-13 | Abundance |
18/8 | KRO radio, Breakfast show | Livability of nations |
?/8 | EO radio, Allemensen | Happiness |
5/9 | KRO radio, Dingen die gebeuren | Lotery playing |
1/8 | Niewsblad van het Noorden | Public self-disclosure |
24/9 | GPD bladen, Wetenschapspagina | Happiness |
12/11 | Elsevier | Marriage market |
16/12 | Kleinere genoegens zijn nuttiger dan uit je dak gaan Algemeen Dagblad, p 3 |
Enjoyment |
16/12 | Radio Rijmond | Enjoyment |
18/12 | Wereldomroep | Enjoymnt |
17/12 | De Volkskrant | Enjoyment |
23/12 | De Gelderlander | Marriage brooking |
22/12 | KRO-radio, Dingen die gebeuren | Christmas feast |
1995 | ||
*/* | Social Indicators Research, vol. 35 pp117-121. Review of 'Bibliography of happiness' and 'Happiness in Natiois' by Ed Diener |
Happiness |
*/1 | Market Europe, nr. 1 p.9 | World Database of Happiness |
*/1 | Elegance, vol. 52, nr. 1, pp 36-40 | Happiness |
14/2 | Stadsradio Rotterdam, Campusradio | Valentijn day |
18/3 | NRC, Z-bijvoegsel | Love sickness |
*/4 | Actor, vol. 6 nr. 4, pp 11-13 | Happiness research |
20/4 | Stadsradio Rotterdam, Campusradio | Sociological research |
*/5 | Friends of the Eearth Europe. Samenvarring rapport Naar een duurzaam Europa pp. 28-29 | Happiness and economic prosperity of nation |
27/5 | Radio Rijnmond | Love for animals |
17/7 | NOS radio, Boven het dal | Happiness |
26/8 | Rotterdams Dagblad | Happiness and economic prosperity |
?/8 | Libelle, nr. 36, pp 62-63 | Happiness and income |
19/10 | StadTV Rotterdam | Perception |
11/11 | Veronica Nieuws Radio | Soap-series |
7/12 | VAR (huis-aan-huisblad) | Happiness |
6/12 | Quod Novum, p 7 | Humanism |
*/12 | Avenue, december, pp 30-37 | Happiness |
4/12 | RTL4 | Loneliness |
22/12 | Radio 5, VPRO | Happiness |
23/12 | TV-3, VPRO Buitenhof | Happiness |
30/12 | Een kwestie van geluk De Volkskrant, p 13 |
Happiness |
*/12 | Elle, decembernummer, p 44 | Emotion-TV |
1996 voor schrijvende pers | ||
9-1 | Algemeen Dagblad | Lotery |
15-1 | De Telegraaf | Happiness and economic prospeity |
16-1 | Trouw | Happiness in welfare stat |
18-1 | Het Belang van Limburg | Happiness in nations |
*/2 | Koorddanser, nr. 129, p 3 | Happiness in welfare state |
*/3 | Zeno, nr.1 p.15 Don't happy, be worry | Happiness |
6-3 | NRC | Singles |
7-2 | De Bazuin | Humanistic society |
17-2 | Leeuwarder Courant | Humanistic society |
22-2 | Utrechts Universiteitsblad | Happiness research |
29-2 | Limburgs Universiteitsblad | Intimate relations |
9-3 | Rotterdams Nieuwsblad | One parent families |
14-3 | Haagse Courant | Happiness in nations |
15-3 | Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant | Happiness and children |
1-4 | De Limburger | Happiness and chldren |
13-4 | Trouw Verzorgingsstaat geen garantie voor beter leven | Happiness in welfare state |
*/6 | Doen, nr. 86 | Happiness and unemployment |
*/6 | Playboy, nr. 7 | Happiness in The Netherlands |
15-7 | Haarlems Dagblad | Satisfaction with society |
26-8 | GPD bladen | Livability of nations |
5-9 | Ik ga toch door en wil het nu gezellig hebben Trouw, p 3 |
Lonliness among elderly |
14-9 |
Toen was geluk nog gewoon... |
Nostalgia |
8-11 | Nederlands Dagblad | Pleasure |
20-11 | Algemeen Dagblad | Livability of nations |
30-12 | Haagse Courant | Livability of nations |
31-12 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad | Livability of nations |
*/12 | Mozaik, studentenblad ASW UU Leefbaarheid van landen | Livability of nations |
*/12 | Bonus, Oost Nederland zorg | Happiness |
*/12 | Diverse krantenberichten in binnen- en buitenlandse bladen n.a.v. oratie | Livability of nations |
1996 voor radio en TV | ||
3-1 | Radio 3, Breakfast Club | Happiness |
8-1 | RTL4 | Loteriy |
6-1 | Radio 1, Met het oog op morgen | Hedonism |
18-1 | NCRV radio, Kerk & Samenleving | Happiness |
22-1 | BRT radio, Zuidkant | Happiness |
25-1 | VARA tv, Joosten | Happiness books |
14-2 | RTL4, Catherine | Happiness and money |
14-2 | Veronica, Talkradio | Valentijn day |
11-3 | Veronica, Talkradio | Happiness of housewives |
1-4 | Veronica, Talkradio | M/F age difference |
15-7 | Radio Rijnmond | Satisfaction with society |
15-7 | Radio 2 | Satisfaction with society |
?-8 | Canadian TV, Parliamentary Net | Livability of nations |
?-8 | UNBC TV, Campus News | Livability of nations |
?-9 | Wereldomroep, English Program | Marriage |
11-10 | Veronica TV, Deelder | Happiness |
26-11 | NCRV TV, Jos Brink | Livability of nations |
27-11 | AVRO radio | Livability of nations |
?-12 | TV South Africa | Livability of nations |
1997 voor schrijvende pers | ||
*/* | Tijdschrift Gereontologie en Geriatrie vpl 28 pp.38-39. Bespreking oratie'Leefbaarheid van landen' | Livability |
9/1 | Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium), p 24 | Happiness |
8/2 | Aftenposten (Noorwegen) | Happy life-expectancy |
april | Goed Gevoel (Belgie) nr. 4, pp 44-47 | Happiness |
2/3 | De Standaard (België), p 37 | Happiness |
28/2 | Margriet, nr.10 | Happiness and TV |
?/4 | Margriet, nr. 50 | Happiness and children |
10/4 | NRC, p 35 | Psychotherapy |
22/4 | Flair (Belgium), pp 20-21 | Consumentism |
*/5 | Opzij, p 34 | Happiness and emancipation |
*/5 | Elle, pp 50-55 | Happiness |
*/5 | Rotterdamse Straatkrant, pp 3-4 | Happiness |
18/5 | Unconventional wisdom: New facts and hot stats from the social sciences The Washington Post, p C05 |
Happiness research |
*/6 | Indicators update, 3, p. 4 Turning the tables on quality of life | Happy Life Expectancy |
*/6 | Tijdschrift voor verloskundigen (TVV) vol. 22 nr 6, 47-48 Maken kinderen gelukkig? | Mother instrinct? |
25/6 | Haarlems Dagblad | Happiness |
27/6 | El Tiempo (Colombia) | Livability of nations |
15/9 | De Ingenieur | Happiness |
12/7 | Elsevier | Happiness and economy |
19/7 | Het Parool, p 21 | Happiness |
*/10 | Psychologie, september 1997, p.52-53, Geluk gemeten | Happiness |
11/10 | Global Ideas Bank www.newciv.org/GIB.Happiest nations: Sweden, The Netherlands and Iceland | Happiness in nations |
5/11 | Trouw | Humanististic society |
*/11 | Publiek Domein, vol. 3, nr. 6, p 24 | Happiness research |
*/11 | Social Indicator Network News (SINET) Autumn p. 5-6 Review of 'A comparative study of satisfaction with life in Europe' by Abbott Ferriss |
Happiness in nations |
21/11 | IJslanders en Nederlanders zijn veel gelukkiger dan Bulgaren Trouw, p 9 |
Happiness in nations |
*/12 | Kijk, december 1997 O, wat hebben we het goed | Happiness |
19/12 | Nederlandse Gemeente p 28-31 | Happiness |
?/12 | Twents Dagblad Tubantia | Happiness, righ for? |
Berichten in diverse buitenlandse kranten (o.a. Times 20/1, Guardian 25/1) en in wetenschappelijke bulletins | Happy lifd-expectancy | |
1997 voor radio & TV | ||
1/1 | VARA-radio (1), Roodgloeiend | Happiness |
2/1 | BBC-radio, Europe | Livability of nations |
6/1 | BBC-radio, Engeland | Livability of nations |
9/1 | Radio Iceland | Livability of nations |
?/1 | NBC-TV, Skychannel | Happiness |
15/1 | Talkradio | Happiness |
?/2 | El Pais semanal, Elena Ochoa over World Database of Happiness | Happiness |
14/2 | RTL4-TV Catherine | Bad luck |
7/2 | Talkradio | Quarrel |
14/2 | KRO-TV, Ontbijt-tv | Valentijn day |
?/3 | Trondheim University TV | Quality-of-life |
31/3 | VARA-radio (5), Van Belang | Socialization |
2/4 | NCRV-radio (3), Peter Plaisier | Intelligence |
13/4 | BRT-TV, Jan Publiek | Happiness and money |
21/4 | BRT-radio | Happiness |
4/5 | Talkradio | Happiness |
28/5 | NPS-radio (5) | Marriage brooking |
6/6 | NPS-radio (1) | Happiness |
6/7 | Stadsradio Utrecht | Happiness |
20/7 | OHM-radio (5) (allochtonenomroep) | Happiness, philosopgy of life |
8/9 | DRS-radio (3) (Zwitserland) | Happiness |
10/9 | Radio Rijnmond | Singles |
11/10 | Radio Rijnmond | Agression |
7/11 | West Deutsche Radio | Happiness |
26/11 | Stadsradio Utrecht | Feast days |
2/12 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
3/12 | Radio 1, NOS-journaal | Happiness and money |
19/12 | Stadsradio Rotterdam, Campus-radio | Marriage brooking |
22/12 | Radio 5, Humanistische Omroep | Meaning of life |
30/12 | Radio 1, EO Tijdsein | Happiness and money |
1998 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
14/4 | Radio 2, Vlaanderen | Livbility |
17/7 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
3/9 | Wereldomroep | Happiness |
20/10 | RTL4 TV | Happiness and money |
25/12 | RTL-live | Happiness and money |
1998 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
?/? | El Pais Sobre la felicidad | World Database of Happiness |
?/? | Sunday Times | Happiness |
16/1 | Twents Dagblad Tubantia | Happiness right? |
24/1 | Twents Dagblad Tubantia | Happiness determinant |
?/5 | Milieu Defensie nr. 2, pp 28-31 | Livability |
?/6 | Opzij | Childlessness |
*/6 | International Test Newsletter vol. 8 nr.1 aessing QOL: Interview with 4 scholars | Quaity of life |
13/6 | LUUP (Estse HP) | Happiness |
6/7 | De Humanist, zomer 1998 24-uurs economie | Livability of nations |
?/10 | Men's Health | Singles |
2/11 | Parool | Happiness and money |
24/12 | GPD-bladen | Degeneration TV |
1998 Interviews in boeken | ||
* | Ine Schoo 'Gewoon gelukkig', pp 183-186, Gottmer Bloemendaal ISBN 90 6834177 4 | Happiness |
1999 | ||
1999 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
9/3 | KRO Ontbijt TV | Singles |
15/6 | Radio Vlaanderen | Happiness measuremnt |
18/8 | Radio Noord Holland | Happiness |
24/8 | Radio 1, BNN chatradio | Children |
26/8 | Radio 5, Tros | Children |
25/8 | Radio 1, NCRV talkradio | Marriage |
13/9 | Humanistische Radio Omroep Schiedam | Happiness |
14/10 | ZDR TV, Welt der Wissenschaft, Docu 'Island, Insel der Glueklichen' | Happiness |
?/? | BBC TV, Discovery | Happiness |
?/12 | RTL 5 TV, Serie seksualiteit | Happiness and intimate ties |
1999 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/1 | SPES (maandblad vereniging HOVO-studenten EUR), pp 75-76 | Happiness |
*/1 | Stern (Duitsland), p 56 | Happiness in nations |
4/1 | Arnhemse Courant, p. 2collumn Heleen Crul: Een gelukkig nieuwjaar | Happiness |
16/2 | Algemeen Dagblad | Partner choice |
9/3 | Algemeen Dagblad p 1+4 | Happiness |
11/3 | De Volkskrant, p 11 | Happiness |
27/3 | De Volkskrant 7v, IJsland is 'cool' | Happiness in nations |
1/4 | Volkskrant, Frits Bolkestein over World Database of Happiness | Happiness in nations |
18/5 | Berichten Bestuursdienst Rotterdam | Happiness and welfare state |
30/5 | Citizen's Weekly (Canada), p 3-4 | Happiness |
*/7 | De Psychiater, pp17 | Happiness |
*/8 | Carp, p 12-15 | Happiness |
21/8 | Parool, PS, p 26-29 | Happiness |
24/8 | Algemeen Dagblad, p 3 | Happiness and children |
?/8 | Straatkrant Haarlem | Happiness |
?/8 | Sunday Times | Livability of cities |
*/9 | Carp | Marriage |
*/10 | Elle, p 58 | Happiness and aspirtions |
*/9 | Plus , p 6-11 | Happiness |
13/10 | BIZZ, magazine midden en kleinbedrijf, pp 27-30 | Fortune |
23/10 | Dagbladen GPD | Happiness |
26/11 | De Volkskrant, p 13 | Divorce |
*/11 | RABO-visie, p 28 | Convenience services |
11/11 | Erasmus magazine | Happiness |
22/12 | DeBrug (regionaal advertentieblad) | Happiness |
24/12 | Libelle | Happiness |
*/12 | De Humanist | Humanism |
17/12 | Dagblad De Morgen (Belgie) | Happiness |
Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 2000's
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2000 | ||
2000 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
?/1 | NOS radio | Happiness |
?/1 | AVRO, Ochtend TV | Future |
10/1 | Radio Belie, Voor de dag | Individualism |
27/2 | Radio Rijnmond | Emotion |
18/3 | Wereldomroep | Happiness |
19/4 | WDR-TV, Mitwoch live (Duitsland) | Happiness |
20/6 | Radio 1, KRO | Happiness |
13/11 | BBC4 (Engeland) | Happiness |
?/11 | NTV4 (Canada) | Happiness |
2000 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/* | Revista de Certetari (Romenian) vol. 3, nr. 4, pp.158-160. Review of reseach on subjective well-being focused on Ruut Veenhoven by Sergiu Baltatescu | Happiness |
1/* | EOS magzine (Belgie), pp 6-12 | Happiness |
14/2 | The Independent (Engeland) Dutch are happiest says survey | Happiness |
