H201011 -
Factors Influencing the Entrepreneurial Engagement
of Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurs (A.R.
I. Verheul,
S.J.A. Hessels and P.W. van der Zwan).
Download-it. |
H200911 -
Ambitious entrepreneurship, high-growth firms and macro-economic growth
Stam, Ch. Hartog, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
H200910 - Entrepreneurial exit and entrepreneurial engagement ( J.
Hessels, I. Grilo, A.R. Thurik and P. van der Zwan).
Download-it. |
H200907 - The dynamics of entry and exit ( D. Fok, A. J. van Stel,
A.E. Burke and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
H200824 - The relation between entrepreneurship and economic
development: is it U-shaped? (A.R.M. Wennekers, A. J. van Stel, M.
Carree and A.R. Thurik).
H200822 -
The two-way relationship between entrepreneurship
and economic performance (A.R.
A. J. van Stel,
C.M. Hartog and
S.C. Parker).
Download-it. |
H200803 - Explaining Preferences and Actual Involvement in
Self-Employment: New Insights into the role of Gender (I. Grilo, I.
Verheul and A.R. Thurik).
H200801 - Investigating Blue Ocean v. Competitive Strategy: A
Statistical Analysis of the Retail Industry (A.E. Burke, A. J. van
Stel and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
H200720 - Entrepreneurial
exit in real and imagined markets (E. Stam, A.R. Thurik and P. van
der Zwan).
Download-it. |
H200719 -
Modeling latent and actual
entrepreneurship (I. Grilo, R. Paap, P. van der
Zwan and A.R.
Download-it. |
H200710 - Drivers of entrepreneurial aspirations at the country
level: the role of start-up motivations and social security (S.J.H.
Hessels, M.W. van Gelderen and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
H200709 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment? (A.R. Thurik, M.
Carree, A. van Stel and D.B. Audretsch).
Download-it. |
H200705 - The relation between economic development and business
ownership revisited, (M. Carree, A. van Stel A.R. Thurik and S.
Download-it. |
H200627 - Motivation based policies for an entrepreneurial EU
economy, (J. Hessels, M. van Gelderen and A.R. Thurik.
Download-it. |
H200620 - The entrepreneurial ladder and its determinants (with P. van der Zwan
and I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200622 - Determinants of self-employment preference and realization
among women and men in Europe (with I. Verheul and I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200616 - Entrepreneurship and its determinants in a cross-country
setting (with A. Freytag).
Download-it. |
H200610 - Explaining engagement levels of opportunity and necessity
entrepreneurs (with R. Bhola, I. Verheul and I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200609 - The effect of business regulations on nascent and young
business entrepreneurship (with A.
van Stel and D. Storey).
Download-it. |
H200605 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership
across 21 OECD countries, 1976-2004 (with A. van Stel, S. Wennekers and
N. Noorderhaven).
Download-it. |
H200516 - Entrepreneurship in the old en new Europe (with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200515 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union
(with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200514 - Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US:
some recent developments (with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
H200513 - Determinants of self-employment preference and realisation
of women and men in Europe and the United States (with I. Verheul and I.
Download-it. |
H200510 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country
level (with A. van Stel and I. Verheul).
Download-it. |
H200508 - From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of
entry barriers (with A. van Stel, D. Storey and S. Wennekers).
Download-it. |
H200401 - Explaining variation in nascent entrepreneurship (with A.
van Stel, S. Wennekers and P. Reynolds).
Download-it. |
H200202 - Post-materialism as a cultural factor influencing
entrepreneurial activity across nations, (with L. Uhlaner and J.
Hutjes), 31 pages, ISBN 90-371-0861-X.
Download-it. |
H200201 - Gibrat's Law: are the services different? (with D.B.
Audretsch and L. Klomp), 47 pages, ISBN 90-371-0860-1.
Download-it. |
H200013 - Setting up a business in the Netherlands: who starts, who
gives up, who is still trying, (with M. van Gelderen and N. Bosma), 32
Pages, ISBN 90-371-0820-2.
Download-it. |
H200012 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies,
institutions and culture, (with I. Verheul, S. Wennekers and D.
Audretsch), 82 pages, ISBN 90-371-0817-2.
Download-it. |
H200001 - Strategies, uncertainty and performance of small business
startups, (with M. van Gelderen and M. Frese), 31 pages, ISBN
Download-it. |
H199910 - Start-up capital: differences between male and female
entrepreneurs, ‘does gender matter?’(with I. Verheul), 39 pages, ISBN
Download-it. |
H199902 - Are small firms really sub-optimal?: compensating factor
differentials in small dutch manufacturing firms (with D.B. Audretsch, G
van Leeuwen and B. Menkveld), 44 pages, ISBN 90-371-0734-6.
