Papers since 1999

EIM research reports CEPR  discussion papers 
EIM scales reports IDS (IU)  occasional papers
TI (EUR) discussion papers  ERIM (EUR) reports
Max Planck Institute papers  

EIM Business and Policy Research, Zoetermeer,
Research Reports

H201011 - Factors Influencing the Entrepreneurial Engagement of Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurs (A.R. Thurik, I. Verheul, S.J.A. Hessels and P.W. van der Zwan). Download-it.
H200911 - Ambitious entrepreneurship, high-growth firms and macro-economic growth (E. Stam, Ch. Hartog, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik).  Download-it.
H200910 - Entrepreneurial exit and entrepreneurial engagement ( J. Hessels, I. Grilo, A.R. Thurik and P. van der Zwan).  Download-it.
H200907 - The dynamics of entry and exit ( D. Fok, A. J. van Stel,  A.E. Burke and A.R. Thurik).  Download-it.
H200824 - The relation between entrepreneurship and economic development: is it U-shaped? (A.R.M. Wennekers,  A. J. van Stel, M. Carree and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
H200822 - The two-way relationship between entrepreneurship and economic performance (A.R. Thurik,  A. J. van Stel, C.M. Hartog and S.C. Parker). Download-it.
H200803 - Explaining Preferences and Actual Involvement in Self-Employment: New Insights into the role of Gender (I. Grilo, I. Verheul and A.R. Thurik). Download-it
H200801 - Investigating Blue Ocean v. Competitive Strategy: A Statistical Analysis of the Retail Industry (A.E. Burke,  A. J. van Stel and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
H200720 - Entrepreneurial exit in real and imagined markets (E. Stam, A.R. Thurik and P. van der Zwan). Download-it.
H200719 - Modeling latent and actual entrepreneurship (I. Grilo, R. Paap, P. van der Zwan and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
H200710 - Drivers of entrepreneurial aspirations at the country level: the role of start-up motivations and social security (S.J.H. Hessels, M.W. van Gelderen and A.R. Thurik).  Download-it.
H200709 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment? (A.R. Thurik, M. Carree, A. van Stel and D.B. Audretsch). Download-it.
H200705 - The relation between economic development and business ownership revisited, (M. Carree, A. van Stel A.R. Thurik and S. Wennekers). Download-it.
H200627 - Motivation based policies for an entrepreneurial EU economy, (J. Hessels, M. van Gelderen and A.R. Thurik. Download-it.
H200620 - The entrepreneurial ladder and its determinants (with P. van der Zwan and I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200622 - Determinants of self-employment preference and realization among women and men in Europe (with I. Verheul and I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200616 - Entrepreneurship and its determinants in a cross-country setting (with A. Freytag). Download-it.
H200610 - Explaining engagement levels of opportunity and necessity entrepreneurs (with R. Bhola, I. Verheul and I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200609 - The effect of business regulations on nascent and young business entrepreneurship (with A. van Stel and D. Storey). Download-it.
H200605 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership across 21 OECD countries, 1976-2004 (with A. van Stel, S. Wennekers and N. Noorderhaven). Download-it.
H200516 - Entrepreneurship in the old en new Europe (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200515 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200514 - Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US: some recent developments (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200513 - Determinants of self-employment preference and realisation of women and men in Europe and the United States (with I. Verheul and I. Grilo). Download-it.
H200510 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level (with A. van Stel and I. Verheul). Download-it.
H200508 - From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of entry barriers (with A. van Stel, D. Storey and S. Wennekers). Download-it.
H200401 - Explaining variation in nascent entrepreneurship (with A. van Stel, S. Wennekers and P. Reynolds). Download-it.
H200202 - Post-materialism as a cultural factor influencing entrepreneurial activity across nations, (with L. Uhlaner and J. Hutjes), 31 pages, ISBN 90-371-0861-X. Download-it.
H200201 - Gibrat's Law: are the services different? (with D.B. Audretsch and L. Klomp), 47 pages, ISBN 90-371-0860-1. Download-it.
H200013 - Setting up a business in the Netherlands: who starts, who gives up, who is still trying, (with M. van Gelderen and N. Bosma), 32 Pages, ISBN 90-371-0820-2. Download-it.
H200012 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies, institutions and culture, (with I. Verheul, S. Wennekers and D. Audretsch), 82 pages, ISBN 90-371-0817-2. Download-it.
H200001 - Strategies, uncertainty and performance of small business startups, (with M. van Gelderen and M. Frese), 31 pages, ISBN 90-371-0780-X. Download-it.
H199910 - Start-up capital: differences between male and female entrepreneurs, ‘does gender matter?’(with I. Verheul), 39 pages, ISBN 90-371-0771-0. Download-it.
H199902 - Are small firms really sub-optimal?: compensating factor differentials in small dutch manufacturing firms (with D.B. Audretsch, G van Leeuwen and B. Menkveld), 44 pages, ISBN 90-371-0734-6. Download-it.