15/2 | Het Laatste Nieuws (Belgie) | Happiness |
19/2 | Rotterdams Nieuwsblad | Happiness |
20/2 | De Standaard (Belgie) | Happiness |
*/3 | Dolce Vita, pp 59-61 | Happiness |
6/4 | Utrechts Universiteitsblad | Universital reveil |
13/4 | Univers (blad universiteit Tilburg) | Happiness |
14/4 | Volkskrant Magazine p. 24 | Only child |
*/4 | Top Sante (Belgie), pp 84-88 | Happiness |
11/5 | De Volkskrant | Happiness |
13/5 | Hervormd Nederland, pp 6-7 | Happiness |
*/5 | Hypothese (magzine NWO) | Happiness and modernity |
19/5 | NRC Handelsblad p.37. Het beslissende boek van Sasqia Stuiveling: Dankzij Veenhoven sla ik een brug naar geluk van mensen | Happy life-expectancy |
20/5 | Utrechts Nieuwsblad | Happiness and home |
8/6 | Erasmus magzine (blad Erasmus Universiteit) | Seksuality |
*/8 | Stroom | Happiness |
5/8 | Vrij Nederland | Happiness and consumption |
*/9 | Psychologie Magzine, pp 34-37 | Happiness |
6/9 | Salon.com (internet magazine) | Happiness |
8/9 | Trouw | Singles |
*/9 | RABO-visie, nr. 4, pp 3-6 | Happiness and economic prosperity |
6/10 | Management Team | Childlessness |
28/10 | Algemeen Dagblad, Magazine, p 22 Stom geluk | Happiness |
*/11 | Vivenda, pp 59-63 | Happiness |
*/11 | Genoeg, pp 8-9 | Happiness and economic properity |
*/11 | Men's Health | Happiness |
*/11 | Feeling (damesblad Belgie) | Happiness |
1/11 | Happiness is living in Iceland The Daily Telegraph (London), p 26 |
Happiness in nations |
9/11 | Journal de Tarde (dagblad Brazilie), pp 13D | Happiness |
11/11 | Boston Globe (USA), pp A1 | Happiness |
15/11 | De Volkskrant | Happiness and technology |
27/11 | Gelukkig volkje Trouw: Katern Religie en Filosofie, p 12 |
Happiness in nations |
?/11 | Algemeen Dagblad | Happiness |
?/11 | Algemeen Dagblad magazine | Happiness |
?/11 | SanFransisco Examiner (USA) | Happiness |
*/12 | Grip, pp 6-7 | Happiness and age |
*/12 | Bijeen | Happiness and economic prosperity |
?/12 | Fries Dagblad | Happiness |
?/12 | Daily Telegraph (Engeland) | Happiness |
14/12 | FNV magazine pp 8-10 | Happiness |
21/12 | Libelle (damesblad Belgie) | Happiness |
23/12 | Trouw | Chritsmas |
23/12 | De Volkskrant, p 23 | Happiness and economic prosperity |
2001 | ||
2001 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
13/1 | Tros radio, Radar | Happiness |
14/1 | NCRV radio, studiogesprek | Happiness |
15/1 | Utrecht TV, Kanaal 9 | Happiness in Buthan |
15/1 | Radio 1, Budistische omroep | Happiness |
18/1 | Radio 5, TROS Radar | Happiness |
19/1 | Radio 5, Schuim en As | Happiness |
23/1 | Radio 1, VPRO | Happiness |
13/2 | Radio 3 | Valentijn day |
23/2 | TV2, AVRO | Health and parties |
23/2 | TV SBS 6 | Happiness and money |
25/2 | TV1 Budhistische omroep | Happiness |
25/2 | Radio 3, NCRV Buzz | Happiness and money |
20/3 | TV2, EO Het elfde uur | Happiness |
8/4 | Wereldomroep | Happiness |
14/4 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
19/4 | Yorin, radio | Happiness |
1/5 | Radio 2, VARA | Abortion, history of reform |
6/5 | Radio 1, NCRV | Urban setiquette |
8/5 | Radio 1, KRO | Individualisation |
14/6 | Radio 5, VPRO | Happiness |
25/6 | Radio Rijnmond | Depression |
24/10 | Radio Pharos, Amsterdam | Happiness |
5/11 | AVRO-TV | Happiness and age |
14/12 | Radio Columbia | Happiness in nations |
29/12 | TV-1, AVRO | Happiness and children |
2001 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
13/1 | NRC Handelsblad, p 19 | Happiness and prosperity |
15/1 | De Volkskrant | Happiness in Buthan |
19/1 | Trouw, De Verdieping | Happiness in Buthan |
13/2 | De Volkskrant, p 3 | Valentijn day |
14/3 | De Volkskrant, wetenschapskatern | Happiness |
18/3 | Morgenavisen (dagblad Denemarken), p 4 | Happiness |
*/4 | Eloquent (faculteitsblad Economie Universiteit Maastricht) jaargang 7, nr. 3, pp 24-28 | Happiness |
14/4 | De Volkskrant magazine pp. 23-27 Geen broers, Geen zussen | Only child |
16/4 | De Volkskrant, column Jan Blokker: Goed nieuws | Happiness |
*/6 | Avant Garde, nr. 7, pp 28-31 | Happiness |
Boek: A. Bergsma, Wat bezielt de psycholoog. Gesprekken met vooraanstaande psychologen, Uitgeverij Nieuwenzijds Amsterdam, 2001, pp 230-236, ISBN 90 5712 110 7. Eerder gepubliceerd in Psychologie Magazine, september 2000 | Happiness | |
*/10 | Monitor, Magazine Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam, okt/nov, pp 6-8 | Happiness and health |
15/10 | VIVA 42 | 'Sunday' children |
*/11 | Safe (magzine RABO-bank) | Happiness and money |
9/12 | New York Times Magzine Every country is hppy in its own way | Happiness in nations |
22/12 | De Limburger, pp 1, C1, D1 | Happiness |
2002 | ||
2002 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
15/3 | Radio Noord Holland, Van kust tot kust | Happiness |
8/6 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
6/9 | BBC Radio Lancashire | Happiness |
19/9 | KRO radio | Happiness |
1/10 | AVRO TV Gezondheidsplein | Choice |
4/10 | Radio 3 NCRV | Happiness and economic recession |
12/12 | Radio 1, KRO Dolca Vita | Happiness |
28/12 | TV5, Beauty en Zo | Happiness |
30/12 | Radio 1, Kunststof | Art of living |
2002 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/1 | Borderline 6:49, pp 20-22 | Happiness in nations |
*/1 | Straatmagazine Rotterdam, nr. 110, pp 12-15 | Happiness and money |
*/1 | Safe (RABO bank), 21:1, pp 24-28 | Happiness and money |
*/1 | Body and Mind, nr. 1, pp 56-59 | Happiness |
9/1 | Havana (Hogeschool Amsterdam) 8:17, p 9 | Happiness |
1/3 | Libelle, nr 10, p 42 | Happiness |
1/3 | Geluk vergaat niet Psychologie Magazine |
Happiness, conditions |
6/3 | Franfurther Algemeine Zeitung (Duits) nr 55 p.3 Gluckssache | Journal of Happiness Studies |
*/4 | ON (ISSN 1388)), 6:4, pp 52-54 | Happiness |
14/4 | De Volkskrant, Wetenschapsbijlage, p 1 | Happiness |
*/6 | Duurzaam Bouwen, p 19 | Livability |
?/6 | Havenloods | Livability |
14/6 | Rotterdams Dagblad, Collumn Taco Noorman Van geluk gesproken | Happiness |
18/6 | Erasmus AllumniNieuws, 45 (4) 4 Geluk als richtsnoer voor beleid | Happiness |
*/7 | Flair, pp 24-30 | Happiness |
15/8 | Intermediair, 33, 36-37 Op weg naar het geluk | Happines |
31/8 | Vrij Nederland, pp 36-39 | Happiness |
*/9 | De Humanist, sept/okt, pp 25-28 | Happiness |
*/9 | Goede Waar (consumentenblad), pp 20-22 | Happiness |
*/9 | Hugroniek (HV Groningen), pp 6-10 | Happiness |
*/9 | SPES, Blad cursisten HOVO Rotterdam,10 (3) 20-21. Interview doorTon van Tilburg | Happiness |
?/11 | Atlantic Monthly | Happiness |
*/12 | Mide, p 17 | Art of living |
*/12 | Opzij, pp 96-101 | hildlessness |
*/12 | Men's Health, pp 98-104 | Happiness |
*/12 | Ouders van Nu, p 17 | Parenthood |
2003 | ||
2003 Interviews voor radio en TV | ||
?/1 | Radio Deutschland | Happiness |
3/3 | SBS Radio Australia | Happiness |
4/5 | TV1 OHM (Hindoe omroep) | Norms and values |
15/5 | TV1 Barend & Witteman | Childlessness |
25/5 | Radio West | Social security |
?/6 | City TV Toronto, Canada | Happiness and fashion |
7/10 | Radio Ierland | Happiness |
17/10 | Radio Noord | Happiness |
19/10 | Radio Ierland | Happiness |
30/10 | Radio Brabant | Happiness advice |
4/11 | ABC Radio Australia | Happiness |
16/11 | TV3 VPRO | Happiness |
6/12 | RTL4 TV | Happiness |
28/11 | Radio 538 | Happiness |
2003 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
9/1 | Interdemiair, p 21 | Happiness and population pressure |
25/1 | De Telegraaf, p. 21 | Happiness and money |
?/2 | Stern, nr. 5, p 70 | Happiness |
1/2 | NRC over financiele equivalentie geluk | Financial equivalence of happiness |
13/2 | De Gelderlander, p 5 | Valentijnsday |
14/2 | Algemeen Dagblad, p 21 | Happiness and intimate ties |
19/2 | Spits, p 18 | Happiness |
20/2 | IJssel en Lekstreek, p 7 | Happiness and body |
*/3 | Avant Garde, pp 40-42 | Happiness and generation |
*/3 | Changes (Duits lifestyle magazine) | Happiness |
4/4 | Tubantia, p 23 | Childlesness |
19/4 | Gooi- en Eemlander | Childlesnes |
*/5 | Der Spiegel, nr. 14, pp 116-118 | Happiness |
3/5 | De Volkskrant, Magazine, p 31 | Childlessness |
15/5 | Intermediair, p 19 | Happiness and work |
26/5 | Rotterdams Dagblad, p 7 | Social security |
*/6 | Erasmus magazine, p 9 | Social security |
28/6 | Geluksprofessor Veenhoven: 'Geluk gaat meer om het spel dan om de knikkers' GPD bladen |
Happiness |
19/7 | De Volkskrant, Reflex, p 3 | Happiness and money |
*/10 | Marie Claire, pp 48-53 | Happiness |
1/10 | Spits, p 19 | Happiness and work |
4/10 | New Scientist, pp 40-43 The pursuit of happiness | Happiness |
12/10 | De Telegraaf | Happiness brooker |
15/10 | Technologie maakt mensen gelukkiger De Haagsche Courant |
Happiness and modernity |
18/10 | Genoemd worden in de Volkskrant: daar gaat het om. Popularisering uitleg wetenschap aan breed publiek moet betaald worden De Volkskrant, wetenschapsbijlage, p 3 |
Measuring research output |
20/10 | Geluk met een adder onder het gras Eindhovens Dagblad |
Happiness |
1/11 | Reforma (kwaliteitskrant Mexico) 4C | Happiness |
3/11 | Trouw | Happiness advice |
8/11 | De Limburger, F4 | Measuring research output |
28/11 | Nederlander klaagt, maar is erg gelukkig Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau, Eindhovens Dagblad |
Happiness in nations |
29/11 | Nederlander klaagt, maar is erg gelukkig. Geluksgevoel hangt samen met welvaart, opleidingskansen en keuzevrijheid Rotterdams Dagblad, p 704 |
Happiness in nations |
18/12 | Vox (U-blad KUN) | Happiness |
24/12 | Intermediair, pp 44-49 | Happiness makeability |
29/12 | So what makes us really happy? The Daily Telegrapgh (Sydney, Australia), p 56 |
Happiness and health |
2004 | ||
2004 Interviews op radio en TV | ||
?/1 | Wereld omroep, English Program | Happiness |
?/1 | TV Gelderland, Gezond & Zo | Happiness |
20/2 | TV Bhutan | Gross national happiness |
24/2 | Radio 1 KRO Dolce Vita | Broken family |
8/4 | Radio Canada | Happiness |
15/4 | Radio 747 Teleac | Happiness |
28/4 | Radio 1 KRO Dolce Vita | Happiness |
1/6 | Radio 747 Teleac | Happiness |
9/7 | RVU TV | Use of knowledge |
8/8 | IKON radio | Happiness and depression |
?/8 | Radio Duitsland | Happiness |
26/8 | Radio Spanje | Happiness in nations |
28/8 | Radio Colombia | Happiness in nations |
26/10 | TV Rijnmond | Happiness and society |
26/10 | Radio 2 NCRV | Happiness and society |
9/11 | Radio Teleac | Happiness and society |
24/11 | RTL4 TV | Marriage brooking |
3/12 | noorderlicht.vpro.nl/wetenschap | Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) |
30/12 | Radio M (Utrecht) | Happiness |
2004 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/1 | FACTA, pp 18-19 | Measurement of research output |
*/1 | TRIO (faculteitsblad FSW EUR) De ' meetlat' van Veenhoven | Measurement of research output |
31/1 | Elsevier, pp 60-61 Werk is niet zaligmakend | Happiness and work |
7/2 | De Gelderlander, L1 De single in de etalage | Singles |
14/2 | Keunsel (Bhutan's national newspaper), pp 7 + 11 Talking about happiness | Gross National Happiness |
14/2 | VPRO gids, pp 6-9 In het gareel: Paul Schnabel, Hendrik Kaptein en Ruut Veenhoven over individualisering | Individualisation |
21/2 | Libelle, nr. 9, p 40 Geluk | Happiness and age |
22/2 | NRC, p 51 Oud geluk is jong geleerd | Happiness and age |
*/3 | Baak (feb/mrt), pp 7-10 Geluk: Altijd op zoek | Hapiness |
19/3 | Algemeen Dagblad Miljoenen maken wel degelijk gelukkig | Happiness and money |
*/4 | Top Sante, pp 21-25 Vaarwel happy single, hier is de V-Vrouw! | Singles |
*/4 | SPES (HOVO Rotterdam), pp 7-9 Vrijheid, gelijkheid , broederschap en .. geluk | Happiness and freedom |
4/4 | The Observer On the happiness trail | Happiness |
14/4 | NRC, p 7 Gelukkig zijn wij die verjaren in mei | Happiness |
*/5 | Top Sante, pp 15-18, Zigeunergevoel | Gypsy feel |
7/5 | Management Team, pp 56-58 Bewust kinderloos | Voluntary childlessness |
8/5 | De Volkskrant, Reflex, p 14 Het Bruto nationaal Geluk | Gross National Happiness |
15/5 | Gong (Duitse TV gids), pp 6-9 Gluck ist im Wesentlichen eine Botschaft der Natur | Happiness |
*/6 | Weten magazine p. 24-25 Luisteren naar de samenleving: de samenleving luistert | Public enlightenmen about scientific knowledge |
