2024 |
Sanders, M., E. Stam and A.R. Thurik (2024), The entrepreneurial state cannot deliver without an entrepreneurial society. in Henrekson, M., Ch Sandström and M. Stenkula (eds) Moonshots and the new industrial economy: Questioning the mission economy. International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 56. Springer, Cham,
259-270. isbn
978-3-031-49195-5. Entire book https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-49196-2. Our chapter have-a-look. |
2022 |
Wismans, A., Lodder, M., Thurik, R. (2022), Entrepreneurial
Intention of Dutch Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are
Today's Students Still Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs? in Audretsch, D.B.,
Kunadt, I.A.M. (eds) The COVID-19 Crisis and Entrepreneurship.
International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 54. Springer, Cham,
187-207. isbn
978-3-031-04654-4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04655-1_14.
early version. |
2017 |
Zwan, P. van der and A.R. Thurik (2017), Entrepreneurship
as a process: Empirical evidence for entrepreneurial engagement
levels, in G. Ahmetoglu, T. Chamorro-Premuzic, B. Klinger and T.
Karcisky (eds.), The Wiley Handbook of
Entrepreneurship, John Wiley &Sons Ltd,
Hoboken, NJ, 25-35. isbn 9781118970720. early
version |
2016 |
A.R. Thurik (2016),
Visions of the past: wish you had been there, in D.B. Audretsch
and E. Lehmann (eds.),
Companion to Makers in Modern Entrepreneurship,
(Routledge Publishing, London), 181-201,
isbn 9781138838109.
early-version. |
2015 |
H. Landström, R. Thurik et F.
Lasch (2015), David Storey: un point entre recherche et politique
en faveur des petites entreprises. en: Les Grands Auteurs
en Entrepreneuriat et PME (dirigé par Karim Messeghem
et Olivier Torrès),
Editions EMS: Cormelles-le-Royal, 2015, 387-408.
have-a-look. |
A.R., (2015), Determinants of entrepreneurship: the quest for the
entrepreneurial gene, in D.B. Audretsch, Ch.S. Hayter and A.N.
Link (eds),
Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 28-38.
isbn 978-1-78347-419-6.
have-a-look. |
2013 |
Lasch, F., F. Robert, F. LeRoy
and A.R. Thurik (2013), The start-up location decision and
regional determinants, in Cooperation, Clusters, and
Knowledge Transfer: Universities and Firms Towards Regional
Competitiveness, J.J.M. Ferreira, M. Raposo, R. Rutten
and A. Varga (eds), (Springer Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg), 3-17. have-a-look. |
2012 |
Hoogendoorn, B.,
H.P.G. Pennings and A.R. Thurik, A.R. (2012). A conceptual
overview of What We Know About Social Entrepreneurship, in The
Community Development Reader, J. DeFilippis and S.
Saegert (eds.), (Routledge: New York), 117-124.
2011 |
E. Stam, Ch. Hartog, A. van Stel and
A.R. Thurik (2011), Ambitious entrepreneurship, high-growth firms
and macro-economic growth, in The Dynamics of
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Evidence, M. Minniti
(ed.), (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 231-249. isbn
978-0-19-958086-6. early-paper. |
A.R. Thurik and M. Dejardin (2011),
Entrepreneurship and culture, in Entrepreneurship in
Context, M. van Gelderen and E. Masurel (eds),
(Routledge, London), 175-186. isbn 978-0-415-89092-2.
early paper. |
A.R. Thurik (2011), From the managed to
the entrepreneurial economy: considerations for developing and
emerging economies, in Entrepreneurship and Economic
Development, W. Naudé (ed.), (Palgrave McMillan,
Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 147-165. isbn 978-0333-96424-8.
have-a-look. |
D.B. Audretsch, I. Grilo and A.R.
