Published articles in refereed journals and books:
R. van Lieshout, J. Mulder and D. Huisman, "The vehicle rescheduling problem with retiming", Computers and Operations Research 96 (2018), pp. 131–140.
E. Abbink, D. Huisman and L. Kroon, "Railway Crew Management", in: R. Borndörfer et al. (eds.), Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 268, Springer, Cham (2018), pp. 243-264
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt and A. Schöbel, "Delay Propagation and Delay Managemen", in: R. Borndörfer et al. (eds.), Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 268, Springer, Cham (2018), pp. 285-317
M.L. Trap, D. Huisman and R.M.P. Goverde, "Assesment of alternative line plans for severe winter conditions in the Netherlands", Public Transport 9 (2017), pp. 55-71.
T. Verhaegh, D. Huisman, P.J. Fioole and J.C. Vera, "A heuristic for real-time crew rescheduling during small disruptions", Public Transport 9 (2017), pp. 325-342.
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, L.G. Kroon, L.P. Veelenturf and J.C. Wagenaar: "Application of an Iterative Framework for Real-time Railway Rescheduling", Computers & Operations Research 78 (2017), pp. 203-217.
J. Núñez Ares, H. de Vries and D. Huisman. "A column generation approach for locating roadside clinics in Africa based upon effectiveness and equity", European Journal of Operational Research 254 (2016), pp. 1002-1016.
L. Bach, T. Dollevoet, and D. Huisman, "Integrating Timetabling and Crew Scheduling at a Freight Railway Operator", Transportation Science 50 (2016), pp. 878-891.
L.P. Veelenturf, D. Potthoff, D. Huisman, L.G. Kroon, G. Maróti and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "A Quasi-Robust Optimization Approach for Crew Rescheduling", Transportation Science 50 (2016), pp. 204-215.
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, L. Kroon, M. Schmidt and A. Schöbel, "Delay Management including Capacities of Stations", Transportation Science 49 (2015), pp. 185-203.
T. Dollevoet, F. Corman, A. D'Ariano and D. Huisman, "An iterative optimization framework for delay management and train scheduling", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 26 (2014), pp. 490-515.
I. Louwerse, J. Mijnarends, I. Meuffels, D. Huisman and H. Fleuren, "Scheduling movements in the network of an express service provider", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 26 (2014), pp. 565-584.
R. de Mare, R. Spliet and D. Huisman, "A Branch-and-Price Approach for a Ship Routing Problem with Multiple Products and Inventory Constraints", in: D. Huisman, I. Louwerse and A.P.M. Wagelmans (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2013, Springer, Cham (2014), pp. 97-103.
T. Dollevoet and D. Huisman, "Fast Heuristics for Delay Management with Passenger Rerouting", Public Transport 6 (2014), pp. 67-84.
V. Cacchiani, D. Huisman, M. Kidd, L. Kroon, P. Toth, L. Veelenturf and J. Wagenaar, "An Overview of Recovery Models for Real-time Railway Rescheduling", Transportation Research Part B 63 (2014), pp. 15-37.
I. Louwerse and D. Huisman, "Adjusting a Railway Timetable in case of Partial or Complete Blockades", European Journal of Operational Research 235 (2014), pp. 583-593.
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt and A. Schöbel, "Delay Management with Rerouting of Passengers", Transportation Science 46 (2012), pp. 74-89.
L.P. Veelenturf, D. Potthoff, D. Huisman and L.G. Kroon, "Railway crew rescheduling with retiming", Transportation Research Part C 20 (2012), pp. 95-110.
E.J.W. Abbink, L. Albino, T.A.B. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, J. Roussado and R.L. Saldanha, "Solving large scale crew scheduling problems in practice", Public Transport 3 (2011), pp. 149-164.
L. Kroon and D. Huisman, "Algorithmic Support for Railway Disruption Management", in: J.A.E.E. van Nunen, P. Huijbregts and P. Rietveld (eds.), Transitions Towards Sustainable Mobility, Springer, Heidelberg (2011), pp. 193-210.
D. Potthoff, D. Huisman and G. Desaulniers, "Column Generation with Dynamic Duty Selection for Railway Crew Rescheduling", Transportation Science 44 (2010), pp. 493-505.
G. Budai, G. Maróti, R. Dekker, D. Huisman and L. Kroon, "Re-scheduling in passenger railways: the rolling stock rebalancing problem", Journal of Scheduling 13 (2010), pp. 281-297.
J. Jespersen-Groth, D. Potthoff, J. Clausen, D. Huisman, L. Kroon, G. Maróti and M.N. Nielsen, "Disruption Management in Passenger Railway Transportation", in: R.K. Ahuja, R.H. Möhring and C.D. Zaroliagis (eds.), Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5868, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2009), pp 399-421.
A. Hartog, D. Huisman, E.J.W. Abbink and L.G. Kroon, "Decision Support for Crew Rostering at NS", Public Transport 1(2009), pp. 121-133.
J. Eliashberg, Q. Hegie, J. Ho, D. Huisman, S.J. Miller, S.
Swami, C.B. Weinberg and B. Wierenga, "Demand-driven scheduling of movies in
a multiplex", International Journal of Research in Marketing
(2009), pp. 75-88.
Winner of the 2009 IJRM Best Paper Award.
