Full Biography
Roy Thurik is professor of entrepreneurship and economics at MBS School of Business in Montpellier, France. He is emeritus professor of economics and
entrepreneurship at Erasmus
University Rotterdam and emeritus professor of entrepreneurship at
the Free University in Amsterdam.
Roy's research focuses on the role of small firms in markets, on the role
of business owners in firms and on the consequences and causes of
entrepreneurship in economies. Recently, he shifted his focus toward the
biologic and psychological roots of entrepreneurship. He is a
research fellow at two renowned Dutch schools: the Tinbergen
Institute for Economic Sciences and the Erasmus
Research Institute of Management. He co-edited Innovation,
Industry Evolution and Employment with Cambridge University Press, Entrepreneurship:
Determinants and Policy in a European-US Comparison with Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Handboek Ondernemers en Adviseurs: Management en
Economie van het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf with Kluwer
Bedrijfsinformatie, The Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Economic
Growth (International Library of Entrepreneurship) with Edward Elgar
Publishing, The Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Policy
with Edward Elgar Publishing and Business Regulation and Public
Policy: the Costs and Benefits of Compliance and Entrepreneurship
and Culture with Springer. He has published over two hundred
scholarly articles in leading international academic journals and books.
He consulted widely in the public and private sector. He is editor of Small
Business Economics: an Entrepreneurship Journal.
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Roy Thurik is born in Rotterdam (3-4-1952). He is living alone, was
married to Margreeth and has two children: Florentine (1988) and Roderick
(1986). His dog, Docus (1994), died January 14, 2009.
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1976 B.A. in operations research, Erasmus
University Rotterdam.
1984 Ph.D.in applied
micro-economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Quantitative
analysis of retail productivity (W.D. Meinema, Delft),
Advisor: Prof dr J. Koerts.
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Main positions:
- Emeritus professor of "Economics and Entrepreneurship", Erasmus School
of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
- Emeritus professor of "Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Sized
Business", Free University
- Professor of "Entrepreneurship and Economics" at MBS School of Business, in Montpellier, France
Main scientific and honorary roles:
- Director/founder of the center for advanced small business economics
(CASBEC), Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- Research fellow Tinbergen Instituut.
- Research fellow Erasmus Research Institute for Management (ERIM).
- Research
fellow, IDS (Institute
for Development Strategies) School for Public and Environmental
Affairs, Indiana University.
- Director/founder of the Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute
for Behavior and Biology (EURIBEB),
Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- Research fellow, IZA
(Institute for the Study of Labor) Bonn Germany.
Memberships (past and present):
- Member European Association for Education and Research in Commercial
Distribution, European Marketing Academy, European Association for
Research in Industrial Economics, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de
Staathuishoudkunde, American Economic Association, European Council for
Small Business, Royal Economic Society, Academy of Management.
Other scientific and societal roles:
- Member of the Scientific Counsel, Institut national de la statistique
et des études économiques, Luxembourg (2019- ).
- Lid wetenschappelijk adviescollege, (WAC) van het domein NWO-SGW, NWO,
Nederland. (2017- ).
- Lid begeleidingscommissie Evaluatie Vroege Fase Financiering en
Innovatiekrediet, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Nederland
- Lid begeleidingscommissie naar juridische problemen en
rechtshulpgebruik van kleine bedrijven, WODC, Ministerie van Veiligheid
en Justitie, Nederland (2018-2019).
- Regent Van Cappellen Stichting, Nederland (2003- ).
- Bestuurslid Stichting Detailhandel en Maatschappij, Nederland (2014-
- Lid Raad van Toezicht en de Program Board van Retail-Insiders, Zeist,
Nederland (2018- ).
- Lid Adviesraad Kenniscentrum Business Innovation, Hogeschool
Rotterdam, Nederland (2017- ).
- Conseiller scientifique, Observatoire Amarok (sur la santé physique et
mentale des travailleurs non-salariés: dirigeants de PME, commerçants
indépendants, professions libérales, artisans), Montpellier, France
(2018- ).
- Associate van Stichting Economische Onderzoek Rotterdam (SEOR),
Nederland (2018- ).
- Member of the Internal Review Board (on research integrity and ethical
aspects of research proposals) of the Erasmus School of Economics (2016-
- Membre du Comité Scientifique de la Montpellier Business School (2018-
- Member of the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior
Técnico (CEG-IST) External Advisory Panel of the Universidade de Lisboa
(2013- ).
- Member of the External Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for
Economics and Finance (Cefup-Fep) of the Universidade do Porto (2018- ).