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EIM Business and Policy Research, Zoetermeer,
Scales Reports

N200411 - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male entrepreneurs (with I. Verheul and M. Carree). 34 p.
N200407 - The role of dissatisfaction and per capita income in explaining self-employment across 15 european countries (with N. Noorderhaven, S. Wennekers and A. van Stel). 23p. .
N200403 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship across 29 countries (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel). 35p.
N200321 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing total entrepreneurial activity across nations (with L. Uhlaner). 21p.
N200319 - Professional HRM practices in family owned-managed enterprises (with J. de Kok and L. Uhlaner). 37p.
N200320 - The effect of entrepreneurship on national economic growth: an empirical analysis using the GEM data base (with A. van Stel and M. Carree). 21p.
N200314 - Success and risk factors in the pre-startup phase (with N. Bosma and M. van Gelderen). 23p.
N200312  - Business accomplishments, gender and entrepreneurial self-image (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner). 42p.
N200304 - Explaining the entrepreneurial activity rate of women: a macro-level perspective. (with I. Verheul). 14p.
N200301 - Explaining nascent entrepreneurship across countries (with A. van Stel, S. Wennekers and P. Reynolds). 23p.
N200223 - Self-employment across 15 European countries: the role of dissatisfaction (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven). 18p.
N200204 - The Value of Human and Social Capital Investments for the Business Performance of Startups (with N. Bosma, M. van Praag and G. de Wit). 20p.

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Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Discussion Papers

