INFORMS; INFORMS conference calendar.
Tenth annual conference on Time, Uncertainties and Strategies
16-17 December,
Paris, Université de Paris Panthéon-Assas, Centre Panthéon, France.
workshop on book on "research on prospect theory" 2025;
May 29-30,
Alicante, Spain.
SABE Conference 2025;
June 5-7,
Trento, Italy. Abstract deadline: January 30.
D-TEA (Decision Theory: Theory and Applications) 2025;
June 12 - 14,
Paris (School of Economics (PSE), 14th arrondissement), France.
Abstract deadline: Jan. 31; send to
15th ASFEE Conference — Annual meeting of the French Association of Experimental Economics;
June 16/17-18,
Nancy, France.
Submission deadline: 15 March.
RUD 2025 (Risk, Uncertainty, and Decision);
June 17-19,
Manchester, UK.
Abstract deadline: Jan. 31; send to: to be announced.
14th ISIPTA Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities;
Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications;
July 15-18,
Bielefeld, Germany.
Submission deadline: to be announced.
2025 SPUDM (Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making) Conference;
Aug. 31 - Sept. 4,
Lucca, Italy. Abstract deadline: 20 January