19/6 | De Volkskrant, Zoek de prof in kamerstukken | Public enlightenmen about scientific knowledge |
26/6 | De Volkskrant, wetenschap, p 5W TU's staan te weinig in de krant | Public enlightenmen about scientific knowledge |
12/6 | Sociotoop: Schakel van Zeeland, nr.1, pp 3-5 In gesprek met de Geluksprofessor | Happiness |
5/7 | Corriere della Sera, p 16 Ma e possibile essere felici? | Happiness |
19/7 | International Herald Tribune Continent guards its right to leisure | Happiness and work |
29/7 | New York Times, A 10 Love of leisure and European reasons | Happiness and work |
*/8 | Wallstreet Journal ?? Wealth and happiness don't necessarily go hand in hand |
Happiness and wealth |
*/9 | UWV Signaal, p 2 Sociale zekerheid maakt niet gelukkiger | Happiness and social security in nations |
2/10 | Algemeen Dagblad, magazine, pp 16-19 Kinderwens ja/nee | Voluntary childlesness |
26/10 | Trouw, De Verdieping, p 13 Minder vrije tijd en toch gelukkig | Happiness and work |
29/10 | HP/De Tijd, pp 26-34 Hoe maak ik mezelf gelukkig? | Happiness |
24/11 | Algemeen Dagblad | Marriage brooking |
*/12 | Straatnieuws, p 17 Professor in geluk | Happiness |
*/12 | Wervelingen Blad vereniging Scoliosepatienten 'Geluksprofessor' Ruut Veenhoven: Geluk kun je leren | Happiness |
18/12 | Leids Dagblad, p 2 Hoe happy is de single? | Happiness of singles |
24/12 | Noordhollands Dagblad, F13 Geluk kun je leren | Happinessand choice |
2005 | ||
2005 Interviews op radio en TV | ||
3/1 | Radio ABS Brisbane, Australia | Happiness |
4/1 | Radio Cape, Capetown, South Africa | Happiness |
5/1 | Radio BBC Wales, UK | Happiness |
10/1 | Radio Ireland | Happiness |
11/1 | Radio Cork, Ireland | Happiness |
2/2 | Danish National Radio (DR) | Happiness in nations |
14/2 | Hindu radio channel, The Netherlands | Happiness and religion |
21/2 | Studenten Radio Utrecht | Happiness |
1/3 | Radio Mittel Deutschland | Happiness |
18/6 | Wereld Omroep 'Hollands Diep' | Happiness |
1/8 | Radio Ireland | Happiness |
2/9 | Radio Sweden | Happiness |
29/9 | RVU (Educational radio The Netherlands) | Happiness |
8/10 | Radio Oost | Happiness and ethnicity |
16/10 | KRO radio 'Kruispunt' | Happiness and religion |
20/10 | RVU educational radio channel | Life change |
13/11 | VPRO TV | Happiness |
23/11 | MAX TV | Voluntary childlesness |
2005 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/1 | English Zone (Expat magazine Japan), p 49 | Happiness in nations |
*/1 | Gewoon Bijzonder (Magazine Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 14-17 De kunst van het geluk | Happiness |
3/1 | The Independent, FEATURES, pp 2-3 Dr. Feelgood for 20 years |
Happiness |
7/1 | Information (Danish news paper) 28 Lykken er en by i Danmark | Happiness |
8/1 | Hamiliton Spectator, Saturday Final Edition (Ontario Canada), p F06 Meet dr. Feelgood: Professor Ruut Veenhoven know what makes us happy |
Happiness research |
8/1 |
Canberra Times (Australia) A4 Unlocking the secrets of happiness |
Happiness research |
6/1 | Irish Independent The magic formula for real happiness.. and how the Irish found the feel good factor | Happiness in nations |
13/1 | The Sun Ruut-ty professor | Happiness in nations |
26/1 | Algemeen dagblad Geld maakt wel degelijk een beetje gelukkig door J. Krol | happiness and income |
2/2 | Berlingske Tidende (Danish newspaper) Danskerne er verdens lykkeligste | Happiness in nations |
2/2 | Der Spiegel (German news magazine) online Das pure Gluck liegt in Danemark | Happiness in nations |
3/2 | Mannheimer Morgen Danen sin glucklich- warum, ist fraglich | Happiness in nations |
7/2 | Time Magazine (International version)The science of happiness | Happiness |
11/2 | Expatica (expat webmagazine) Happiness is .... | Happiness |
12/2 | Kauno Diena (Lithunian newspaper) 7 Kaip prisijaukinti laimes paukste | Happiness |
15/2 | Financial Times (German version) 16 Don't work, be happy | Happiness in nations |
17/2 | Financial Times (German version) Das grosste Gluck sitzt oben links | Happiness |
20/2 | Herald Sun: Subday Style Magazine, p 22 Happy ever after ... | Happiness |
*/3 | Readers Digest (Dutch version) 28-35 Geluks-ingredinten? | Parenthood |
*/3 | Goed Gevoel (Dutch magazine), pp 118-122 De bealngrijkste voorwaarde voor geluk is werk | Happiness |
1/3 | Profile (Magazine Helsinki School of Economics), pp 24-26 Whistle while you work | Happiness and work |
6/3 | Frankfurter Algemeine Sonntagszeitung, p 43 Sechs Wege zum Gluck | Happiness |
17/3 | Weltwoche (nr. 11, pp 40-43) Strahlen nach Zahlen | Happiness |
*/4 | Men's Health (Italian version) p.160-162 | Happiness |
*/4 | Blad Nederlandse Architecten, nr. 4, p 4 | Happiness and architectural beauty |
15/4 | Algemeen Dagblad, L2 Bewust geen kind | Voluntary childlesness |
*/5 | Stern (German magazine) 21, pp 103-113 Kunst der Zufriedenheit | Happiness |
*/5 | EOS (science magazine in Dutch), pp 51-53 Het geluk gemeten | Happiness |
*/6 | NRC Handelsblad, bijlage M, pp 17-15 Het geluk van Nederland | Happiness |
2/6 | Het Financieele Dagblad, p 9 'Leuk' werk wordt steeds belngrijker | Happiness and work |
2/6 | De Volkskrant, p 11 | Happiness and work |
2/6 | Trouw, p 15 Geluk geeft de werker vleugels | Happiness and work |
2/6 | Algemeen Dagblad, p 13 Werk maakt de mens echt gelukkig | Happiness and Work |
*/7 | Psychologie Magazine, p 64 Rijkdom maakt niet gelukkiger, een referenum wel | Happiness and politics |
*/7 | Safe (Magazine RABO-bank), pp 35-38 Geluksgeld | Happiness and money |
*/10 | Eye (Newsletter trendwatchers) nr. 10, pp 14-15 Ruut Veenhoven: Keuzevrijheid maakt gelukkiger | Happiness |
9/10 | De Telegraaf | Happiness and ethnicity |
9/10 | Fries Dagblad | Happiness and ethnicity |
9/10 | Nederlands Dagblad | Happiness and religion |
28/10 | De Havenloods | Happiness |
*/12 | Apotheken Umschau (German health magazine), pp 124-127 Einmal zifrieden, immer zufrieden | Happiness |
21/12 | Bunte (German illustrated magazine), pp 98-103 | Happiness |
*/12 | BMC Context jaargang 5, nr. 2, pp 4-7 special 'Het geluk van Nederland' | Happiness |
2006 Interviews on radio or TV | ||
6/2 | Radio I Netherlands, Radio max | Happiness |
8/3 | Voice of America | Happiness in nations |
1/4 | Radio 3, Deutschland | Happiness |
2/5 | TV Utrecht, Netherlands | Abortion law |
?/5 | Irish radio | Happiness |
23/8 | Radio M, Netherlands | Happiness |
1/9 | Brussels, Belgium, City radio | Happiness in nations |
1/9 | BBC England | Happiness in nations |
1/9 | British Army radio | Happiness in nations |
1/9 | Melbourne, Australia, Radio 3 | Happiness in nations |
2006 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
5/1 | Gong, German Radio-TV magazine, pp 8-9 Interview: Ich definiere Gluck als Lebenszufriedenheit | Happiness in nations |
8/1 | The Sunday Times, Brittish newspaper, p 6 | Happiness in nations |
9/1 | Daily Mail, British newspaper, p 27 The good life fail to make Britain happy | Happiness in nations |
9/1 | Happy chappies: Irish eyes are smiling as nation is 6th in life-satisfaction league Daily Mirror, p 10 |
Happiness in nations |
9/1 | Times online Life is grand but could be better | Happiness in nations |
11/1 | It's official... Irish eyes are: smiling Daily Mirror, p 6 |
Happiness in nations |
18/1 | Zimbabwe: Unhappiest people live in Zim and Ukraine - Survey Africa News |
Happiness in nations |
27/1 | De Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper) Column Aleid Truijens | Happiness and children |
*/2 | Avant Garde, Dutch Lifestyle Magazine, pp 52-54 Druk,druk .. is uit | Time pressure and happiness |
*/2 | Sante, Dutch Health magazine 31-34 Ontdek de verborgen kracht van je relatie | Marriage |
*/2 | Tribune Feeling down today? Formula explains why | Happiness |
22/2 | De Gelderlander Gelukkige mensen gaan langer mee | Happiness and health |
*/3 | Idee, Journal scientific bureau D66 (Dutch political party) Geluk: Een kwestie van Kiezen? | Happiness and politics |
16/3 | South Wales Evening Post (UK), p 36 Will money buy you happiness? | Happiness and wealth |
18/3 | Leeuwarder Courant Wees gelukkig en leef langer | Happiness and health |
*/4 | Leefwijzer.nl, website for people with a handicap or chronic disease Gelukkige mensen leven langer | Happiness and health |
*/4 | G Vakblad Gezondheid en maatschappij 28-29 Is kwaliteit van leven belangrijker danbeperling door ziektelast? | Happiness and health |
23/5 | The Sun, British newspaper Keep on smiling, we're so happy | Happiness in nations |
*/5 | Bunte Gesundheit, German health magazine, pp 32-33 Was is Gluck? | Happiness and health |
*/5 | Gezond Nu, Dutch health magazine, p 10 | Happiness and luck |
10/6 | Los Angeles Tines, newspaper, B17 | Happiness in nations |
17/6 | Elsevier, Dutch weekly newsmagazine, pp 76-80 Hoe doe je dat: Gelukkig worden? | Happiness |
25/6 | Washington Post, US newspaper, M1-M4 Who is the happiest? | Happiness |
*/6 | NEON, German life style magazine, pp 51-56 Was heist hier schon Gluck? | Happiness |
9/7 | South China Morning Post, newspaper, p 10 | Happiness |
14/7 | De Groene Amsterdammer (weekly) year 130, week 29 Met dank aan de orbitofrontal cortex: De Gelukswetenschap | Happiness research |
18/7 | Grocott's Mail, local newspaper South Africa, p 3 Secrets of happiness uncovered | Happiness |
14/8 | Ottawa Citizen (Canada) A11 Work hours, wealth and the pursuit of happiness | Happiness in nations |
9/9 | Algemeen Dagblad, Dutch newspaper Mensen met HAVO-niveau het gelukkigst | Local happiness |
25/10 | NRC-Next, p 28 Wetenschapscafe | Happiness research |
*/11 | National Geographic, Geo magazine, Dutch version, p 28 Alle geluk van de wereld | Happiness in nations |
4/11 | Algemeen Dagblad, Dutch newspaper, pp 29-30 Het gaat goed met Nederland | Happiness in nations |
25/11 | Parool p.23 Kinderen dragen bepaald niet bij aan ons geluk | Happiness |
*/12 | WISSEN, Scientific monthly Suddeutsche Zeitung, pp 19-29 Wahres Gluck | Happiness |
*/12 | Plus, Dutch life style magazine for the elderly, pp 79-81 Voel je gelukkig en leef langer | Happiness and health |
*/12 | Adoptietijdschrift, Dutch quarterly about adoption, pp 6-9 Meetbaar en toch onvoorselbaar: Gelukvolgens Ruut Veenhoven | Happiness |
*/12 | 1585 Business Journal Deutsche Borse Group, pp 14-17, English version, German version Gluck | Happiness |
*/12 | Healthsense (USA) , column by Judy Foreman Happybrainsesnse | Happiness research |
*/12 | Macedonian website http://www.al.com.mk/vesti/listaj.asp?ID=127 What makes people happy? | Happiness |
2007 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
1/6 | NRC Handelsblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 43 |
Happiness in nations |
*/2 | U-magisin, pp 61-65 | Happiness in nations |
*/2 | Heb ik genoeg geluk? In: Van Zweden, C. 'Heb ik genoeg?' uitgave Vastenactie/Coraid, ISBN 978-90-7326-60-4, pp 20-21 |
Happiness |
17/2 | Why are dutch children so happy? BBC news website 3 pages | Happiness of children |
2/3 | Im Stossverkehr des Lebens. NZZ am Sontag, Wissen, p75 | Happiness and age |
1/4 | Abortus anno 2007. De Volkskrant (Dutch daily), p 26 | Abortion |
4/4 | You can't buy happiness, but you can measure it, sort of: OECD Agende Fance Press- English |
Happiness in nations |
5/4 | Argos: (Cape Town daily, South Africa), p 16 | Happiness in nations |
28/4 | Nederlanders zijn gelukkig, maar het kan altijd nog beter Dagblad Tubantia, Twentse courant, A04(5) |
Happiness in nations |
28/4 | Kinderen bieden wel geluk, maar ook ongeluk Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant sectie A12 (12) |
Happiness and life-style |
*/5 | Uit de kast: Welke boeken hebben je leven veranderd? Psychologie Magazine vroeg het Ruut Veenhoven, vol. 25, Mei, p 140 |
Biography |
*/6 | Voor geluk kiezen. EO vrouwenmagazine (ladies magazine, Netherlands) 0-nummer, pp 52-55 |
Happiness and art of living |
7/6 | Geluk is... De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands) Magazine, Vrouw, p 32 |
Happiness of women |
8/6 | Why Dutch women don't get depressed ?