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- guest co-editorship of Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2007,
Vol 17, nr 2), Small Business Economics (1996, Vol 8, nr 5), Small
Business Economics (1996, Vol 8, nr 3), Review of Industrial
Organization (1996, Vol 11, nr 2), International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Small Business (2011,Vol 12, nr 2), Management
International (2013, Vol 17, nr 3), International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Management (2015, Vol 11, nr 2), Management
International (2019, Vol 23, nr 5), Small Business Economics (2019,Vol
53, nr 2). Revue Internationale PME (2021, Vol 34, nr 2), Small Business
Economics (2022, Vol 58), Revue de l'Etrepreneuriat (2022, Vol 21, HS2), Small Business Economics (2025, on Sustainabilty), International Journal of Economic Behaviour and Research (2025, on Entrepreneurship and Health).
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International Journal of Research in Marketing; European Journal of
Operations Research; Small Business Economics; Service Industries Journal;
National Science Foundation (USA); International Journal of Retailing;
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Foundation for the
Advancement of Research in the Economic Sciences (NL); Review of
Industrial Organization; various EARIE-conferences; various
EMAC-conferences; European Economic Review; Kluwer Academic Publishers;
Journal of Applied Econometrics; Economic and Social Research Council
(UK); Journal of Marketing Channels; NATO Collaborative Research Grants;
International Journal of Industrial Organization; Labour Economics;
Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie; Cambridge University
Press; various RENT conferences; Economic Journal; Journal of Evolutionary
Economics; Economics Letters; various EAERCD conferences; Applied
Economics Quarterly; Regional Studies; Austrian Science Fund (FWF);
Economics of Innovation and New Technology; International Small Business
Journal; Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of Business Venturing,
Oxford University Press, European Management Review, Edward Elgar
Publishing, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, International
Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Institutional
Economics, Journal of International Business Studies, Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research,
Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Research Policy, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of
Economic Growth, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, International Review
of Entrepreneurship, Management Decision, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada, Environment and Planning C, Technovation,
Economica, Empirical Economics, Entrepreneurship Research Journal,
Industrial and Corporate Change, International Review of Entrepreneurship,
Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Psychology, MIT Press,
Papers in Regional Science, Regional Studies, Energy Economics, Technology
in Science, Centre for European Economic Research Mannheim, Journal of
Business Venturing Insights, IZA World of Labour, Journal of World
Business, Management International, Economics and Human Biology,
Management Decision, Brussels Economic Review, Journal of Economic
Studies, Management Science, Social Science Journal, Manchester School,
IZA Journal of Labour Policy, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy,
Industry and Innovation, Bulletin of Economic Research, Health Economics,
PlosOne, Frontiers of Psychology, European Journal of Health Economics,
British Medical Journal Open, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Revue
International des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, United Arab Emirates
University, Israel Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, Journal of Business Ethics, Personality and Individual Differences, NOW Publishers, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Frontiers of Sociology.
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- VIVO yearly award, 1984 for Ph.D. thesis "Quantitative analysis of
retail productivity".
- Award of Excellence, 36th World Conference of ICSB, Vienna, 1991 for
the paper "Are there decreasing economies of scale over time in Dutch
- Award of Excellence, 44th World Conference of ICSB, Naples, 1999 for
the paper "Entrepreneurship and unemployment in the knowledge economy".
- Wilford F. White Fellow in 2001. Selection as a Wilford L. White
Fellow is "the highest recognition that the ICSB gives to those
individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development,
furtherance and benefit of small and medium sized businesses." See http://www.icsb.org.
- Kauffman Foundation/Babson Award - for the 2001 Babson-Kauffman
Entrepreneurship Research Conference held at Jönköping in June 2001,
Best paper award for "Cultural and economic determinants of business
ownership across countries" together with Sander Wennekers , Niels
Noorderhaven and Geert Hofstede .
- Best paper award, Conference Empirical research in entrepreneurship:
bridging theory and practice (UCLA, Anderson School of Management), Los
Angeles, CA, June 22-24 2005 voor het paper "Determinants of
entrepreneurship in Europe and US" together with I. Grilo.
- (Third) fellow of the European Council for Small Business and
Entrepreneurship. Awarded in 2008 at the RENT22 conference in Covilha.
See http://www.ecsb.org.
