Continuous register of scientific research on subjective enjoyment of life
1984b | Databook of Happiness |
abstract contents |
1993a | Bibliography of Happiness: 2473 contempory studies
on subjective appreciation of life |
abstract contents |
1993b | Happiness in nations': |
abstract contents |
1994b | Correlates of Happiness (3 volumes) |
abstract contents |
2004h | World Database of happiness: Continuous register of
subjective appreciation of life Published in: Glatzer, W., VonBelow, S. & Stoffregen, M. (eds.), Challenges for quality of life in the contemporary world: Advances in quality-of-life studies, theory and research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht The Netherlands, 2004, Social Indicators Research Series, vol. 24, ISBN 1-40202890-3 (e-book 1-4020-2903-9) pp. 75-89 |
abstract full text |
Since 1998 | World Database of Happiness: Continuous register of
research on subjective appreciation of life |
website |