TI11-043/3 - Determinants of job satisfaction across the EU-15: a comparison of self-employed and paid employees (J. M. Millan, S.J.A. Hessels, A.R. Thurik and R. Aguado).
TI10-080/3 - Unraveling the shift to the entrepreneurial economy (D.B. Audretsch and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-075/3 - Family Background Variables as Instruments for Education in Income Regressions: A Bayesian Analysis (L. Hoogerheide, J. Block and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-024/4 - Are Education and Entrepreneurial Income Endogenous and do Family Background Variables make Sense as Instruments? A Bayesian Analysis (J. Block, L. Hoogerheid and A.R. Thurik).
TI10-012/3 - Industry dynamics and entrepreneurship: an equilibrium model (D. Fok, A. Burke, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-088/4 - Education and entrepreneurial choice: evidence from an instrumental variables regression (J. Block, L. Hoogerheid and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-070/3 - Entrepreneurial progress: climbing the entrepreneurial ladder in Europe and the US (P. van der Zwan, I. Verheul, A.R. Thurik and I. Grilo).
TI09-034/3 - Total factor productivity and the role of entrepreneurship, (H. Erken, P. Donselaar and A.R. Thurik).
TI09-032/3 - Entrepreneurship and the cycle, (Ph. Koellinger and A.R. Thurik).
TI08-031/3 - Entrepreneurial exit in real and imagined markets, (E. Stam, A.R. Thurik and P. van der Zwan).
TI07-080/3 - The relationship between entrepreneurship and unemployment in Japan, (A. van Stel, R. Thurik, I. Verheul and L. Baljeu).
TI07-022/3 - The relation between economic development and business ownership revisited, (M. Carree, A. van Stel A.R. Thurik and S. Wennekers).
TI06-103/3 - The entrepreneurial ladder and its determinants, (P. van der Zwan, A.R. Thurik and I. Grilo).
TI04-036/3 - Business ownership and unemployment in Japan, (Acht, J. van, J. Stam, R. Thurik and I. Verheul).
TI03-089/3 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership across 22 OECD countries, 1976-2000 (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven).
TI02-080/3 - Gibrat's law and the firm size/firm growth relationship in Italian services (with R. Piergiovanni, E. Santarelli and L. Klomp), 10 pages.
TI02-027/3 - The value of human and social capital investments for the business performance of startups (with N. Bosma, M. van Praag and G. de Wit), 11 pages.
TI01-074/3 - Does entrepreneurship reduce unemployment? (with D.B. Audretsch and M.A. Carree).
TI01-030/3 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies, institutions and culture (with D.B. Audretsch, I. Verheul and S. Wennekers).
TI00-095/3 -  Impeded industrial restructuring: the growth penalty (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel), 16 pages.
TI00-001/3 - Business ownership and economic growth in 23 OECD countries (with M.Carree, A. van Stel and S. Wennekers), 39 pages.
TI99-089/3 - Self-employment out of satisfaction (with N.G. Noorderhaven, A.R.M. Wennekers, G. Hofstede and R.E. Wildeman), 31 pages.
TI99-068/3 - Innovation, industry evolution and employment (with D.B Audretsch), 15 pages.
TI99-065/3 - Productivity convergence in OECD manufacturing industries (with M.A. Carree and L. Klomp), 12 pages.

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Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena, Germany,
Jena Economic Research Papers
formerly: Papers
on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy

#2008-19 - Total factor productivity and the role of entrepreneurship (H. Erken, P. Donselaar and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
#89-2007 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment (A.R. Thurik, M. Carree, A. van Stel and D.B. Audretsch). Download-it.
#02-2007 - Determinants of entrepreneurial engagement levels in Europe and the US, (I. Grilo and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
#05-2006 - The contribution of business ownership in bringing down unemployment in Japan, (Andre van Stel, Roy Thurik, Ingrid Verheul and Lendert Baljeu). Download-it.
#04-2006 - The effect of business regulations on nascent and actual entrepreneurship, (Andre van Stel, David Storey and Roy Thurik). Download-it.
#02-2006 - The lag structure of the impact of business ownership on economic performance in OECD countries, (M. Carree and A.R. Thurik), Download-it.
#01-2006 - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male entrepreneurships, (I. Verheul, M. Carree and A.R. Thurik), Download-it.
#35-2005 - From nascent to actual entrepreneurship: the effect of entry barriers, (with A. van Stel, D. Storey and S. Wennekers), Download-it.
#34-2005 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level, (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel), Download-it.
#29-2005 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union, (with I. Grilo), Download-it.
#25-2005 - Determinants of entrepreneurial engagement levels in Europe and the US, (with I. Grilo), Download-it.
#24-2005 - Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US: some recent developments, (with I. Grilo), Download-it.
#15-2005 - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership across 22 countries: 1976-2000, (with N. Noorderhaven, A. van Stel and S. Wennekers), Download-it.
#14-2005 - Nascent entrepreneurship and the level of economic development, (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and P. Reynolds), Download-it.
#10-2005 - Understanding the role of entrepreneurship for economic growth, (with M.A. Carree), Download-it.
#07-2005 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel), Download-it.
#04-2005 - The effect of entrepreneurial activity on national economic growth, (with A. van Stel and M. Carree), Download-it.
#40-2004 - The relationship between entrepreneurship and unemployment: is Portugal an outlier? (with R. Baptista) Download-it.
#34-2004 - The effect of entrepreneurship on national economic growth: an analysis using the GEM database, (with A. van Stel and M. Carree), Download-it.
#30-2004 - Entrepreneurship in Europe, (with I. Grilo), Download-it.
#12-2004 - The model of the entrepreneurial economy, (with D. Audretsch), Download-it.
#11-2004 - The role of dissatisfaction and per capita income in explaining self-employment across 15 European countries, (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven), Download-it.
#10-2004 - Business accomplishments, gender and entrepreneurial self-image, (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner), Download-it.
#09-2004 - Business ownership and unemployment in Japan, (with J. van Acht, J. Stam and I. Verheul), Download-it.
#08-2004 - Explaining female and male entrepreneurship across 29 countries, (with I. Verheul and A. van Stel), Download-it.
#07-2004 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing total entrepreneurial activity across nations, (with L. Uhlaner), Download-it.