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- (economics of) entrepreneurship;
- industrial economics;
- industrial organization and policy;
- small business economics;
- biology, economics and behaviour;
- psychiatric scales and economic behavior;
- organisational play;
- daily recovery experiences;
- entrepreneurship, economic growth and democracy
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- Sanaz Ramezani, Institutions and
entrepreneurship. (with Frank van Oort, Jolanda Hessels and Brigitte Hoogendoorn).
- Roderick Udo, Entrepreneurial
finance in the music industry: a behavioural perspective on decision
making. (with Lex van Teeffelen).
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- Ben Bode, Studies in retail pricing, Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam, 13 December 1990 (together with prof.dr. J. Koerts).
- Jan van Dalen, Quantitative studies in wholesaling, Erasmus
Universiteit Rotterdam, 3 December 1992 (together with prof.dr. J.
- Jeroen C.A. Potjes, Empirical studies in Japanese retailing,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 7 January 1993.
- Yvonne M. Prince, Price cost margins in Dutch manufacturing: with
an emphasis on cyclical and firm size effects, Erasmus
Universiteit Rotterdam, 15 December 1994.
- Luuk Klomp, Empirical studies in the hospitality sector,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 7 June 1996 (together with prof. dr A.
- Martin A. Carree, Market dynamics, evolution and smallness,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 21 November 1997 (cum laude).
- Jan de Kok, Human resource management within small and
medium-sized enterprises, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 26 June
2003 (together with prof. dr F. den Butter).
- Marco van Gelderen, Opportunity, entry, performance: studies of
entrepreneurship and small business, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
2 March 2004 (together with prof. dr P.G.W. Jansen).
- André van Stel, Business ownership and economic growth: some
empirical studies, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 10 March 2005
(together with prof dr M.A. Carree).
- Ingrid Verheul, Is there a (fe)male approach? understanding gender
differences in entrepreneurship, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 2
June 2005
- Sander Wennekers, Entrepreneurship at the country level: economic
and non-economic determinants, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 15
September 2006.
- Armenio Bispo, Labour issues in the Dutch hospitality sector,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 15 June 2007 (together with prof.
dr G. Evers).
- Jolanda Hessels, International entrepreneurship: value creation
across national borders, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 13
November 2008.
- Hugo Erken, Productivity, R&D and entrepreneurship,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 27 November 2008.
- Haibo Zhou, The Interlinks between knowledge and entrepreneurship,
and their effects on performance: evidence from country-level and
firm-level studies, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 9 September
2010 (together with prof. dr L. Uhlaner).
- Peter van der Zwan, Determinants of entrepreneurial energy in
Europe, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 26 May 2011. (together
with Prof. P. Groenen).
- Brigitte Hoogendoorn, Social entrepreneurship, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, 6 October 2011. (together with prof. dr E.
- Matthijs van der Loos, Molecular genetic and hormones: new
frontiers in entrepreneurship research, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, 20 June, 2013. (together with prof. dr P. Groenen, prof. dr
A. Hofman and dr Ph. Koellinger).
- Niels Rietveld, Essays on the intersection of economics and
biology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2 October 2014 (together
with prof. dr P. Groenen, prof. dr A. Hofman and prof. dr Ph.
- Wim Rietdijk, The use of cognitive factors for explaining
entrepreneurship: some empirical results, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, 15 January 2016 (together with prof. dr I. Franken).
- Pourya Darnihamedani, Individual characteristics, contextual
factors and entrepreneurial behavior. Erasmus University
Rotterdam, 9 September 2016 (together with dr J. Hessels).
- Christian Fisch, Technology transfer in
China: An empirical investigation of China’s catch-up in innovation. Erasmus
University Rotterdam, 1 December 2016 (together with prof. J. Block and
prof. E. Pennings).
- Aysu Okbay, Essays on genetics and the social sciences.
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 9 February 2017 (together with prof. P.
Groenen and prof. Ph. Koellinger).
- Ronald de Vlaming, Linear mixed models in genoeconomics.
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 6 July 2017 (together with prof. P.
Groenen and prof. Ph. Koellinger).
- Aliaa Elshoubaki, Examing outcomes
of small and young firms on closely available resources: extending the
focus from the individual entrepreneur to the entrepreneurial couple.
Université de Montpellier, 26 November 2018 (with dr Frank
- Indy Bernoster, Essays at the intersection between
psychology, biology, and entrepreneurship. Erasmus
University Rotterdam, 20 December 2018 (with prof. I. Franken and
prof. P. Groenen).
- Eric Slob, Integrating genetics into economics. Erasmus
University Rotterdam, 19 February 2021 (with dr Niels Rietveld and prof.
Patrick Groenen).
