Marc Gabarro


Department of Finance, Office E2-38
Erasmus School of Economics
Office E2-41
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31107545573


"The real effects of borrower-based macroprudential policy: Evidence from administrative household-level data" Journal of Monetary Economics (2024) Forthcoming.
with Sjoerd van Bekkum, Rustom M. Irani, and Jose-Luis Peydro [Published Version] [Paper] [Internet Appendix]

"Competition for Managers and Corporate Governance" Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (2021) 6: 179-219.
with Viral Acharya and Paolo Volpin [Published Version] [Paper]

"Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking" Review of Financial Studies (2017) 31: 943-979.
with Sjoerd Van Bekkum and Rustom M. Irani [Paper] [Published Version] [Internet Appendix]

Working papers

"Lame-Duck CEOs"
with Sebastian Gryglewicz and Shuo Xia [Paper]

Current teaching

FEB 13011 Financial Methods and Techniques (Bachelor level), Erasmus School of Economics.

FEB 13009 Seminar Corporate Finance (Bachelor level), Erasmus School of Economics.

FEM 11015 Advanced Money, Credit and Banking (Master level), Erasmus School of Economics.

FEM 11173 Seminar: Advanced Corporate Finance: Corporate Governance, (Master level), Erasmus School of Economics.

Last updated May, 2024