Robert Dur
Positions | Courses | Research | Media |
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research Fellow, Tinbergen Institute
Research Fellow, CESifo, Munich
Research Fellow, IZA, Bonn
President, Royal Dutch Economic Association
Address: E Building, E1-10
Department of Economics, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-10-4082159
LinkedIn: robert-dur
Bachelor-2: Applied Microeconomics
Bachelor-2: Toegepaste Micro-economie
Bachelor-3: Seminar Economics of Markets and Organisations in Practice
Master: Seminar Recent Advances in Economics of Markets and Organisations
Research Master: Experimental Economics
Work in progress:
Who's Afraid of Policy Experiments (with Arjan Non, Paul Prottung, and Benedetta Ricci). (pdf)
Activating the Long-Term Inactive: Labor Market and Mental Health Effects (with Mareen Bastiaans and Anne Gielen). (pdf)
Does Growing up in Economic Hard Times Increase Compassion? The Case of Attitudes towards Immigration (with Maria Cotofan and Stephan Meier).
Correcting Beliefs about Job Opportunities and Wages: A Field Experiment on Education Choices (with Bart De Koning and Didier Fouarge).
Nudging Consumers to Reduce Inertia: A Survey Experiment in the Dutch Health Insurance Market (with Peter Dijkstra, Misja Mikkers, and Annemieke Tuinstra).
Recent publications:
Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life (with Maria Cotofan, Lea Cassar, and Stephan Meier).
Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2023, 105(2), 467-473. (pdf)
How to reduce discrimination? Evidence from a field experiment in amateur soccer (with Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez and Cornel Nesseler).
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, January 2023, 49(1), 175-191. (pdf)
Leadership Styles and Labor-Market Conditions (with Ola Kvalřy and Anja Schöttner).
Management Science, April 2022, 68(4), 3150–3168.
Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance: A Natural Field Experiment (with Josse Delfgaauw, Oke Onemu, and Joeri Sol).
Management Science, January 2022, 68(1), 230-256.
A Social Norm Nudge to Save More: A Field Experiment at a Retail Bank (with Dimitry Fleming, Marten van Garderen, and Max van Lent).
Journal of Public Economics, August 2021, 200, 104443.
When Do Teachers Respond to Student Feedback? Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Margaretha Buurman, Josse Delfgaauw and Robin Zoutenbier).
Labour Economics, August 2020, 65, 101858.
Team Incentives, Task Assignment, and Performance: A Field Experiment (with Josse Delfgaauw and Michiel Souverijn).
The Leadership Quarterly, June 2020, 31(3), 101241.
Paid to Quit (with Heiner Schmittdiel).
De Economist, December 2019, 167(4), pp. 387-406.
Salience of Law Enforcement: A Field Experiment (with Ben Vollaard).
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, January 2019, 93, pp. 208-220.
Socially Useless Jobs (with Max van Lent).
Industrial Relations, January 2019, 58(1), pp. 3-16.
Serving the Public Interest in Several Ways: Theory and Empirics (with Max van Lent).
Labour Economics, April 2018, 51, pp. 13-24.
Employee Recognition and Performance: A Field Experiment (with Christiane
Bradler, Susanne Neckermann, and Arjan Non).
Management Science, November 2016, 62(11), pp. 3085-3099.
The Power of a Bad Example - A Field Experiment in Household Garbage
Disposal (with Ben Vollaard).
Environment and Behavior, November 2015, 47(9), pp. 970-1000.
Altruism and Relational Incentives in the Workplace (with Jan Tichem).
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Fall 2015, 24(3), pp.
Intrinsic Motivation of Public Sector Employees: Evidence for Germany
(with Robin Zoutenbier).
German Economic Review, August 2015, 16(3), pp. 343-366.
The Effects of Prize Spread and Noise in Elimination Tournaments: A
Natural Field Experiment (with Josse Delfgaauw, Arjan Non, and Willem
Journal of Labor Economics, July 2015, 33(3), pp. 521-569.
Dynamic Incentive Effects of Relative Performance Pay: A Field Experiment
(with Josse Delfgaauw, Arjan Non, and Willem Verbeke).
Labour Economics, June 2014, 28, pp. 1-13.
How a Firm Can Induce Legislators to Adopt a Bad Policy (with Matthias Dahm and Amihai Glazer).
Public Choice, April 2014, 159(1-2), pp. 63-82.
Working for a Good Cause (with Robin Zoutenbier).
Public Administration Review, March/April 2014, 74(2), pp. 144-155.
Tournament Incentives in the Field: Gender Differences in the Workplace
(with Josse Delfgaauw, Joeri Sol, and Willem Verbeke).
Journal of Labor Economics, April 2013, 31(2), pp. 305-326.
Status-Seeking in Criminal Subcultures and the Double Dividend of
Zero-Tolerance (with Joël van der Weele).