- Nienke Dijkstra, Statistical modeling approaches fro behavioral
and medical sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 20 October
2022 (with prof. Patrick Groenen and prof. Henning Tiemeier).
- Plato Leung, The mind with a touch of madness? Mental health and
well-being of entrepreneurs, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 17
November 2022 (with prof. Ingmar Franken).
- Annelot Wismans, Behavioural insights from the COVID-19 pandemic: Studies on compliance, vaccination and entrepreneurship, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 27 January 2023 (with prof. Ingmar Franken).
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- D. van der Wijst, Financial structure in small business; theory,
tests and applications, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 10
November 1988.
- M.E. Homan, The allocation of time and money in one-earner and
two-earner families; an economic analysis, Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam, 24 November 1988.
- G. de Wit, Determinants of self-employment, Universiteit van
Amsterdam, 13 September 1991.
- P.J. Louter, Internationale expansie: internationaal
marketingbeleid voor kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen, Erasmus
Universiteit Rotterdam, 8 April 1993.
- R. Girardi, Regional equilibrium growth and disequilibrium
dynamics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 14 October 1993.
- F.W. van Tongeren, Corporates in an economy-wide model: a
micro-simulation approach, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 28
October 1993.
- M.H.C. Lever, Union formation and (un)employment,
Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, 1 December 1993.
- E.M. Vermeulen, Corporate risk management: a multi faktor approach,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 13 October 1994.
- C.M. van Praag, Determinants of succesfull enterpreneurship,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 22 February 1996.
- C.S.J. Jie-A-Joen, Strategic trade policy, multinational firms,
and vertically related industries, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam,
12 June 1997.
- J. Meijaard, Decision-making in research and development,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 3 December 1998.
- J.S. Sidhu, Organization mission, business domain orientation, and
performance, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 27 April 2000.
- G. Romijn, Economic dynamics in Dutch construction, Erasmus
Universiteit Rotterdam, 23 June 2000.
- F. van Oort, Agglomeration, economic growth and innovation:
spatial analysis of growth- and R&D externalities in the
Netherlands, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 4 April 2002.
- A.J. Melkveld, Fragmented markets: trading and price discovery,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 25 April 2002.
- A.F.M. Nijsen, Dansen met de octopus: een bestuurskundige visie op
informatieverplichtingen van het bedrijfsleven in de sociale
rechtsstaat, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 23 January 2003.
- R. Aidis, By law and by custom: factors affecting small and
medium-sized enterprises during the transition in Lithuania,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 14 May 2003.
- F. Eschenbach, The impact of banks and asset markets on economic
growth and fiscal stability, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1
October 2004.
- W. de Maeseneire, Essays on firm valuation and value appropriation,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 19 May 2005.
- J. Kuilman, The re-emergence of foreign banks in Shanghai: an
ecological approach, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 13 October
- M. Driessen, E-scan ondernemerstest. Beoordeling en ontwikkeling
ondernemerscompetentie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 15 December
- F. Bindenbach-Driesen, Innovation management in project-based
firms, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 22 June 2006.
- C. Langeveld, Economie van het theater, Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam, 5 October 2006.
- J. Maes, Corporate entrepreneurship: an integrative analysis of a
resource-based model. Evidence from Flemish enterprises,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 20 December 2006.
- J. van der Sluis, Successful entrepreneurship and human capital,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 20 April 2007.
- C. Boon, Human Resource Management and fit. Survival of the
fittest, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 12 June 2008.
- G.A. Garita, Financial market liberalization and economic growth,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 18 September 2008.
- J.M. Millán Tapia, Self-employment across the EU-15: a
microeconometric approach to its determinants and success,
Universidad de Huelva, 18 September 2008.
- M.H. Klein, Poverty alleviation through sustainable strategic
business models: essays on poverty alleviation as a business strategy,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 3 October 2008.
- A.R. van der Eijk, Behind networks, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, 30 January 2009.
- N. Bosma, The geography of entrepreneurial activity and regional
economic development: multilevel analyses for Dutch and European
regions, Universiteit Utrecht, 27 February 2009.
- R. Wall, Netscape: Cities and global corporate networks,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 5 June 2009.
- A.A. Golpe, Self-employment and business cycles, Universidad
de Huelva, 24 June 2009.
- K.A. Murdock, Public policy for entrepreneurship and innovation:
trade-offs and impact in managed and entrepreneurial economies,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 22 September 2009.
- R.A. Hernandez Renner, Community foundations in Spain and
Portugal, and their influence on local development, Universidad de
Extremadura, 13 May 2010.