Download-it. |
N200411 - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of
female and male entrepreneurs (with I. Verheul and M. Carree). 34 p.
N200407 - The role of dissatisfaction and per capita income in
explaining self-employment across 15 european countries (with N.
Noorderhaven, S. Wennekers and A. van Stel). 23p.
. |
N200403 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship across 29
countries (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel). 35p.
N200321 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing total
entrepreneurial activity across nations (with L. Uhlaner). 21p.
N200319 - Professional HRM practices in family owned-managed
enterprises (with J. de Kok and L. Uhlaner). 37p.
N200320 - The effect of entrepreneurship on national economic growth:
an empirical analysis using the GEM data base (with A. van Stel and M.
Carree). 21p. |
N200314 - Success and risk factors in the pre-startup phase (with N.
Bosma and M. van Gelderen). 23p.
N200312 - Business accomplishments, gender and entrepreneurial
self-image (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner). 42p.
N200304 - Explaining the entrepreneurial activity rate of women: a
macro-level perspective. (with I. Verheul). 14p.
N200301 - Explaining nascent entrepreneurship across countries (with
A. van Stel, S. Wennekers and P. Reynolds). 23p.
N200223 - Self-employment across 15 European countries: the role of
dissatisfaction (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven).
18p. |
N200204 - The Value of Human and Social Capital Investments for the
Business Performance of Startups (with N. Bosma, M. van Praag and G. de
Wit). 20p.
TI11-043/3 - Determinants of job satisfaction across the EU-15: a
comparison of self-employed and paid employees (J. M. Millan, S.J.A.
Hessels, A.R. Thurik and R. Aguado).
TI10-080/3 - Unraveling the
shift to the entrepreneurial economy (D.B. Audretsch and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-075/3 - Family
Background Variables as Instruments for Education in Income Regressions:
A Bayesian Analysis (L. Hoogerheide, J. Block and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-024/4 - Are Education and Entrepreneurial Income Endogenous and
do Family Background Variables make Sense as Instruments? A Bayesian
Analysis (J. Block, L. Hoogerheid and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-012/3 - Industry
dynamics and entrepreneurship: an equilibrium model (D. Fok, A. Burke, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-088/4 -
Education and entrepreneurial choice: evidence from an
instrumental variables regression (J. Block, L. Hoogerheid and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-070/3 - Entrepreneurial progress: climbing the entrepreneurial
ladder in Europe and the US (P. van der Zwan, I. Verheul, A.R. Thurik
and I. Grilo).
TI09-034/3 -
Total factor productivity and
the role of entrepreneurship, (H. Erken, P. Donselaar and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-032/3 - Entrepreneurship and the cycle, (Ph. Koellinger and A.R.
Thurik). |
TI08-031/3 - Entrepreneurial exit in real and imagined markets, (E.
Stam, A.R. Thurik and P. van der Zwan).
TI07-080/3 - The relationship between entrepreneurship and
unemployment in Japan, (A. van Stel, R. Thurik, I. Verheul and L. Baljeu).
TI07-022/3 - The relation between economic development and business
ownership revisited, (M. Carree, A. van Stel A.R. Thurik and S.
Wennekers). |
TI06-103/3 - The entrepreneurial ladder and its
determinants, (P. van der Zwan, A.R. Thurik and I. Grilo).
TI04-036/3 - Business ownership and unemployment in
Japan, (Acht, J. van, J. Stam, R. Thurik and I. Verheul).
TI03-089/3 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of
business ownership across 22 OECD countries, 1976-2000 (with S.
Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven).
TI02-080/3 - Gibrat's law and the firm size/firm growth
relationship in Italian services (with R. Piergiovanni, E. Santarelli
and L. Klomp), 10 pages.
TI02-027/3 - The value of human and social capital
investments for the business performance of startups (with N. Bosma, M.
van Praag and G. de Wit), 11 pages.
TI01-074/3 - Does entrepreneurship reduce unemployment?
(with D.B. Audretsch and M.A. Carree).
TI01-030/3 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship:
policies, institutions and culture (with D.B. Audretsch, I. Verheul and
S. Wennekers).
TI00-095/3 - Impeded industrial restructuring: the
growth penalty (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel), 16
pages. |
TI00-001/3 - Business ownership and economic growth in
23 OECD countries (with M.Carree, A. van Stel and S. Wennekers), 39
pages. |
TI99-089/3 - Self-employment out of satisfaction (with
N.G. Noorderhaven, A.R.M. Wennekers, G. Hofstede and R.E. Wildeman), 31
pages. |
TI99-068/3 - Innovation, industry evolution and
employment (with D.B Audretsch), 15 pages. |
TI99-065/3 - Productivity convergence in OECD
manufacturing industries (with M.A. Carree and L. Klomp), 12 pages.