Journal of Public Economic Theory, February 2013, 15(1), pp. 77-93.
Incentives and the Sorting of Altruistic Agents into Street-Level Bureaucracies (with Margaretha Buurman).
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, December 2012, 114(4), pp.
Public Sector Employees: Risk Averse and Altruistic? (with Margaretha
Buurman, Josse Delfgaauw, and Seth van den Bossche).
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, August 2012, 83(3), pp.
Managerial Talent, Motivation, and Self-Selection into Public Management
(with Josse Delfgaauw).
Journal of Public Economics,
October 2010, 94(9-10), pp. 654-660.
Reciprocity and Incentive Pay in the Workplace (with Arjan Non and Hein
Journal of Economic Psychology, August 2010, 31(4), pp. 676-686.
Social Interaction, Co-Worker Altruism, and Incentives (with Joeri Sol).
Games and Economic Behavior, July 2010, 69(2), pp. 293-301.
Social Exchange and Common Agency in
Organizations (with Hein Roelfsema).
Journal of Socio-Economics,
January 2010, 39(1), pp. 55-63.
From Public Monopsony to Competitive Market: More Efficiency but Higher Prices (with Josse Delfgaauw).
Oxford Economic Papers, July 2009, 61(3), pp. 586-602.
Gift Exchange in the Workplace: Money or Attention?
Journal of the European Economic Association, April 2009, 7(2-3), pp.
Subsidizing Enjoyable Education (with Amihai Glazer).
Labour Economics, October 2008, 15(5), pp. 1023-1039.
The Desire for Impact (with Amihai Glazer).
Journal of Economic Psychology, June 2008, 29(3), pp. 285-300.
Optimal Contracts When Worker Envies His Boss (with Amihai Glazer).
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, May 2008, 24(1), pp.
120-137. (pdf)
Local Public Good Provision, Municipal Consolidation, and National
Transfers (with Klaas Staal).
Regional Science and Urban Economics, March 2008, 38(2), pp. 160-173.
Incentives and Workers' Motivation in the Public Sector (with Josse Delfgaauw).
Economic Journal, January 2008, 118, pp. 171-191.
Signaling and Screening of Workers’ Motivation (with Josse Delfgaauw).
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, April 2007, 62(4), pp. 605-624.
Politicians' Motivation, Political Culture, and Electoral Competition (with Klaas J. Beniers).
International Tax and Public Finance, February 2007, 14(1), pp. 29-54.
Why Does Centralisation Fail to Internalise Policy Externalities? (with Hein Roelfsema).
Public Choice, March 2005, 122(3/4), pp. 395-416.
Producing and Manipulating Information (with Otto H. Swank).
Economic Journal, January 2005, 115, pp. 185-199.
The Guardian: Our first economic experiences affect our relationship with work for life
Time: These Are the Workers Most Likely to Admit Their Job Is 'Socially Useless'
Wall Street Journal: The right—and wrong—ways to give employees kudos
Les Affaires: Un truc génial pour savoir si votre recrue est vraiment motivée
Financial Post: Civil servants not born lazy — they learn it at work
Bild: Beamten-Mythen im Check
Freakonomics: Garbage and the Herd Mentality
In het Nederlands:
NRC: Het romantische beeld van een bevlogen generatie die de wereld wil veranderen klopt niet
FD: Onze kinderen zien ons liever zuinig op het klimaat dan zuinig met geld
NRC: Wil de toplaag offers brengen? Misschien later
De Volkskrant: Kwart werknemers twijfelt aan nut baan
De Volkskrant: Overheid, laat je beleid testen
Algemeen Dagblad: Eén foefje en alles is anders
Trouw: Anoniem solliciteren is ook niet alles
Financieel Dagblad: 'Heilzame effecten winstdeling niet bewezen'
NRC: Straf leidt niet tot góéde banen
Trouw: Economen tellen het vuilnis
NRC: Waarom nudging juist wel een kans verdient
Studio Erasmus: Het Rotterdamse afvalprobleem
Universiteit van Nederland: Over klimaat en gedrag
Vers Beton: Minicollege: Helpt straf mensen uit de bijstand?
Radio, tv en podcast
De Correspondent: Podcast over waarom het kapitalisme een sterke overheid nodig heeft
BNR Ben Tiggelaar Podcast: Over wat we verwachten van ons werk NPO Radio 1 Jortcast: Podcast over topbeloningen, bonussen en motivatieNPO Radio 1 Goed Werk: Podcast over zinvolle en zinloze banen
Villa VPRO: Over milieubewuste duwtjes
NPO Radio 1 Spraakmakers: Over onzinbanen
Nieuwsuur: Over anoniem solliciteren
RTL Nieuws: Over het effect van complimenten
De Correspondent: Podcast over onzinbanen, nudging en beleidsexperimenten