Describing your research idea

What to prepare

When filling in the Topic Approval Request form, you need to provide a clear description of your idea. The description should not be too broad as "I want to do some research on credit risk''. It should be more specific about the research question. Together with the question, you need to clearly lay out the potential methodology and data you plan to use. It should be clear to the reader why they are related

If you have already got an internship with a research topic, do NOT simply copy paste the topic description you got from the firm. You should also write your own idea on how to approach the problem raised by the firm.

What to expect

If you get acceptance from the coordinator with me listed as your supervisor, it does NOT mean that I have accepted as the supervisor of your thesis. It means that there is some merit in your TAR form and my evaluation is that it is "shapable" towards a workable plan.

I will then reach out to you to schedule our first meeting.

How to prepare the first meeting

In the first meeting, we will discuss your idea towards a "workable plan". Before the first meeting, please prepare to explain what you are going to do in a short presentation (less than 10mins).

Time line regarding this Step

After your TAR is accepted, the first meeting is typically scheduled within in two weeks.



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