#2008-19 - Total factor productivity and the role of
entrepreneurship (H. Erken, P. Donselaar and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
#89-2007 - Does
self-employment reduce unemployment (A.R. Thurik, M. Carree, A. van Stel
and D.B. Audretsch).
Download-it. |
#02-2007 -
Determinants of entrepreneurial engagement levels in Europe and
the US, (I. Grilo and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
#05-2006 - The contribution of business ownership in bringing down
unemployment in Japan, (Andre van Stel, Roy Thurik, Ingrid Verheul and
Lendert Baljeu).
Download-it. |
#04-2006 - The effect of business regulations on nascent and
actual entrepreneurship, (Andre van Stel, David Storey and Roy Thurik).
#02-2006 - The lag structure of the impact of business ownership on
economic performance in OECD countries, (M. Carree and A.R. Thurik),
Download-it. |
#01-2006 - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of
female and male entrepreneurships, (I. Verheul, M. Carree and A.R. Thurik),
Download-it. |
#35-2005 - From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of
entry barriers, (with A. van Stel, D. Storey and S. Wennekers),
Download-it. |
#34-2005 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the
country level, (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel),
Download-it. |
#29-2005 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union,
(with I. Grilo),
Download-it. |
#25-2005 - Determinants of entrepreneurial engagement levels in
Europe and the US, (with I. Grilo),
Download-it. |
#24-2005 - Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US:
some recent developments, (with I. Grilo),
Download-it. |
#15-2005 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership
across 22 countries: 1976-2000, (with N. Noorderhaven, A. van Stel and S.
Download-it. |
#14-2005 - Nascent entrepreneurship and the level of economic
development, (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and P. Reynolds),
Download-it. |
#10-2005 - Understanding the role of entrepreneurship for economic
growth, (with M.A. Carree),
Download-it. |
#07-2005 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment, (with D.B.
Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel),
Download-it. |
#04-2005 - The effect of entrepreneurial activity on national
economic growth, (with A. van Stel and M. Carree),
Download-it. |
#40-2004 - The relationship between entrepreneurship and
unemployment: is Portugal an outlier? (with R. Baptista)
Download-it. |
#34-2004 - The effect of entrepreneurship on national economic
growth: an analysis using the GEM database, (with A. van Stel and M.
Download-it. |
#30-2004 - Entrepreneurship in Europe, (with I. Grilo),
Download-it. |
#12-2004 - The model of the entrepreneurial economy, (with D. Audretsch),
Download-it. |
#11-2004 - The role of dissatisfaction and per capita income in
explaining self-employment across 15 European countries, (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven),
Download-it. |
#10-2004 - Business accomplishments, gender and entrepreneurial
self-image, (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner),
Download-it. |
#09-2004 - Business ownership and unemployment in Japan, (with J.
van Acht, J. Stam and I. Verheul),
Download-it. |
#08-2004 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship across 29
countries, (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel),
Download-it. |
#07-2004 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing total
entrepreneurial activity across nations, (with L. Uhlaner),
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-14 - Understanding the Role of Entrepreneurship for Economic
Growth, 1976-2000, (with M.A. Carree).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-13 - Uncertainty Avoidance and the Rate of Business
Ownership across 22 OECD Countries, 1976-2000, (with S. Wennekers, A.
van Stel and N. Noorderhaven).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-10 - Post-Materialism Influencing Total Entrepreneurial
Activity Across Nations, (with L. Uhlaner).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-9 - Nascent Entrepreneurship and the Level of Economic
Development, (with S. Wennkers, A. van Stel and P. Reynolds).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-8 - Determinants of Entrepreneurial Engagement Levels in
Europe and the US, (with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-7 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union,
(with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-6 - Latent and Actual Entrepreneurship in Europe and the US:
Some Recent Developments, (with I. Grilo).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-3 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment?, (with D.B.
Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel).
Download-it. |
ISSN 05-1 - The effect of entrepreneurial activity on national
economic growth, (with A. van Stel and M.A. Carree).
Download-it. |
ISSN 04-7 - A model of the entrepreneurial economy, (with D.B.
Download-it. |
ISSN 03-1 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing
self-employment across nations, (with L. Uhlaner), 16 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 02-1 - Does entrepreneurship reduce unemployment? (with D.B.
Audretsch and M.A. Carree), 12 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 01-5 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies,
institutions and culture, (with I. Verheul, S. Wennekers and D. Audretsch),
48 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 01-2 - Impeded industrial restructuring: the growth penalty, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A.J. van Stel), 23 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 01-1 - What's new about the new economy? Sources of growth in
the managed and the entrepreneurial economies, (with D.B. Audretsch), 39
Download-it. |
ISSN 00-6 - Economic development and business ownership: an analysis
using data of 23 OECD countries in the period 1976-1996, (with M. Carree,
A. van Stel and S. Wennekers), 25 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 00-4 - Innovation, industry evolution and employment, (with D.B.