International Herald Tribune, p 10 |
Happiness in nations |
9/6 | Geluk: Een kwestie van beleid. Het Financieele Dagblad (financial daily, Netherlands), pp 14-17 |
Happiness and money |
16/6 | The last place on earth .. anyone would like to live New Scientist, pp 34-47 |
Happiness in nations |
23/6 | Are you happy? how do you know? and does it matter? The Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Happiness research |
24/6 | De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands), p T17 | Happiness and sex |
30/6 | Experts in Istanbul seek nature and measure of happiness Agence France Press- English |
Happiness research |
2/7 | Des economistes ont planche a Istanbul sur le bonheur, AFP press release | Happiness in nations |
5/7 | Schneller? Reicher? Gluecklicher? Die Zeit (national daily, Germany), p 21 |
Happiness and economic growth |
7/7 | L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur; Candide La nouvelle Republique UNE 41 36, p 1 |
Happiness and wealth |
13/7 | Het goede leven HP/De Tijd (weekly, Netherlands), pp 10-13 |
Art of living |
23/7 | En attendent le bonheur Le Monde (national daily, France), p 2 |
Happiness in nations |
27/7 | Das ABC zum glucklich sein Fernsehwoche (TV magazine, Germany), p 86 |
Happiness |
*/7-8 | Geluksprofessor Ruut Veenhoven langs de Feministische Meetlat Opzij. (feminist magazine, Netherlands) juli/augustus 2007, pp 122-127 |
Biography |
20/8 | Great Danes Irish Independent |
Happiness in nations |
27/8 | Researcher: Happiness is complicated Portland Press Herald, p A6 |
Happiness |
29/8 | If you like the song, "Don't worry, be happy", move to Denmark Portland Press Herald (Maine USA) |
Happiness in nations |
6/9 | Geluk een nieuwe rage? Trouw (Dutch daily) De Verdieping, p 7 |
Happiness |
13/9 | Voor geluk geven we onszelf een 7,7 NRC Handelsblad (national daily Netherlands), p 3 |
Happiness over time |
14/9 | Geluk: 82% van de bevolking is tevreden Het Parool (local daily, Netherlands), p 8 |
Happiness in the Netherlands |
15/9 | Just how happy are we? Marketing News TM, p 56 |
Happiness in nations |
18/9 | Onderzoek naar recept voor een gelukkige oude dag. Deelnemers houden 'dagboek van gisteren' bij AD/Rotterdams Dagblad, p 1 |
Happiness and life-style |
5/10 | Vijftig plussers zijn best gelukkig RTV Rijnmond web |
Happiness dairy study |
7/10 | Das rechte Gluck Sonntags Zeitung, Wissen, p 87 |
Happiness and political preference |
17/10 | Recept voor geluk? Ga trouwen! Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), pp 22-23 |
Happiness and marriage |
3/11 | La misura delle felicita Ventiqattro (magazine, Italy) nr. 1, pp 80-86 |
Happiness in nations |
29/11 | Ja es gibt ein Glucksrezept fur all! Bunte, nr 49, p 104 |
Happiness conditions |
winter | Hij inspireert: Gelukkig leven interview
Libelle Balance (ladies magazine, Netherlands), p 87 |
Biography |
winter | Das Talent zum glucklich sein, Modern Times: Best of Stern (magazine, Germany), pp 72-73 |
Happiness |
winter | Of geld gelukkig maakt? Soms... Lucratief (magazine for personal finance, Netherlands), pp 24-25 |
Happiness and wealth |
6,7/12 | An-Nahar (Arabic newspaper, Beirut Libanon) | Happiness |
10/12 | Concureren op geluk
C: (magazine for communication professionals, Netherlands), pp 4-5 |
Happiness |
13/13 | Ranking the stars EM (magazine Erasmus University, Netherlands), p 26 |
Biography |
*/12 | Geluk bepaal je grotendeels zelf. Verpleging NU (magazine for caring professionals, Netherlands), pp 23-26 |
Happiness |
* | Waarom kinderen toch gelukkig maken Ouders (magazine for parents, Netherlands), pp 53 |
Happiness and children |
* | Glucksrezept Bunte (weekly, Germany) nr. 49, pp 102-105 |
Happiness in nations |
* | Gierend gelukkig Havanna (magazine Amstrdam Hogeschool), p 14 |
Happiness and age |
* | Lichte relaties Gewoon anders (magazine for communal living, Netherlands), pp 18-19 |
Happiness and household |
2008 | ||
2008 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
30/1 | Nationale gelukstest, TV1 Netherlands | Happiness |
21/3 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness and giving |
15/8 | Cape talk. Radio South Africa | Happiness and longevity |
16/8 | BBC radio, Carabian | Happiness and longevity |
19/8 | Radio SBS, Australia | Happiness and longevity |
28/8 | WDR 5, Wissenschaftsradio 'Leonardo', Germany | Happiness and money |
2008 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
17/1 | We zijn gelukkiger dan onze ouders Metro (national daily, Netherlands), p 1 |
Happiness in generations |
18/1 | Geluk is eenvoudig te meten Metro (national daily Netherlands), pp 14-15 |
Happiness research |
*/1 | Measuring happiness Holland Herald, (Air KLM customer magazine), pp 16-20 |
Happiness |
9,10/2 | Que tan feliz esta con su vida? Portafolio (economic daily, Colombia), pp 4-5 |
Happiness in nations |
15/2 | Les personan mas felices son casi siempre las mas productivas Dienero (magazine, Colombia), pp 94-95) |
Happiness and work performance |
*/2 | Een beetje mazzel hebben, dat wil ook wel helpen Margriet (ladies weekly, Netherlands) nr. 7, pp 28-31 |
Happiness |
*/2 | Gluckliche Mitarbeiter sind besser Personal (German magazine for HR professionals), nr. 2, p 4 |
Happiness and work performance |
13/3 | Nederlander heel positief, Metro (Dutch daily), p 5 | Happiness in the netherlands |
14/3 | Happiness is living in Bhutan Edmonton Journal (Canada), p G6 |
Happiness in nations |
21/3 | The path to happiness: it is better to give than receive The Guardian, p 16 |
Happiness and altruism |
13/4 | Die Glueckritter Morgenmacher (magazine of Metro Groep future store, Germany), 3 pp |
Happiness |
19/4 | Smeed je eigen geluk De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) section 'Hart en Ziel', p 2 |
Happiness and life-style |
*/4 | Rond de 70 ben je zo gelukkig als een zestienjarige
Proza (magazine of care organization Pro Senecute, Netherlands), pp 10-11 |
Happiness and age |
6/5 | Austrains among happiest in the world Austria Today |
Happiness in nations |
19/5 | Should the government make us happy? Miller-Mcune article, pp 4 of 6 |
Happiness policy |
23/6 | Financial hardship and the happiness paradox The Washington Post, A02 |
Happiness and wealth |
8/7 | Wat zou je doen met 25 miljoen? Dag (national daily, Netherlands), p 8 |
Happiness and lottery luck |
20/7 | The science of smiling: Which choices are more likely to make us happy? The Vancouver Province (BC, Canada), p B2 |
Happiness research |
30/7 | Meer doden door crisis in Belgie, NRC Handelsblad, p 3 | Happiness and recession |
9/8 | Buddhist blues The Times (London, UK) Body & Soul, p 3 |
Happiness advice |
12/8 | Glueckokonomen: von der Fortune verlassen? Handelsblatt (National financial daily, Germany) |
Happiness economics |
14/8 | La falicidad es la clave para vivir mas National daily Venezuela |
Happiness and longevity |
14/8 | Happiness cab give you 10 more years RTE news |
Happiness and longevity |
15/8 | Don't worry, be happy: living well adds years to life The Japan Times (English language daily, Japan), p 1 |
Happiness and longevity |
15/8 | Happiness key to longer life The Star, (English daily), p W50 |
Happiness and longevity |
15/8 | Happiness can add several years to your life Hindustan Times |
Happiness and longevity |
15/8 | Le bonheur, une idee neuve pour les scientifiques et les economistes Agance France Presse |
Happiness research |
16/8 | Wanted: an infallable prescription for the feel-good factor. Happiness is the way Townsville Bulletin (Australia), Features, p 66 |
Happiness and longevity |
16/8 | Societe: Le bonheur, valeur elevee, selon les experts Charente Libre |
Happiness and longevity |
18/8 | Het laatste Nieuws (Flemish daily Belgium) | Happiness and longevity |
18/8 | Psychologie Midi Libre (France) |
Happiness and longevity |
30/8 | Leren om gelukkig zijn de moeite waard Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 25 |
Happiness and life-style |
30/8 | Met kinderen ben je ongelukkiger Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 7 |
Happiness and children Happiness and longevity |
30/8 | Positive Psychology Leaders Interview Website International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) |
Happiness |
30/8 | Werk aan je duurzame geluk De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands), section 'Hart en Ziel', p 5 |
Happiness and health |
9/10 | Geld maakt wel gelukkig EM,(Magazine of Erasmus University Rotterdam), p 23 |
Happiness and money |
18/10 | Geen depressie door recessie Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 13 |
Happiness and recession |
3/11 | Wat maakt ons gelukkig? Mind magazine en Website Motivaction research organization, Netherlands |
Happiness |
21/11 | Der Wohlfuhl-Factor BrandEins Wirtschaftsmagazin, pp 76-81 |
Happiness and wealth |
30/11 | Gelukkig NRC Handelsblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 30 |
Happiness |
*/12 | Der Wohlfuhl Factor Brand Eins (science magazine, Germany), pp 76-81 |
Happiness |
*/12 | Meer geluk voor meer mensen Impuls (magazine of Netherlands School of Public & Occupational Health NSPH) nr. 4. pp 1-5 |
Happiness and health |
18/12 | It's up to you to be happy South China Morning Post, section Young post, p 10 |
Happiness in nations |
winter | Maakt geluk gezond? Amstelring Plus (Dutch magazine of Amstel care organization), p 10 |
Happiness and health |
* | Happiness - as rhinitis ?? ( magazine Russia), 6 pages |
Happiness |
* | Maakt natuur gelukkig?
