Introduction to Catalog of Happiness in Nations
Abstract chapter 4

Happiness is defined as the degree to which an individual judges the overall quality of his life-as-a-whole favorably. Within this concept two 'components' of happiness are distinguished: hedonic level of affect (the degree to which pleasant affect dominates) and contentment (perceived realization of wants). These components represent respectively 'affective' and 'cognitive' appraisals of life and are seen to figure as subtotals in the overall evaluation of life, called overall happiness.

Happiness as defined here can be measured by means of questioning, and hedonic level also by observations of non-verbal behavior. Though happiness is measurable in principle, not all the questionnaires and observation schedules used for its measurement are deemed acceptable. Many measures tap in fact broader phenomena than defined here. These measures are left out in this review of survey research on happiness in nations. All the data reported here are based on indicators that successfully passed a test for face-validity.

This catalog reports data on happiness in nations. It provides information about average level and dispersion of happiness.

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