DTWAVRP Instances
The instances are stored as txt files. They are generally named using the following convention: DTWAVRPInstance_a_b_c, where a is the instance number, b is the number of customers and c is the number of scenarios. However, some instances come with a suplement file, containing additional scenarios that were used in a particular experiment. These instances are named DTWAVRPInstanceWithSupplement_a_b_c, while the corresponding supplements are named DTWAVRPSupplementScenariosa_b_c. All instances have been put in a zip file.
In each file, the locations are numbered. Location 0 is the depot and all other locations are the customers. The instance files consist of the following data:
- Number of customers: (Number_Of_Customers:)
- Vehicle capacity: (Vehicle_Capacity:)
- Number of scenarios: (Number_Of_Scenarios:)
- Location coordinates: (Location_Coordinates:)
Represented by "i x y", where i is the location and x and y are the coordinates.
- Scenario demand: (Demand_per_scenario:)
Represented by "i d1, ..., dc", where i is the location and d is the demand per scenario.
- Scenario probability: (Probability_of_each_scenario_occuring:)
The probabilities per scenario are in the same order as the demand.
- Candidate time windows: (NumberOfWindows-TimeWindows:)
Represented by "w - [ s1 , e1 ], ..., [ sw , ew ]", where w is the number of candidate time windows and sj is the start of the j'th candidate time window and ej is the end of that time window. They are ordered with respect to location number. The first line of time windows correspond to the depot.
- Travel costs: (Travel_costs:)
The travel costs are in organized a table where the rows and columns are ordered according to the location number. The first row (and column) corresponds to the depot.
- Travel time: (Travel_time:)
The travel times are organized in a table where the rows and columns are ordered according to the location number. The first row (and column) corresponds to the depot.
The files with supplement scenarios consist of the following data:
- Number of customers: (Number_Of_Customers:)
- Vehicle capacity: (Vehicle_Capacity:)
- Number of scenarios: (Number_Of_Scenarios:)
- Average demand: (Average_Demand:)
Represented by "i d", where i is the location and d is the average demand.
- Scenario demand: (Demand_per_scenario:)
Represented by "i d1, ..., dc", where i is the location and d is the demand per scenario.
- Scenario probability: (Probability_of_each_scenario_occuring:)
The probabilities per scenario are in the same order as the demand.