Terra (ecology magazine, Netherlands) nr.2, p 11 |
Happiness and nature |
* | Maar was vroeger alles ook echt beter dan nu? NRC Handelsblad (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness over time |
2009 | ||
2009 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
27/1 | TV1 Netherland | Happiness in school |
18/2 | TV2 Netherlands, Teleac 'Helder' | Happiness |
18/2 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness and recession |
18/3 | Radio M, Utrecht, Netherlands | Happiness and recession |
11/3 | Radio Brussels, Belgium | Friendship |
15/3 | ARD TV 'Phoenix', Germany | Happiness |
19/3 | Radio Rijnmond, Netherlands Radio 1, Netherlands Radio 2, 'Laat op 2', Netherlands |
Happiness indicator website |
20/3 | RTL4 TV, Netherlands | Happiness |
1/5 | Radio Ireland 4 FM | Happiness |
11/8 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness of elderly |
21.12 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness |
*/12 | ZDF TV, Germany | Happiness and health |
*/12 | TV Brabant, Netherlands | Happiness |
2009 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*1 | Journal of Happiness Studies ISI recognized EM (magazine Erasmus University, Netherlands), Highlights year 2008, p12 |
Happiness research |
19/1 | Happy professor ziet het zitten
Metro (national daily, Netherlands), p 9 |
Happiness and recession |
19/3 | Verzekeraar help zoeken naar geluk De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness indicator website |
28/3 | Doet de crisis echt pijn? De Volkskrant (Dutch daily) Hart en Ziel, p1 |
Happiness and recession |
*/3 | Onderzoeksvisitatie sociologie Sofa (magazine Social sciences Erasmus University, Netherlands) |
Scientometry |
*/4 | Geld is geen garantie voor geluk |
Happiness and income |
*/4 | Jaag op geluk, Men's Health (men's magazine, Netherlands), 11, 3, p 48 |
Ways to happiness |
*/4 | Wer zu oft das Glueck such verzweifelt Fur Sie (ladies magazine, Germany), pp 60-63 |
Happiness |
spring | Als geld niet gelukkig maakt... Proviand (Dutch magazine student church Nijmegen), p 12 |
Happines and wealth |
*/5 | Ruut Veenhoven over Bruto Nationaal Geluk Checks & Balances (magazine, Netherlands) vol. 5, nr. 3, pp 22-24 |
Happiness in nations |
12/5 | Happiness conference promises key to inner joy CNN.com |
Happiness research |
*/6 | Drug en geluk Mainline (magazine, Netherlands), nr. 2, pp 14-17 |
happiness and drug use |
5/6 | What is happiness? The Irish Times. Features, p 17 |
Happiness concept |
2/6 | Gelukspolitiek. De Pers (Dutch daily), pp 8-9 | Happiness policy |
18/6 | Ce qui nous rend heureux .. et malheureux Le Point, p 75 |
Happiness in nations |
*/7,8 | Een leven lang happy Monitor (Dutch magazine of Erasmus medical center) vol. 38, nr.3, pp 14-15 |
Happy life years |
30/8 | Die Vermessing des Gluecks Die Presse am Sonntag (weekly, Germany), p 30 |
Happiness in nations |
*/9 | Geld maakt best gelukkig, maar status nog meer Filosofie magazine (philosophy magazine, Netherlands), nr. 9, p 26 |
Happiness |
19/9 | Le pays du bonheur, Le Monde magazine (french), p 24 | Happiness in nations |
6/10 | Nederland is fijn om te wonen Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch daily), p 2 |
Happiness in nations |
?/10 | Heb lak aan status Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 12 |
Happiness in nations |
27/10 | Nederlanders zijn al zo'n 60 jaar gelukkig Website: Gezondheidsnet |
Happy life years |
28//10 | Geluk duurt in Nederland 60 jaar Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), Het Financieele Dagblad, p 2 |
Happy life years in nations |
1/11 | Asahi Shimbum (national daily, Japan) | Happiness in nations |
27/11 | Nederlander gelukkige zeur Metro (national daily, Netherlands), p 2 |
Happiness in nations |
28/11 | Geluksjaren De Telegraaf, p 5 |
Happiness in nations |
15/12 | Das Gluecksgefuhl steigt nicht allein mit der Wirtschaftskurve: Ein neuer Index testet die Zufriedenheit der Deutschen Agence France Presse - German |
Happiness and wealth |
17/12 | Geluk is geen oppervlakkig hedonisme Human.nl (website humanist movement, Netherlands), 3 pages |
Happiness |
*/12 | Fabel: op oudere leeftijd word je minder gelukkig Plus (Dutch magazine for elderly), p 65 |
Happiness and age |
winter | Is happiness good for your health?
Greater Good (US magazine), p 6 |
Happiness and health |
Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 2010s
2010 | ||
2010 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
13/1 | Radio 1, AVRO, Netherlands Radio Rijnmond, Netherlands |
Happiness and drinking |
19/1 | Radio M, Utrecht, Netherlands | Happiness indicator website |
12/2 | WDR radio, Germany | Happiness of migrants |
26/2 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness and education |
2/5 | Radio1, Link Átlas, Netherlands | Happiness and IQ |
2/7 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness and money |
7/7 | TV1, Netherlands Radio 1, NCRV, Netherlands Radio North-Holland, Netherlands |
Happiness and soccer craze |
?/7 | Radio Arnhem, Netherlands | Happiness and life-style |
27/7 | Radio Gelderland, Netherlands | Happiness in nations |
28/7 | Radio 1, AVRO, Netherlands Radio Vlaardingen, Netherlands |
Happiness in nations |
29/7 | Radio 538, Netherlands | Happiness in nations |
13/10 | Radio 1, Netherlands, WMR nachtradio | Age 30s dilemmas |
16/10 | RTL nieuws radio | Happiness and lottery |
16/10 | TV1, Netherlands TV1, Netherlands, Hart van Nederland |
Happiness |
27/10 | TV1, Max | Happiness |
15/11 | TV3 Netherlands, News | Happiness in nations |
31/12 | Radio 1, Netherlands | Good intentions |
2010 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
* | Over geluk. Book in Dutch by Twan Huys, Prometeus Press, Amsterdam, pp 51-57 |
Happiness and affluence |
* | Harmonie klinkt beter dan het voelt Credo (magazine social science students Erasmus University, Netherlands), nr. 2, pp 49-50 |
Happiness and social harmony |
5/1 | Indices du bonheur Liberation (national daily, France) |
Happiness in nations |
13/1 | Gelukkige mensen leven langer Human.nl (website of humanistic movement, Netherlands) |
Happiness and longevity |
*/2 | Crisis? veel geluk! TalkiesDoc (magazine, Netherlands), p 86 |
Happiness and recession |
25/2 | Hoe word je gelukkig? Positieve invalshoek in de psychologie Evelien de Ruiter, Gezondheidsnet.nl |
Positive psychology |
27/2 | Ik ben, jij bent, wij zijn gelukkig Reformatorisch dagblad (protestant daily, netherlands), p A 17 |
Happiness |
25/3 | Onttovering van geluk
EM (magazine Erasmus University, Netherlands), p 7 |
Happiness |
*/3 | Interview met ... Ruut Veenhoven Credo (magazine social science students Erasmus University, Netherlands), nr. 2, pp 12-17 |
Happiness |
*/4 | VGZ in bedrijf (magazine for clients of health insurance company, Netherlands) | Happiness |
*/5 | Besturen worden niet geremd in het opschroeven van prestatie-eisen VAWO-visie (Magazine union of scientists, Netherlands), vol. 42, nr.1, pp 8-11 |
Scientometry |
17/5 | Algemeen Dagblad (national daily Netherlands) | Happiness and hobbies |
20/5 | Het leven wordt pas echt leuk na je 50ste Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 5 |
Happiness and age |
29/6 | Les cles du bonheur Le Monde (national daily, France) Dossiers & Documents, nr. 398, p 1 |
Happiness in nations |
*/7 | Experte-Tipp: Abwechslung Brigitte (German ladies magazine), 18, p 104 | Happiness and life-style |
6/7 | WK titel hooguit leuke opsteker De Pers (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and soccer craze |
8/7 | Geluk De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands), Column Bert Wagendorp |
Happiness and soccer craze |
28/7 | Geld maakt wel gelukkig, De Telegraaf (national daily Netherlands) |
Happiness and affluence |
4/9 | Verloren geluksgevoel VPRO Gids (TV magazine, Netherlands) nr. 36, pp 23-24 |
Happiness and society |
22/9 | How to be happy (but not too much) New Scientist 2779 |
Happiness and recession |
24/9 | Seit ihr alle gut drauf? Brand Eins Wirtschaftsmagazin, p 142 |
Happiness and environment |
5/10 | Geluk en klagen gaan goed samen
Metro (dutch daily), p 4 |
Happiness |
6/11 | Op naar Bruto nationaal Geluk!
Vrij Nederland (weekly, Netherlands), p 64 |
Happiness policy |
27/11 | Geluk maakt Apeldoorn gelukkig. De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands), p 11 |
Happiness in cities |
*/11,12 | Maatje met een vacht AMBO magazine (magazine trade union, Netherlands), pp 28-30 |
Happiness and pets |
2/12 | Worden we gelukkiger van schaatsen? NRC Handelsblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 2 |
Happiness and sports |
11/12 | Praten over 'wat is geluk' in Science cafe
De Gelderlander (provincial daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness |
11/12 | Klein misverstand met grote gevolgen De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands), p 30 |
Happiness in cities |
24/12 | Het wordt alleen maar slechter Spits (national daily, Netherlands), p 3 |
Happiness and pessimism |
24//12 | Maakt geld gelukkig? Trouw (Dutch daily) |
Happiness and affluence |
winter | De 9 lessen van de geluksprofessor Donald (men's magazine, Netherlands), pp 24-28 |
Happiness |
2011 | ||
2011 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
18/1 | Radio 1, Netherlands, Max | Happiness and age |
16/2 | Radio M, Utrecht, Netherlands | Be nice day |
20/3 | Radio Fuux, Netherlands | Happiness and ethnic diversity |
4/4 | Radio 1, Netherlands, Avondspits | Happiness and age |
4/5 | Radio 4, Netherlands, AVRO | Population growth |
26/6 | Radio 2, Netherlands, Chatney | Happiness |
7/11 | TV 2, Netherlands, NTR | Happiness and wealth |
10/11 | Radio Gelderland, Netherlands | Human Development Report |
29/11 | Radio 1, Netherlands, NCRV Lunch | Happiness policy |
2/12 | Radio 1, Netherlands, NCRV Casa Luna | Happiness |
23/12 | Stelling: Van Kerst word je gelukkig Radio 1 Netherlands, Avondspits |
Happiness and rituals |
24/11 | Radio 4, Netherlands | Happiness policy |
31/12 | Radio Amar, Netherlands, 'Boodschap' | Happiness next year |
2011 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
? | Genieten valt te leren Quest (popular science magazine, Netherlands) |
Art of living |
? | Geluk komt met de jaren Libelle (Ladies weekly, Netherlands) |
Happiness and age |
? | Libelle's grote toekomst enquete Libelle (Ladies weekly, Netherlands) |
Happiness and pessimism |
? | Bewust geen kinderen Psychologie magazine |
Happiness and parenthood |
*/1 | Een ander soort rijkdom Ode (Dutch magazine), p 3 |
Happiness and consumption |
* | Harmonie klinkt beter dan het voelt Credo (magazine social science students Erasmus university, Netherlands), nr. 2, pp 49-50 |
Happiness and social harmony |
* | De overheid kan wel degelijk studen op geluk Weleda Magazine (health magazine, Netherlands) |
Happiness policy |
*/1 | Chosun (National daily South Korea) | Happiness |
7/1 | Later wordt het leuker HP/DeTijd (weekly, Netherlands), pp 20-23 |
Happiness and age |
*/2 | Zo wordt je kind gelukkig J/M (Magazine about youth, Netherlands) |
Happiness of children |
*/2,3 | Geluk is een keuze
Maarten (magazine, Netherlands), p 42 |
Happiness |
19/3 | U bent (on)gelukkig Trouw (national daily, Netherlands), p 6 |
Happiness |
29/3 | Maakt groen gelukkiger? NRC-Next (national daily, Netherlands), p 3 |
Happiness and season |
*/3 | Nacht van het geluk NRC Handelsblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 44 |
Happiness |
31/3 | Moeder hoopt gelukkig te worden, maar ze kan bedrogen uitkomen Trouw (national daily, Netherlands), De Verdieping, p 7 |
Happiness and children |
1/4 | Geluk en school J/M Hoofdredactioneel commentaar, p 5 |
Happiness and education |
1/4 | Als ze maar gelukkig zijn J/M, p 19 |
Happiness and upbringing |
7/4 | De werkplek EM (magazine Erasmus University, Netherlands, p 7 |
Biography |
10/4 | What makes Chinese people happy? States News service |
Happiness and wealth |
26/4 | Happiness and big government Targeted News service |
Happiness and size of government |
28/4 | Somberen over de toekomst kleeft aan het menselijk wezen Metro, p 5 |
Happiness and pessimism |
*/5 | Hoe rijker hoe gelukkiger? Libelle (ladies magazine, Netherlands), nr. 19, pp 54-57 |
Happiness and affluence |
10/5 | Gelukkige mensen zijn aardiger Nederlands Dagblad (protestant daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and sociability |
21/5 | Onopgesmukt geluk. Bespreking proefschrift Ad Bergsma NRC, wetenschap |
Happiness research |
28/5 | Geluk van een kind telt meer dan schoolprestaties De Limburger |
Happiness of children |
*/6 | Men about love Glamour (magazine, Netherlands), p 090 |
Happiness and love |
21/6 | Wir uberschaetzen den Wert des Geldes Der Standard (national daily,Austria), Forschung Spezial |
Happiness and wealth |
24/6 | Geld maakt een beetje gelukkig. HP/DeTijd (weekly, Netherlands), pp 81-84 |
Happiness and affluence |
*/7 | Hoe meet je geluk? Psychologen en economen over geluk De Academische boekengids (science magazine, Netherlands), nr. 87, pp 5-7 |
Happiness |
21/7 | VN: geluk belangrijker dan groei De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) p 14 |
Happiness policy |
6/8 | Geluk minder gezocht dan geld De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and materialism |
28/8 | Les Suisses heu-reuxPlease select an ite Tribune de Geneve, p 12 |
Happiness in nations |
*/9 | Happy volunteers Global Knowledge: Norwegian center for international cooperation and higher education. Special on happiness, pp 9-10 |
Happiness and volunteering |
22/9 | ?? (National daily Finland) | Happiness |
?/11 | De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) | Happiness and recession |
?/11 | LaNacion (national daily, Argentina) | Happiness in nations |
*/11 | GGZ werkt echt Denkraam (magazine for clients in mental health care, Netherlands), nr. 50, pp 5-6 |
Happiness and mental health care |
*/11 | Is geluk maakbaar? JAN (magazine Netherlands), 5 p. |
Happiness |
4/11 | Niks te klagen! Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), pp 8-9 |
Happiness and pessimism |
24/11 | Crisis maakt niet ongelukkig De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands), p T5 |
Happiness and recession |
25/11 | Overheid moet burgers helpen met keuze kinderen Spits (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness policy |
25/11 | Trouw (national daily, Netherlands) | Happiness policy |
27/11 | Le bonheur est traque par les cherceurs Le Monde, Vivre, p 79 |
Happiness research |
29/12 | Kan mann Glueck lernen?