A.-S. Pepin, G. Desaulniers, A. Hertz and D. Huisman, "A
comparison of five heuristics for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling
problem", Journal of Scheduling 12 (2009), pp. 17-30.
The instances used in this paper can be downloaded
L. Kroon, D. Huisman, E. Abbink, P.-J. Fioole, M. Fischetti,
G. Maróti, A. Schrijver, A. Steenbeek and R. Ybema, "The New Dutch
Timetable: The OR Revolution", Interfaces 39 (2009), pp. 6-17.
First place Franz
Edelman Award 2008.
S.W. de Groot and D. Huisman, "Vehicle and Crew Scheduling: Solving Large Real-World Instances with an Integrated Approach", in: M. Hickman, P. Mirchandani and S. Voß (eds.), Computer-aided Systems in Public Transport, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 600, Springer, Berlin (2008), pp. 43-56.
D. Huisman, "A column generation approach to solve the rail crew re-scheduling problem", European Journal of Operational Research 180 (2007), pp. 163-173.
G. Budai, D. Huisman and R. Dekker , "Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities", Journal of the Operational Research Society 57 (2006), pp. 1035-1044.
D. Huisman and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "A Solution Approach for Dynamic Vehicle and Crew Scheduling", European Journal of Operational Research 172 (2006), pp. 453-471.
D. Huisman, R. Freling and A.P.M. Wagelmans,
"Multiple-Depot Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling", Transportation
Science 39 (2005), pp. 491-502.
The instances used in this paper can be downloaded
D. Huisman, L.G. Kroon, R.M. Lentink and M.J.C.M. Vromans , "Operations Research in passenger railway transportation", Statistica Neerlandica 59 (2005), pp. 467-497.
D. Huisman, R. Jans, M. Peeters and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "Combining Column Generation and Lagrangian Relaxation", in: G. Desaulniers, J. Desrosiers and M.M. Solomon (eds.), Column Generation, GERAD 25th Anniversary Series, Springer, New York (2005), pp. 247-270.
R. Freling, R.M. Lentink, L.G. Kroon and D. Huisman, "Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station", Transportation Science 39 (2005), pp. 261-272.
D. Huisman, R. Freling and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "A Robust Solution Approach to the Dynamic Vehicle Scheduling Problem", Transportation Science 38 (2004), pp. 447-458.
R. Freling, D. Huisman and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "Models and Algorithms for Integration of Vehicle and Crew Scheduling", Journal of Scheduling 6 (2003), pp. 63-85.
R. Freling, D. Huisman and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "Applying an Integrated Approach to Vehicle and Crew Scheduling in Practice", in: S. Voß and J.R. Daduna (eds.), Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 505, Springer, Berlin (2001), pp. 73-90.
Technical Report of papers submitted for publication:
Papers not submitted or published elsewhere:
E. Abbink, J. van 't Wout and D. Huisman, "Solving Large Scale Crew Scheduling Problems by using Iterative Partitioning", Report EI2008-03, Econometric
Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2008), 15 pages.
Download here.
An earlier version of this paper has been published in the proceedings of
ATMOS 2007
- 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation
Modeling, Optimization, and Systems.
D. Huisman, "A note on model VCSP1", 2000, 4 pages.
Download: pdf file.
Published articles in professional magazines and books:
P.J. Fioole, D. Huisman, G. Maróti and R.L. Saldanha, "Reduced (winter) timetable in the Netherlands: Process, Mathematical Models and Algorithms", World Congress on Railway Research (2019).
H. Snijders, T. van de Walle and D. Huisman, "De Besliskunde achter de Aangepaste Dienstregeling van NS", STAtOR vol. 14 no. 2 (2013), pp. 9-12.
L. Kroon and D. Huisman, "Algorithmic Support for Disruption Management at Netherlands Railways", World Congress on Railway Research (2011).
D. Huisman and L. Kroon, "The New Dutch Timetable: The OR Revolution", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen vol. 16 no. 2 (2008), pp. 16-19.
L. Kroon, D. Huisman and G. Maróti, "Optimisation Models for Railway Timetabling", in: I.A. Hansen and J. Pachl: Railway Timetable and Traffic. Eurailpress, Hamburg (2008), pp. 135-154.
D. Huisman and C. van 't Woudt, "Nieuwe Dienstregeling van NS", STAtOR vol. 8 no. 3 (2007), pp. 29-34.
D. Huisman and R.M. Lentink, "Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen vol. 11 no. 4 (2004), pp. 16-19.
D. Huisman, "A Dynamic Approach to Vehicle Scheduling", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen vol. 10 no. 1 (2002), pp. 17-20.
D. Huisman, R. Freling and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "Sequentiële en Geïntegreerde Benaderingen voor Voertuig- en Personeelsplanning bij de RET", Medium Econometrische Toepassingen vol. 7 no. 4 (1999), pp. 11-14.
D. Huisman, "Integrated and Dynamic Vehicle and Crew
Scheduling", Ph.D. thesis, Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University
Rotterdam (2004).
Download here.
D. Huisman, "Goed, beter, best! Over optimalisatie
in het openbaar vervoer", Inaugural address, ERIM, Erasmus University
Rotterdam (2016).
Download here.
Edited books:
D. Huisman, I. Louwerse and A.P.M. Wagelmans, "Operations
Research Proceedings 2013", Springer, Cham (2014).