Thurik (2011), Globalization, entrepreneurship and the region, in
Handbook of Research on
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, M. Fritsch
(ed.), (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, US), 11-32. early
version. info
about the book. |
2010 |
A. Freytag and A.R. Thurik (2010),
Introducing entrepreneurship and culture, in Entrepreneurship
and Culture, A. Freytag and A.R. Thurik (eds),
(Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg), 1-8. isbn
978-3-540-97909-1. |
A. Freytag and A.R. Thurik (2010),
Entrepreneurship and its determinants in a cross- country setting,
in Entrepreneurship and Culture, A. Freytag and
A.R. Thurik (eds), (Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg), 157-170.
isbn 978-3-540-97909-1. |
S. Wennekers, A.R. Thurik, A. van Stel
and N. Noorderhaven (2010), Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of
business ownership across 21 OECD countries, 1976-2004, in Entrepreneurship
and Culture, A. Freytag and A.R. Thurik (eds),
(Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg), 271-299. isbn
978-3-540-97909-1. |
L. Uhlaner and A.R. Thurik (2010),
Postmaterialism influencing total entrepreneurial activity across
nations, in Entrepreneurship and Culture, A.
Freytag and A.R. Thurik (eds), (Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg), 301-328. isbn 978-3-540-97909-1. |
M.A. Carree and A.R. Thurik (2010), The
impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth, in Handbook
of Entrepreneurship Research, D.B. Audretsch and Z.J.
Acs (eds), (Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg), 557-594. have-a-look. |
2009 |
A.R. Thurik (2009), Entreprenomics:
entrepreneurship, economic growth and policy, in Entrepreneurship,
Growth and Public Policy, Z.J. Acs, D.B. Audretsch and
R. Strom (eds), (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
219-249. have-a-look |
D.B. Audretsch and A.R. Thurik (2009),
Globalization, entrepreneurship and the strategic management of
regions, in The Role of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in a
Globalized Economy, A. Lundström (ed), The
Globalization Council, Sweden, 14-40. |
2008 |
A. Nijsen, J. Hudson, K. van Paridon,
Chr. Mueller and R. Thurik (2008), The world of regulation and
compliance, in Business Regulation and Public Policy: the
Costs and Benefits of Compliance, A. Nijsen, J.
Hudson, K. van Paridon, Chr. Mueller and R. Thurik (eds),
(Springer, Intl Studies in Entrepreneurship Series, New York),
vii-xxv. |
2007 |
D.B. Audretsch, I. Grilo and A.R.
Thurik (2007), Explaining entrepreneurship and the role of policy:
a framework, in The Handbook of Research on
Entrepreneurship Policy, D.B. Audretsch, I. Grilo and
A.R. Thurik (eds), (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham,
UK and Northampton, MA, US): 1-17. have-a-look |
D.B. Audretsch and A.R. Thurik (2007),
The models of the managed and the entrepreneurial economy, in The
Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, H.
Hanusch and A. Pyka (eds), (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US): 211- 231.
Information@Elgar. Flyer. |
2006 |
M. Carree and R. Thurik (2006),
Understanding the role of entrepreneurship for economic growth, in
The Handbook Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth
(International Library of Entrepreneurship Series),
M.A. Carree and A.R. Thurik (eds), (Edward Elgar Publishing
Limited, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US): ix-xix. have
a look |
Grilo, I. and A.R. Thurik (2006),
Entrepreneurship in the old and new Europe, in
Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: the Dynamics of
Firms and Industries: International Studies in
Entrepreneurship, Enrico Santarelli (ed.),
(Springer Science, Berlin): 75-103. have-a-look |
Baptista, R., A. van Stel and A.R.
Thurik (2006), Entrepreneurship, industrial restructuring and
unemployment in Portugal, in Entrepreneurship, Growth, and
Innovation: the Dynamics of Firms and Industries: International
Studies in Entrepreneurship, Enrico Santarelli
(ed.), (Springer Science, Berlin): 223-241. have-a-look |
Santarelli, E., L. Klomp and A.R.
Thurik (2006), Gibrat's Law: an overview of the empirical
literature, in Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation:
the Dynamics of Firms and Industries: International
Studies in Entrepreneurship, Enrico Santarelli
(ed.), (Springer Science, Berlin): 41-73.
have-a-look |
2003 |
G., N.G. Noorderhaven, A.R. Thurik, A.R.M. Wennekers, L. Uhlaner
and R.E. Wildeman
(2003), Culture's role in
entrepreneurship: self-employment out of dissatisfaction, in Innovation,
Entrepreneurship and Culture: The Interaction between
Technology, Progress and Economic Growth, J. Ulijn and
T. Brown (eds), (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK
and Brookfield, US): 162-203. |
Audretsch, D.B. and A.R. Thurik (2003),
Entrepreneurship, industry evolution and economic growth, in
Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies: Advances in
Austrian Economics, R. Koppl (ed.), (JAI/Elsevier
Science, Oxford): 39-56.
have-a-look. |
Carree, M.A. and A.R. Thurik (2003),
The impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth, in Handbook
of Entrepreneurship Research, D.B. Audretsch and Z.J.
