Audio-visuals with Ruut Veenhoven

2023 9 Happiness Myth and Tenets, Prof Ruut Veenhoven. Podcast 30 in The Mental Wellbeing Show. Also on YouTube.
2023 Niksen (doing nothing) and happiness, Thai TV Docymentary
2023 Nederland in top-5 van meest gelukkige landen   
2022 Happy Trees. Video Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Urban Solutions AMS
2021 Ruut Veenhoven over geluk. Podcast of Hope #22

An expert's guide to finding happiness, BBC-REEL documentary 14 JULY 2021
Part 1
part 2:

2021 Public Heallth and real life (Youtube channel) Happiness and Public Health
2019 Discussie met Dirk de Wachter over zin van streven naar geluk. Moderator: Ad Bergsma
Weltschmerz (YouTube)
2018 Sex, Drugs and Bicycles
Documentary about The Netherlands by Jonathan Blank
2018 Cheerful discontent: Perspectives on Happiness
Optentia Research Program, North-West University, South Africa
2018 Happiness on the agenda at World Government Summit in Dubai
Gulf News, February 10, 2018
2017 Podcast Wetenschappelijk & Geluk met Ruut Veenhoven
2016 Geluk wordt vaak gekocht met wat blauwe plekken
Henry Bol op Quality of life Tips website, text + video
2015 Werken aan geluk
Congres Geluk Werkt, Regio Academie Oost, Provinciehuis, Zwolle, 12 november 2015
2015 Geluk in uitvoering: Wat is geluk en hoe werkt het?
Documentaire voor ZenActueelTV door Misha Belien
2015 Ruut Veenhoven award ceremony 2015
2015 Maatschappelijk Geluk
Video t.b.v. Maatschappijleer Seneca, december 2015
2014 Evidence based pursuit of happiness
TEDx talk Utrecht, April 28, 2014
2014 Greater happiness for a greater number: Did the promise of enlightenment come true?
Science and Cocktails, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 1, 2014
2013 Can we makes ourselves happier?
Interview with Pascale Harter, BBC News magazine, July 1, 2013
Text on:
2013 Geluk
Interview over geluk bij boek 'Ondernemend geluk'
2013 The happiness of Turkish immigrants
Interview in the context of the presentation of a research project by Ozge Gokdemir and Devrim Dumludag.
Video made by the Dutch Science Foundation as part of the 'Bessensap' research promotion programme.
2012 Greater Happiness for a Greater Number: What can education contribute?
Presentation in German at symposium ‘Glück und Lebenszufriedenheit’, Wien, Austria, 24 Februar 2012
2012 Maakt groen gelukkig?
Grote Groene Winst congres, Global Entrepreneurship Week Rotterdam. Hogere Economische Hogeschool  (HES),  Rotterdam, 13 november 2012
2012 Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
Video Partij voor Geluk
2012 Psyfit. Expert interview on selfhelp
Website Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands. In Dutch.
2012 Glueck is lernbar. Formel fuer ein besseres Leben
German TV VOX, 10-3-2012 and 14-10-2012
2012 Evidence based pursuit of happiness
Prestige lecture held at North-West University in South Africa, July 11, 2012. Video 42 minutes
2011 Sturen op geluk. (Happiness policy)
Video report of a conference at the Dutch Institute of Social Research (SCP) in The Hague, Netherlands, November 24, 2011
2011 Glücksformeln: Vom Suchen und Finden eines Lebensgefühlnis (Seeking happiness)
Interviews with happiness researchers
Direction: Larissa Trüby. Available in German, English and Dutch. 90 minutes cinema documentary in Germany, 2011
2010 Happiness: What that is and what policymakers can do about it
Google@thought Seminar, Brussels, October 26, 2010
2010 Values and happiness
Tanner symposium, Ann Arbor USA
2008 Nationale Gelukstest (National Happiness Test)
TV knowledge quiz on happiness, 2008, Presentation: Bart Peeters
2007 Ruut Veenhoven, professor geluk
Haring Happiness Institute
2006 Ruut Veenhoven
Oral Histories of Prominent Quality of Life Researchers, Website International Society for Quality of Life Studies ISQOLS
2005 How happy can you be?
Direction: Line Hatland, 52 minutes/color/2005, First Run/Icarus Films, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2003 Empirical study of happiness
Ideacity, Toronto, Canada
1999 Happiest country
Why Island is one of the happiest nations in the present day world. Interviews and comment.
Direction: Harold Woetzel, Production: GEO-TV Germany, nr. 2101171, 20 minutes
Broadcasted in various languages on science nets. Title of German version: 'Insel des Glücklichsten, Island', 1999
1983 Kinderen, Ja of Nee (Children, yes or no)
Motives for having children, actual effects on marriage and life-satisfaction. Interviews and comment.
Direction: Hans Holtkamp, Ears and Eyes Productions, Amsterdam, 40 minutes, 1983
1982 Sociologie als beroep (Profession sociology)
What sociologists do. Interviews with allumni.
Direction: Willem Ouwerkerk, production: AVC Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 25 minutes, 1982

See also interviews

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