Audretsch), 16 pages.
Download-it. |
ISSN 99-6 - Industry evolution of the U.S. tire industry, (with M. Carree), 27 pages. |
ISSN 99-5 - Understanding the links between entrepreneurship and
economic growth, (with S. Wennekers), 37 pages. |
ERS-2010-042-ORG - Business takeover or new venture? Individual and
environmental determinants form a cross-country study (J.H. Block, A.R.
Thurik and P.W. van der Zwan).
Download-it. |
ERS-2010-004-ORG -
Genome-wide association studies in
economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations (Koellinger, Philipp D., Matthijs J.H.M. van
der Loos, Patrick J.F. Groenen and A. Roy Thurik).
Download-it |
ERS-2009-049-ORG - What turns knowledge into innovative products?
The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers (J.H. Block, A.R.
Thurik and H. Zhou).
Download-it. |
ERS-2009-044-ORG - What do we know about social entrepreneurship: an
analysis of empirical research (B. Hoogendoorn, H.P.G. Pennings and A.R.
Thurik). Download-it. |
ERS-2009-030-ORG - Blue ocean versus competitive strategy: theory
and evidence (A. Burke, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
ERS-2009-008-ORG - Encountered problems and outcome status in
nascent entrepreneurship (A.M. van Gelderen, B.P. Patel and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
ERS-2008-003-ORG - Explaining preferences and actual involvement in
self-employment: new insights into the role of gender (I. Verheul, R.
Thurik and I. Grilo). Download-it. |
ERS-2008-060-ORG - Entrepreneurship, economic growth and policy in
emerging economies (A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
ERS-2007-098-ORG -
Climbing the entrepreneurial ladder: the role of gender (I.
Grilo, R. Thurik, I. Verheul and P. van der Zwan).
Download-it. |
ERS-2007-009-ORG - Allocation and productivity of time in new
ventures of female and male entrepreneurs (I. Verheul, M. Carree and A,R.
Thurik). Download-it. |
ERS-2006-065-ORG - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business
ownership across 21 countries, 1976-2004 (S. Wennekers, A. van Stel, A.R.
Thurik and N. Noorderhaven).
Download-it. |
ERS-2006-064-ORG - The lag structure of the impact of business
ownership on economic performance in OECD countries (M.A. Carree and A.R.
Download-it. |
ERS-2006-062-ORG - Postmaterialism influencing total entrepreneurial
activity across countries (L.M. Uhlaner and A.R. Thurik).
Download-it. |
ERS-2006-052-ORG - The effect of business regulations on nascent and
young business entrepreneurship (A.J. van Stel, D. Storey and A.R.
Download-it. |
ERS-2005-089-ORG - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the
country level (I. Verheul, A. van Stel and A.R Thurik).
Download-it. |
ERS-2005-082-ORG - Allocation
and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male
entrepreneurs (I. Verheul, M.A. Carree and A.R. Thurik),
Download-it. |
ERS-2004-106-ORG - Entrepreneurship in Europe (I. Grilo and A.R.
Thurik). |
ERS-2003-081-ORG - Self-employment across European countries: the
role of dissatisfaction (with N. Noorderhaven, S. Wennekers, and A. van
Download-it. |
ERS-2003-015-STR - Human resource management with small firms; facts
and explanations (with J.M.P. de Kok and L.M. Uhlaner).
Download-it. |
ERS-2002-62-STR - Post-materialism as a cultural factor influencing
entrepreneurial activity across nations (with L.M. Uhlaner and J.
Download-it. |
ERS-2002-04-STR - Gibrat's Law: are the services different? (with
D.B. Audretsch and L. Klomp).
Download-it. |
ERS-2002-03-STR - Entrepreneurial activity, self-perception and
gender, (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner).
Download-it. |
ERS-2001-60-STR - A note on entrepreneurship, small business and
economic growth, (with Sander Wennekers).
Download-it. |
ERS-2001-15-STR - Setting up a business in the Netherlands: who
starts, who gives up, who is still trying, (with M. van Gelderen and N.
Download-it. |
ERS-2000-45-STR - What’s new about the new economy? Sources of
growth in the managed and entrepreneurial economies (with D.B.
Audretsch), 36 pages.
Download-it |
ERS-2000-18-STR - Strategies, uncertainty and performance of small
business startups (with Marco van Gelderen and Michael Frese), 23 pages.
Download-it. |
ERS-2000-07-STR - Start-up capital: differences between male and
female entrepreneurs, 'does gender matter?' (with I. Verheul), 24 pages.
Download-it. |