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Literature for legal philosophy course fall 2001

Struggle for recognition

Wednesdays, 13-15h
Instructor: Gijs van Oenen
tel. 010.4088999, 020.6860948; email

1.  12/09 Introduction

2.  19/09  Roger Foster, ‘Recognition and resistance.’ Radical Philosophy, march/april 1999.
KuA, ch.1: Kampf um Selbsterhaltung/The struggle for self-preservation

3.  26/09 Honneth, ‘Pathologies of the social’, in: David Rasmussen (ed.),
The handbook of critical theory (Blackwell 1996), p. 369-396

4.  03/10 KuA, ch.2: Verbrechen und Sittlichkeit / Crime and ethical life

5.  10/10 KuA, ch.3: Kampf um Anerkennung / The struggle for recognition

6.  17/10 KuA, ch.4: Anerkennung und Vergesellschaftung / Recognition and socialization

7.  24/10 KuA, ch.5: Muster intersubjektiver Anerkennung / Patterns of intersubjective recognition

8.  07/11 KuA, ch.6-9: Moral und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung / Morality and societal development

9.  14/11 Nancy Fraser, ‘From redistribution to recognition’, in: id., Justice interruptus (Routledge 1997), p. 11-39

10. 21/11 Maria Pia Lara, Moral textures (Polity 1998), ch.7: ‘The moral foundation of recognition’, p. 120-145

11. 28/11 Charles Taylor, Multiculturalism and the politics of difference (selected parts)
 And/or: other texts regarding multiculturalism and recognition

12. 05/12 Maria Pia Lara, id., ch. 8: ‘Feminist models of recognition: problems of multiculturalism'’ p. 146-164.

13. 12/12 Conclusion and evaluation

Nb. KuA = Axel Honneth, Kampf um Anerkennung, Suhrkamp 1992.
Translation: The struggle for recognition, Polity/MIT press 1995/96

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