Acs (eds), (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht):
437-471. have-a-look |
2002 |
Audretsch, D.B., A.R. Thurik, I.
Verheul and S. Wennekers (2002), Understanding entrepreneurship
across countries and over time, in Entrepreneurship:
Determinants and Policy in a European-US Comparison,
D.B. Audretsch, A.R. Thurik, I. Verheul and A.R.M. Wennekers
(eds), (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht): 1-10. have-a-look |
Verheul, I., A.R.M. Wennekers, D.B.
Audretsch and A.R. Thurik (2002), An eclectic theory of
entrepreneurship: policies institutions and culture, in Entrepreneurship:
Determinants and Policy in a European-US Comparison,
D.B. Audretsch, A.R. Thurik, I. Verheul and A.R.M. Wennekers
(eds), (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht): 11-81. have-a-look |
2001 |
Audretsch, D.B. and A.R. Thurik (2001),
Globalization and the strategic management of regions, in Globalization
and Regionalization: Challenges for Public Policy,
D.B. Audretsch and C.F. Bonser (eds), (Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston/Dordrecht): 49-70. |
2000 |
Carree, M.A. and A.R. Thurik (2000),
Market structure dynamics and economic growth, in Regulatory
Reform and Competitiveness in Europe no. 1: Horizontal Issues,
G. Galli and J. Pelkmans (eds), (Edward Elgar Publishing,
Cheltenham, UK): 430-460. eleven
effects. |
Klomp, L. and A.R. Thurik (1999), Job
flows in traditional services, in: Entrepreneurship, Small
and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Macro Economy, Z.
Acs, B. Carlsson and Ch. Karlson (eds.), (Cambridge University
Press): 310-326. |
1999 |
Audretsch, D.B. and A.R. Thurik (1999),
Introduction, in: Innovation, Industry
Evolution and Employment, D.B. Audretsch and A. R.
Thurik (eds.), (Cambridge University Press): 1-12.
have-a-look. |
Audretsch, D.B., L. Klomp and A.R.
Thurik (1999), The post-entry performance of firms in Dutch
services, in: Innovation, Industry Evolution and Employment,
D.B. Audretsch and A. R. Thurik (eds.), (Cambridge University
Press): 230-252.
have-a-look. |
Carree, M.A. and A.R. Thurik (1999),
Industrial structure and economic growth, in: Innovation,
Industry Evolution and Employment, D.B. Audretsch and
A. R. Thurik (eds.), (Cambridge University Press): 86-110.
have-a-look. |
Thurik, A.R. (1999), Entrepreneurship,
industrial transformation and growth, in The Sources of
Entrepreneurial Activity: Vol. 11, Advances in
the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth,
G.D. Libecap (ed.), (JAI Press, Stamford, CT): 29-65. |
1996 |
Thurik, A.R. (1996), Small firms,
entrepreneurship and economic growth, in: Small Business in
the Modern Economy, Z. Acs, B. Carlsson and A.R.
Thurik (eds.), (Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford): 126-152. |
Wijst, D. van and A.R. Thurik (1996),
Determinants of small firm debt ratios: an analysis of retail
panel data, in Small Firms and Economic Growth, Vol
1, Z.J.Acs (ed.), (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham): 639-649. |
1995 |
Carree, M.A. and A.R. Thurik (1995),
Profitability and number of firms: their dynamic interaction in
Dutch retailing, in: Studies in Industrial Organization:
Market Evolution: Competition and Cooperation, A. van
Witteloostuijn, (ed.), (Kluwer Academic Publishers): 257-266. |
Hertog, R.G.J. den and A.R. Thurik
(1995), A comparison between Dutch and German retail
price-setting, in: Retail Marketing, G. Akehurst
and N. Alexander (eds.), (Frank Cass, Londen): 196-203. |