Die Zeit (national daily, Germany) Science section, pp 37- 38 |
Mood monitoring |
2012 | ||
2012 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
10/2 | BBC radio | Happiness |
22/2 | Radio 5, Netherlands, HoeZo Radio | Happiness |
10/3 | Das Glueck naht! TV Germany VOX Documentation (also on 4 hour DVD) |
Happiness |
1/4 | Radio 2, Netherlands | Happiness and recession |
2/4 | Radio 1, Netherlands, KRO World happiness report | Happiness in nations |
?/5 | To Vima (National daily, Greece) | Happiness |
22/5 | RTL TV Netherlands. Stelling: Nederland te vol? | Happiness and population pressure |
18/6 | Radio 5 Netherlands | World Database of Happiness |
22/6 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness |
25/6 | Radio 1, Netherlands | Happiness and discontent |
26/6 | BNR radio, Netherlands, zakendoen | Happiness |
20/12 | Radio 1, Netherlands, Lijn 1 | Happiness and personality |
21/12 | Radio 1, Netherlands | Happiness and marriage |
* | Video interview Talentenwijzer Educational tool, Netherlands: www.talentenwijzer.nl |
Happiness and life choice |
2012 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
* | We zijn best gelukkig, maar er zit nog wel meer in In: Clara den Boer (red.) "Ondernemend Geluk: 50 wetenschappers, politici, ondernemers, artiesten, topsporters en managementgoeroes over geluk en ondernemen in leven en werk", Boek ISBN13 9789091999808 |
Happiness in nations |
*/2 | Never waste a good crisis UwMagazine De Unie (Labour union magazine, Netherlands) |
Happiness and recession |
18/2 | GeluksZoekers VPRO Gids (TV magazine, Netherlands), pp 10-11 |
Happiness research |
1/3 | Centroamerica: mas feliz que desarrollada E&N Revista Estrategia & Negocios (financial weekly Brazil) |
Happiness in nations |
9/3 | Geluksmagazine (Netherlands) | Happiness |
14/3 | Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands) | Happiness and marriage |
*/4 | De stad gezonder dan u denkt. Psychology magazine (psychology magazine, Netherlands) |
Happiness and urban life |
4/4 | Geouwehour maakt Nederland gelukkiger Algemeen dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p 7 |
Happiness and public pessimism |
10/4 | Geluk is niet hetzelfde als zinvolheid Volzin (magazine, Netherlands), 3 p |
Happiness in nations |
13/4 | Geluksprofessor houdt lezing in Hardenberg De Stentor |
Happiness research |
17/4 | Bruto nationaal geluk: de 10 grootste geluksmakers P+ magazine: People Planet Profit (magazine Netherlands), 3p. |
Happiness |
27/4 | Hamingjan og Islendingar Visir (Islandic daily) |
Happines and recession |
29/4 | ?? (National daily Finland) | Happiness |
?/5 | GPD bladen (provincial dailies, Netherlands) | Happiness policy |
3/5 | Herinneringen aan Pim Fortuyn EM (magazine Erasmus University, Netherlands), p 20 |
Biography |
12/5 | Moeder instinct Algemeen dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), weekend, p 14 |
Mother instinct |
23/5 | Nederland een van de gelukkigste landen Brabands dagblad (provincail daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and society |
23/5 | Het bevorderen van geluk Leeuwarder Courant (provincial daily, Netherlands), p 3, Gooi en Eemlander |
Promotion of happiness |
*/6 | Was vroeger alles beter?
Credo (magazine social science students Erasmus University, Netherlands), nr. 3, p 12 |
Happiness over time |
*/6 | Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon Flow (magazine, Netherlands) |
Happiness over time |
22/6 | Wetenschap op zoek naar geluk Reformatorisch Dagblad, sectie Economie, p 11 |
Happiness economics |
*/7 | Esta (ladies magazine, Netherlands) | Happiness |
*/7 | Intermediair (job website, Netherlands) | Happiness economics |
24/7 | Marketing Tribune (marketing magazine, Netherlands) | Happiness |
29/7 | Lekker gewerkt www.intermediar.nl (job web site, Netherlands) 25, p 50 |
Biography |
?/8 | De Standaard (national daily Belgium) | Happiness and holidays |
1/8 | "In landen met minder inkomensongelijkheid zijn mensen gemiddeld gelukkiger dan in landen met meer inkomensongelijkheid". Ongefundeerd NRC checkt |
Happiness and inequality in nations |
*/10 | Auftakt Dialogen (discussion website, Germany) www.bayreuter-dialogen.de | Happiness in nations |
15/10 | Emotionale Formel: Was uns am Ende gluecklich macht Welt online |
Happiness and health |
17/10 | Jaren 50 De Telegraaf (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness in the past |
30/10 | Froh durch die Schnupfenzeit: Warum Lebensfreude die Gesundheid starkt My Newsweek desk |
Happiness and health |
* | Hoe meer iemand verdient, hoe gelukkiger hij zegt te zijn Dutch Wealth Report 2012 , Van Lanschot bank, pp 46-47 |
Happiness and wealth |
* | Je kunt geluk niet grijpen LIS (magazine, Netherlands) |
Happiness |
20/11 | Aap heeft midlife crisis, net als mens De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands), p 27 |
Happiness and age |
*/12 | Miss Perfect (consumer magazine, Netherlands) | Happiness and choice |
2013 | ||
2013 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
7/1 | Radio 5, Netherlands, Hoezo radio | Happiness tracking tool |
29/1 | SBS TV Netherlands, Hart van Nederland over kroning | Happiness and rituals |
2013 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
*/1 | Levenskunst: De kunst zo te leven dat men er zich prettig bij voelt In: Joep Wijsbek (red.) “Levenskunst à la carte”, Uitgeveij Quist, Leidschendam, 2013, ISBN 987-90-77983-92-8, pp 67-86 |
Art of living |
*/2 | De gelukswetenschap Tekst: Akshaya de Groot. E-magazine De Gelukscourant, nr. 1 Themanummer; Gelukswetenschap, februari 2013. http://geluksdoctorandus.nl/over-deze-site/e-magazine-de-gelukscourant |
Biography |
*/2 | Give yourself a happiness makeover AARP magazine (USA) |
Happiness and life-style |
?/2 | Eleftherotypia (national daily, Greece) | Happiness in nations |
?/2 | De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) | Happiness and marriage |
6/2 | Forget the old wisdom. The fact is, the richer you are, the happier; Daily Telegraph, p 2 |
Happiness and economic growth |
7/2 | It's official! Money makes you happier Asian New International |
Happiness and economic growth |
7/2 | Money can buy you happiness Irish Independent, Business, p 5 |
Happiness and wealth |
26/2 | Parlons bonheur, parlons croissance Le Monde, Analyses, p 21 |
Happiness and wealth |
27/2 | El Financiero (financial daily, Mexico) | Happiness |
9/3 | De mooi weer mythe De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and season |
*/4 | Where to be born? Korrespondent (magazine, Ukraine) |
Happiness in nations |
1/4 | De stad: gezonder dan u denkt Psychologie Magazine, p 26 |
Happiness and urbanity |
4/4 | Crisis maakt bezord, maar niet ongelukkig Trouw (Dutch weekly), De Verdieping, pp 2-3 |
Happiness and recession |
9/4 | BNR radio (Netherlands) | Happiness economics |
9/4 | Happiness kann unser Leben verlangern Coca-Cola Happiness Institut Deutschland |
Happiness and longevity |
11/4 | Nederlands kind is gelukkigst Nederland Dagblad |
Happiness of youngsters |
11/4 | Kinderen hier doen wat ze willen De Volkskrant, p 13 |
Happiness of youngsters |
12/4 | Lentegevoel Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands) |
Happiness and season |
13/4 | Crisis maakt bezorgd, maar niet ongelukkig Trouw, De Verdieping, pp 2-3 |
Happiness and economic recession |
13/4 | We zijn toe aan de zon! Algemeen Dagblad / Amersfoortse Courant, p 9 |
Happiness and holidays |
17/4 | VIVA (ladies weekly, Netherlands) | |
?/5 | nrc.next | Happiness and income |
1/7 | Can we makes ourselves happier? Interview with Pascale Harter, BBC News magazine, 1 July 2013 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23097143 |
World Database of Happiness |
13/7 | Don't worry, politics could make you happy The Calgary Herald, Saturday Eearly Edition, p A13, The Vancouver Sun, p A6 |
Happiness in nations |
21/8 | Regeltjes maken blij Algemeen Dagblad / Amersfoortse Courant, p 7 |
Happiness and quality of government |
10/9 | Vierde op geluksschaal van tevreden volken Algemeen Dagblad, Haagse Courant, p 11 |
Happiness in nations |
11/10 | De professor Spits (Daily), p 6 |
Happiness in nations |
15/10 | Von Kopf bis Fuss: Wo Lebensfreude in unserem Korper steckt My News Week Desk, Rubrik Essen und Trinken |
Happiness, perceived sources |
16/10 | Magen, Beine, Ohren: Happiness-Forscher serviert kalten Kaffee Die Tageszeitung, p 20 |
Happiness research |
17/10 | Kan mann Glueck lernen? Die Zeit, Wissen, pp 26-31 |
Happiness research |
18/10 | Beter kiezen voor meer geluk Algemeen Dagblad / Rotterdams Nieuwsblad, p 8 |
Biography |
13/11 | Nederlanders het depressiefst? NRC, fact check |
Happiness and depression |
16/11 | Gesund Berliner Zeitung (Germany), VP06 |
Happiness and longevity |
10/12 | De professor Spits (daily), p 5 |
Happiness |
13/12 | Glueck von eins bis zehn Die Tageszeitung, p 2 |
Happiness research |
30/12 | De Telegraaf | Happiness and economic recession |
*/12 | Be active if you want to be happier Dong Weekly, South Korea, week 52, pp19-20 |
Happiness |
* | Is scheiden slecht voor kinderen? In: Sanne Deurlo & Anne van Kessel (red.) Waarom worden mannen kaal? 101 slimme vragen,Kennislink.nl, Uitgeverij NEMO, ISBN 9789461561220, pp 81-83, Kennislink.nl |
Children of divorce |
* | Ruut Veenhoven In: Hein Meijers & David Redeker, 'Een onzalig plan mijne heeren! Het Erasmus Trustfonds 100 jaar stevig onder de stormen'. ISBN 978-90-9027415-7, pp 148-151 |
Happiness research |
2014 | ||
2014 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
17/1 | BBC Mid-England | World Database of Happiness |
20/3 | RTL TV, Vandaag | Happiness in Denmark |
21/3 | Radio 2 | Happiness in Denmark |
26/3 | RTL TV, Vandaag | Trust |
3/4 | Radio 1, Standpunt NL | Happiness and family |
15/4 | Radio 1, Met het oog op morgen | Happiness and income |
6/5 | Medelin TV (Colombia) | Happiness |
21/5 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
21/5 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Hapiness |
29/7 | Radio 2 | Friendship |
13/8 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness and children |
27/8 | Tirol radio (Austria) | Happiness |
23/9 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness in the Netherlands |
2014 Interviews and mentions in print | ||
14/1 | Gelukkiger met kinderen? In de praktijk blijkt het tegen te vallen De Volkskrant, Wetenschap, p 18 |
Happiness and children |
1/3 | NRC, p E15 | Bibiography |
3/3 | Ongelukkige mensen hou je altijd Trouw, maandag 3 maart 2014, Religie en Filosofie, p 6 |
Happiness and religion |
20/3 | Levensvoldoening De Gelderlander |
Happiness |
27/4 | Die Mitarbeiterin: Werkheft der katholischen Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands, nr. 4, pp 8-9 | Happiness |
28/4 | Lessen in 'geluk' dienen als remedie tegen pesten De Volkskrant, p 6 |
Lessons in happiness |
*/4 | Erasmus Allumni Nieuws, nr. 2, p 12 | Masterclass Happiness Economics |
1/4 | Kenya; Happiness makes economic sense The Star (Nairobi) |
Happiness and wealth |
13/5 | Geluksprofessor over Europa bij D66 Algemeen Dagblad, Groene hart editie, p 6 |
Happiness in nations |
*/4-6 | Interview met Ruut Veenhoven SECEUR Quarterly, pp 13-16 |
Happiness research |
18/7 | Prof. Ruut Veenhoven, Sozial Psychologen und Happiness Forscher Coca-cola Happiness Institute Deutschland, Website |
Biography |
30/8 | Wie die Wissenschaft das Gluck erforscht Die Presse (Austria) Wissen, p 23 |
Happiness research |
30/8 | Eine globale Glucksdatenbank Die Presse (Austria) |
Happiness research |
30/8 | Lexikon Die Presse (Austria) |
Happiness concept |
14/10 | Nederland is heel leefbaar Algemeen Dagblad/Rotterdams Dagblad, p 9 |
Happiness in the Netherlands |
14/10 | Randgemeenten dik tevreden over buurt Algemeen Dagblad / Rotterdams Dagblad, pp 1,7 |
Happiness and neighbourhood |
*/11 | De meesterproef van Ruut Veenhoven: Wat blijft er in het licht van de geschiedenis over van een promotieonderzoek? MGV Magazine voor GGZ en Verslavingszorg, jaargang 69, nummer 06, pp 47-49 |