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CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research), London,
Discussion Papers

DP 5057 (05-05 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel). Download-it.
DP 2648 (12-00) -  Impeded industrial restructuring: the growth penalty, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel). Download-it.
DP 1718 (11-97) - Do services differ from manufacturing? The post-entry performance of firms in Dutch services, (with D.B. Audretsch and L. Klomp). Download-it.
DP 1710 (10-97) - Sources of growth: the entrepreneurial versus the managed economy, (with D.B. Audretsch). Download-it
DP 1162 (04-95) - Sub-optimal scale firms and compensating factor differentials in Dutch manufacturing, (with D.B. Audretsch and G. van Leeuwen). Download-it.

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Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University,
Discussion papers

ISSN 05-14 - Understanding the Role of Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth, 1976-2000, (with M.A. Carree). Download-it.
ISSN 05-13 - Uncertainty Avoidance and the Rate of Business Ownership across 22 OECD Countries, 1976-2000, (with S. Wennekers, A. van Stel and N. Noorderhaven). Download-it.
ISSN 05-10 - Post-Materialism Influencing Total Entrepreneurial Activity Across Nations, (with L. Uhlaner). Download-it.
ISSN 05-9 - Nascent Entrepreneurship and the Level of Economic Development, (with S. Wennkers, A. van Stel and P. Reynolds). Download-it.
ISSN 05-8 - Determinants of Entrepreneurial Engagement Levels in Europe and the US, (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
ISSN 05-7 - Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union, (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
ISSN 05-6 - Latent and Actual Entrepreneurship in Europe and the US: Some Recent Developments, (with I. Grilo). Download-it.
ISSN 05-3 - Does self-employment reduce unemployment?, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A. van Stel). Download-it.
ISSN 05-1 - The effect of entrepreneurial activity on national economic growth, (with A. van Stel and M.A. Carree). Download-it.
ISSN 04-7 - A model of the entrepreneurial economy, (with D.B. Audretsch). Download-it.
ISSN 03-1 - Post-materialism: a cultural factor influencing self-employment across nations, (with L. Uhlaner), 16 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 02-1 - Does entrepreneurship reduce unemployment? (with D.B. Audretsch and M.A. Carree), 12 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 01-5 - An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies, institutions and culture, (with I. Verheul, S. Wennekers and D. Audretsch), 48 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 01-2 - Impeded industrial restructuring: the growth penalty, (with D.B. Audretsch, M.A. Carree and A.J. van Stel), 23 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 01-1 - What's new about the new economy? Sources of growth in the managed and the entrepreneurial economies, (with D.B. Audretsch), 39 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 00-6 - Economic development and business ownership: an analysis using data of 23 OECD countries in the period 1976-1996, (with M. Carree, A. van Stel and S. Wennekers), 25 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 00-4 - Innovation, industry evolution and employment, (with D.B. Audretsch), 16 pages. Download-it.
ISSN 99-6 - Industry evolution of the U.S. tire industry, (with M. Carree), 27 pages.
ISSN 99-5 - Understanding the links between entrepreneurship and economic growth, (with S. Wennekers), 37 pages.

