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Teresa Bago d'Uva


Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics (Health Economics group), Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute.

Department of Applied Economics
Erasmus School of Economics, PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Office: H12-09
Tel.: +31 (0)10 4081477
Email: bagoduva --at--

Curriculum Vitae


International journals

Bago d’Uva T, M Lindeboom, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer. Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity. Journal of Human Resources 2011; 46(4): 872-903.

Kok R, M Avendano Pabon, T Bago d’Uva, J Mackenbach. Can reporting heterogeneity explain differences in depressive symptoms across Europe? Forthcoming in Social Indicators Research. 

Bago d’Uva T, M Lindeboom, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer. Education-related Inequity in Health Care with Heterogeneous Reporting of Health. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 2011; 174(3): 639–664.

de Meijer C, M Koopmanschap, T Bago d’Uva, E van Doorslaer. Determinants of long-term care spending: Age, time to death or disability? Journal of Health Economics 2011; 30(2): 425-438.

Erdogan Ciftci E, E van Doorslaer, T Bago d'Uva, FJ van Lenthe. Do self-perceived health changes predict longevity? Social Science and Medicine 2010; 71(11): 1981-1988 .

Bago d’Uva T and A Jones. Health care utilisation in Europe: new evidence from the ECHP. Journal of Health Economics 2009; 28(2): 265-279.

Bago d’Uva T, A Jones, E van Doorslaer. Measurement of Horizontal Inequity in Health Care Utilisation using European Panel Data. Journal of Health Economics 2009; 28(2): 280-289.

Bago d’Uva T, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer. Differential health reporting by education level and its impact on the measurement of health inequalities among older Europeans. International Journal of Epidemiology 2008, 37:1375–1383.

Bago d’Uva T, E van Doorslaer, M Lindeboom, O O'Donnell. Does Reporting Heterogeneity Bias Health Inequality Measurement? Health Economics 2008, 17(3): 351-375.

Jones A, E van Doorslaer, T Bago d’Uva, S Balia, L Gambin, C Hernandez Quevedo, X Koolman and N Rice. Health and Wealth: Empirical Findings and Political Consequences. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 2006; 7(Special Issue): 93-112.

Bago d’Uva T. Latent class models for utilisation of health care, Health Economics 2006; 15(4): 329-343.

Bago d’Uva T. Latent class models for use of primary care: evidence from a British panel, Health Economics 2005; 14(9): 873-892.


Jones A, N Rice, T Bago d’Uva and S Balia. Applied Health Economics, London: Routledge, 2007.


FEB12013X: Research Project (Bachelor 2 IBEB).

FEB13053: Introduction to Health Economics (Bachelor 3  IBEB/BA, Major Health Economics)

FEB13066: Impact Evaluation of Business Strategy and Public Policy (Bachelor 3  IBEB/BA, Majors Economics of Markets, Organisations and Policy; Entrepeneurship and Organisation; Health Economics; Urban, Port and Transport Economics; Algemene Econometrie; Marketing Econometrie)

GW4472M: Applied Health Econometrics (Master Health Economics, Master Health Economics Policy and Law)