Biography |
*/11 | Design for happiness Turn The Page: Study Association Industrial Design, Delft University, nr. 50, pp 17-19 |
Design for happiness |
*/12 | Meer geluk dankzij GGZ Koosje de Beer, GGZ totaal, December 2014 |
Happiness and mental health care in nations |
*/? | Global views (Japan), pp 302-303 | |
2015 | ||
2015 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
?/2 | Bulgarian national television | Science of happiness |
21/5 | BNR radio | World Happiness Report |
21/5 | Radio Rijnmond | World Happiness Report |
* | Gluecksexperten Maike van den Boom, happiness website |
Happiness experts |
* | CCTV (China) | Happiness measurement |
* | Happiness Video on Sam Wren-Lewis website |
Happiness |
2015 Interviews in print | ||
*/2 | Gelukkige mensen betalen beter belasting Beeldkrant belastingdienst |
Happiness and tax paying |
14/2 | Geld, geluk en het voeren van vogels Algemeen Dagblad, p 33 |
Happiness and pets |
6/3 | Gelukkige mensen leven langer. Boodschap van geluksprofesor Ruut Veenhoven aan het Gooi Gooi en Eemlander, p 11 |
Happiness |
20/3 | Geluk kun je zelf afdwingen Bijhouden van een speciaal dagboek leidt volgens professor tot meer voorspoed De Telegraaf, p 10 |
Happiness self-help |
23/3 | Er is een app voor geluk De Volkskrant, Opinie en Debat, p 19 |
Happiness self-help |
23/3 | Nederland kan nog gelukkiger worden dan Denemarken NRC, wetenschap |
Happiness in nations |
*/4 | Sante Magazine | Happiness and life-style |
7/4 | Como lograr la felicidad comunitaria e individual? El Colombiano (Colombia) |
Happiness |
7/4 | Geluk is net als hoofdpijn, je weet niet precies waar het vandaan komt National Geographic, Dutch edition |
Happiness in nations |
27/4 | Mannen van 48 zitten gewoon goed in hun vel Algemeen Dagblad, p 9 |
Happiness and age |
27/4 | The death of happiness The Zimbabwean |
Happiness in nations |
27/5 | Man versus algorithm The New Statesman |
Hapiness and choice |
10/6 | Geluk Leeuwarder Courant, p 22 |
Happiness in nations |
13/8 | Maakt kinderen krujgen ongelukkig? De Volkskrant, p 14, fact check |
Happiness and children |
28/8 | Ambtnenaren en bestuurders leren sturen op geluk VNG magazine, nr. 12, pp 31-32 |
Happiness policy |
*/9 | Het leven wordt gemiddeld leuker op de oude dag 65+ magazine Rotterdam |
Happiness and age |
20/10 | Depressie epidemie? We zijn gelukkiger dan ooit Carolina Lo Galbo in Vrij Nederland Online, 20-10-2015 |
Happiness and depression |
*/11 | Gezond Nu, pp 56-59 | Happiness and health |
3/11 | Het leven is vurrukkulluk (vinden vooral mannen) Algemeen Dagblad, p 8 |
Happiness in the Netherlands |
14/11 | Volkskrant Magazine, pp 21-24 | Happiness and children |
*/12 | Hillenraad 1000, jrg. 13, pp 8-9 | Happiness and horticulture |
18/12 | Ce que lire fait au cerveau Le Monde, Le Monde des livres, p 3 |
Happiness and intelligence |
31/12 | Margriet, nr. 1, 2016, pp 58-61 | Daily happiness |
2016 | ||
2016 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
4/1 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness |
15/3 | RTL TV | Happiness and tax |
?/3 | Ukraine TV | Did EU bring greater happiness? |
?/3 | RTL-Z TV 'Money talk' | Happiness and income |
*/4 | De Geluksprofessor VPRO gids week 14, 2016, pp 20-21 |
Ruut Veenhoven |
12/4 | Geluk wordt vaak gekocht met wat blauwe plekken Henry Bol op Quality of life Tips website, text + video |
Happiness and life choice |
6/5 | BNR radio | Did EU bring greater happiness? |
23/6 | TV EenVandaag | Good manners |
12/8 | RTL4 TV, RTL nieuws | Happiness of youngsters |
18/8 | Radio Noord-Holland | Happiness and holidays |
18/8 | Radio Monocle 24(UK) | Mood in cities |
5/9 | BNR radio/website 'De Nieuwe wereld' | Rising longevity |
3/10 | Radio 5, Wekker Wakker | Happiness and income |
3/10 | BNR radio | Happiness and alcohol |
3/11 | Radio 5, Omroep Max, 'Wekker wakker' | Happiness and money |
26/12 | Radio Rijnmond, kerstuitzending | Happiness |
2016 Interviews in print | ||
*/1 | Kijk, pp 44-47 | Happiness and children |
19/1 | NRC | Steering on happiness |
11/2 | Een stamkroeg maakt je gelukkiger: NRC checkt nrc.next, pp 4-5 |
Happiness and pubs |
22/1 | Trots op de stad maakt nog niet gelukkig AD/ Rotterdams Nieuwsblad, p 2 |
Local happiness |
27/2 | The Economist, p 21 | Happiness in Europe |
*/3 | De Geluksprofessor VPRO gids, week 12, pp 20-21 |
Biography |
*/3 | Management Support, nr. 3, pp 14-16 | Happiness and work |
8/3 | Losing the moral compass Malta Today |
Happiness and good governance |
?/4 | Margriet | Happiness and health |
12/4 | Geluk wordt vaak gekocht met wat blauwe plekken Henry Bol op Quality of life Tips website, text + video |
Happiness and life choice |
?/5 | Zin | Longings |
19/5 | UWV online Magazine | Happiness at work |
?/6 | Gazeta Wyborcza. Poland | Did EU raise happiness? |
*/6 | Nesthor: Reunistenblad studenten-vereniging RSG, jrg. 25, nr. 2, pp 28-33 | Biography |
*/6 | Ik ben een gelukkig mens Interview door Lindemarie Jongsten, in: Pieter van Haren, 'Geluk in de zorg', uitgave cooperatie VGZ, juni 2016, pp 96-101 |
Biography |
*/7 | Wie gelukkig is leeft langer Lijf & Leden, customer magazine zorgverzekeraar ONVZ, zomer 2016, pp 16-18 |
Happiness and health |
*/7-8 | Psychologie Magazine, zomernummer, p 78 | Happiness and autonomy |
11/7 | Jarenlange zoektocht naar geluk, Ruut Veenhoven verklaart vreugde van het leven Leids Dagblad, p 2 |
Biography |
?/8 | De Volkskrant | Happiness and holidays |
?/8 | Flair | Chlidlessness |
12/8 | De jeugd heeft geluk Algemeen Dagblad + kopbladen, pp 1+ 8-9 |
Happiness of youngsters |
22/8 | Zo bestrijdt u de vakantie dip. Post-vakantie syndroom De Volkskrant |
Happiness and holidays |
27/8 | De kwaliteit van je leven wordt bepaald door de kwaliteit van je gedachten Algemeen Dagblad, Haagse Courant, p 54 |
Happiness and self image |
?/9 | Trouw | Happiness and faith |
?/9 | Intermediar | Happiness at work |
*/9 | Newsweek Magazine Czech edition | Happiness research |
24/9 | De Telegraaf | Loneliness |
*/10 | Japanese magazine 'Work' | Happiness and work |
1/11 | Volkskrant, Wetenschap, p 25 | Social media and longevity |
3/11 | Nederlands Dagblad, pp 18-19 Langer leven door sociaal leven op Facebook | Social media and longevity |
4/11 | Welt online Happiness-Kurs: Die neuen Gluecksbringer | Happiness training |
7/11 | NRC, S9 Sleutelen aan werkgeluk | Happiness and work |
*/11 | Profielen: Onafhankelijk blad van de Hogeschool Rotterdam. Profielen.hr.nl nr. 132, november 2016, p 13 Ongeluk en Religie |
Happiness and religion |
?/11 | Het Financieele Dagblad | Happiness and money |
21/12 | De Volkskrant Misschien is Costa Rica het paradijs. Geluk is meetbaar in vele varianten | Happiness in nations |
21/12 | De Volkskrant 'Weg met het BNP? Nieuwe welvaarts index verklaart de onvrede wel' | Happiness in nations |
*/12 | Yvonne de Jong & Pieter Phillippart (redactie) 'Werk geluk' Driessen HRM, pp 10-13 Werk maakt gelukkig |
Happiness at work |
*/12 | Works: (Recruit Works Institute Japan), December 2016, nr.139, p 23 Happiness in Nations | Happiness in nations |
2017 | ||
2017 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
2/1 | Radio 1 | Happiness and optimism |
6/1 | Radio Decibel | Happiness |
18/1 | Radio 5, MAX, Wekker Wakker | Happiness professor |
11/1 | RTL4, RTLnieuws en RTL Geluksweek Facebook pagina | Happiness |
5/8 | Radio 2 | Happiness |
17/8 | Radio 1, Nieuws & Co | Movie 'Happiness' about quick therapies for greater happiness |
2017 Interviews in print | ||
* | R.M. Acosta & M. Hutchison, Nijgh & Van Ditmar. Interview fragmenten, pp 257-258 De gelukkigste kinderen van de wereld: Opvoeden the Dutch way |
Happiness of children in nations |
* | Werk maakt gelukkig In: Pieter Philipart (redactie) 'Werkgeluk', Driessen HRM, 2017, pp 11-14 |
Happines and work |
1/1 | De Volkskrant Ben je de gelukkigste Nederlander? Dan heb je vrienden, werk en geen (kleine) kinderen | Conditions for happiness |
? | Quest | Happiness |
2/1 | De Volkskrant, Opinie en debat, p 19 Een gelukkig nieuwjaar | Optimism |
7/2 | US Fed news World-renowned 'happiness' expert to visit Purdue university | Biography Ruut Veenhoven |
*/3 | BIld der Frau, 12/2017, p 8 Lieber Professor Glueck, was macht wirklich happy? | Happiness research |
9/5 | The Hartford Courant, D1 Happiness is a choice | Happiness |
11/5 | The Hamilton Spectator (Ontario, Canada), G 10 Is happiness all about perspective? | Happiness |
15/5 | The Daily Gleaner (New Brunswick, USA), C1 The key to life-long happiness may be a matter of perspective | Happiness and children |
16/5 | El Mercurio (Daily Chile) pp 20-22 El secreto de los ninos mas felices del mundo | Happiness of children in nations |
20/5 | Algemeen Dagblad + kopbladen Gelukkig hebben we de foto's nog | Soccer craze |
21/5 | Start-News (Wilmington NC, USA) GM9, p 48 The habits of happy people | Happiness and children |
6/6 | Margriet, 28/17, p 113 Bijna zo trevreden als de Deen | Happiness in the Netherlands |
7/6 | Blog Jan van Reest op VM Platform voor Verenigingsmanagement Op zoek naar geluk (2) De Geluksprofessor | Happiness |
29/7 | Duluth New Tribune, Minnesota USA (and more US local newspapers) The habits of happy people | Happiness and life-style |
*/7 | http://www.eindbazen.nl/podcast/ruut-veenhoven/ Podcast Wetenschappelijk & Geluk met Ruut Veenhoven |
Ruut Veenhoven Happiness and work |
9/8 | Interview in: SHOPPING CENTRE NEWS d.d. 9 augustus 2017 Wat een consument gelukkig maakt | Consumption and happiness |
*/9 | Psychologie Maganize, nr. 9, p 24 Waarop heb je invloed in je leven: ... je geluksgevoel | Happiness |
7/10 | El Tiempo (Daily Colombia) El secreto de los ninos mas felices del mundo | Happiness of children in nations |
18/10 | NRC Handelsblad, p 1 Perfect storm | Media hype '#MeToo' about sexual harrasment |
25/10 | The Asihi Simbun Globe, October 25, 2017 Can you measure happiness? Interview with "Dr Happiness" in the Netherlands | Happiness research |
*/11 | Interview met Marijke Nijboer, VO Magazine, November 2017, pp 14-15 Werken aan een blije school | Happiness and education |
*/11 | Care4Contact magazine (MS patienten), nr. 2, November 2017, pp 6-7 De GeluksWijzer geeft inzicht in je eigen geluk | Happiness self-help |
*/12 | Goed Gevoel Magazine, December 2017, p 20 Werk aan je geluk | Happiness and health |
3/12 | NRC, pp E17 Geluk is niet alleen een ping-pong tafel | Happiness and work productivity |
*/12 | In: Dan Buettner, 'The Blue Zones of Happiness: Lessons from the world's happiest people'. National Geographic Inc., Washington USA, ISBN 987-1-4262-1848-4, pp 268-269 Happiness consensus project | Ways to greater happiness |
2018 | ||
2018 Interviews for radio, TV and webs | ||
#/* | Sex, Drugs and Bicycles, Documentary about The Netherlands by Jonathan Blank | Happiness in Dutch society |
11/2 | Dotemerates.com, Dubai, UAE, Global dialogue for happiness offers governments the best international practices | Happiness policy |
15/3 | RTL nieuws GidsTV https://www.gids.tv/video/4707/zo-gelukkig-voelen-nederlanders-zich | Happiness in nations |
19/3 | 00.45 uur Radio 2 BNN/VARA programma Thijs Maalderink | Happiness |
19/3 | 13.00 uur Radio 1 in programma Nieuws BV |
Happiness |
7/6 | 14-15 uur BNR radio https://www.bnr.nl/podcast/ask-me-anything/10345485/geluk | Happiness |
25/7 | 13.30 uur Radio M Utrecht | Trend well-being |
16/11 | RTL4 Editie NL over theatrale huwelijksaanzoeken | Marriage |
30/11 | Radio 1 Standpunt NL over bewust ongehuwd ouderschap | Parenthood |
2018 Interviews in print | ||
11/2 | Mena Herald, Dubai, UAE Global dialogue for happiness offers governments the best international practices | Happiness policy |
22/2 | Website: NU.nl Zo kun je gelukkiger worden op je werk | Happiness and work |
*/3 | Psychologie magazine 3/2018, pp 28-29 Scandinavische flauwekol | Happiness in nations |
*3 | Quest psychologie 2/2018, p 35 Wat is bij de meeste mensen de gelukkigste periode van hun leven? | Happiness and age |
19/3 | De Volkskrant Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) | Happiness at work |