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ERIM (Erasmus Research Institute of Management),
Erasmus University Rotterdam,

ERS-2010-042-ORG - Business takeover or new venture? Individual and environmental determinants form a cross-country study (J.H. Block, A.R. Thurik and P.W. van der Zwan). Download-it.
ERS-2010-004-ORG - Genome-wide association studies in economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations (Koellinger, Philipp D., Matthijs J.H.M. van der Loos, Patrick J.F. Groenen and A. Roy Thurik). Download-it
ERS-2009-049-ORG - What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers (J.H. Block, A.R. Thurik and H. Zhou). Download-it.
ERS-2009-044-ORG - What do we know about social entrepreneurship: an analysis of empirical research (B. Hoogendoorn, H.P.G. Pennings and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2009-030-ORG - Blue ocean versus competitive strategy: theory and evidence (A. Burke, A. van Stel and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2009-008-ORG - Encountered problems and outcome status in nascent entrepreneurship (A.M. van Gelderen, B.P. Patel and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2008-003-ORG - Explaining preferences and actual involvement in self-employment: new insights into the role of gender (I. Verheul, R. Thurik and I. Grilo). Download-it.
ERS-2008-060-ORG - Entrepreneurship, economic growth and policy in emerging economies (A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2007-098-ORG - Climbing the entrepreneurial ladder: the role of gender (I. Grilo,  R. Thurik, I. Verheul and P. van der Zwan). Download-it.
ERS-2007-009-ORG - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male entrepreneurs (I. Verheul, M. Carree and A,R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2006-065-ORG - Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership across 21 countries, 1976-2004 (S. Wennekers, A. van Stel, A.R. Thurik and N. Noorderhaven). Download-it.
ERS-2006-064-ORG - The lag structure of the impact of business ownership on economic performance in OECD countries (M.A. Carree and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2006-062-ORG - Postmaterialism influencing total entrepreneurial activity across countries (L.M. Uhlaner and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2006-052-ORG - The effect of business regulations on nascent and young business entrepreneurship (A.J. van Stel, D. Storey and A.R. Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2005-089-ORG  -  Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level (I. Verheul, A. van Stel and A.R Thurik). Download-it.
ERS-2005-082-ORG - Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male entrepreneurs (I. Verheul, M.A. Carree and A.R. Thurik), Download-it.
ERS-2004-106-ORG - Entrepreneurship in Europe (I. Grilo and A.R. Thurik).
ERS-2003-081-ORG - Self-employment across European countries: the role of dissatisfaction (with N. Noorderhaven, S. Wennekers, and A. van Stel). Download-it.
ERS-2003-015-STR - Human resource management with small firms; facts and explanations (with J.M.P. de Kok and L.M. Uhlaner). Download-it.
ERS-2002-62-STR - Post-materialism as a cultural factor influencing entrepreneurial activity across nations (with L.M. Uhlaner and J. Hutjes). Download-it.
ERS-2002-04-STR - Gibrat's Law: are the services different? (with D.B. Audretsch and L. Klomp). Download-it.
ERS-2002-03-STR - Entrepreneurial activity, self-perception and gender, (with I. Verheul and L. Uhlaner). Download-it.
ERS-2001-60-STR - A note on entrepreneurship, small business and economic growth, (with Sander Wennekers). Download-it.
ERS-2001-15-STR - Setting up a business in the Netherlands: who starts, who gives up, who is still trying, (with M. van Gelderen and N. Bosma). Download-it.
ERS-2000-45-STR - What’s new about the new economy? Sources of growth in the managed and entrepreneurial economies (with D.B. Audretsch), 36 pages. Download-it
ERS-2000-18-STR - Strategies, uncertainty and performance of small business startups (with Marco van Gelderen and Michael Frese), 23 pages. Download-it.
ERS-2000-07-STR - Start-up capital: differences between male and female entrepreneurs, 'does gender matter?' (with I. Verheul), 24 pages. Download-it.

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