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Interactive metal fatigue. The interpassive transformation of democratic life  

Christian van der Veeke

Christian van der Veeke

Christian van der Veeke received his M.A. degree from the Faculty of Philosophy of Erasmus University Rotterdam in December 2007. Directly after graduation, he started to work on his dissertation, as Ph.D. researcher in the research project on Interactive metal fatigue. His thesis analyses the contemporary conditions of possibility of social criticism in political and social philosophy, asking whether there (still) is a possible philosophical foundation for social criticism. Is there a methodology that can support social criticism that does not fall victim to the naturalistic, humanistic, and ideological presuppositions from the traditions of 'identity' and 'difference' in philosophical thought? The thesis aims at a critical analysis of the normative dimension of these traditions.

His masterthesis was awarded the Leo Polak scriptieprijs 2009, a nationwide award for the best masterthesis in the field of the humanities.

Lees hier zijn weblog in Erasmus Magazine over de graduate conference in Frankfurt, 18-21 maart 2009


Op weg naar een postreligieuze sociologie. Review van Willem Schinkel, Denken in een tijd van sociale hypochondrie. Klement 2007. In: Krisis, 2008, no. 1, 83-88.

De filosofie en haar heimwee. Een analyse van vervreemding en een antwoord op de vraag naar de rechtvaardiging van haar toepassing binnen de contemporaine wijsgerige reflectie. MA thesis Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, december 2007.


Last change: March 20, 2009