7/4 | NRC weekend essay door Floor Rusman, zaterdag, pp 30-31 Nu even genoeg gesomberd | Optimism about the state of the country |
4/5 | Elsevier jaargang 74, nr. 18, p 82 Gelukkige individuen | Happiness and modernity |
9/5 | Interview door Fleur Baxmeijer in Flair, nr. 18 pp 66-69 Doe als de Denen | Happiness in nations |
18/5 | Care4Contact https://www.levenmetms.nl/Nieuws/ArticleID/71/“De-GeluksWijzer-geeft-inzicht-in-je-eigen-geluk De GeluksWijzer geeft inzicht in je eigen geluk |
Happiness self-help |
*/5 | Ruut Veenhoven over Sfeer en Geluk In: Anglique Nossent 'In de vorm van sfeer: Sfeer anders bekeken' Uitgeverij Piramidions, ISBN 978-94-922476-8-1, pp 174-179 | Happiness and 'sphere' |
17/6 | The Guardian Why Dutch teenagers are among the happiest in the world | Happiness of children in nations |
28/7 | De Volkskrant, Zomer magazine, pp 50-54. Een 8+ voor gelukCommentaar in reportage door Tonie Mudde over geluk ondanks handicap | Happiness and hardship |
15/8 | Interview met Hidde Boersma. De Groene, nr. 33 Modernisering is een weg naar beter leven | Happines and modernization |
*/9 | Interview met Cecile Timmermans in Straatnieuws, 2018-12, pp 4-5 Het geheim van geluk | Happiness and hardship |
*/10 | Interview met Karst Tjoelker in Psych & Brein. Fijn met pijn | Happiness and trauma, post traumatic growth |
*/12 | Quest, nr. 178, p 23 We behoren tot de gelukkigste volkjes ter wereld | Happiness in nations |
19/12 | Interview with Michael Sommer in ELM (e)magazine, 19.12.2018 Don't study, don't worry, be happy | Happiness and education |
2019 | ||
2019 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
21/3 | Podcast Nieuws van de Vooruitgang: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1sRjTcncKujEq2q6DObq9r?si=MksuyL17SJisLyuydptlUA | Trend happiness in nations |
21/3 | Radio 538 vandaag om 8.30 uur | Happiness in nations |
22/3 | Radio 1, BNN/VARA 5.30 | Happiness in nations |
29/9 | Radio 5, 'Theater van het sentiment' Terugblik op abortusstrijd in de jaren 1970-80 | Abortion law reform |
2/10 | Radio Australia | Langhuising ('niksen') |
20/10 | Radio 1, Flits | Laziness |
19/12 | Discussie met Dirk de Wachter over zin van streven naar geluk. Moderator: Ad Bergsma Weltschmerz (YouTube) https://youtu.be/pCEh9Ehfs3U |
Pursuit of happiness |
2019 Interviews in print | ||
6/1 | Algemeen Dadblad, interview met Sander Lindenburg Geluksprofessor: 'Loten kopen? Kansloos, maar blijven kopen voor een mooie droom' |
Happiness and lottery |
1/2 | ‘Relatie geloof en geluk als kip-ei vraag’ |
Happiness and religion |
5/2 | Nederlands Dagblad, Interview met Dick Schinkelshoek ‘Gelukkig worden – hoe doe je dat?’ |
Happiness and life-style |
6/3 | Interview met Catherine Koster, Blog People & Company Inzicht leidt tot meer geluk en betrokkenheid |
Happiness and life-style |
11/3 | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, HR testiminials web page Ruut Veenhoven over zijn samenwerking met IT en UB |
World Database of Happiness |
20/3 | Algemeen Dagblad Nederlanders gelukkiger dan ooit | Happiness in nations |
*/6 | Audit Magazine, nr. 2, 2019 Geluk zit in kleine dingen en een grote database | Happiness at work |
7/6 | Yoga of touwtrekken: hoe de Chief Happiness Officer voor meer werkgeluk moet zorgen Interview met Lotte Elbrink in MTworklife |
Happiness at work |
12/7 | Niksen is the Dutch Lifestyle Concept of Doing Nothing Interview with Sophia Gottfried in Time Magazine, July 12, 2019 |
Happiness and life-style |
17/7 | Waarom 'niksen' nuttig is (en Amerikanen dat nog wel van ons kunnen leren) Interview door Roxanne Vis, 17 juli 2019 |
Life-style |
18/7 | Interview met Oije van der Leij in Margriet (ladies journal), pp 102-105 Geluk is leren van andere landen | Happiness in nations |
jul/aug | Interview door Hans van Willigenburg in HP/De Tijd, juli/augustus 2019 Domweg Gelukkig |
Happiness |
6/8 | Interview in Intermediair Druk geluk |
Pace of life | 19/8 | Interview in De Morgen (België) Geluksonderzoek: Kinderen maken gelukkig (zodra ze het huis uit zijn) | Parenthood | 7/9 | Interview met Femke Rodenburg in AD 7 september 2019, bijlage AD Woerden, weekend dichtbij, pp 7 +13 (tekst met correcties die niet zijn doorgekomen in de krant) Nederland wordt iets gelukkiger | Happiness |
25/11 | Het Financieele Dagblad, p 18 Levenskalender: commentaar op campagne tegen werkweek als tredmolen | Happiness and work |
Interviews with Ruut Veenhoven in the 2020s
2020 | ||
2020 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
Rijnmond TV https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/190303/Zo-word-je-gelukkiger-in-2020 Goede voornemens | Happines and intentions | |
AD ochtend show , radio program Algemeen Dagblad | Happiness and personality | |
Nu.nl Geluk kan beschermen tegen ziekte en stress | Happiness and health | |
BNR nieuws radio 9 april 11.45-12 uur over anderhalve meter samenleving | Happiness and social distance society | |
Fonodio ABC radio Australia, https://performer.fonodio.radio/register/9ov46r4gxzkr7dkl Verveling | Boredom | |
2020 interviews in print | ||
NRC/Handelsblad Dossier 'Op reis met de moderne werkgever'' pp. 3.4 | Satisfactions and productivity | |
TV RTL nieuws over effect 'anderhalve meter samenleving' https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/nederland/artikel/5084451/15-meter-maatschappij-corona-coronavirus | Happiness and social distance society | |
Margriet Extra pp 47-49 Waarom 60'ers geluikiger zijn dan 50'gers | Happiness and age | |
Krant Werkgeluk (nulnummer) pp.4-5 'Anno 2020 is geluk nog steeds niet heel gewoon' | Happiness | |
Algemeen Dagblad, bijvoegsel Groene Hart pagina 9 | Happiness | |
TV RTL4 EditieNL over geluk van geven | Happiness and philantropy | |
2021 |
2021 Interviews for radio and TV | ||
ARTE | Pursuit of happiness | |
Public Heallth and real life (Youtube channel) Happiness and Public Health | Happiness and health | |
Radio France Internationale. Doing nothing (In Dutch 'niksen' https://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/accents-d-europe/20210407-en-mode-pause | Happiness and activity |
An expert's guide to finding happiness, BBC-REEL documentary 14 JULY 2021 Part 1https://www.bbc.co.uk/reel/playlist/a-happier-you?vpid=p09p3wx5 part 2:https://www.bbc.co.uk/reel/playlist/a-happier-you?vpid=p09p7dh7 | Life styile and happiness | |
Podcast of Hope #22, Ruut Veenhoven over geluk. https://www.podcastofhope.nl/afleveringen/761599_22-ruut-veenhoven | Happiness | |
Radio Rijnmond | Happiness and work | |
Radio Rijnmond | Happiness | |
Rijnmond TV | Happiness | |
2021 Interviews in print | ||
Algemeen Dagblad. Waarom zijn Utrechter gelukkiger dan Rotterdammers? | Happiness in cities | |
Algemeen Dagblad, Lock-down niet zo zwaar | effect of COVID-19 pandemic | |
De Volkskrant Zo'n enig kind, dat is toch zieleg? | Only child | |
Sante: Geld maakt wel gelukkig | Income and happiness | |
De Telegraaf: Geluksexpert geven tip; zoblijf je positief in deze sombere tijden | Effect of COVID-19 pandemic | |
Margriet, blz. 88-91 over ‘Gelukkige zestigers’ | Happiness and age | |
Ruut Veenhoven: Covid-19 heeft grote deuken in ons geluk geslagen. Knack 2 juni 2021 | Happiness, effect of COVID-19 pandemic | |
De geluksprofessor waar Nederland trots op mag zijn Interview door Jaqueline Boerefijn inTijdschift voor Positieve Psychologie (TPP) 2021/3 pp 16-27 | Ruut Veenhoven | |
Libelle nr 42, blz 45-47: Mag het een tikkie minder? | Rerciprocity in treats | |
Onderwijsblad: Blz 21-24: De gelukkige leraar | Happiness of teachers | |
RVKO Koerier; magazine MBO groep Wat is geluk eigenlijk? | Happiness and work | |
RADAR magazine, nr 6, blz 30-33 Wat is geluk? | Happiness | |
Aeclips study associtopn website | Happiness of LGBTQ people | |
Algemeen Dagblad https://www.ad.nl/dossier-coronavirus-rotterdam/hoezo-somber-door-corona-we-zijn-gelukkiger-dan-de-fransen-ooit-zijn-geweest~a2f4c47d/ | Happiness and COVID-19 pandemic | |
2022 |
2022 Interviews audio visual | ||
Radio 1, Een Vandaag over geluk in tijden van Covid | Happiness in Corona pandemic | |
WDR TV (Germany). 'Volle Kanne' | Happiness in Corona pandemic | |
Radio Rijnmond ' Oorlog in Oekraine makt vooral Russen onglukkig | Happiness and the Ukraine war | |
2022 Interviews in text | ||
8/1 | NRC zaterdag 8/1 blz L7 artikel ’Verheug je maar met mate’ | Happiness and expected happiness |
Caretrialog; Gluckliche menschen Leben langer (Happy pople live longer) | Happiness research | |
Geluksprofessor met pech Hematon magazine , nr 33, pp. 8-11 | Happiness research | |
DRUK: Alles wat je moet weten als je hoofd overloopt Advies voor boek door Janette Jonker, Claudia lagermans en Liesbeth Vijfvinkel Uitgeverij Volt ISBN 978-902142702-7 | Happiness nd pace of life | |
Daar is de Chief Happiness Officer Financieel Dagblad | Chief happiness Officer | |
7/11 | Wel of niet gelukkig zijn scheelt jaren van je leven; net als wel of niet roken Zine weekly maganize of daily De Limburgerp pages 7-11 | Ways to greater happiness |
Noord Hollands Dagblad en De Telegraaf | Ruut Veenhoven | |
Geluksprofessor Ruut Veenhoven onderzoekt met kleinzoon Jos het geluk van transgender personen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Niews | Happiness of transgender people | |
*/12 | Ruut Veenhoven: Geluk hebben, ook als je ziek bent Hematon maganize December 2022 p 42 | Happiness in old age |
Happy Trees. Video Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Urban Solutions AMS | Quality of life of plants | |
17/12 | Transman Jos Veenhoven onderzocht met zijn opa Ruut hoe gelukkig transgender mensen zijn NRC Wetenschaps katern 17 December 2022 | Happiness of transgender people |
2023 |
2023 interviews audio visual | ||
11/5 | Radio 1 Netherlands 11/5 | Happiness and income |
18/9 | Irish National Radio | Happiness |
*/9 | Niksen (doing nothing and Happiness, Thai TV docu | Happiness and activity |
*/9 | 9 Happiness Myth and Tenets, Prof Ruut Veenhoven. Podcast 30 in The Mental Wellbeing Show. Also on YouTube. | Happiness |
22/12 | Ruut Veenhoven interviewed by Paul Frijters McGill-UofT Wellbeing seminar https://wellbeing.research.mcgill.ca/index.php?m=chern, December 22 |
Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
2023 interviews in text | ||
25/5 | Hoe verhoog je het levensgeluk van je werknemers? Fambiz 25 april 2023 | Happiness and productivity |
4/8 | Geluk in Rotterdam. Algemeen Dagblad 4/8/2023 | Happiness in cities |
1/9 | Hoe meer psychiaters in een land, hoe gelukkiger de mensen interviews/DeVolkskrant_2023.pdf Interview door Kaya Bouma gepubliceerd in De Volkskrant 1 september 2023, Zaterdag bijlage Boeken en Wetenschap, blz 18-21 | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
30/9 | Professor Ruut Veenhoven pioniert in de gelukswetenschap, interview met Evelien Roels in HUMO (Belgian weekly) blz 42-47. | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
18/12 | Wat leerde de doodzieke geluks professor over geluk" "Ik weet dat ik gelukkig ben, maar eigenlijk niet waarom" Interview door Tessa Hofland. Erasmus Magazine | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
2024 | ||
2024 interviews in text | ||
6/1 | Wat maakt Grongingen tot zo’n prettige woonplek? Dagblad van het Noorden 6-1-2024 p. 1: | Happiness an city size |
7/1 | Ruut, de 81 jarige 'Godfather van geluks studies heeft niet lang meer te leven: Dit leerde hij over geluk Interview door Renee de Conick op website Radio Rijnmond. | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
29/1 | Nou dat was 'm dan Interview door Karlijn Goorts in Algemeen Dagblad | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
7/2 | Niksen, the art of doing nothing Comment in article in the Gardian (UK Daily) | Happiness and relaxation |
1/7 | 10 vragen aan Ruut Veenhoven | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
2024 interviews in audio visual | ||
27/1 | NTR Radio 1, Spijkers met koppen | Happiness, Ruut Veenhoven |
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