- C. Román, Labour market institutions and self-employment,
Universidad de Huelva, 31 May 2010.
- A.L.M. van Teeffelen, Exploring success and failure in small firm
business transfers, Nyenrode Business University, 29 June 2010.
- R. Piergiovanni, Empirical studies of new firms and innovation in
Italy, Maastricht University, 8 July 2010.
- W. Nakara, Gouvernance et innovation: le rôle des acteurs et des
mécanismes de gouvernance dans les politiques d’investissement en
Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole, 22 February 2011.
- P.
Donselaar, Innovatie en productiviteit: het Solow-residu ontrafeld,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 10 November 2011.
- F.
Duquesnois, Les strategies des petites entreprises dans les
industries en crise: Une étude des caves particulières de la région
vitivinicole du Languedoc-Roussillon, Université
Montpellier 1, 13 December 2011.
- T.
Halldin, Firm internationalization and born global forms: on the
causes and consequences of export market entry, Royal Institute
of Technology Stockholm, 7 March 2012.
- M.
Aubry, Le marché
des semiconducteurs: cyclicité et innovation. Un essai de modélisation,
de Caen Basse-Normandie, 20 March 2012
- M. Sahin, Studies on migrant entrepreneurship in Dutch cities,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 22 March 2012.
- M.A. Boermans, International entrepreneurship and enterprise
development, Universiteit Utrecht, 6 November 2012.
- J. Vanderstraeten, A contingency view on the strategy and performance
of business incubators, Universiteit Antwerpen, 11 September 2013.
- A.A. Corradi, Critical learning episodes in the evolution of
business start-ups: business incubators in South-Eastern Brazil,
Institute of Social Studies, 18 September 2013.
- Y. Tigelaar, Bedrijfsopvolging bij natuurlijke personen,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 28 November 2013
- A.G.B. de Vries, Venture capital: relations with the economy and
intellectual property, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 29 November
- D.J. Konter, Crossing borders with HRM: An inquiry of the
influence of contextual differences in the adoption and effectiveness
of HRM, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 24 januari 2014.
- D.H.A van Hout, Measuring meaningful differences: sensory testing
based decision making in an industrial context; applications of signal
detection theory and Thurstonian modelling, Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam, 23 Januari 2014.
- T.CH Weenen, On the origin and development of the medical
nutrition industry, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 24 april 2014.
- C.I. Rodrigues de Oliviera Alves, Essays in entrepreneurship among
foreign individuals, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 25 May 2015.
- J. Albiol-Sanchez, Three essays on entrepreneurship,
Universitat Rovira I Vergili Reus, 15 June 2015.
- L. van der Lugt, Beyond the landlord: a strategic management
perspective on the port authority, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7
oktober 2015
- P. Donkers van Heel, Defining and measuring job vacancies in a
dynamic perspective, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 9 oktober
- P. Geuvers, How entrepreneurial SME-CEOs grow their business,
Open Universiteit Heerlen, 16 oktober 2015.
- K. Fernald, The waves of biotechnological innovation in medicine,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 10 december 2015.
- M. Carolina, The price-rigidity puzzle on a micro-island: the
case of Curacao, Tilburg University, 8 november 2016.
- F. Guiliani, La vigilance entrepreneuriale: les antecedents liés
au sommeil du dirigeant de PME, Université
de Montpellier, le 12 juillet 2016.
- M.C. Angel Ferrero, Idée, innovation et création d'entreprise:
une investigation du rôle de la surconfiance et de la prise de risque
dans le comportement innovant des entrepreneurs, Université
de Montpellier, le 25 novembre 2016.
- S.M. Annink, Busyness around the business: a cross-national
comparative research of the work-life balance of self-employed workers,
Erasmus universiteit Rotterdam, 17 maart 2017.
- G. Xi, Path to entrepreneurship and
business succession: antecedents and performance consequences,
Universitaet Trier, 17 october 2017.
- L.T.D. Petit, Legal cartels,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 8 december 2017.
- Jia Fan, The value of happiness in
entrepreneurship, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 24 april
- Roxanne de Hoe, Essays on the intention to recreate after a
business exit, Université catholique de Louvain, 14 july 2020.
- Jarno Stappers, Unlocking the ability in disability. How and when
can individuals with disabilities excel as employees or entrepreneurs?
Ghent University, 6 september 2022.
- Contreras Cruz, Poursuite collective d’opportunités à
l’international des éco-PME et performance internationale.
Université de Montpellier, le 11 octobre 2022.
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